Art DECO - Madlenne - University of Southern California

Advancing the Discovery of Earth-Crossing Objects
Madlenne Bach
ASTE 527: Thangavelu
Not If But When…
• 10,000+ Earth-Crossing
<Asteroid Belt Video by Scott Manley>
Detection 101
• Relative Magnitude
• Relative Motion
Why Does When Matter?
• Improve Probability
of Detection
• Accurate Risk
• Increase
• Impact Strategy
Bong Wie, Asteroid Deflection Research Center, Iowa State University
Mandated NASA Catalogues
• Spaceguard Survey: 90% > 1km by 2008
• NEO Survey 2005: 90% > 140 m by 2020
100% > 10 km
93% > 1 km (2011)
1% > 140 m (est. 2030)
? > 45 m < animation>
(Ex-)Discovery Teams
• Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR)
cooperation with the Air Force, MIT's Lincoln Laboratory
2 one-meter aperture GEODSS telescope 1997,1999
Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance
2 square degree field of view, 5x ea evening along the ecliptic plane
• Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT) [2007 discontinued]
1995 U.S. Air Force to use a GEODSS telescope located on Haleakala, Maui
1997 AMOS 1.2-meter telescope
2001 1.2 meter aperture Schmidt telescope at Palomar California
• Spacewatch [2008 refining orbits]
1984, the 0.9-meter, Newtonian f/5 Steward Observatory Spacewatch telescope Kitt Peak, Arizona
23 nights per month 200 square degrees of sky each month down to magnitude 21, scanned three times thirty minutes apart
ten-meter sized asteroid (1994 XM1)
optical system mod for wider field-of-view 2.9 square degrees
• Lowell Observatory Near-Earth-Object Search (LONEOS) [2008 ceased operations]
1993 0.6-meter f/1.8 Schmidt telescope in Flagstaff Arizona
fov 2.9 degrees, 4x scans per region over the entire visible sky each month down to a limiting magnitude of about 19
• Catalina Sky Survey (CSS)
0.7-meter f/1.8 Schmidt telescope, 2.9 degree field, Steward Observatory Catalina Station
Uppsala 0.5-m f/3.5 Schmidt telescope, 2.0 degree field, Spring Observatory, Australia
1.5-meter f/2.0 prime focus telescope, 1.0 degree field, Steward Observatory Mt. Lemmon station
• Panoramic Survey Telescope And Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS)
2010 USAF, U. Hawaii Institute for Astronomy, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Maui High Performance Computing Center, Science Applications International
use four 1.8 m optical telescopes that will be located either at Mauna Kea or Haleakala in Hawaii
fov approximately 6000 square degrees of sky per night, 75% sky 4x per month, est 1 complete sweep per month
• Japanese Spaceguard Association [track debris in Earth orbit]
1-meter Cassegrain telescope, field of view 3 degrees, Bisei town, Japan
2000 0.5-meter telescope with a field of view of 2 x 2 degrees
• Asiago DLR Asteroid Survey (ADAS)
2001 0.6 m aperture Schmidt telescope Asiago-CimaEkar, Italy
Planned Missions
• 20?? NASA [reactivation proposal Sep 2013]
NeoWise Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer
Space based infrared, polar orbit
January 2010 to February 2011
40 cm aperture telescope
3.4 and 4.6 micron bands after cryogen ran out 2010
• 2013 DRDC [calibration phase]
– Canada’s NEOSSat
– Space based
• 2015 ATLAS
– 8 20in telescopes
– 1 wk > 45m, 3wk > 150m
• 2017? DOD [funds?]
– Space Fence (1961)
– Ground based
– similar to LINEAR
• 2018 B612 Foundation
– Sentinel
– space-based infrared
– claim decades notice
• 2021 NSF
– LSST Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
– 1-3 mo > 45m, 8yrs > 3km
– Ground based 8.5 optical
• 2030 Planetary Resources
– Arkyd 100
– Space based
Challenges Addressed
• Size/Composition
– Continue Multipurpose
– IR, Radio
• Speed
– Dedicated Ground: ATLAS, LSST
– 1-3 mo > 45m, 8yrs > 3km
• Location: NeoWise, NeoSsat
– Dedicated Space
– Cover Blind Spot: B612
• Range
– Kuiper Planet Hunting
• Cost
– NeoCam
• Funding
– Commercial
– Private
• = Data!
