lithuim, boron, beryllium, sonia, alex, brian

Beryllium, &
By: Sonia Hung
Basic Info
Element name: Lithium
Element symbol: Li
Atomic Number: 3
Atomic Mass: 6.941 amu
Solid, liquid, or gas? Solid at 298 K
Metal, nonmetal, or metalloid? Metal
Family Name: Alkali Metal
Discoverer: Johann Arfvedson
Date of Discovery: 1817
Melting Point: 180.5 °C
Boiling Point: 1342 °C
Uses & other facts
Interesting stories: It is the lightest metal
on Earth. It’s also one of the elements
that’s theorized to have form at the time
of the Big Bang.
How is it used? If you put water in it &
dry it, then it becomes helium. It’s also
used to make tritium, a type of battery. It
can also be used to make ceramics, rubber products, dyes,
glass, etc.
Physical, chemical properties or unusual facts: Lithium
has a melting point of 180.54°C and a boiling point of 1342°C.
Its density is approximately half that of water. Metallic lithium is
silvery in appearance. It reacts with water & sodium. It is also
Basic File: Boron
Element Name: Boron
Chemical Symbol: B
Atomic Number: 5
Atomic Mass: 10.811 amu
Phase: Solid
Classification: Metalloid
Group: 13
Period: 2
Block: P
Number of Protons/Neutrons: 5
Number of Electrons: 6
Color: Brownish
Crystal Structure: Rhombohedral
Date of Discovery: 1808
Discoverer: Sir Humphry Davy, J.L Gay-Lussac
Melting Point: 2300.0 °C
Boiling Point: 2550.0 °C
Bohr Diagram & Uses, Facts
Number of Energy Levels: 2
First Energy Level (Electrons it contains):2
Second Energy Level (Electrons it contains):3
Obtained From: Kernite
Uses 1: Heating Resistant Alloys
Uses 2: Plant nutrient
Physical, Chemical, Properties or unusual facts 1:
It’s name comes from Borax and Carbon.
Physical, Chemical, Properties or unusual facts 2:
Boron is necessary plant nutrient, but over concentration of boron can be
toxic to plants.
Physical, Chemical, Properties or unusual facts 3: Boron is also used as
insecticides and preservatives.
Element name: Beryllium
Element symbol: Be
Atomic Number: 4
Atomic Mass: 9.01 amu
Solid, liquid, or gas? Solid at
298 K
Metal, nonmetal, or metalloid?
Family Name: Alkali Earth Metal
Discoverer: Fredrich Wohler
Date of Discovery: 1798
Melting Point: 1278 °C
Boiling Point: 2970 °C
Uses, Facts
• How is it used: Beryllium is one of the lightest metal
and has one of the highest melting points of any light
metal. Beryllium metal is used principally in aerospace
and defense applications because of its stiffness, light
weight, and dimensional stability over a wide
temperature range.
• Physical, chemical properties or unusual
facts: Beryllium melting point 1278 °C and boiling point
2970 °C. beryllium's very low density, 1.85 g/cm3
Bohr Diagram
• Number of Electrons: 4
• Number of Neutrons: 5
• Number of Protons: 4