GUIDELINES FOR MASTER BOOK KEEPER CUM AUDITOR (MBK) Odisha Livelihoods Mission Panchayati raj Department, Govt. Of Odisha MASTER BOOK KEEPER GUIDELINE 2 1. Introduction Building, nurturing, and strengthening community-based institutions is an important component for creating a system for sustainability in the developmental processes being undertaken in an area. Under its Institution Building component, Odisha Livelihoods Mission (OLM) plans to develop several community level institutions. These institutions shall be strengthened through regular capacity building and handholding support for ensuring quality performance and sustainability in the long run. These institutions may be in the form of SHGs, CLFs, GPLFs and Producer Organization etc. Gram Panchayat Level Federation (GPLF), a Gram Panchayat level platform of SHGs consisting of all the CLFs & SHGs of that concerned Gram Panchayat. To strengthen GPLF, maintenance of books of account, audit of SHGs books of account and preparation of financial reports are the key areas to look after. For this purpose project shall insist GPLF to hire a person, who is the member of concerned Gram Panchayat Level Federation or in extreme case a female/male candidate from their local community can act as a bookkeeper coined as Master Book Keeper cum Auditor (MBK) at GPLF level who will maintain and prepare financial reports of concerned GPLF, impart finance & record keeping training as well as valuable guidance to CRP-CM and do yearly audit of SHGs books of account. The strategy proposes to engage one MBK at the GPLF level. MBK will write books of account of GPLF impart finance & record keeping training to CRP-CM and conduct audit of the SHGs coming under the respective GPLF on yearly basis. 3. Roles and responsibility: S/he will attend each GPLF meeting regularly and write & update the minute’s book as well as the books of accounts (like cash book, ledger, assets register, cheque book register, preparing vouchers, etc) on a regular basis. S/he will also maintain other records of GPLF for e.g. register relating to Food Security Fund, Health Risk Fund, records of other activities taken up by the GPLF in course of time. S/he will audit accounts of member SHGs on yearly basis spread over a period of one year time. S/he will prepare annual financial statements of the GPLF that include income and expenditure statement, receipt & payment statement and balance sheet. Odisha Livelihoods Mission, Panchayati Raj Dept. Govt. of Odisha MASTER BOOK KEEPER GUIDELINE 3 Prepare monthly trial balance of GPLF. Assist in conducting annual audit of the GPLF. S/he will update the member wise financial data of each SHG to be treated as the opening balance on a cut-off date: one time activity S/he will support the CLFs in selection of CRP-CM S/he will provide training (including refresher training) to the CRPs (writing the SHG book of accounts) on SHG accounting as well as provide handholding support to them as per the requirement. S/he will be responsible for collection of SHG wise consolidated financial statement every month from the CRPs in a common meeting organized at the GPLF level. S/he will collate all the SHG transactional/ financial data and submit it at block level for entry (initially on a monthly basis, but with the MIS in place the frequency of the collation may be reduced to weekly basis). S/he will collect the printed report from block and share it with the GPLF and CLF as well as with the CRPs for dissemination of the SHG level analysis. S/he will help in assessment/gradation of CLF and GPLF annually. S/he will check and review the MIP formats ( whether they are properly filled up or not, whether calculations are done correctly, whether the members has put on their signatures at all required places, etc) of all SHGs submitted at GPLF level. S/he will participate in specific training programs organized by GPLF members’ suiting to her job chart. S/he will communicate the GPLF members in a sensitive manner. S/he is bound to execute the decision taken by GPLF. S/he will be a resource person in CRP-CM training program related to books of account/record keeping. S/he will work closely under the guidance of GPLF office bearers. S/he shall write the GPLF (GB, RGB & EC meeting minutes if directed by the GPLF) Odisha Livelihoods Mission, Panchayati Raj Dept. Govt. of Odisha MASTER BOOK KEEPER GUIDELINE 4 However, S/he shall not interfere in the decision making process of the GPLF. S/he shall not impose any pre-conceived notion or opinion on any GPLF members. 