Need Responsive Continuous Vigilance
• Aggregate Data Organizations
Minor Planet Center
• JPL Sentry System
– Calculates Risk
• Asteroid Collisions
– Change size
– Change orbit
• Comets
– Long Period
– Eccentric Orbit
“Data Increases Exponentially,
Number of Astronomers Does Not”
• Super Computing
– Watson
– Billion Dollar Brain
• Grid Computing
– Amazon Cloud
– Google Cloud
• Crowd Sourcing
– SETI @ Home
– Protein Folding
• Augmented Analysis
– Event Related Potential
– Mind Meld
4,096 qubits by 2018
• Quantum Computing
– QAIL Artificial Intelligence Lab
– D-Wave 512 qubits
– 50,000 x faster
• Planned Applications
– Scheduling
– Searching
• Proposed Applications
– NEO Planning: Continuity
– NEO Processing: Responsiveness
Observation Planning
Offer Data Collection Guidance
Model observatories FOV on celestial sphere
Formalize Global Space Observation Network
Similar to DSN - Ensure 100% Coverage 100% Time
Observation Processing
• Google I/O
– co-added
• Data Fusion
– Knit Images
• Further Studies
– Hybrid
– Quantum Cloud
Final Thoughts
Quantifying the Risk Posed by Potential Earth Impacts
Chesley al. Icarus 159, 423–432 (2002)
Radiometric Diameters and Albedos of 40 Asteroids
Morrisson, D. University of Hawaii The Astrophysical Journal, 194: 203-212, 1974 November 15
PREPARING FOR PLANETARY DEFENSE: Detection and Interception of Asteroids on Collision Course with Earth
Detection of Near-Earth Asteroids
LSST gif
The Tunguska Event
New Astronomy Project Seeks 'Buried Treasure' in Huge Databases
"The amount of data increases exponentially," group leader Kai Polsterer said in a statement. "The number of astronomers does not.“
IBM to Announce More Powerful Watson via the Internet
10 Breakthrough Technologies: Deep Learning
"Last June, Google demonstrated one of the largest neural networks yet, with more than a billion connections. The system correctly categorized
objects and themes in YouTube images 16 percent of the time. That might not sound impressive, but it was 70 percent better than previous
IBM Watson
The Human Brain Project
Epidermal Electronics
recent article about using magnets to extract rat neurons
What will NASA be doing with its new quantum computer?
D-Wave processors run 512 qubits
schedule jobs on supercomputers
Kepler search for exoplanets
NASA begins exploring quantum computing
D-Wave Two takes about one month to boot up
Classical algorithms and quantum algorithms are not interchangeable
engineers have to map a problem in quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO)
machine clearly demonstrates quantum tunneling and superposition
Less clear is whether D-Wave Two exhibits quantum entanglement across unit cells beyond those interconnected 8 qubits
NASA plans to upgrade the machine to 2,048 qubits in the next year or two and potentially to 4,096 by 2018
Google races quantum computer against its own web empire
Google Buys a Quantum Computer
Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab
at NASA’s Ames Research facility
management of very large and complex systems
D-Wave’s machine frames the problem in terms of energy states, and uses quantum physics to rapidly determine an outcome that satisfies the
variables with the least use of energy
In tests last September, an independent researcher found that for some types of problems the quantum computer was 3,600 times faster than
traditional supercomputers. According to a D-Wave official, the machine performed even better in Google’s tests, which involved 500 variables
with different constraints.
“The tougher, more complex ones had better performance,” said Colin Williams, D-Wave’s director of business development. “For most
problems, it was 11,000 times faster, but in the more difficult 50 percent, it was 33,000 times faster. In the top 25 percent, it was 50,000 times