The role of the Non-Executive Director in governance Steve Connor Mersey Internal Audit Agency 9th July 2002 n Mersey Internal Audit Agency Todays Agenda History / Development of Corporate Governance The NHS perspective Accountabilities and responsibilities Corporate Governance and Controls Assurance Internal Audit / External Audit and the Audit Committee n Mersey Internal Audit Agency The Development of Corporate Governance Cadbury Report 1992 Greenbury Report 1995 Nolan Report 1995 Hampel Committee 1996 London Stock Exchange 1998 Combined Code Turnbull Report 1999 HM Treasury n Mersey Internal Audit Agency Cadbury Principles Openness Integrity Accountability n Mersey Internal Audit Agency Nolan Principles Selflessness Integrity Objectivity Accountability Openness Honesty Leadership n Mersey Internal Audit Agency Turnbull Report An organisations system of internal control has a key role in the management of risks that are significant to the fulfilment of its business objectives and should be embedded in the operations of the organisation and form part of its culture. It should cover all risks n Mersey Internal Audit Agency What prompted the governance industry? BCCI Polly Peck Maxwell But still companies saw governance as bureaucracy that added cost…… n Mersey Internal Audit Agency The Private Sector Perspective Good corporate governance matters. It matters to business because it contributes to sustainable long-term success. It matters to shareholders - and others interested in the company - because it ensures them a transparent and productive relationship with the enterprise concerned. It matters to UK plc because if we get corporate governance right, we will have more successful, innovative firms to create the investment and wealth that benefits all our citizens. SPEECH BY THE RT HON STEPHEN BYERS MP, SECRETARY OF STATE FOR TRADE AND INDUSTRY TO THE PIRC ANNUAL CORPORATE GOVERNANCE CONFERENCE - 23 MARCH 1999 n Mersey Internal Audit Agency Corporate collapses continue “Could it happen to us?” n Mersey Internal Audit Agency Rogue Traders n Mersey Internal Audit Agency Allied Irish Banks (AIB) says the alleged fraud discovered earlier this month at its US subsidiary had been going on for five years. "The periods in which the losses arose extend back to 1997," said chief executive Michael Buckley. I am determined to spare no effort in repairing the damage we have suffered Michael Buckley AIB chief The revelation came as the bank reported its results for 2001 and finalised the losses it incurred as a result of the fraud at $691m (£484m). n Mersey Internal Audit Agency WorldCom fires CFO over $3.8bn fraud claim The group's shares dropped 75 per cent in after-hours trading after the company confirmed that Scott Sullivan, chief financial officer, had stepped down and it had accepted the resignation of David Myers, senior vice president and controller. WorldCom confirmed that it was investigating whether about $3.8bn of operating expenses were recorded as capital spending over the last five quarters, boosting cashflow and margins. If confirmed it would be one of the biggest corporate frauds in history. n Mersey Internal Audit Agency When things go wrong Senior Executives who permitted or encouraged misleading accounting treatment. An Audit Ctte that signed off misleading accounts. A board that was ineffective in supervising managers’ actions. Whistleblowers’ complaints that were ignored or whitewashed. Individuals enriched by transactions with the company that employed them. n Mersey Internal Audit Agency Lord Wakeham quits UK press body over Enron Lord Wakeham, 69, joined Enron in 1994 and sat on the audit and compliance committee, which was supposed to ensure proper procedures were in place. He described his decision as "a matter of honour". n Mersey Internal Audit Agency Where was the Audit Committee? The members of the audit committee have mostly declined to comment publicly and people close to them say none has yet received a subpoena to testify to the investigations into Enron's demise. The silence will do little to answer critics who say the committee failed to draw sufficient attention to the dubious practices in place at an apparently thriving business. n Mersey Internal Audit Agency Corporate Governance in healthcare The systems and processes by which health bodies lead,direct and control their functions, in order to achieve organisational objectives and by which to relate to their partners and wider community. n Mersey Internal Audit Agency HM Treasury How Turnbull provisions can be adapted to the public sector. Statutory requirement for a Statement on Internal Control. n Mersey Internal Audit Agency NHS Corporate Governance framework SO’s / SFI’s Decisions Reserved for the Board Scheme of Delegation Code of Conduct Code of Accountability Code of Openness Audit Committee Remuneration and Terms of Service Controls Assurance n Mersey Internal Audit Agency The NHS Perspective “How do you equate the total accountability of the board with the physical impossibility of knowing everything that is being done in the board’s name.” Sir Stuart Burgess, 1995 n Mersey Internal Audit Agency Bristol Royal Infirmary In the period from 1991 to 1995 between 30 and 35 more children under 1 died after openheart surgery in the Bristol unit than might be expected had the unit been typical of other PCS units in England at the time. n Mersey Internal Audit Agency Dr Shipman Family GP Harold Shipman had become the focus of Europe's biggest ever murder investigation Convicted of 15 murders, he is suspected of killing more than 297 patients over 24 years. n Mersey Internal Audit