Even more about camera angles examples of different shots

Extreme Wide Shot
An establishing shot.
Very Wide Shot
The subject is visible, but
the emphasis is still
on placing her in her
Wide Shot
The subject takes up the full frame.
Mid Shot
Shows some part of the subject
in more detail whilst still giving an
Impression of the whole subject.
Medium Close Up
Half way between
a MS and a CU.
Close Up
A certain feature or part of
the subject takes up the whole
Extreme close up
shows extreme
Macro Shots
the Shoulder
High Angle
Low Angle
Bird's Eye
Slanted - Dutch tilt
internal frame
Internal Frame
Continuous shooting mode
A long take
Is an uninterrupted shot in
a film which lasts much longer
than the conventional
editing pace either of the film
itself or of films in general,
usually lasting several minutes.
2001: A Space Odyssey
This movie is filled with
long takes,
particularly the spacewalk scenes.
A sequence shot
involves both a long take and
sophisticated camera movement;
The use of the sequence shot allows
for realistic and dramatically
significant background and
middle ground activity.
Actors range about the set
transacting their business while
the camera shifts focus from one
plane of depth to another and
back again.
Significant off-frame action is
often followed with a moving
characteristically through a
series of pans within a single
continuous shot.
Establishing shot
An establishing shot sets up,
or "establishes", a scene's setting
and/or its participants.
Typically it is a shot at the beginning
(or, occasionally, end) of a scene
indicating where, and sometimes when,
the remainder of the scene takes place.
Follow shot
Follow shot is a specific
camera shot in which
the subject being filmed is
seemingly pursued by the
The follow shot can be
achieved through
tracking devices, panning,
the use of a crane,
and zoom lenses
resulting in different
qualitative images
but, nevertheless,
recording a subject
(actor) in motion.
Chase scene at beginning of
slumdog millionaire.
Movie cameras pan by
turning horizontally
on a vertical axis,
but the effect may be enhanced
by adding other techniques,
such as rails to move the whole
camera platform.
Slow panning is also combined
with zooming in or out on a single
leaving the subject in the same
Portion of the frame,
to emphasize or de-emphasize
the subject respectively.
Tracking shot
A tracking shot
also known as a dolly shot
is a segment in which the
camera is mounted on a
Wheeled platform that is
pushed on rails while the
picture is being taken.
You can dolly in on a stationary
subject for emphasis,
or dolly out,
or dolly beside a moving subject
an action known as
"dollying with"
point of view shot
Also known as POV shot
Is a short film scene that shows
what a character (the subject)
is looking at represented
through the camera
It is usually established by being
positioned between a shot of a
character looking at something,
and a shot showing the character's
A POV shot need not be the strict
point-of-view of an actual single
character in a film.
Sometimes the point-of-view shot
is taken over the shoulder of the
character (third person),
who remains visible on the screen.
Shot reverse shot
A film technique where
one character is shown
looking at another character
(often off-screen),
and then the other character
is shown looking "back" at
the first character.
Since the characters are shown
facing in opposite directions,
the viewer assumes that they
are looking at each other.
Shot reverse shot is a feature of the
"classical" Hollywood style of
continuity editing,
which deemphasizes transitions
between shots such that the
audience perceives one continuous
action that develops linearly,
chronologically, and logically.
usually linked through the equally eyeline matches
Mainstream Hollywood style
Normally begins with a shot of both
speakers – Establishing 2 shot
Then moves to a montage of one
shots as each of the actors speaks
and listens
These are often over the shoulder
shots, this suggests the speakers
point of view
The shot of the first actor from
approx the 2nd actors point of view
is termed reverse-angle-shot.
This is an omniscient style.
It allows us to see everything from
the ideal perspective.
More contemporary techniques Tend to emphasize the separateness
and individuality of the camera.They may allow us to see everything
But always from a separate distinct point of view.
A scene in a film is called
a flashback if it depicts a set of
events that occurred before the
scenes immediately proceeding it.
The term flash forward is used
to indicate scenes that depict
events taking place after
the scenes immediately flowing it.
Flashbacks and flash forwards are
used in movies for
foreshadowing and stronger
dramatic effect.
Flashbacks are a trademark of the Saw movies, with many scenes
adding extra depth to characters and adding insight to various
aspects of the series.
Saw IV has one scene set in real-time, while the rest of the film is a
flashback, structured around a series of other flashbacks.
In the tracking shot the distance
Between the subject and the
camera is constant.
The building is far enough away
not to change greatly
between frames.
In the zoom the distance
between the camera and the
subject is constantly changing.
The relative size of the
background building is magnified
in the telephoto shots and
minimised in the wide angle frame.
The angle of the shadow
changes in the zoom.