MET eLive Course Administration Process MET eLive Course Administration Process October 2010 1 MET eLive Course Administration Process Table of Contents MET eLive Course Administration Process .................................................................................................................. 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Section A. A.1 High Level Administrative Process Overview ........................................................................................ 5 Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................... 5 Section B. ELive Course Administration – Step by Step .......................................................................................... 10 B.1 Scheduling and Training ................................................................................................................................ 10 B.2 Verify EL Course Setups in Vista ................................................................................................................... 11 B.3 Communication with Faculty .......................................................................................................................... 11 B.4 Communication with Students........................................................................................................................ 12 B.5 Managing Enrollments ................................................................................................................................... 13 B.6 Student Orientation ........................................................................................................................................ 14 B.7 Confirm Final Enrollment ................................................................................................................................ 14 B.8 Record Face-to-Face Sessions using Echo 360 ............................................................................................ 15 B.9 Facilitate MET-Meet Sessions ....................................................................................................................... 15 B.10 Provide Ongoing Student and Faculty Support REVIEW .............................................................................. 15 B.11 Final Exam and Student Survey..................................................................................................................... 16 B.12 Post-class Analysis ........................................................................................................................................ 17 Section C. Templates and Detailed Procedures ......................................................................................................... 17 C.1 Introductory Email to Instructors .................................................................................................................... 17 C.2 Introductory Course Posting............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. C.3 Individual Course Posting .............................................................................................................................. 20 C.4 Orientation Course Posting .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. C.5 Mid-Term Communication with Faculty ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. C.6 Faculty Orientation Agenda ............................................................................................................................ 22 C.7 Student Orientation Agenda ........................................................................................................................... 23 2 MET eLive Course Administration Process References .................................................................................................................................................................. 25 3 MET eLive Course Administration Process Introduction This document describes administrative procedures and services for eLive (EL) courses. The course development and revision process is described in a complementary document “MET eLive Course Development Process” [1], which also contains the overall description of the eLive program. The document covers the basic services that the Office of Educational Technology Research (ETR) provides for eLive courses. The services are as follows: 1. Manage classroom reservations or PC Lab software requirements in coordination the Academic Program Coordinator and MET IT department. 2. Provide UIS-enrolled students with access to online course materials hosted in the Vista Course Management System. 3. Provide orientation to Vista and other technologies as well as provide ongoing support for students enrolled in eLive courses. 