Spacecraft Design and Sizing Dr Andrew Ketsdever MAE 5595 Lesson 14 Spacecraft Design and Sizing Sizing Introduction • Big Picture: The Mission drives the Payload and the Orbit, which drives the Spacecraft Design Spacecraft Design and Sizing Overview of Spacecraft Design & Sizing Spacecraft Design and Sizing Principal Requirements & Constraints for S/C Design Spacecraft Design and Sizing Principal Requirements & Constraints for S/C Design Spacecraft Design and Sizing Weight Budget Spacecraft Design and Sizing Spacecraft Configuration Drivers Spacecraft Design and Sizing • Can use historical data for next block of same S/C, or to generalize within a mission type Spacecraft Design and Sizing Mass Distribution for Selected Satellites Spacecraft Design and Sizing Spacecraft Design and Sizing Mass Distribution for Selected Satellites Spacecraft Design and Sizing Top-Down Sizing Example • Given: navigation mission with mP/L = 50 kg • Find: subsystem masses and mdry %m P / L mP / L 0.2122 mdry %m propulsion 0.0319 %m ADACs 0.0561 %mTT &C 0.0471 mbus %m EPS 0.3206 %mTCS 0.0986 %mstructure 0.2345 Check : mbus m P / L mdry mdry 235.6 kg m propulsion 7.5 kg m ADACS 13.2 kg mTT &C 11.1 kg 185.7 kg m EPS 75.5 kg mTCS 23.2 kg mstructure 55.2 kg Spacecraft Design and Sizing Top-Down Sizing Example • Still need other masses to permit eventual launch vehicle choice mwet or mloaded mdry m propellant minjected mwet mkick mboost minjected madapter • mkick is apogee kick motor – if needed • madapter counts against booster performance #s • Need to include margin Spacecraft Design and Sizing S/C Budgets • For top-down designs, allocate so much of a quantity or capability to each subsystem • Types of budgets – – – – – – – – Mass Power Communication bandwidth Volume Reliability Pointing error Cost Schedule, etc Spacecraft Design and Sizing Mass Budget • See previous navigation S/C example → Now add mass margin into calculation mdry w / m arg in mP / L mbus mm arg in mdry w / o m arg in • Margin covers the uncertainty in our estimates – Typical range from 5% to 25% – Larger margin for new S/C, or earlier in design phase – Smaller margin for known S/C, or as design progresses Spacecraft Design and Sizing Preparing a Power Budget Spacecraft Design and Sizing Typical Power Consumption by Module or Subsystem Spacecraft Design and Sizing Propellant Budget • List v’s • Use ideal rocket equation to convert v to propellant mass mi v I sp g 0 ln m f Spacecraft Design and Sizing Propellant Budget Spacecraft Design and Sizing Estimating Spacecraft Equipment Compartment Dimensions