Graduate Council discussed updating the English Proficiency scores



The Graduate Council met Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. in 2007 Ullsvik Hall.

Members Present:


Computer Science

Qi Yang – graduate program

Counseling Psychology

Karen Stinson – graduate program coordinator

Criminal Justice

Cheryl Banachowski-Fuller

– graduate program


Phillip Parker – graduate program

Integrated Supply Chain Management

David Heimerdinger

– graduate program

Master of Science in Education

Karen Stinson – graduate program

Organizational Change Leadership

Caryn Stanley – graduate program

Project Management

D. William Haskins

– graduate program

At-Large Representatives

Leigh Monhardt – elected faculty (term expires end of 2017 summer session)

Ann Krebs-Byrne – elected faculty (term expires end of 2016 summer session)

Irfan Ulhaq

– elected faculty (term expires end of 2016 summer session)

Graduate Student Representative

Kelsey Adams - elected graduate student (term expires end of 2016 summer session)


Dominic Barraclough - Director, the School of Graduate Studies

John Berg – Information Services

Dawn Drake

– Director of the Distance Learning Center


– Bill Haskins opened the meeting at 3:03

Vistors – Kun Tian, Lily Chang, Yan Shi, Baozhong Tian, Lisa Landgraf, Omar Meqdadi

Announcements –

1. Reminder

– the Admission to Graduate Faculty Subcommittee will be meeting Thursday,

November 19, 2015 in 2007 Ullsvik Hall, 2:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – all members of the Graduate

Council are invited to participate.

Request for Admission to the Graduate Faculty Subcommittee Meeting Schedule:

September 17, 2015 – Caryn Stanley and Bill Haskins

October 15, 2015

– Leigh Monhardt and Phillip Parker

November 19, 2015 – Irfan Ulhaq and Cheryl Banachowski-Fuller

December 10, 2015 – Julie Hewitt and Karen Stinson

January 28, 2016

– David Heimerdinger and Qi Yang

February 18, 2016 – Caryn Stanley and Leigh Monhardt

March 10, 2016

– Ann Krebs Byrne and Cheryl Banachowski-Fuller

April 21, 2016 – Phillip Parker and Julie Hewitt

May 5, 2016 – Bill Haskins and David Heimerdinger

Agenda –

1. Approval of the minutes from the October 15, 2015 meeting.

A motion to approve the minutes was made by David Heimerdinger, seconded by Leigh

Monhardt. Motion passed unanimously.

2. Request for admission to the Graduate Faculty – Provisional membership – one year –

Brenda Hunter – Adult Education – beginning spring 2016 and expiring end of fall 2016 o PSYCHOLOGY 7440, Graduate Practicum

A motion to approve one year provisional membership was made by Cheryl Banachowski-

Fuller, seconded by Ann Krebs Byrne. Motion passed unanimously.

3. Request for admission to the Graduate Faculty – full membership–

Lindsay Hollingsworth

– Education – beginning spring 2016.

A motion to approve full membership was made by Cheryl Banachowski-Fuller, seconded by

Qi Yang. Motion passed unanimously.

4. Request for approved Engineering Graduate Faculty to teaching additional course –

Ryan Melbard – Engineering – beginning summer 2014 and expiring end of spring 2017 o ENGRG 5030, Linear Algebra

A motion to approve the additional course was made by Cheryl Banachowski-Fuller, seconded by Caryn Stanley. Motion passed unanimously.

5. First Reading – COMPUTER 7360 – Advanced Operating Systems – Qi Yang / Kun Tian

Course Description: This course will cover advanced OS topics, which include concurrent processing, inter-process communication, process synchronization, deadlocks, introduction to queueing theory and operational analysis, topics in distributed systems and algorithms, checkpointing, recovery, multiprocessor operating systems.