4. Provide training for Vista and other technologies as well as ongoing support for faculty; perform requested configuration changes and coordinate requests for course development support when course is running; assist with administering the final exams, etc. 5. Act as the primary contact for any ongoing technical issues with running EL courses. The eLive Administrative Process described in this document is managed by the eLive Administrator in coordination with the eLive Development Manager and the eLive Program Manager (see “Roles and Responsibilities” below). This document is composed of three sections. Section A describes the high-level EL administrative support process, roles, and responsibilities. Section B contains step-by-step descriptions of EL support procedures. Section C contains forms and templates used to provide administrative support for EL courses. 4 MET eLive Course Administration Process Section A. High Level Administrative Process Overview A.1 Roles and Responsibilities EL Program Manager Oversees the development of the online content for the EL courses. Supervises the EL Development Manager and the EL Administrator. EL Development Manager Manages all online content development efforts for EL courses Maintains new-course development template and student orientation course within Vista Supervises EL Editors and EL Proofreaders Manages Vista enrollments of the development team. EL Administrator Oversees training and support for students and faculty to ensure smooth delivery of the EL courses. EL Editor Develop and maintain online content with course instructors EL Development Coach Assists and trains new editors. EL Proofreader Performs for quality assurance and proofreading of eLive courses prior to scheduled delivery. EL Technologist Defines and supports educational technologies used in EL courses. Assists EL Editors and EL Administrators with technology-related needs. BU Courseware Support (provided by NIS and external providers) Support students and faculty with technical issues (PC, networking) related to using course management systems. BU Courseware support can be contacted by email (; additional contact information is available on the Vista home page ( Note: some of the roles mentioned above are filled by student employees. Student employees will be trained before they are granted access to systems. Prior to taking a course in which they played a development/support role, student employees must sign an affidavit that requires disclosure to faculty (see eLive Course Development documentation.) 5 MET eLive Course Administration Process Table 1. ELive Course Administration Process Process Step Role Timing References Long-term Planning 1. Scheduling and Training Verify that Studentlink listing of eLive courses has correct information, e.g. meeting location and times. Schedule Student Orientation Schedule faculty training, group or one-on-one sessions, as requested by EL Development Team EL Admin As soon as Studentlink is created for semester. (when registration opens) Pre-Launch 2. Verify EL Course Settings Verify consistency of information in LMS, Studentlink, Lab/Room Reservations, and departmental web site. Verify in Vista is correct for batch student enrollments ProvideMETIT and lab support with final schedule of Echo 360 (f2f classes), MET-Meet, and other technology-supported sessions. Determine if facilitator/TA is required based on enrollment EL Admin 4 weeks before course start date 3. Communication with Faculty Create introductory email to faculty to be sent by department chair or blended coordinator including invitation to faculty training sessions EL Admin 3 weeks before course start c.1 template 6 MET eLive Course Administration Process Process Step Role 4. Communication with Students Request the student roster from Program Administrator. Verify students are getting automatically enrolled in all courses. Manually remove all withdrawals. Send introductory email to students with class meeting dates and times; include link to Vista and request that they begin the Vista Student Orientation. Copy Faculty; repeat as new students are enrolled. Post introduction in Vista discussion board and send out email 5. Managing Enrollments Send list of Vista courses and automatic enrollment start/stop dates to BU Courseware Support. (Include EL orientation course.) Timing EL Admin 2 weeks before course start; to new students every 2 days until last sday to withdraw. EL Admin 3 weeks before course starts. Start enrollments 2 weeks before the course and then ongoing until registration closes. References Launch and Ongoing Support 6. Launch Email Send an email to students and copy faculty EL Admin reminder of the first face-to-face session and student orientation 7. Student Orientation Conduct face-to-face student training sessions for Vista and other technologies as required. 8. Confirm Final Enrollment Once the registration period is over, get the final course listing from Program Coordinator and confirm enrollment in Vista. 2 days before launch and 2 days before first face-to-face in different dates EL Admin 1st face-to-face session EL Admin 1 day after registration closes. 