IB Biology 3/4 Syllabus 2015-2016

IB Biology 3/4 Syllabus 2015-2016
Mr. Langton – Room 709
Email: tlangto@tacoma.k12.wa.us
Office Hours: M-F 2:10-3:10
Phone: (253) 571-7371
Welcome to IB Biology 3/4! Biology 3 & 4 are the first year in a two year sequence in IB Biology. The
objective of the course is designed to use scientific inquiry to prepare students for the Higher Level
International Baccalaureate Examination in biology, to learn about the living world around us, and to develop as
scientifically literate, responsible, global citizens. The course meets the content and laboratory expectations for
the International Baccalaureate Diploma or certificate. Biology is a safe environment for all learners. The tone
is set with the expectation that decency, respect and responsibility be utilized at all times. We will be working
with many hands-on labs and activities, therefore it is critical that students maintain a professional manner, and
that all lab safety procedures are followed throughout the course. This includes a lab safety tutorial, along with
Lab Safety Contract, which will need to be signed prior to our first lab.
Prerequisites for the course are Biology 1, Biology 2, and Chemistry 1. You should have completed all
prerequisites with a grade of B or better.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Units of Study
Nature of Science/Science Inquiry – What does it mean to be a learner, scientist, and citizen?
Students will understand the nature of science and demonstrate an ability to practice scientific reasoning by
applying it to design, execution and evaluation of scientific investigations. Students will demonstrate their
understanding that knowledge is gathered through various forms of direct and indirect observations and testing
of this information by methods including, but not limited to, experimentation.
Organization of Living Systems – How do cells help maintain a homeostasis (balance)?
Students will first investigate the 8 Characteristics of Living Things and then describe the general structure and
function of cells. They can explain that all living systems are composed of cells. They will understand that
cells are composed of biological macromolecules and that the complex processes of the cell allow it to maintain
a stable internal environment necessary to maintain life.
Genetics – What makes you unique?
Students will recognize that the specific genetic instructions for any organism are contained with genes
composed of DNA molecules located in chromosomes. They will be able to explain the mechanism for the
direct production of specific proteins based on inherited DNA. Students will diagram how occasional
modification in genes and the random distribution of genes from each parent provide genetic variation and
become the raw material for evolution.
Interdependence of Living Systems and the Environment – How do organisms and systems impact each
Students will describe the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration and how energy is transferred
through food webs. They will recognize and analyze the consequences of the dependence of organisms on
environmental resources and the interdependence of organisms in ecosystems.
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Summative Assessments: 80%
 Tests: Long Response, Short Response, Multiple Choice, Diagraming
 Formal Lab Write Ups
 Papers/Projects
Formative Assessments: 20%
 Quizzes
 Lab Notebook: Organization, Worksheets, Notes, Labs, Reading Assignments
Grading Scale
93-100 = A
90-92 = A-
87-89 = B+
83-86 = B
80-82 = B-
77-79 = C+
73-76 = C
70-72 = C-
67-69 = D+
60-66 = D
0 – 59 = E
Tests & Quizzes
Tests and quizzes will cover all material covered in the classes and lab since the previous test. Quizzes will be
given weekly, every Friday. They are worth 10 points each. Quizzes will consist of material covered the
previous week and any discussions. They are closed book, notes and each other unless otherwise and explicitly
Lab is an integral part of IB Biology. Students planning to take the IB exam in biology are required to submit a
single substantive laboratory investigation (Internal Assessment) that constitutes 20% of their IB grade. We will
discuss the format for this lab in class. Missing even ONE lab will have a negative effect on your grade. If you
miss a lab due to an extreme illness (with a doctor’s note) or for matters beyond your control, you are
responsible to contact me immediately or sooner so that we can potentially arrange a make-up
assignment. Make up labs will be done for all excused absences. For unexcused absences there is no guarantee
that you will be able to make up a lab, due to availability of resources and scheduling of teacher.
This class requires active participation on your part. As a class, we have a depth of knowledge and resources,
and everyone has something to add to our understanding. Not only will you be asking questions, but you will
also be answering them. Be prepared and willing to discuss ideas and raise questions by completing the
required reading and writing beforehand. Listen attentively to what is said by others and take notes on the
general discussion.
If a student does not meet standard on their first attempt for summative assessments (Tests only), they will be
able to retest in order to show their knowledge and to meet standard. Retesting an assessment must take place
within 2 weeks of it being graded and returned to the student. After the 2 weeks the test can be retaken
but only for knowledge and not for a grade. In order to be eligible to retest a student must first complete
both of the following:
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Test Corrections
Designated Biology After-School Tutoring Session
It is the student’s responsibility to find out what class material and activities were missed, this includes
identifying if any assignments were turned in. When students return to class:
 Show your excused absence slip to get full credit for completing work from your absence.
 Use my notebook for checking the daily agenda, copying notes, and identifying needed assignments
and/or papers.
 Check the “IB Biology Work” crate in the front of the room to get any work that was handed out during
your absence.
 This class is designated as a “lab science” course, therefore, if missed labs need to be made up during
lunch or after school in Extended Learning, within one week of the absence.
Coming to class on time and prepared is critical to your success. To be successful, students will need the
following every day in class:
 Composition Notebook (one will be provided for you, however it is your responsibility to bring it)
 Pencil and Pen
 Biology Textbook
Textbook(s): This year each student will be issued a textbook, which they are responsible for transporting
to and from class.