6. First Reading – COMPUTER 7380 – Advanced Database Management Systems – Qi

Yang /Lily Chang

Course Description: Overview of Database Systems, Relational Model, Relational Algebra, Relational

Calculus and SQL. Study of Database Applications Development, including modeling and designing database systems, and the implementation of Database-Backed Internet applications. Cover advanced Database topics such as Storage and Indexing, Query Evaluation, Transaction

Management, Concurrency Control and Crash Recovery.

7. First Reading – COMPUTER 7640 – Machine Learning – Qi Yang /Yan Shi

Course Description: This course is designed to give graduate-level students a thorough foundation in methodologies and technologies needed for conducting research in machine learning and solving real-world problems using machine learning knowledge. The topics include general machine learning concepts and techniques such as expectation-maximization, maximum likelihood estimation, gradient descent as well as specific supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning methods such as inductive inference, artificial neural network, support vector machines, clustering, Markov decision processes, etc. Students will have the opportunity to experiment with machine learning techniques and apply them to selected problems in projects.

8. First Reading

– COMPUTER 7660 – Computer Vision – Qi Yang

/Baozhong Tian

Course Description: This course introduces the basic concepts in computer vision. It covers the following topics: An introduction to low-level image analysis methods, including image formation, edge detection, feature detection, and image segmentation; Image transformations (e.g., warping, morphing, and mosaics) for image synthesis; Methods for reconstructing three-dimensional scene information using techniques such as depth from stereo, structure from motion, and shape from shading; Algorithms on motion and video analysis; and three-dimensional object recognition algorithms.

9. First Reading – COMPUTER 7720 – Human-Computer Interaction – Qi Yang /Lisa Landgraf

Course Description: Human-Computer Interaction is the study of how people interact with computers.

This course is an overview with a blend of theory and practice pertaining to the study of interaction with information systems. The course covers background relating to user-centered approaches in the design and evaluation of information systems applications. Areas to be addressed include the user interface and software design strategies, user experience levels, interaction styles, usability engineering, web site usability, and collaborative systems technology. Students will perform formal interface evaluations and usability tests applied to current information systems technology.

10. First Reading – COMPUTER 7820 – Advanced Algorithms – Qi Yang /Omar Meqdadi

Course Description: This course covers the advanced paradigms for the design and analysis of efficient algorithms, including dynamic programming, optimal greedy algorithms, amortized analysis, parallel algorithms, computational geometry algorithms, NP-hard and NP-complete problems, approximation algorithms, network flow algorithms, and randomized algorithms.

Items 5 & 10 were approved (non-vote) for the first reading. The Graduate Council discussed and reviewed each course and would require updated syllabus for each course for the second readings.

11. First Reading

– Teaching 5140 – Middle Level Education Block I – Karen Stinson

Course Description: Characteristics of middle level students are studied with a focus on the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and moral development of the young adolescent. The course provides students with an introductory understanding of the philosophy and organization of middle level education. Emphasis is directed toward programmatic consideration as a response to the developmental needs of the transescent learner.

Karen Stinson presented and answered questions. Caryn Stanley made a motion to approve the course and to waive the second reading, seconded by David Heimerdinger. Motion passed unanimously and course was approved.

12. First Reading – Teaching 7480 – Teaching Secondary Methods – Karen Stinson

Course Description: This course has been organized around a logical approach to teaching young adult learners, in areas taught that correspond with the edTPA. These sections are: 1) how students learn, process, and utilize information, 2) how to plan for teaching content and academic language 3) how to instruct and 4) how to assess your students and yourself.

Karen Stinson presented and answered questions. The first reading was approved


13. Second Reading - Course Title and Description change – Phillip Parker

Current Title and Description:

ENGRG 7310

– Control Systems Engineering –

This course is intended as a first semester graduate course designed for distance education. It covers the basics for building a practical control system incorporating a microcontroller or PLC. Basic electronics, logic, programming for microprocessors and PLC's, fractional horsepower motors, and

sensors will be introduced. Control theory implementing electro-mechanical systems will be reviewed. P: consent of instructor. S.