7 MET eLive Course Administration Process Process Step 9. Recording face-to-face sessions (Echo 360) EL Admin confirms the recording session with lab support via email 2 days before the scheduled session. TID preps 30 minutes before class start; ensures all components are running, creates a 2 minute test recording TID records the presentations TID reviews recordings for audio and video quality and sends email of recording links to EL Admin the next morning EL Admin adds recordings to CMS and notifies the instructor 10. Facilitate synchronous online sessions with METmeet or other tool EL Admin confirms the recording session with the instructor and TID via email 2 days before the scheduled session. Send to instructor, TID and Vincent. EL Admin requests that instructor provide slides and other presentation material to TID 24 hours before the scheduled session Instructor sends presentation materials TID and EL Admin. EL Admin makes materials available in the course EL Admin sends a reminder to students with URL, date, time and room name TID prepares and tests/preloads the presentation material Instructor initiates online session 15 minutes before scheduled start, TID joins and tests the audio and video. TID greets and assists students TID monitors the session and records (optional) session. If the session is recorded: TID processes and publishes the recording EL Admin adds recording to CMS Role EL Admin lab support TID Timing References Each face-toface session Each remote session or classroom session that is also presented online 8 MET eLive Course Administration Process Process Step Role 11. Provide ongoing student and instructor support as needed. Monitor student activity to ensure that all registered students are using Vista until registration closes. Provide timely response to nonacademic queries from students and instructor; document problems and solutions For Simultaneous Development courses, work with EL Editor. EL Admin is point of contact with faculty EL Admin 12. Review Final Exam Verify Final Exam date, time, and settings with the Instructor. Confirm use of password and share the password to the instructor. EL Admin 13. Post-class Analysis Review survey results fromMET college Review Vista statistics Acquire instructor feedback Timing References Ongoing 2 weeks before final face-to-face meeting EL Admin Consultant 1 week after semester ends 9 MET eLive Course Administration Process Section B. ELive Course Administration – Step by Step B.1 Scheduling and Training B.1.1 Studentlink Verify the Studentlink listings of the eLive courses for the upcoming semester with each Academic Department Coordinator as soon as they are posted. o Navigate to BU's Studentlink website -> Academics -> University Class Schedule o Use the pull-down menus and text boxes to input the semester, college, course, and section (typically EL for eLive courses) o Face-to-face meeting dates should be shown under the "Notes" section for the selected course. o Cross-check with Department web sites if available (see table above). Academic Department MET Computer Science MET Administrative Studies MET Gastronomy MET Criminal Justice Contact Camille Kardoose Email address Web Site Ms. Susan Sunde n/a Ms. Rebecca Alssid Kristen Boches n/a n/a Verify that the room reservations have been made and are on the PC Lab Schedule. All MSCIS courses will be held in the PC Lab #3, if there is more than one MSCIS class running at a time. The class using ECHO360 gets priority and the other class will be in PCLab 4. All other Academic Departments have primary responsibility for scheduling classes and room reservations. o For sessions in MET PC Labs – cross check with PC Lab schedule managed by MET IT ( Schedule technology training (Vista, etc.) sessions for students. Schedule them for the first face-to-face course meetings (e.g. 12 pm -1 pm to accommodate all students meeting 9 am -12 pm and 1 pm -4 pm in PC Lab 3). Make the necessary room reservations. o To reserve a PCLab, email with the following information: Course name and code Instructor name Date and Time requested Software or other technology services required. E.g., Browser and Echo360. 10 MET eLive Course Administration Process Department contacts and web sites B.2 Verify EL Course Setups in Vista EL Administrator has been enrolled in all EL courses as a Section Instructor at the beginning of course development cycle. If you do not have access to a course, check with EL Program Manager. Verify that all information in the Vista Calendar, Course Syllabus and appropriate module content is correct. o Course and Section name o Instructor Name o Verify course section properties with EL Program Manager: Section Title Dates Term Sourcedid.source o Face-to-face meeting dates and locations for all face-to-face sessions in Vista Calendar, Course Syllabus, and corresponding module lectures. o Add student orientation sessions dates and locations to Vista Calendar. o All deliverables should be listed in both the study guide and the Vista Calendar. Be sure to manually add assessment start dates in the calendar. Send final schedule of Echo 360, MET-Meet, and other technology sessions to If you find any discrepancies, please verify with EL Editor and/or the corresponding Academic Department. B.3 Communication with Faculty Clear communications with faculty is an important part of EL Course administration. All communications should be precise. Please assume that faculty can forward your emails to students. If you need to exchange any restricted information, please clearly state so. All