Business, Government, and the World Economy Introduction Economic Quiz What is the current US unemployment rate? How many people are currently employed in US? What is the size of US nominal GDP? What was the rate of growth of US Real GDP in 2nd quarter? What is the yield on 10 year Treasury Bonds? What is the amount of debt owed by US as a % of GDP? Economics The study of the allocation of scarce resources Macroeconomics Interrelationship of Aggregate Economic Variables Output (Gross Domestic Product) Productivity The level of prices (Inflation) Interest rates Employment (& Unemployment) Value of currency (Foreign Exchange) Macroeconomic Goals Providing Jobs Economic Growth Increasing Productivity Increasing Standard of Living Stable Prices Others? Basic Assumptions Markets work in the long-run “Equilibrium” prices and quantities can be achieved. Short-run constraints can inhibit long-run equilibrium Speed of Market Adjustment Government Policy Exogenous Shocks Government Policy Monetary Policy Controlled by Federal Reserve Board Fiscal Policy Federal and State Taxes, Government Spending etc. Trade Policy Tariffs, quotas, etc. Regulatory Policy Environmental, occupational safety, equal opportunity laws, minimum wage etc.. Microeconomics vs. Macroeconomics Microeconomics - economic decisions faced by individual firms and individual consumers. Microeconomic decisions are based upon macroeconomic data as are macroeconomic policy decisions. There are the same underlying variables impacting both types of decision making – there has to be a link. Common Questions Microeconomics Macroeconomics How much R&D will a firm undertake What is the level of interest rates? How many I-Pods should Apple produce? How can productivity be increased? How much leisure time do individuals desire? How can Output (GDP) be increased? Will consumers save or spend? How much will the country save in aggregate? What is the current price level? What is the current level of Unemployment? Aggregating Micro? Macroeconomics is not simply the aggregation of individual results Fallacy of composition - not every individual acts the same way and even if they did the aggregate result may not reflect the individual result. For example, increasing nominal level of wages in an attempt to increase income… Factors impacting the link between micro and macro Rigidities – Macroeconomic relationships are often slower to respond to changes than individual markets Liquidity – Short run decisions may not be based on long run expectations Knowledge – Information is asymmetric Expectations - Assumed relationships may be impacted by expected changes, as opposed to current events. Positive vs. Normative Economics Positive – What does occur under a given set of conditions – As prices rise demand falls. Normative – what should occur – includes judgment – how should income be distributed? Basic Economic Assumptions Laws of Supply and Demand Utility Maximization Markets Forces Work in the Long Run Ceterius Paribus “Other things being equal” Multiple economic variables often change at any given time. Most economic models keep the variables not under consideration constant. Therefore looking at only the relationship between two variables will often produce inaccurate analysis. Economic Theory Changes Economic theory can change over time – even theory that is supported by empirical evidence Example: The Phillips Curve 1960’s Philips Curve 6 1969 Inflation (Annual %) 5 1968 4 1967 3 1966 2 1964 1965 1 1963 1962 1961 0 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Unemployment (Annual %) 5.5 6 6.5 7 Monetary Policy 1960’s Focus on money market conditions. Use of Free reserves as indicator resulting in procyclical monetary policy. 1970’s Phillips Curve ? 16 14 1980 Inflation (Annual %) 12 1974 1979 10 1975 8 1978 1973 6 1977 1970 1976 1971 4 1972 2 0 3 4 5 6 7 Unemployment (Annual %) 8 9 1996-2005 Phillips Curve? 