Agency Proposed Legislation – Corporate Liability Corporate killing – intended to make companies (including Health Trusts and School Boards) accountable in criminal law when they fall far below the standards that could reasonably be expected in the circumstances. The proposed maximum penalty would be an unlimited fine and an order to correct the original cause of any accident. A company’s assets could also be frozen pending the institution of criminal proceedings on a charge n of corporate killing. Mersey Internal Audit Agency When enquiries report….. A consistent conclusion of public enquiries is that systems, not individuals, are to blame. Communication, record keeping, monitoring of policy implementation, training, leadership are all examples of commonly cited system failures. Responsibility for the effectiveness of systems rests unequivocally at the Board table. n Mersey Internal Audit Agency Controls Assurance “…a process designed to provide evidence that NHS bodies are doing their reasonable best to manage themselves so as to meet their objectives and protect patients, staff, the public and other stakeholders against risks of all kinds” n Mersey Internal Audit Agency Governance and controls assurance in the NHS Clinical Assurances (Clinical Governance Report/Annual Report) Clinical care The environment of care Financial resources CLINICAL GOVERNANCE ORGANISATIONAL CONTROLS FINANCIAL CONTROLS Organisational Assurances (Annual Report) Financial Assurances (Annual Accounts) n Mersey Internal Audit Agency Risk management Clinical Assurances (Clinical Governance Report/Annual Report) Clinical care The environment of care Financial resources CLINICAL GOVERNANCE ORGANISATIONAL CONTROLS FINANCIAL CONTROLS Organisational Assurances (Annual Report) Financial Assurances (Annual Accounts) n Mersey Internal Audit Agency How assurance is reported Management assurance Independent assurance Board Clinical Governance Committee CEO Executive Team Audit Committee Risk Management Committee Miscellaneous risk groups Internal Audit n Mersey Internal Audit Agency An Effective Audit Committee “an effective Audit Committee will satisfy itself that there are processes in place to make sure that significant issues will “bubble up” to the attention of the Committee or the full Board.” K Gibson, Chairman, Corporate Practices Committee n Mersey Internal Audit Agency An Effective Audit Committee Membership Authority Meetings n Mersey Internal Audit Agency Membership Not less than 3 Ned’s. Effective oversight through objectivity and relevant experience. Chair of Trust should not be a member. Where possible one NED with a financial background. Internal Audit / External Audit / Director of Finance. n Mersey Internal Audit Agency Authority Must have sufficient authority to act with independence. Committee of the board. Formal meetings with minutes to trust board meeting. Should have explicit authority to investigate any matters within its terms of reference, and full access to information. n Mersey Internal Audit Agency Meetings Limited time. Secretary / Admin Support. Agenda and briefing papers. Timing of meeting planned in advance. Number of meetings? n Mersey Internal Audit Agency Purpose of an Audit Committee: Financial Probity To independently contribute to the Board’s overall process for ensuring that an effective internal control process is maintained. Primary focus has been: financial systems; financial information; compliance with law, guidance and codes of conduct. n Mersey Internal Audit Agency How the work will be delivered The Future 1. Statement of Internal Control Minimum 1. Finance 2. Compliance 3. Verification 4. Report 2. Advice on the management of risk 3. Coordination of assurance functions 4. Facilitation n Mersey Internal Audit Agency Perceptions of Audit n Mersey Internal Audit Agency What the papers say… n Mersey Internal Audit Agency The Audit Process Audit plans based on clear risk assessment Monitoring of significant issues Follow up Private discussions Governance, Risk Management and Controls assurance n Mersey Internal Audit Agency External Audit: Who’s who Audit Commission appoints, regulates and advises auditors conducts national research inspects Best Value receives PIDA referrals Auditors District Audit other suppliers: KPMG, PwC, etc District Audit 70% of appointments arm’s length agency c. 1,500 staff in England and Wales about 60 District Auditors Appointments PCTs NHS Trusts local authorities fire authorities police authorities etc n Mersey Internal Audit Agency External Audit: Responsibilities n Mersey Internal Audit Agency External Auditors special powers and duties in the NHS Refer unlawful matters to Secretary of State Report in the Public Interest (Section 8 report) a copy of which also goes to Secretary of State n Mersey Internal Audit Agency Working with internal audit Shared risk assessments Managed audit External Audit reliance on Internal Audit n Mersey Internal Audit Agency Differences between Internal and External Audit External Audit Internal Audit • Externally appointed • Employed or internally appointed • Independent from the Trust • Part of the Trust’s internal Corporate Governance arrangements • Statutory functions and responsibilities • More flexibility within the prescribed framework n Mersey Internal Audit Agency Summary NED’s play a key role in effective Corporate Governance Constructively challenge Sufficient and timely information Access to training Need a strong effective Audit Committee focussed on the assurance agenda Risk register as the basis of an assurance framework Coordination of reviewers n Mersey Internal Audit Agency