4. Eligibility Criteria of MBK The MBK should fulfill the following eligibility criteria. Should be a woman, preferably an SHG member Must be a Matriculate. Age must be 18 years or above. Must belong to the same GP. Should have good written and accounting skills with good computing abilities. Should have sensitivity toward poor women. Should not be office bearers of any SHG/CLF/GPLF. She should not hold any political office or have been employed by GO/NGO either on part-time or full time basis. In schedule area ST candidate will be selected, if ST candidate not available then order of preference will be given to 1.SC 2. Minority 3.Other. Shakti Sahayikas promoted under Mission Shakti or any other person providing bookkeeping services to the concerned GPLFs are encouraged to apply. NOTE: In response to the notice given by the GPLF, if applications are not received from eligible women candidates or Shakti Sahayika or concerned GPLF working women person, then GPLF will give another notice where male members may also be encouraged to apply. During the selection process priority should be given to eligible PWDs In case a leader of SHG or an office bearer of a CLF/GPLF is selected, she must withdraw from such position before taking up the role of MBK Odisha Livelihoods Mission, Panchayati Raj Dept. Govt. of Odisha MASTER BOOK KEEPER GUIDELINE 5 In case she is working as a CRP-CM, she will resign from that position before taking up the MBK assignment. If a full time employee of any Govt. / Non-Govt. organization, has to give resignation from either post. If ST/ SC candidates are not available in schedule area, candidates from other category will be considered. 5. Order of Preference for short listing MBK. If adequate numbers of application (at least three) are not received from the SHG members or Shakti Sahayika or concerned GPLF community women worker (women) then application may be considered in the following order: i. Person with disability (having no mobility constraint) ii. women family member of an SHG member; iii. any educated women in that GP; When adequate numbers of applications (at least three) are received, from SHGs or Shakti Sahayika or concerned GPLF community worker (women), then other categories of applications will not be considered for the further selection process. 6. Selection Procedure The selection of MBK is the primary responsibility of the GPLF. All such interested candidates will be assessed through aptitude and attitude tests. A merit list will be prepared for those who have secured the minimum qualifying marks (more than or equal to 50%) in written test (objective & subjective) considering total secured marks (marks (written Test + wellbeing grouping or ST /SC/minority as case may be + including disability factor + Interview+ Shakti Sahayika or working for the concerned GPLF experience). The person who has secured highest mark will be selected for the post of MBK. In case of equal mark the candidates are prioritized in the following order I) Person with Disability (PWD), II) EPVG/TRIBAL, III) Schedule caste/ minority IV) Daughter /Son of SHG member, V) Age –life experience will be given preference(elder one) Odisha Livelihoods Mission, Panchayati Raj Dept. Govt. of Odisha MASTER BOOK KEEPER GUIDELINE 6 The selected candidate will be put through a four days residential basic orientation programme at the GP/block/district level. In case of resignation of expelling of the person continuing as MBK, the next person in the merit list will be called for engagement by GPLF. 7. Skill test for screening of MBK cum Auditor The Selection process will be led by the GPLF & they will constitute the Screening Committee taking five members from the GPLF-EC including the President/ Secretary by ensuring the representation of Poor/ EPVG and SC/ ST in that committee if available. MBK selection will be a continuous process with the coming up of new GPLFs. The Block team will assist the screening process of MBKs. The OLM will develop a question bank for the screening test and provide support to GPLF from time to time. 8. Capacity building of MBK Most of capacity building of MBK will be done on the job. However, the Block will develop capacity of the MBKs through series of training programmes on maintaining or auditing of financial records and different finance related subjects at GP/block/district level. The following modules are anticipated for building capacity of the MBK cum Auditors: SHG & federation formation and strengthening and also on SHG gradation Writing of books of account. Basic banking and linkage procedures. Community procurement. SHG books of account auditing