4 2000 3.5 2005 1996 Inflation (Annual %) 3 2001 2004 2.5 1997 1999 2003 2 1.5 1998 2002 1 0.5 0 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Unemployment (Annual %) 5.5 6 6.5 The Phillips Curve Has been modified to look at expectations of inflation as opposed to the level of inflation Tradeoff between inflation and unemployment is still a common discussion / stylized fact in the media and economic debates. Measuring Economic Output The Key Variable: GDP Gross Domestic Product The market value of all final goods and services produced in a country during a given time frame. Components of GDP Y = C + I + G + NX Personal Consumption Expenditure (C) Items purchased by consumers Gross Private Domestic Investment (I) Spending by business, construction, and inventory investment Government Purchases (G) Total federal state and local government purchases Net Exports (F or NX) Exports minus Imports Personal Consumption Expenditures Approximately 72% of GDP* Item % of GDP Description Durable Goods 10% Goods that last > 3 years Cars, appliances, furniture Non-Durable Goods 20% Goods usable < 3 years Fuel, food, clothes Services 41% Intangible tasks by specialists Repairs, hair styling, cleaning 1st qtr 2012 Gross Private Domestic Investment Approximately 12% of GDP: Fixed Investment Nonresidential (Structures and Equipment) Residential Inventories GDP should account for everything produced Change in inventories, is an important number to watch (not the level). Government Spending and Net Exports Government Spending: About 18% of GDP Federal - 7%: Defense vs. Non defense State and Local 11% Net Exports (Exports - Imports) Exports 11.6% Imports 14.3%. Trends in GDP Components Current Values 2nd Quarter 2012 Gross Domestic Product $15,595.9 Billion Real Gross Domestic Product $13,558.0 Billion Percentage change from previous quarter (annual rate) 2012 Qtr 2 1.5% 2012 Qtr 1 2.0% 2011 Qtr 4 4.1% Contributors to GDP 2nd Qtr 2012 Positive Consumption Goods Services Business Investment Inventories +1.05% +.18% +.87% +1.08% +.32% Negative Government -.28% (State and local -.26%) Net Exports -.31% Three Markets Good Markets Consumption, Business Investment, and Saving. Asset Market Financial Assets Money Labor Market Level of Employment and Wages General Equilibrium Adjustment of Interest Rates and Prices result in the Simultaneous Equilibrium of the Goods, Asset, and Labor Markets (general equilibrium). Interest rates and prices impact the amount of Government Purchases and Net Exports as well (and they also influence the equilibrium in each market) Therefore changes in any of the three markets can impact the level of GDP and the components of GDP. Macro Interactions Goods Market Consumption, Saving, and Investment GDP C+I+G+NX Government Purchases Interest Rates & Prices Asset Market Labor Market Wages and Employment Net Exports / Interaction with Global Economy Outline of the Class Introduction (current state of the economy and the language of economics) Useful Mathematical Tools Labor, Goods, and Asset Markets General Equilibrium (combining the three markets into one model of the economy) Applying and using the model to understand the economic environment and make better business decisions. Goals of the Class Students should improve their understanding of: Basic theoretical macroeconomic models and the issues surrounding their usefulness. How macroeconomic performance is measured by commonly used economic indicators. How changes in macroeconomic performance relates to the theoretical models and therefore impacts decision making in the business world. Some Basic Economic Language Annual Rates Rates of Change Business Cycles Consensus Survey Moving Average Nominal vs. Real Dollars Revisions and Benchmarks Seasonal Adjustments Economic Indicators Leading Indicators that move ahead of the total economy (ahead of GDP). Coincident Indicators that move with the level of GDP. Lagging Indicators that move following GDP. 4 Week Moving Average of Unemployment Claims 1967-2012 FRED Economic Data The Current State of the Economy The lingering effect of the financial crisis Causes of the Crisis The Great Recession Current conditions Pace of US Recovery (& housing market) US Deficit Debate (& The Fiscal Cliff) European Debt Crisis Slowdown in China The Big Picture Problems in Mortgage Market Global Credit Crisis / Bank failures / Equity Losses Declining Consumer Spending Decreased Business Investment Who’s to Blame? Economic Environment Congress Consumers Mortgage Originators Regulators Wall Street GSEs Rating Agencies International Flows How Financial Markets Enabled “Keeping up with the Joneses” New Products Poor Underwriting Public Policies Unintended Consequences Low Rates and International Capital Flows Average Size of Subprime Loans Demyanyk and Van Hermert, "Understanding the Subprime Mortgage Crisis" Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Working paper 200705, August 2008 (sample represents approximately 85% of securitized subprime loans, over 50% to total subprime Credit Quality of Subprime Loans Originated each