Character Analysis Wkst

As part of the novel study of Night and Things Fall Apart later in the year, you will be required to write a character
analysis. This is one of the most common assignments given in literature classes. A successful character analysis
demands that students infer – or make educated guesses about – abstract traits and values from literal details contained
in a text. In other words, you must make assumptions about a character based on the actions and descriptions of that
character that have been provided in the narrative, then you must demonstrate your understanding of those
assumptions through careful analysis instead of simply listing the traits of the character.
Definition of Characterization: The creation of imaginary persons so they seem lifelike. Good characterization makes
successful character analysis easier.
Character Types:
 Flat – one dimensional
 Round – multidimensional, most human-like, well rounded
 Static – does not change throughout events of story, remains constant and consistent, is unaffected by the plot
 Dynamic – experiences changes in personality, reactions, or emotional state due to events in the story
 Stock – stereotypical character, typically flat and static, instantly recognizable to members of a given culture
Methods of Characterization:
 Presentation through direct exposition
 Presentation through action without authorial comment – supposes that reader can infer character traits
 Representation from within a character of the impact of actions and emotions on the character’s inner self.
 Author may focus on one trait above all others and create a caricature
 Author may focus on one trait above all others and create an interesting FLAT character
 Author may choose to develop a collection of traits and create a 3-dimensional, DYNAMIC character that is more
authentic than the above options.
In order to analyze characters in fiction, non-fiction, or poetry, the reader must discover what makes that character tick.
If the reader has determined the characterization of a character, he or she must next explore why a character does what
he does. What MOTIVATES the character’s actions, reactions, and emotions? In order to fully answer this question of
motivation, the reader must take into account – examine, if you will – several aspects of the character.
Character Aspects:
 Physical Traits
 What does the character look like?
 Are there any physical defects/handicaps that the author makes us aware of?
 Psychological/Personality Traits
 History and Background
 Relationships
 Moral Constitution
 Does the character debate or agonize over ‘right’ and ‘wrong’?
 Does he think about how his actions will affect others?
 Strengths/Weaknesses
 Behavior
 Function in the story
Guiding Questions:
 What is the character’s purpose in the story?
 What conflict does the character encounter in the story? (there may be several answers to this question)
 How does the character behave? What does he say?
 How do events in the story affect the character?
 Is this character a protagonist or an antagonist or a minor character?
 How do other characters react to this character?
Character Analysis Worksheet
The following questions are designed to help you analyze your character. They will help you gather information about
your character, as well as your reactions to that character, so that you may write a successful formal character analysis.
1. Character Name:__________________________
Character Type:_________________________
2. How is the character presented to us? How are we introduced to him/her? __________________________________
3. What physical traits does the author give the character? _________________________________________________
4. How do those traits affect the author, if at all? _________________________________________________________
5. In what ways has society or the environment created the character? _______________________________________
6. How does the character react to specific events in the story? (choose an event and give the character’s reaction)
7. How do other characters in the story react to your character?_____________________________________________
8. Is the character self aware? Does the character KNOW why he or she reacts as s/he does? _____________________
What evidence from the story makes you sure the character is self aware? ____________________________________
9. How does the character view his world? ______________________________________________________________
Is this view realistic? Why or why not? __________________________________________________________________
10. Would a person in real life behave or feel the way the character does? Why or why not? _____________________
Once you have filled out this worksheet, you will have the information needed to write the character analysis essay.