Unit 3 (Cell Structure) Review KEY

Pre-AP Biology – Cell Structure and Function Study Guide - KEY
1. Label the following microscopes and know the function of each part. (You do not have to write
the functions for your review, but you will be required to know them for your test.)
1. Body tube, 2. revolving nosepiece, 3-5. objectives, 6. stage clips, 7. diaphragm, 8. light source, 9.
ocular lens, 10. arm, 11. stage, 12. coarse adjustment knob, 13. fine adjustment knob, 14. base
2. What is the cell theory (definition)?
cells are the basic unit of structure in function in all living organisms
3. What are the 3 parts of the cell theory?
All living organisms are composed of one or more cells.
The cell is the most basic unit of life.
All cells arise from pre-existing, living cells.
4. List and define the levels of life’s hierarchy from an atom up to a single organism. (These notes
are from unit 1. If you no longer have them, they can be found on the online classroom).
Least specific (biggest thing)
 Biosphere – All environments on Earth that support life
(Basically, the Earth and the sky
above it that has living things occupying it.)
 Biomes – A group of ecosystems that have similar climates and communities
 Ecosystem – all living organisms in a particular area as well as the nonliving, physical
components they interact with (ex. Sunlight, water, etc.)
 Community – All living things in an area
 Population – Single species living in a single area
 Organism – Single individual
 Organ System – group of organs working together for a certain function
 Organ – 1 part of an organ system
 Tissue – group of similar cells that do a particular function for an organ
 Cell – Smallest unit of life (All living things are made up of one or more cells) (Can perform all
7 characteristics of MRS. GOCH)
 Organelle – “organ” of a cell
 Molecule – cluster of atoms held together by chemical bonds
 Atom - basic unit of matter made of dense nucleus (protons and neutrons) with electron
cloud around it
Most specific (smallest thing)
5. Be able to identify all organelles of plant and animal cells and tell their function. Text pgs. 56-57
6. What are the functions of the following organelles? These are only some examples of what
could be on the test. Question #3 tells you that you need to know them all, but this question is
just to ensure that you studying this information.
a. Lysosome – digestion and break down of waste
b. Smooth and Rough ER – in general, transport of proteins through the cell before they are
exported (but there are many more)
c. Ribosomes – site of protein synthesis
d. Peroxisomes – break down oxygen containing waste
e. Nucleus – holds DNA which codes for proteins that will control the rest of the cell
f. Golgi Body – packages and organizes proteins before they are exported from cell
g. Mitochondria – production of ATP
h. Chloroplast – site of photosynthesis (production of glucose) in photosynthetic eukaryotes
7. Be able to identify all the parts of a prokaryotic cell and tell their function (Text pg. 55).
8. What is cellular respiration? (Hint: Look at the function for mitochondria. We will study this
process in detail later so you do not need to know specifics about it right now. You simply need
to know what the process is.)
Using the energy stored in glucose to make ATP
9. How are mitochondria different from chloroplasts?
Chloroplast make glucose( food). Mitochondria make ATP from this glucose.
10. What is the nucleolus?
Dark spot in nucleus where ribosomes are made.
11. What is a nucleoid region? What type of cell has a nucleoid region?
Prokaryotes have a nucleoid region because they do not have a nucleus. It is the area in the
cytoplasm where their DNA is located.
12. What are the 3 types of fiber that makes up the cytoskeleton? Which is the biggest and
microtubule (biggest), intermediate filament, microfilament
13. Describe the functions of microfilaments & microtubules. Give an example of where each is
microtubule = INTRAcellular movement
microfilaments = movement of the entire cell
14. What is the function of the ECM?
INTERcellular communication, Holding cells together in tissues
15. What type of cells are centrioles found in (animal, plant, or prokaryotic), and what are they for?
animal cells; to anchor spindle fibers during cell division
16. How are cilia and flagella different?
Both are used for movement. Cilia are short and there are many of them. Flagella are long and
there are only a few of them.