New Title and Description:

ENGRG 7310 – Control Systems Engineering I –

Classical control systems, frequency domain. Laplace transformation and transfer functions of linear electrical, mechanical, and electromechanical systems. Time response and pole-zero analysis.

Stability and error analysis of feedback systems. Control systems design via root locus techniques.

14. Second Reading - Course Title and Description change – Phillip Parker

Current Title and Description:

ENGRG 7320 - Modern Control Systems

This course is intended as a second semester course in the MOE Program in EE. It develops analysis and synthesis techniques for linear dynamical systems using the tools from matrix theory, linear algebra, and Laplace transform. P: BS degree in engineering and ENGRG 7310.

New Title and Description:

ENGRG 7320 – Control Systems Engineering II –

Classical and modern control systems, frequency and time domain. Design via frequency response techniques. Modeling in state-space. Signal-flow graphs of state equations. Stability and errors in state space. Controllability and observability. Control systems design via state space.

Phillip Parker presented and answered questions concerning both ENGRG 7310 & ENGRG 7320, new titles and updated descriptions. Cheryl Banachowski-Fuller made a motion to approve both course titles changes and description updates, seconded by David Heimerdinger. Motion passed unanimously and course changes were approved.

15. Graduate School English Proficiency Requirements for International Students – Dominic

Barraclough /Ann Krebs Byrne

Current English Proficiency requirement from Graduate Studies webpage:

International applicants are required to submit evidence of English proficiency by successfully completing one of the following areas:

 An Official TOEFL Score : A minimum score of 500 PBT (paper based) or 61 iBT (Internet based) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language Examination (TOEFL) is required of all international students whose native language is not

English. When requesting that scores be sent directly to UW-Platteville, please use institution code 1917.

 An Official IELTS Score : A minimum score of 6.0 on the International English Language Testing System.

 International Transfer Students : Students transferring from United States colleges and universities may be excused from the TOEFL if they have demonstrated competence in English through courses taken at such institutions and have earned grades of "B" or higher in English composition courses and speech or two English composition courses, or

 For students in ESL programs :

 English Language Program Students at UW-Platteville: When students who enroll in the English Language Program

( ) at UW-Platteville complete their coursework, the ELP Coordinator will provide the

School of Graduate Studies with a letter of recommendation of English language proficiency. Students exit the ELP upon completion of Advanced II coursework. Grades earned on ELP courses, achievement tests and teacher recommendations will all be used to determine placement for students continuing in the ELP or exiting the ELP.

 Program in ESL at UW-Madison Students: When students who enroll in the Program in English as a Second Language at

UW-Madison ( ) in Madison Wisconsin complete their coursework, the ESL Program

Coordinator will provide the School of Graduate Studies with a letter of recommendation of English language proficiency, a copy of the current I-20 and a completed Transfer Clearance Form.

 WESLI Students: When students who enroll at Wisconsin English as a Second Language Institute


) in Madison, Wisconsin complete their coursework, WESLI will provide the School of Graduate

Studies with a letter of recommendation of English language proficiency, a copy of the current I-20 and a completed

Transfer Clearance Form. Students exit WESLI upon completion of the 700 level coursework and/or at least a 75 on the

Michigan test.

 MESLS Students: When students who enroll at Madison English as a Second Language School ( ) in Madison, Wisconsin complete their coursework, MESLS will provide UW-Platteville with a letter of recommendation of English language proficiency, a copy of the current I-20 and a completed Transfer Clearance Form. Students exit

MESLS upon completion of the 302 Advanced level coursework and/or at least a 75 on the Michigan test. a copy of the current I-20; and a completed UW-Platteville Transfer Clearance Form.

Current English Proficiency requirement from Undergraduate Admissions webpage:


Reading 15 5.0

Listening 15 5.0










Graduate Council discussed updating the English Proficiency scores required for admissions into Graduate Studies. This item will be on the December 10 agenda. Ann Krebs Byrne completed a handout that compared the TOEFL & IELTS Scores at UW Institutions.