year Demyanyk and Van Hermert, "Understanding the Subprime Mortgage Crisis" Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Working paper 2007-05, August 2008 (sample represents approximately 85% of securitized subprime loans, over 50% to total subprime Impact of Subprime Loans on Home Ownership "SubPrime Lending: A Net Drain on Homeownership," Center for Responsible Lending: March 2007 Fannie Mae’s Guarantee of Alt A Loans $ Billions of Alt A Loans Guaranteed 300 2007 $79 Billion Added 250 2006 $87 Billion Added 200 150 2005 $58 Billion Added 100 50 2004 & Before $77 Billion Total 0 NY Times October 4 "Pressured to Take More Risk Fannie Hit a Tipping Point" Blaming Fannie and Freddie? No - Fannie and Freddie were small relative to the entire market. Combined Subprime Purchases (% of Market)** Consumer demand created rapid prince increase Yes – Overall Size put them at risk for any Mortgage Market problem Securitizing more risky loans opened door for Private securitization Gramlich, E. "Subprime Loans: America's Latest Boom an Bust" 2007 ** "how HUD Mortgage Policy Fed the Crisis", Washington Post June 10, 2008 International Capital Flows Consumer Spending On Exports Increased Foreign Holdings of $ Increased Inflow of Dollars Helps Keep Long Term Rates Low “The Perfect Storm” 2004 - 2007 Domestic and global institutions buy MBS in attempt to increase margins on “safe” securities, incorrectly rated. Institutions use higher debt levels for securitization. Underwriting standards deteriorate. Increased interest rate environment makes loans more likely to default Increasing Home Prices encourage consumers to overextend and speculate in housing market Non Agency Mortgage Foreclosure Rates Response of Consumers Increased access to credit and delusional optimism resulted in: Short-Term Speculative Focus Borrowing More and Saving Less Case Study: Natalie Brandon 1985 Buys $105,000 house 30 Year fixed rate loan 2000-2006 Payment = $770 Paid penalties to Refi 5 times in 5 years Yearly income = $100,000 2006 New Loan $625,500 2/28 7.99% teaser Payment = $4,585 Fall 2007 Home Value = $450,000 Attempt to Refi for 40 years at 6% Fails Borrowing More & Saving Less Equity Prices Compared to Past Recessions Precautionary Saving If you were to lose your job, for how long could you afford to be out of work and still meet your financial obligations including monthly expenses? Less than 2 weeks 2 weeks to a month 2 to 3 months 4 to 6 months 7 months to a year More than a year All 28% 22% 22% 14% 5% 10% Silents 11% 17% 23% 15% 7% 27% Boomers 25% 21% 24% 11% 5% 14% Gen X 31% 21% 19% 17% 6% 5% The 2009 MetLife Study of the American Dream Gen Y 32% 27% 22% 12% 2% 6% Confidence in Having Enough Money to Live Comfortably Throughout Retirement Years Employee Benefits Research Institute – Retirement Confidence Survey The Keys to Recovery – The Big Picture Consumers Precautionary or Long Term Savings? Lost Faith in Investment Planning? View of home ownership Corporate Earnings Financial Markets and Regulation Regulatory Changes Long Term Inflation Fears Monetary and Fiscal Policy & Interest Rates Global Concerns Consumer Credit Outstanding ISM Manufacturing Survey Employment: Non Farm Payrolls Employment: Non Farm Payrolls Peak = 138 M Jan 2009 Min = 129.2 M Feb 2010 Current = 133.2 M July 2012 Employment Peak Employment Jan 2009 = 138.023 Million Current Employment July 2012 = 133.245 Million Average monthly gain needed in payrolls to return to peak level in: 1 year 398,166 2 years 199,083 3 years 132,722 Feb 240,000 May 77,000 March 154,000 June 64,000 April 77,000 July 164,000 Labor Force Participation Rate 65.5% Average 1980 – 2012 65.8% Average 1948 – 2012 62.87% Max (April 2000) = 67.3% 63.7% Impact of Great Recession Dec 07 to May 11 US economy lost $7,300 per person in consumption ($175 per month per person)1 1. Gauging the Impact of the Great Recession, FRBSF Economic Letter July 11, 2011 Impact of Great Recession Change in trend of personal consumption expenditure from 2000 -2007 path after the recession1 1. Gauging the Impact of the Great Recession, FRBSF Economic Letter July 11, 2011 Impact of Great Recession Figure 1 - When Will Residential Construction Rebound?, FRBSF Economic Letter July 25, 2011 Figure 4 - Gauging the Impact of the Great Recession, FRBSF Economic Letter July 11, 2011 Job Losses Mirrored House Price Decline The Slow Recovery: It’s No Just Housing FRBSF Economic Letter April 9, 2012 Job Recovery The Slow Recovery: It’s No Just