ELEMENTS OF A NEWSPAPER ANCHOR A soft story used at the base of Page One. BANNER Headline runs across eight columns on top of Page 1. Used for momentous events Set in big and bold letters Also called Streamer BOX Report surrounded by a printed rule. Display important/unusual stories BYLINE Indrani Bagchi Name of the reporter / news agency HT Correspondent htreporters@hindustantimes.com Sai Prasad Mohapatra htreporters@hindustantimes.com Express News Service Ram Sahay New Delhi, September 4 CAPTION Text used to describe a photograph Also known as Cutline CLASSIFIEDS Advertisements run in small type. Placed by individuals or small traders Charges based on the number of words used Reflect newspaper’s strength COLUMN Weekly / fortnightly article written by a seasoned commentator COLUMN Vertical rows to display content CROSSHEAD / SUBHEAD Small headline placed in running text to: Break monotony Improve visual appeal Highlight another point Retain reader attention DATELINE NEW DELHI, September 5: Comprises of two elements: The name of the city from where a story originated The date on which the story was written Subodh Ghildial/New Delhi DECK Term used to describe lines in a newspaper headline DISPLAY AD Set in large point size Uses visuals Main source of newspaper revenue EDITORIAL / LEADER Write up that represents the newspaper’s opinion . Also called the Leader. FOLIO LINE Line that gives the page number, day/date of publication Placed on top of the page HEADLINE The title of a news report run in display type to catch the attention of the readers It summarises the most important point in a news report IMPRINT LINE Line that gives the name of the: Editor Publisher Printer Place of publication Registration number Phone number etc INFOGRAPHIC Art form where words are used with charts, illustrations, graphs or photographs to tell a news story JUMP That part of the news story that is continued from the front page to the inside page of a newspaper JUMP LINE Contd in Col 2, Page 15 Line that mentions the page and column number where the rest of the story can be found Contd on Page 15 LEAD The top story of the day MASTHEAD Title of the newspaper SHOULDER / KICKER Subject of the story is placed over the main headline Set in small points SIDEBAR Short story related to the main story and run adjacent to it REVERSE SHOULDER / STRAPLINE Headline run beneath the main headline Written in a point size that is smaller than the main headline Generally used to highlight a new point It is also referred to as Reverse Shoulder. SIDEHEAD One or two word headline placed at the head of a paragraph Generally written in bold letters in the same point size as the body text TEASER Front-page box placed over or below the newspaper masthead Lists the important stories run on inside pages