17. What are the 3 types of cell junctions? Explain the function of each.
Gap = movement of things between cells
Tight = holding cells together so nothing leaks out (Ziploc bag)
Anchoring = Holding cells in a tissue together (door hinge)
18. Provide examples of where each type of junction might be found.
Gap = any cells that secretes products
Tight = stomach cells
Anchoring = skin cells
19. What are plasmodesmata? What type of cell is it found in?
Plasmodesmata are the gap junctions of plants.
20. Which type of cell junction is plasmodesmata most like?
Gap junctions
21. What type of cell would each of the organelles be most abundant:
a. mitochondria – Muscles (Anything that would require lots of energy)
b. Rough ER – Pancreas (Anything that secretes something for other cells to use. i.e. Pancreas
secretes insulin and glucagon)
c. Smooth ER – Liver (lots of enzymes in smooth ER so anything that involves breaking things
d. lysosome – white blood cells (lysosomes break down waste and old food. White blood cells
break down pathogens and lysosomes are what actually does this).
e. tight junction – stomach cells (tight junctions hold in material so this would keep acids from
leaking out of stomach)
22. What is the largest organelle in a plant cell?
Central Vacuole
23. Order cells from largest to smallest (animal, plant, bacteria)
plant (cell wall), animal (no cell wall), bacteria
24. List 3 differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
Prokaryotes = no nucleus, no membrane bound organelles, unicellular (most eukaryotes are
multicellular but not all)
25. What are 5 things that all cells must have (prokaryotic and eukaryotic) and why?
DNA – code for proteins
Ribosomes – to make proteins that are coded for by DNA
Proteins – to be the workhorse of the cell
Cell membrane – to be selectively permeable (choose what comes in and out of a cell)
Cytoskeleton – the skeleton of the cell to keep its form and allow movement
26. How is a cell wall different from a cell membrane (plasma membrane)?
Cell wall is rigid and for protection. Cell membrane is fluid and decides what comes in/out of
the cell.
27. What type of cell has a cell membrane (animal, plant, or prokaryotic)?
Every cell must have a cell membrane
28. What type of cell has a cell wall (animal, plant, or prokaryotic)?
Plants (made of cellulose) and prokaryotes (not made of cellulose) – Animal cells do not need
cell walls because it would limit their mobility
29. Does a plant cell have mitochondria? Why?
Yes, even though they have chloroplast to make their own glucose they must still convert that
glucose to ATP.
30. Does a plant cell have centrioles? Why?
No, their spindle fibers can attach to the cell wall during cell division.
31. What is the function of a glycoprotein (found in the cell membrane)?
I.D. badge – identify the type of cell to recognize yourself from an invader and for cells of the
same type to join together in tissues
32. Why is RNA important for protein synthesis?
mRNA takes the code from DNA to the ribosomes
rRNA is what ribosomes are actually made of
tRNA brings in amino acids to build proteins
33. Where are ribosomes made? Where are they found? What do they make?
nucleolus; cytoplasm or rough ER; proteins
34. How does food within a food vacuole get digested?
35. What is apoptosis?
programmed cell death (to kill diseased cells or during development – like in between your
fingers and toes)
36. What are 3 organelles found in a plant cell and not an animal cell?
chloroplast – photosynthesis to make glucose
central vacuole – store water
cell wall – made of cellulose and used for extra protection
37. Why does a plant wilt?
central vacuole loses water
38. What is endosymbiosis?
creation of eukaryotes from prokaryotes (specifically mitochondria and chloroplast).
Larger prokaryotes engulfs smaller prokaryote --- both benefit (small gets protection and big
gets energy from small) ---- remain together during asexual reproduction (binary fission) --become 1 organism
39. List 3 pieces of evidence that supports endosymbiosis.
Mitochondria and chloroplast both have:
1) their own DNA
2) their own ribosomes that are smaller (like prokaryotes)
3) both divide by splitting in 2 (like binary fission)
4) both have 2 membranes