Housing FRBSF Economic Letter April 9, 2012 The Output Gap What is Potential GDP and Why Does It Matter? Economic Synopses, FRB St Louis 2012 Number 11 Other Forces Government Contraction Tight Credit Uncertainty US, Europe, China The Slow Recovery: It’s No Just Housing FRBSF Economic Letter April 9, 2012 History of EU 1950 The Schuman Declaration Plan for France and Germany to pool coal and steel production. European economic unity will make war “Not merely unthinkable but materially impossible” Robert Schuman French Foreign Minister 1951 European Coal and Steel Community France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg High Authority (oversees coal and steel production) Common Assembly (future European Parliament) Council of Ministers Changing Landscape 1980 1997 2006 % of GDP (PPP) produced by g-7 countries 54% 46% 40% % OF GDP (PPP) produced by other G-20 Countries 21% 30% 36% The Group of Twenty a History A Brief History of European Debt Crisis January 2001 – Greece Joins Euro zone and adopts Euro. Nov 2004 – Greece admits its deficit has been above the required EU limit (3% of GDP) since 1999 March 2005 – Trade Unions impose 24 hour strike to protest austerity measures after cost of hosting Olympics causes high deficits Greek timeline on this and future slides from 2002 Germany’s Debt hits 60.7% in 2002 of GDP and is still above 60% Germany’s budget deficit hits 3.8% of GDP in 2002 and remains above 3% until 2006 France’s debt hits 63.3% of GDP in 2003 and is still above 60% France’s budget deficit hits 3.3%in 2002 and remains above 3% until 2006 Neither country receives penalties from the European Union 2005 The 1997 Growth and Stability Pact is altered to allow “exceptional circumstances” and “other relevant factors” to be considered when the deficit and debt targets are missed. Memebers are allowed two year to correct the problem and could be given more time with an exception. Deficit as a % of GDP ECB Euro Area Debt Long Term Borrowing Costs (10 year debt) Jan 2010 – May 2012 Contagion November 28, 2010 Ireland receives €67.5B in bailout loan commitments Given to 2015 to decrease deficit to 3% of GDP May 2011 May 3 Portugal accepts €116B loan commitment package s Public Debt Comparison 1999 2004 2010 Country Unep Rate Debt % of GDP Rev % of GDP Unep Rate Debt % of GDP Rev % of GDP Unep Rate Debt % of GDP Rev % of GDP (2009) Japan 4.7% 97% 26.3% 4.7% 156% 26.3% 5.1% 183%* 28.1% Greece 12.1% 103% 32.8% 10.5% 108% 31.1% 12.6% 147% 29.4% Italy 11% 106% 42.5% 8.1% 96% 40.9% 8.4% 109% 43.5% US 4.2% 38% 29.1% 5.5% 36% 25.7% 9.6% 61% 23.9% Spain 15.6% 52% 34.1% 11% 39% 34.6% 10% 51% 30.7% Treasury Bid to Cover Ratio 2 year 10 year 2005 Average 2.19 3.75 2012 Average 2.36 3.18 Average Interest Expense Average Interest Rates Title June 30, 2012 June 30, 2011 Treasury Bills 0.115 0.129 Treasury Notes 2.077 2.385 Treasury Bonds 5.452 5.860 1.696 2.005 4.625 4.625 2.159* 2.380 Interest-bearing Debt: Marketable: Treasury InflationProtected Securities Federal Financing Bank Total Marketable GAO Baseline Revenues as a share of GDP increase and discretionary spending as a share of GDP decreases GAO Baseline GAO Alternative Scenario Revenue and Discretionary Spending are at historical averages over long term. Soc Sec, Medicare, Medicaid and interest exceed revenue by 2030 GAO Alternative Scenario Fiscal Gap or Current Value of Future Primary Deficits The sum of the present values of the difference, or gap, between revenue and noninterest spending over the next 75 years. Assumes the goal of having today’s debt to GDP ratio at the end of the period Cost of Closing the Gap Federal Fiscal Gap under GAO’s Simulations Based upon Trustees Assumptions, 2011-2085 Average % change required to close gap If action is taken today If action is taken in 2021 % of GDP Solely through increase in revenue Solely through Solely decreases in through noninterest increases in spending revenue Solely through decreases in noninterest spending Baseline 1.8 8.4 8.0 9.9 9.4 Alternative 8.2 45.7 32.2 54.3 37.0 The Federal Government's Long-Term Fiscal Outlook January 2012 The World in 2050 The G7 vs the E7 (Brazil, Russia, India, China, Indonesia, Mexico and Turkey) Emerging Middle Class in Developing Economies 2005 G7 is currently about 20% larger in Purchasing power parity (PPP) and 75% larger in terms of market exchange rates (MER) E7 will be 75% larger than G7 in PPP and 25% larger in terms of the (MER) The World in 2050, Price Waterhouse Coopers, March 2006