emails are to be sent with eLive service account, using if you do not have an Outlook client. Create an Introductory Email on behalf of Academic Chair to faculty and TID. Include the following information: 11 MET eLive Course Administration Process o Introduce yourself to faculty and TID and list your responsibility in this role o Invite faculty and TID to the training sessions. Training sessions’ time and location Vista features Met-meet, Echo360 and any other technologies in the course o Inform the faculty that ERT will send out a Welcome Email to students 2 weeks before class starts. Course starts date, face-to-face meeting dates and location How to access vista Student Orientation information For more detail, please see email template and make necessary adjustment. . Use discretion when copying faculty on support requests from students. Avoid frequent email exchanges; try to package necessary information in as few emails as possible. (Not Sure). For each course, check with EL Editors if online content development had been completed. For completed courses EL Administrator will be a single point of contact for faculty and students. For faculty and TID who are not able to attend the training sessions, EL administrator will send an email to offer a one on one training if necessary. Send introductory email to Students and copy the instructor two weeks before semester starts. Send to any new students as they join the course up until the semester start. Request an add/drop report from the Academic Department Coordinator. Review template in Section C. For “continuous development” courses EL Editor will remain the primary point of contact. Please coordinate all your activities for these courses with EL Editor. EL administrator also provides ongoing support to faculty which includes rescheduling MET-meet sessions, changing vista content and technology support for Vista and technology in development phase. Support for technology in production is provided by MET IT.. Please create a note on Administration Technical Report document B.4 Communication with Students EL Administrator is the primary interface for students in resolving issues related to Vista access, technology training, and coordination of technical support. EL Administrator does not get involved with academic issues. Request a student list report from the Academic Department Coordinator. Send introductory email to Students and copy the instructor two weeks before semester starts. Include information on the following: 12 MET eLive Course Administration Process The start date of the course and when it is available in Vista The schedule of face-to-face meetings with location and time A link to Vista and a review the Vista Student Orientation Contact information for eLive support; Information on the Student Orientation to be conducted during the first face-to-face meeting Continue to send to any new students as they join the course up until the semester start. Request an add/drop report from the Academic Department Coordinator. Prior to the beginning of the course, make an introductory posting in the “Introduction” topic to introduce yourself and describe your role in the course (See “Introductory Posting” template in Section C). B.5 Managing Enrollments Send complete list of Vista-based eLive courses and automatic enrollment start/stop dates to BU Courseware Support,, 2 weeks before the start date. Students will be added to Vista until registration closes; verify students are getting automatically enrolled in all courses. For example: Please add the following sections to the Vista rosters and schedule updates from 1/8/2009 until 1/23/2009: MET CS 599 Spring 2009 Section EL MET CS 625 Spring 2009 Section EL Note: Vista sections should have appropriate section ID parameters to enable automatic roster synchronization. See course setup in EL Course Development document. Include EL orientation course in the enrollment request. Use the Add/Drop list from Academic Department Coordinator to ensure that the enrollment in Vista is correct. EL Administrator must notify EL Program Manager to manually remove any students who drop the course. Manual Enrollment Create an Excel spreadsheet with three columns, the headings of the columns should be BUID, BULOGIN, and NAME. Example: NAME John Smith BUID U01234567 BULOGIN jsmith 13 MET eLive Course Administration Process If the person’s BU login name is unknown, just put in ‘unknown’ and the system will retrieve the correct person. Save the file as XLS format, include the destination section (see above) and the date of the enrollment in the file name, e.g. 08sprgmetfi123_el-01-12-2008.xls Send the file to and include the required action (e.g. ADD STUDENTS and course number in the subject line. Note: This manual enrollment process can also be used to enroll teaching assistants, auditors, etc. In these situations, submit separate spreadsheets and clearly indicate requested actions in the subject line. B.6 Launch Email Send a reminder email to students and copy to faculty two days before semester starts. The following information should be included. The first face-to-face meeting time and location Student