Allott, A. and Mindorff, D. 2014. IB Biology Course Book, 2014 Edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford,
United Kingdom.
Students can also check out another textbook for supplemental reading and studying.
Neil A. Campbell, N.A., Reece, J.B., & Mitchell, L.G. 1999. Biology, 5th Edition. Benjamin-Cummings Pub
Co, San Francisco, CA.
Classroom Policies
1) Attendance – I want to see all my students in class. See student handbook pg 16-18
Tardy Policy – Students are expected to be their seats and ready to learn when the bell rings. Excessive
tardies will be dealt with according to the rules outlined in the Student Handbook on pgs 16-18, and may
include referral to administration.
Electronic Devices- Please turn off all electronic devices upon entering class. Use of a cell phone or other
electronic devices during class must be approved by the instructor. See Student Handbook on pg 34.
Safety - All students must follow the biological science lab safety procedures and standard operating
procedures established by Foss HS, the Science Department, and the instructor. Students who repeatedly or
willfully violate these procedures may face sanctions, including removal from the course, a failing grade,
and referral to the administration for action under the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities. The
departmental safety procedures for biological science are available in your classroom lab safety policy.
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Appropriate Behavior & Dress Policy – Appropriate and professional behavior and language needs to be
used in the classroom, for more information please reference the Student Handbook on pg 35. Students are
expected to follow additional requirements during labs.
Food and Drinks – This is a lab room, and you will be asked to stow or throw food away before entering
class during any lab activity. Bottle water that can be kept in your backpack is okay.
Student Conduct – See Student Handbook on pgs 34-42
Academic Honesty - Students are expected to produce original work. The use of another person's ideas,
data, graphics, or text may be used with permission from the original sources and the original source given
credit. Any unauthorized use of another person's intellectual work is plagiarism (copying on exams,
copying work/assignments, falsification of data or calculations, copying from the internet, etc.). Plagiarism
will not be tolerated. A first offense will result in a 0% for the assignment. A second offense will result in
disciplinary action will be taken by administration according to the Foss HS Administrative Procedure for
Academic Dishonesty, available in your student Handbook. Attempting to cheat on a test will also be
considered equal to plagiarism and will result in the same sanctions. Your instructor will provide a
handout describing how to properly cite sources in scientific writing. (See Student Handbook for definition
on pgs 34-35)
Students with Special Needs - All students are responsible for all requirements of the class, but the way
they meet these requirements may vary. If you need specific auxiliary aids or services due to a disability,
please contact me immediately, so that we can contact Foss HS administration for any additional needs /
tools that will accommodate your learning in class. (Equal Educational Opportunity WAC-392-190)
10) Late assignments – Assignments can be handed in up to 5 days late, but they will be docked 10% per day.
Assignments turned in after 5 days will not be accepted. An assignment is considered late if it is not turned
in at the beginning of class on its due date. If you have a legitimate reason to miss a class, please notify me
well in advance. Any assignments due that day will have to be turned in ahead of time.
11) If you miss class, you are responsible for any information of assignments that were missed. Please do not
email me and ask for a summary of what we did. Speak with your classmates, check the schedule and
check you lab teams lab books for any information prior to talking to me about any questions you may
have at that time.
Home Access Center (HAC)
I encourage all parents to use their Home Access Center account to allow for (1) easy communication between
parent(s)/guardian(s) and staff; (2) up-to-date information regarding your students successes; (3) access to your
student’s attendance in all classes; and (4) access to your student’s schedule. Ensure your information is up-todate contact Tracy Moser at 253-571-7341 to receive your login and password information. Please feel free to
call me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding your student’s progress
Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to change any policies, provisions, and considerations outlined
in this syllabus. If a change does occur, students and parents will be notified via email addressing that
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Mr. Langton’s Classes have SWAG (Students With A Goal)
STUDENT GROWTH GOAL (example: By the end of first semester, I will achieve an
overall grade of 85% in my IB Biology class)
WEEK 2 GOAL CHECK-IN (example: I currently have a 70% in my IB Biology class. I need
to increase my daily work completion and study more to improve my quiz and test scores):
WEEK 4 GOAL CHECK-IN (example: I currently have a 70% in my IB Biology class. I need
to increase my daily work completion and study more to improve my quiz and test scores):
WEEK 6 GOAL CHECK-IN (example: I currently have a 70% in my IB Biology class. I need
to increase my daily work completion and study more to improve my quiz and test scores):
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Dear Parent or Guardian,
I look forward to the challenges of the coming year and value you as a partner in this process. Thank
you in advance for being an active part of your student’s learning experience!
 read the information and expectations for this class,
 sign the slip below as well as the attached safety sheet and have your student return them,
 indicate a home or cell phone number and e-mail where I can contact you, reaching people
with e-mail is usually easiest for me and can occur more often,
 and keep the syllabus portion of this packet.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to working
with you and your student this year!
Tashi Langton
-------------------------------------------------------(Please Cut Here)--------------------------------------------------------Please print neatly on the lines below and Return to Mr. Langton
I have read the expectations and procedures and understand all that is required.
Student’s Printed Name: ________________________________________________________________
Student’s Signature: ____________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Printed Name: __________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________________________________
Parent/ Guardian’s Contact Phone Number: _________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s E-Mail (please print neatly): ______________________________________________
Please check the box if you would like to be notified of upcoming projects or tests on a regular basis
through email.
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