TOEFL & IELTS Scores at UW Institutions.pdf

16. Graduate Council Assessment Reporting Policy & Procedures

– Dominic Barraclough



Bill Haskins handed out the Graduate Council Assessment Reporting Policy & Procedures draft from Dominic Barraclough. The Graduate Council is to review and this item will be added to the

December 10 agenda.

Grad Council Assessment Reporting 9 17 2015.docx

17. Distance Education Leadership program – Julie Hewitt & Dominic Barraclough /Dawn Drake

Shelving of the DEL Program (Julie and Dominic)

Process for suspending a program (Dominic)

Dawn Drake informed the Graduate Council that the Distance Education Leadership program has been discontinued/shelved. Discontinuing/Shelving program paperwork need to go through UW

Systems. That paperwork has been completed.

18. Master of Science: Computer Science program – Qi Yang

MS-CS Conditional Admission of International Students\Conditional Admission.docx

MS-CS Conditional Admission of International Students\ECE-TrainingTopics.pdf

Qi Yang discussed the concerns for admission into the Computer Science program for international students that have not completed their undergraduate degree at an international university.

Discussion ensued concerning the processes of the ECE evaluation of the uncompleted degree and issuing the I-20 from the International Students Office. Qi Yang will be having Elearning from the

ECE company in January and February of 2016.

19. Switching Programs and the 7 year deadline – Bill Haskins

From the current catalog:

Time Limitation

Graduate students are allowed seven years from the date of admission into a master’s program to complete degree requirements.

Extensions will be granted for unusual health conditions, fulfillment of military obligations, or other extenuating circumstances. Students may petition for an extension, in writing, to their graduate

advisor. The graduate advisor will then inform the School of Graduate Studies, in writing, of his or her recommendation. The director of the School of Graduate Studies will make the final decision.

Add to the next catalog : The seven-year time limit restarts if a student sequentially completes one degree, then begins another. If a student switches from one degree program to another without completing the first, the original seven year limit remains in force.

Tabled for lack of quorum.

20. Other business

– none

Meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m

Information only –

1. 2015-2016 Assessment Report Schedule:

2015 o September – o October – o November

– o December

2016 o January – o February – o March

– o April – o May -

Basic questions: o A. What evidence do you have that students achieve your stated learning outcomes? o B. What have you learned as a result? o C. Document specific changes that have resulted from your assessment efforts.

Graduate Council 2015-2016 Meeting Schedule

Fall 2015 Spring 2016

September 17, 2015 January 28, 2016

October 15, 2015 February 18, 2016

November 19, 2015 March 10, 2016

December 10, 2015 April 21, 2016

May 5, 2016

Subcommittee meets 2:30-3:00 p.m. in 2007 Ullsvik.

Grad Council meets 3:00-5:00 p.m. in 2007 Ullsvik.



Computer Science

Qi Yang – graduate program

Counseling Psychology

Karen Stinson – graduate program coordinator

Criminal Justice

Cheryl Banachowski-Fuller – graduate program

Distance Education Leadership

Julie Hewitt - graduate program


Phillip Parker – graduate program

Integrated Supply Chain Management

David Heimerdinger – graduate program

Master of Science in Education

Karen Stinson – graduate program

Organizational Change Leadership

Caryn Stanley – graduate program

Project Management

D. William Haskins – graduate program

At-Large Representatives

Leigh Monhardt

– elected faculty (term expires end of 2017 summer session)

Ann Krebs Byrne – elected faculty (term expires end of 2016 summer session)

Irfan Ulhaq – elected faculty (term expires end of 2016 summer session)

Graduate Student Representative

Kelsey Adams - elected graduate student (term expires end of 2016 summer session)


Dominic Barraclough Director, the School of Graduate Studies

John Berg – Information Services

Dawn Drake – Director of the Distance Learning Center
