At the beginning of almost every class there will be a warm

Desert Ridge High School
PLTW Engineering Program
Introduction to Engineering Design/Algebra I
Classroom Rules/Grading Policies
The following rules will be adhered to while attending Mrs. Graces’ classes.
Classroom Rules
The best environment to learn is one in which a student feels both comfortable and confident. The
following rules will enable all of us to learn and grow throughout the year to obtain and enhance new
skills in math and engineering.
1. Come prepared to learn! Make sure you have all the tools needed to be successful in class. This
includes your engineering/math notebook, calculator, pencils, etc. This also means to be on
time. Excessive tardies will lead to you coming in after school to make up for time lost.
2. Be attentive and respectful when I am teaching you new content. First of all you can’t learn if
you do not pay attention and it is disrespectful to be talking, being on the computer, listening to
music or doing something else while I am conveying information to you.
3. Be respectful to your peers. I will not tolerate any type of bullying in any form. Also, please leave
other classmates property alone. Unless you have gained their permission, there is no need for
you to be in contact with their personal property.
4. Keep all electronic devices off and in your backpack. There is no reason to be using them while
in the classroom. I will confiscate these items and turn them into Security where you can then
retrieve them after school. There may be special occasions in engineering when you will be able
to listen to music, but do not assume you just can!
5. Follow all school and district rules. I will dress code you if you are out of compliance and will
send you to the nurse to obtain a lovely tee shirt that you can wear for the rest of the day.
6. Ask before leaving to use the bathroom but only after the first 15 minutes have passed in class
and not during the last 15 minutes. Make sure that you take the hall pass as well. Do not take
advantage of this as well. If you continually ask, you will lose your permission.
7. Due to coaching and state engineering responsibilities, I will be gone time to time from class.
You will be respectful to the substitute in charge during my absence. The classroom rules still
apply even when I am gone. Being disrespectful to the substitute is a reflection of me and you
really do not want to reflect badly.
8. In the engineering lab, no game playing on the computers. You can lose your computer rights if
you violate any of the district computer policies such as downloading games or software not
appropriate and approved by the district.
Grading Policy
Notebook: 40%
Projects 50%
Algebra I
Notebook/Homework/Daily Warm-ups 25%
Final Exam
Rest (quizzes, classroom participation) 10%
Tests and Quizzes: 55%
Algebra I
Homework will be collected and graded on a daily basis for effort. If you filled in random numbers, that
is not effort and you will get a zero. One point will be deducted for each homework question left blank.
Late homework may be turned in up until the day of the corresponding chapter test for half credit. If you
have make up work due to an excused absence, you have how many days you were gone to make it up.
Make-up work
Students are responsible for checking the “absence files” for notes and/or homework may have
been missed. Students must fill in the notes with my help or the help of a friend. If you are
excused absent, you have as many days as you were gone to make it up. If you are unexcused
absent on the day of a quiz, you may not make it up and you will receive a score of 0.
At the beginning of almost every class there will be a warm-up. Complete each quickly and quietly.
Warm-ups will be checked during each binder check.
Tests/ Quizzes
Tests and quizzes will be announced. You will have quizzes throughout the unit and a test at the end of
the unit. Point values will vary depending on the amount of information being tested.
You must keep a binder organized according to my instructions. Binder checks will occur at the end of
every unit (or more frequently if the unit is lengthy). Binder checks will grade you on your organization,
warm-ups, notes, and other handouts. The points will vary depending on the length of the unit.
Re-take policy
You have the opportunity to re-take tests in this class – regardless of your original test score –
within one week of getting the test back. Before re-taking the test, you must complete test
corrections (I will give you the worksheet upon request). The test corrections are your “ticket”
to re-taking the test. The scores of the original test and the re-take will be averaged to form the
new test score.
No re-takes for quizzes will be given.
Help is available at both lunches every day in room 5114 (bring your notes and work). Saturday
tutoring will be available starting in September from 9am - 12pm on a drop-in basis (bring your
homework and notes). My weekly before and after school availability will be posted in the
classroom (please check it regularly as it may change from week to week). At those times, feel
free to drop-in for help - there is no need to schedule an appointment.
Engineering Notebooks
Engineering notebooks are an essential part of engineering design. We will use them daily and have
very specific requirements that we will cover in class. I will ask for them throughout the school year
but will hand out the grading rubric the day before they are due to make sure your notebook is in
All of the engineering classes offered at DRHS are project based. Some of the projects will be
completed individually while others are group projects.
Rest (quizzes, classroom participation)
There will be from time to time, but not often quizzes over material covered in class. They will all be
open engineering notebook. Classroom participation is welcomed and expected.