GPLF book of accounts including preparation of monthly and annual financial statement, receipt and payment statement, balance sheet, etc Preparation of bank reconciliation statement Data entry (monthly financial records of SHGs) in computers using tally 9. Performance incentive for MBK Monthly remuneration: OLM will bear 100% of this amount in the first year. After a year the modality will be revised if needed. OLM has to give direction for further Odisha Livelihoods Mission, Panchayati Raj Dept. Govt. of Odisha MASTER BOOK KEEPER GUIDELINE 7 continuation by reviewing the performance of the MBK or their requirement. The performance incentive of MBK shall be based on their performance and the outputs. Once the selection of MBK is confirmed by the GPLF, the proposed performance incentive based on their output will be given to the MBK as follows Updating member wise financial data of each SHG to be treated as the opening balance on a cut-off date (one time activity) : Rs. 100/- per SHG Collating transactional data of all member SHGs and submitting to block for entry and collect the printed report from block to share it with the GPLF and CLF : Rs. 200/- per month Conducting meeting of GPLF and writing their books of accounts : Rs. 1000/per month o Conducting meeting and writing the resolution o Updating all financial records like cash book, ledger etc. o Entering all financial data in tally and generating report o Preparing Bank reconciliation statement of GPLF o Preparing trial balance o Preparing annual financial statement o Monitoring the SHG/CLF as assigned by GPLF For auditing of SHG records (annually once)- Rs 50/- per SHG. For organizing and ensuring annual audit of the GPLF : Rs.100/ For assisting in assessment/gradation of CLF and GPLF annually : Rs.50/- per institution For review and checking of MIP formats of SHGs: Rs. 50/- per MIP For conducting and facilitating 2 days training on book keeping for CRP-CMs twice in a year : Rs. 100/- per day for 4 days. During field visit TA and DA to be provided as per project provision at par with TRIPTI CC/CP. The MBK has to sit in the GPLF office for six working days in a week, unless S/he is assigned with any field assignment by the GPLF. 10. Performance appraisal and termination of MBK cum Auditors The GPLF will develop an action plan for MBK on yearly basis. The performance of the MBK will be reviewed every month and her assignment will be continued based Odisha Livelihoods Mission, Panchayati Raj Dept. Govt. of Odisha MASTER BOOK KEEPER GUIDELINE 8 on satisfactory performance. The monitoring and supervision will be conducted by the GPLF on monthly basis. Those MBK whose performance is not found satisfactory may be recommended for further training and capacity building, In case her/his performance is not satisfactory for three consecutive months she may not be recommended for further continuation by GPLF. 11. Payment Modalities MBK will get the performance incentives at the end of every month. She will put her claim in the prescribed format. Upon verification by the GPLF and concerned PRP if any, GPLF will forward it to the Block for review. With the recommendation of Block, GPLF will pay the performance incentive to the MBK. The GPLF will make payment either in the form of Account Payee cheque or through account transfer or any other procedure prescribed by the Project. If MBK fails to participate in the meetings of GPLF, the GPLF-EC members will give the suitable advice to that MBK for improvement. If s/he fails to do so in three consecutive months, GPLF should recommend next panelist candidate. If MBK doesn’t want to continue as Master Book Keeper cum Auditor then she should submit a letter regarding discontinuation to the concern GPLF. 12. Role of Professional Resource Person (PRP) /GPLF-CP: She/he will ensure the completion of the MBK identification process in a judicious process. During this process the role of PRP/GPLF-CP will be; - Facilitate to GPLF EC committees on selection process of MBK. - Quality check during the entire selection process - Verify the performance assessment sheet of the MBK 13. Role of Block The roles and responsibilities of Block staff basically to facilitate the following activities; The Block will guide and provide necessary support to GPLF for carrying out the selection process of MBK. Odisha Livelihoods Mission, Panchayati Raj Dept. Govt. of Odisha MASTER BOOK KEEPER GUIDELINE 9 The Block will carry out the training programme in consultation with PRP for MBK. The Block will verify the data provided by the GPLF after the monthly performance