orientation time and location Elive support contact information Follow the email template in Section C B.6 Student Orientation Students and instructors are notified in introductory email regarding face-to-face Student Orientation. Conduct student training on Vista, MET-meet and other technologies according to the schedule developed earlier. The student orientation will be about 30 minutes long and normally on the same day as the first face-to-face meeting. We will provide students with a headset for online METmeet meeting and serve them pizza. In case that student doesn’t show up to the orientation, if he requires mailing the headset to him, please ask program coordinator to assist you sending it to the student. Follow training agenda in Section C. Provide students with a tip sheet PDF B.7 Confirm Final Enrollment At the end of the registration period, ask the Academic Department Coordinator for final student roster. Verify that Vista enrollment is correct Notify EL Program Manager to manually remove any students who drop the course. 14 MET eLive Course Administration Process Also do the same thing after the last day to withdraw B.8 Create a midpoint email from Department Administration to all students. B.9 Record Face-to-Face Sessions using Echo 360 EL Admin sends confirmation email two days before the session. Requests that faculty provides slides and other presentation material to TID 30 minutes before session to load on PC for Echo 360 recording. TID support preps 30 minutes before class start; ensures all components are running Create a 2 minute test recording Inform EL Admin that the new recordings are available in Met-research at EL Admin create web links in Vista for recordings and update the Recorded Sessions module in Vista home page Notifies the instructor and students B.10 Facilitate MET-Meet Session Sessions were determined in A.2 Instructor sends TID presentation material 24 hours before the scheduled session TID creates PDF of presentation material, previews presentation in MET-Meet, and returns PDFs to instructor Instructor initiates MET-Meet session 15 minutes before scheduled start, TID joins. TID advises instructor of any setting adjustments. B.11 Provide Ongoing Student and Faculty Support REVIEW After sending initial email to faculty and making introductory Vista postings, continuously monitor all courses, identify potential problems and respond to requests. Configure your Vista email to have all messages forwarded to your main email account. (You cannot respond to Vista emails from the external email account – you still need to login to Vista to reply to emails). Typical requests you might be getting from faculty: Faculty Request Action 15 MET eLive Course Administration Process Change online content: dates (assignment due dates; quiz availability dates, etc.) or questions; other Vista parameters; change text; add links and/or files, etc. For changes that are accessible through Vista interface, make changes directly. For changes that require content editing, contact EL Editor. Some students have problems accessing Vista or other course-related sites. Check enrollment and take corrective actions. Requests to enroll teaching assistant(s) or auditors. Forward request to EL Program Manager of BU Courseware support. Keep a record of changes made to courses. Typical Student Requests: Student Request Action Problems accessing Vista or other course-related sites. Check enrollment and take corrective actions. Questions related to course content. Please advise students to direct all content-related questions to faculty. Comments related to content discrepancies, typos, etc. in online materials. Correct the problem and bring to faculty attention if appropriate. All support activities should be documented in the file of “eLive Vista Technical Support Record” (please find it in the same folder together with Administrative process document). Weekly status report should be conducted for weekly status report in Friday team meeting (Please find the file in the same folder). The weekly status report should be sent to met-research email in every Thursday evening, and will be reviewed in Friday team meeting. Simultaneous Course Development Procedures TBD (Confirm with Rosemary) B.12 Final Exam and Student Survey The following should be performed 2 weeks before the final face-to-face meeting. For courses that include a Final Exam, check the exam availability dates and verify settings with the Instructor Remind Instructor when Vista content closes to students. 