Upper Nile Child Protection Working Group (CPWG) Date 14/04/2015 Location UNMISS Humanitarian Hub-IDP Operation Room Chair Joy Cheung, Child Protection Specialist, UNICEF Note Taking Joy Cheung, Child Protection Specialist, UNICEF Organizations MoGSW, INTERSOS, HDC, DRC, SSSCO, UNICEF, UNMISS HRD, UNHCR, World Vision that attended Proposed Agenda 1) Action points from previous meeting 2) Updates on the response for the new arrivals in the PoC 3) Review the CPWG ToR and Gender Focal Point ToR 4) FTR updates 5) AOB Topics Summary of discussions Followed of action points/Agreed decision Responsible Action points HRD to have discussions with UNPOL and HRD held an internal discussion on this issue HRD from previous Correction to facilitate access of MSF and other and hoping to establish a systematic PSS meeting agencies to organise counselling sessions for the programme for both adults and children in the children in the holding facilities. holding facilities. More updates to share in the next meeting Decisions should be made whether to release the two juveniles in the holding facilities. UNMISS HRD should take this at Juba level and have separate meeting about the 2 cases. UNMISS HRD is following up with concerned HRD people in Juba. No decisions have been made so far. HRD continues to follow up on the cases. Contacted IMC to conduct assessment on the psychosocial wellbeing of the juveniles as well as counselling sessions. and IMC to arrange a visit to the holding facilities on HRD UNICEF to 16 April and share the outcomes. follow up with IMC No relevant documents/lessons learned on children in conflict with the law in the PoC are available from UNICEF Justice for Children Specialist HRD and DRC to check with their teams in other HRD PoC locations on the current practises and DRC lessons learned. 1 and Meeting with youth representatives at the CFS in the old PoC took place on 14 April. A total of 6 youth from PoC 1 and 2 attended the meeting with UNICEF, DRC and HDC staff. The youth expressed that only a small group of youth are making troubles in the PoC when they are drunk, while the communities are putting the blame to all the youth. The youth representatives in the old PoC have initiated to form a team patrolling at night time since 2 weeks ago. The community leaders have confirmed that there has been no thieves or crimes reported since the patrolling. The main issues youth are facing in the PoC are being idling, anger management and alcohol abuse. No further updates on the issues of forced recruitment. Suggested UNPOL to verify the roles of the youth patrol group and if appropriate UNPOL to provide training for this group. UNPOL and protection partners DRC and HDC to monitor the crime rates in the old PoC to assess the results of the patrolling. DRC HDC UNICEF to contact the community leaders to organise another with the youth in the new PoC. And thereafter UNICEF, HDC, DRC and other interested partners to plan for next steps. UNICEF, UNHCR, UNMISS CPU and/or HRD to arrange trips to Wau Shiluk when possible UNICEF The National CPSC has requested each state to nominate a gender focal point of the CPWG. It is agreed that members do not see the needs of having a GFP within the CPWG. MMTT sent 2 persons to assess the situation of IDPs in Maban on 30 March. The mission will be completed on 14 April and assessment report will be shared when it is ready. HRD has planned for a 2nd mission to Maban and follow up with the situations of the IDPs No updates on IOM reports on PSS assessment and their plans to implement PSS activities in the PoC Check with IOM and MHPSS WG regarding the service gaps on PSS for IDPs who have drinking problems. Also partners to engage the religious leaders. 2 and UNICEF, UNHCR, UNMSS CPU and HRD to UNICEF to bring this up with the National CPSC UNICEF follow up with CPSC UNICEF to update partners when the report is UNICEF, MMTT ready. HRD to update partners when they returned from Maban UNICEF UNICEF continue to follow up with IOM. UNICEF to follow up on this issue during the MHPSS meeting Updates on the response for the new arrivals in the PoC Review the CPWG ToR and Gender Focal Point ToR Assessment report on theft in the PoC to be shared by DRC and HDC in the next meeting. DRC to follow up UNICEF shared the draft ToR of CPWG and to consult the National CPSC on whether UNMISS should be a member of the CPWG, given the humanitarian nature of the WG. UNICEF to consult the CPSC and revise the UNICEF ToR accordingly INTERSOS Identified a total of 20 boys and 16 girls from 9 families separated voluntarily from their parents. Another 1 boy and 2 girls from 1 family have been separated involuntarily with their mother since the crisis. Sensitised the community on reporting UASC, activities at CFS/TLS and child protection risks. A total of 9 children among the new arrivals have joined the activities in the CFS/TLS. The low attendance is mainly due to language barrier and INTERSOS to resolve this by shifting Dinka Animators to the old PoC. INTERSOS and WV to provide regular updates DRC INTERSOS and WV World Vision Mobile CFS started on 11 April in PoC 3. A total of 32 boys and 20 girls participated in jumping ropes; 51 boys in football play and 15 others were in building blocks game. Activities are conducted between 8 am – 10. 30 am and 4 pm – 6 pm to avoid the heat. 6 additional staff will be recruited for the increased volume of activities. UNICEF shared a draft ToR of CPWG and endorsed by members with minor amendment. UNICEF to send the final version to members for UNICEF record See above the follow up actions on this The ToR for the Gender Focal Point was distributed to members for review. See above the discussion point. 3 UNICEF FTR updates AOB Next meeting Informed members that the RapidFTR has been upgraded and a website is available for FTR agencies to assess to data. UNICEF has raised the request to Save the Children to organise training on RapidFTR in Malakal. UNICEF to do a presentation on FTR activities to increase awareness and knowledge of partners on FTR work. DRC is sensitising the IDPs who occupy the CFS/TLS in the new PoC for relocation to the new extension. INTERSOS and WV will join the team to convince people moving out from the CFS/TLS. SSSCO has introduced their plans to implement activities in Malakal town, Wau Shiluk and Paniykang Tuesday 21 April, 2015@ 14:00 at the IDP room 4 UNICEF to follow up with the CPSC on possible UNICEF training UNICEF to present the FTR work in the next meeting DRC, INTERSOS and WV