appraisal of the MBK as per the format attached in annexure E recommend for disbursement of the dues/honorarium of MBK by the GPLF. Odisha Livelihoods Mission, Panchayati Raj Dept. Govt. of Odisha MASTER BOOK KEEPER GUIDELINE 10 Annexure -A Format for data collection of eligible candidates for MBK for GP level: Name of the District: Name of the Block: Name of the GP: Sl. No . Name of Educational the Qualification Candidat e with present address Present Occupation Priority status (PWD/EPV G/ PVTG) SC/ ST/ Contact minority number status any if Annexure-B Sample Questionnaire (will be in Odiya language) for Written Test Questionnaire for selection of MBK, Name of the Candidate: Time: 45 minutes Address: Date of written test: Venue of written test: Total Marks : 30 Marks Secured: Section A: (Writing skills test) = 5 marks a. Please write an essay in ten sentences: Section-B: (Numerical Skills and General Knowledge Test) = 25 marks 1. 40% of 950 is how much______________________________? 2. If there are 11 members in an SHG and each of them is saving Rs.15/- per month, what will be their total savings after 6 months? 3. A member has taken a loan of Rs.550/- from her group on 01.07.2010 at the rate of 3% interest per month. How much interest she will pay if she repays the entire loan amount in one installment on 01.10.2010? 4. On 30.04.2010 Maa Tarini SHG has a total group fund of Rs.5100/-. In the month of May the group collected Rs.500/- towards group savings, Rs.17/collected towards fine, Rs. 220 as interest on loan from members. Also Odisha Livelihoods Mission, Panchayati Raj Dept. Govt. of Odisha MASTER BOOK KEEPER GUIDELINE 11 Rs.2000/- was disbursed to three members towards loan. What will be the balance amount available with the group by 30.05.2010? 5. Enter the cash book as per the data given below: 10 members saved Rs.20/each in the month of July on 30.07.2010 having a hand balance of Rs. 30/- in June. SHG lent Rs. 50/- to one of the member and deposited Rs.120/- in Bank leaving a hand balance of Rs.60/-. Prepare a cash book as on 31.07.2010. 6. 13 members saved Rs.25/- per month for 4 months. One member defaulted for one month. What is the total amount collected? 7. Whether a member of SHG can be less than 10? 8. Whether a member of SHG can be more than 10? 9. Whether minor can become a member of SHG? Annexure C Personal Interview=5 Marks The MBK selection committee as mentioned above will conduct the interview of the eligible candidates of MBK of the GPLF. The interview will content 5 marks in total. The candidates have to appear before the panel of members of the MBK selection committee. The interview questions will be focused to measure the following skills and attitudes of the candidate; - Pro-poor attitude, - Willingness to work for GPLF and devoting quality time for it. - Good accounting knowledge - Computer operation skill - Communication skills - Community mobilization skills Odisha Livelihoods Mission, Panchayati Raj Dept. Govt. of Odisha MASTER BOOK KEEPER GUIDELINE 12 Annexure D Criteria of Evaluation Sl. No. Name of the candidate Written (Numerical & skill) test (30 marks): If less than 15 marks is secured, no need for further evaluation Interview (5 marks) Priority (5 Marks) (PWD/ EPVG(applicable after SA)/ PVTG) – 5 marks; SC/ST/ Minority/ Poor(applicable after SA)-3 marks Working Experience with SHGs (5 Marks) : More than 2 year – 5 marks 1-2 years-3 marks Less than 1 yearsNil Odisha Livelihoods Mission, Panchayati Raj Dept. Govt. of Odisha Total-45 Marks Annexure-E Monthly Performance Review of MBK Name of the MBK:_________________________________________________________ For the month of: Name of the GPLF: Name of the GP: Name of the Block: Name of the District: Seri al No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Activity Updating SHG member wise financial data (One time activity) Collating SHG transactional data and share report with GPLF and CLF Writing GPLF level book of accounts as well as other records Annual audit of SHG For organizing and ensuring annual audit of the GPLF For assessment/gradation of CLF and GPLF annually For scrutinizing MIP of SHGs and support to GPLF in appraisal For conducting and facilitating 2 days training on book keeping for CRP-CMs Signature of one of the GPLF Participatory Monitoring Sub Committee Member Achievement To be To be filled by filled by MBK GPLF Achievem Amount Recom Recom ent/ Plan (Rs) mende mended d Amount Honora (Rs) rium (Y/N) Verified by CP/Block Team Recommendation of BLOCK Leader to GPLF for payment Signature of the GPLF President/ Secretary