16 MET eLive Course Administration Process Use “End Course Communication with Faculty” template in Section C. Remind the instructor to hand out EL evaluation forms. B.13 Post-class Analysis Review survey results Review Vista components, participation and quality of work Acquire instructor feedback Section C. Templates and Detailed Procedures C.1 Introductory Email to Instructors The following is an email template to send to Instructors 3 weeks before the start of the semester. It will be sent on behalf of the Academic Chair. Please adjust it according to your needs. To: “ [Instructor’s email] CC: eLive Program Manager; Academic Program Administrator Subject: Welcome to Boston University’s eLive [semester and year e.g., fall 2009] Dear Prof. [ name], I would like to share some important information with you regarding the eLive program which will enable you to better prepare for a successful semester. I invite you to attend one of two eLive faculty orientation and training sessions on [date] from [Time]or [date] from [Time]. These sessions will include hands-on demonstration of the Echo360 Lecture Capture system as well as MET-Meet web conference tool. Your eLive services support team will attend the orientation. A designated team member will attend each face-to-face and online session to manage the supporting technologies. Your eLive administrator is [Admin’s name] and can be reached via The administrator’s role is to support you and your students with all Vista-related [add other technologies if appropriate] questions and concerns during this course. In addition, you and your students will be enrolled in the eLive Orientation course. This course will help students who have never used Vista to properly setup their computers, to become familiar with Vista features, and to provide some advice on how to academically succeed in blended courses. This orientation course opens two weeks before the semester begins. Your course opens to students at 8:00 AM on [semester start date]. The eLive Administrator will 17 MET eLive Course Administration Process monitor the automated student enrollment process from UIS to Vista to ensure timely Vista enrollments. Please contact if you encounter any enrollment issues. Thank you, [your name], eLive Faculty Coordinator Associate Chairman, Department of Computer Science 18 MET eLive Course Administration Process C.2 Introductory Email to Students The following email will be sent on behalf of the eLive Program Manager: This email will include a draft syllabus created from within the Vista course (see instructions below), and a student checklist to be completed before their first day of class. Subject: Welcome to Boston University's eLive Fall 2010 - MET CS625 Hello MET CS625 Students, I would like to welcome you to the CS625 eLive blended course for Fall 2010. I have some important information to share with you regarding your course. 1. If you are new to Blackboard Vista or would like an opportunity to review its functionality, please login to using your BU username and password. There is a Vista orientation course currently available to you. This course provides an overview of Vista features and helps you with your PC configuration. 2. Business Data Communication with Professor Arena opens and will be available online in Blackboard’s Vista on September 2nd at 10:00 AM. To access your course online go to 3. Your face-to-face sessions are scheduled to meet in the College of Arts and Sciences building at 685 - 725 Commonwealth Avenue, room 323A. You will meet on the following dates from 9 AM – 12 PM: September 11 October 16 November 20 December 4 December 11 (Final Exam) 4. I have attached a draft syllabus for your review as well as a checklist of items to be completed prior to the first day of class. Best Regards, Judy Foley Blended Program ManagerInstructions for creating a Draft Syllabus from within Vista for attachment in Welcome emails 1. In Vista, under the student view, select the “Syllabus” link. 2. Select “Create Printable View” icon in the upper right corner of the page. 3. Check the box “Selected Items” to select all items. 19 MET eLive Course Administration Process 4. 5. 6. 7. Select the “Continue” button at the bottom of the page. Select all (ctrl A) & copy to the clipboard. Open a new document in MS Word & paste the contents of the clipboard. Create a folder in “My Documents”. The folder name should include the Semester in the title; Ex: “Summer 2010 Draft syllabi”. Save the document to this folder. The document s name should include the semester and course number; Ex: “Summer 2010 METCS632 Draft syllabus”. 8. Edit the document to remove duplicate headings, extraneous icons, photos of the professor, video place holders, etc…. 9. Google all required textbooks for related images and ISDN 13 numbers. Copy and Paste images and ISDN 13 numbers next to each book title. 10. Save document and attach to the Welcome Email for the corresponding course. Checklist of Items to be Completed Before the First Day of the Semester: Read the entire attached draft syllabus & course information. Purchase all required Textbook(s). Login into Vista at Visit for help. Take the online Vista orientation course located on your My Vista page when you log in to You may also visit and select option #2 (Access the orientation course) for help. Blackboard Vista will not work properly if you do not have a compatible version of Java and have it enabled in your browser. Visit for the latest java plug-in. Make sure that you can attach to an email and upload files within Vista. Visit for help. Forward your Vista email. Visit for help. Access BU email via the web. Visit for help. Forward BU email (Optional). Visit for help. Tips for a successful start to your course: • Introduce yourself in the discussion board on the first day of class. • Read the entire syllabus; especially the study guide. • Start working. Do the required reading, assignments, discussions, etc. * Please contact eLive services at or via vista email, for any non-academic questions. C.3 Individual Course Posting 20 MET eLive Course Administration Process C4. Managing Enrollments C5. Acquire Instructor Feedback Dear Professor [name], I am glad that [course code, semester, year] has successfully completed. We are striving to provide a better environment using educational technologies to improve both the instructor’s teaching experience and the students’ learning environment.We would like to take this chance to gain your feedback on your experience using Vista , [any other appropriate technologies in this course] and students’ reactions about our supports with [course code]. Please answer the following questions to help us improve our eLive program. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What did you like the most about the semester? What did you like the least about the semester? Were you satisfied with our support? Please explain. How did you and your students like MET-meet and other technologies used in your course? What would like to see done differently the next time you teach in the eLive program? ou please let us know about what is the best or worst you like about vista system? How did you think our support? How did you and your students like met-meet and other technologies used in your course? What recommendation do you make for us. Thank you for your time. We value your opinions.. Best Regards, Hao Zhang, Your e-Live Support Team. 21 MET eLive Course Administration Process C.6 Faculty Orientation Agenda 1. Vista login page and technical support information there 2. Course setup and navigation 3. Faculty role during off-campus weeks: Facilitate online discussions Grade and provide feedback for assignments and assessments/quizzes Online office hours 4. Vista capabilities Assignments: a. Submission and re-submission b. grading and providing feedback c. Default settings (availability, etc.) Assessments: a. Taking a test quiz b. Completing and releasing grades c. Providing feedback d. Default settings (availability, feedback visibility, etc.) Course Calendar Working with Grade book Final Exam options Course surveys 5. Checking what students see 6. Communication with students Asynchronous: a. Announcements b. Course email, forwarding to personal accounts c. Discussions boards, topics, participation, grading and weekly recap d. Best practices (when to use various tools) e. Recording lectures and short clips (Echo 360 and Camtasia) Synchronous: 22 MET eLive Course Administration Process a. Chat (if enabled) b. Live Classroom c. Multi-point videoconferences (IOCOM) and webinars (MET-Meet) Discuss collaboration strategy for off-site weeks, use of lecture recording for face-to-face weeks, recording short fragments (e.g. homework guiding instructions) using Echo 360, Camtasia appliance or video camera 7. How to make changes to course content (EL Editor), dates, discussion topics, etc. and get other help (EL Admin Support). Provide contact information. a. Whenever instructor wants to make the changes to the syllabus, assignment/assessment due date, etc., instructor needs to post an update for the changes on the course discussion board under ‘From your professor’ and also inform the EL editor to make the necessary changes accordingly. b. As soon as the change has been made to the syllabus, EL editor needs to check with the instructor weather he/she post the update notification message to the discussion board (again, under ‘From your professor’) c. There is a FAQ section under Faculty Resources on ‘How to manage the changes in the syllabus after the course starts 8. Discuss additional faculty requests and ideas. C.7 Student Orientation Agenda The following is only the outline; for detail information, go to Student Orientation Agenda in internal wiki, Administrative Procedures folder. Getting prepared technically Setting Up Your Computer o Software Check o Optional Video Collaboration and Virtual Classroom Setup. Working with Vista -The Basics o Who’s Online o Campus Bookmark o Campus Announcement o Course List Working Course Content o Left sidebar o Right up corner Working with Assessments (Exams and Quizzes) o Three ways for you to know new assignment available o Be aware of how much time you have 23 MET eLive Course Administration Process o Read the direction carefully before hitting the start bottomAssessment window introduction o See your grade Working with Assignments o Three ways for you to know new assignment available o Tabs o Submit an assignment Working with Discussions o Participation o Threaded/Unthreaded mode o Create and reply a message o Forward Vista email Working with Emails o Basic information o Email forward setting o New message, Mark read or unread o How to create email o HTML Creator o Attachment Search: Help Working with Other Real-Time Collaboration Technologies o Chat o Live Classroom: VoIP 24 MET eLive Course Administration Process References 1. MET eLive Course Development Process 25