Roosevelt's Foreign Policy notes

Born 1858died 1919
From: New York
VP- Charles W.
PP: Progressivism
Theodore Roosevelt
and the US Foreign Policy
(1) Acquisition of the Presidency
1. Roosevelt became president in 1901 after
McKinley was assassinated by Leon Czologosz
– McKinley was rushed to hospital, treated and
moved to a private residence
– Seemed to be doing better but died after gangrene
set in around the bullet wounds
Theodore Roosevelt was the only U.S.
President sworn in without a Bible. Ansley
Wilcox, who owned the Wilcox Mansion
where Roosevelt was inaugurated, wrote:
“According to my best recollection
no Bible was used, but President
Roosevelt was sworn in with
uplifted hand.”
At age 42,
Roosevelt became
the 26th President
of the United
States and the
youngest man to
ever serve as
President! (John F.
Kennedy was the
youngest man ever
elected to that office
at the age of 43).
By the end of the decade!!1900-1909
• 76,000,000 Americans in 46 states (by the end
of the decade.)
• Policeman arrests woman for smoking in
• $46,000,000+ in the U.S. treasury
• 8,000 cars - 10 miles of paved roads
• 1900 - Auto deaths 96; lynchings 115
• San Francisco Earthquake took 700 lives and
cost over $4,000,000 in damage.
• Average worker made $12.98 per week for 59
• Life expectancy: 47.3 female, 46.3 male - 33.0
African Americans
Teddy Before the Presidency
• Assemblyman for NY State
• Civil Service Commissioner under
• NYC Police Commissioner
• Assistant Secretary of the Navy
under McKinley
• Leader of the Rough Riders
• Governor of NY
• Vice-President under McKinley
TR and the Rough Riders
Outside of Politics
• Married his college sweetheart who died
shortly after the birth of his first child.
• Became a conservationist making his
home for several years in the Badlands
of the Dakotas where he was a big
• Moved back east and married a
childhood friend. They had 5 more
TR the Cowboy
The T. Roosevelt Kids
• At age 42, Roosevelt becomes
the 26th President of the United
States and is sworn into office at
about 3:15 p.m. at the Ansley
Wilcox Mansion, 641 Delaware
Avenue, Buffalo, the youngest man
ever to become President (John F.
Kennedy was the youngest man
ever elected to that office at the
age of 43).
Of The
• In 1902 President Theodore Roosevelt was on a
hunting trip in Mississippi. As reported in the
Washington Post, the presidential hunting party.
trailed and lassoed a lean, black bear, then tied it to
a tree. The president was summoned, but when he
arrived on the scene he refused to shoot the tied
and exhausted bear, considering it to be
• The following day, November 16, Clifford Barryman,
Washington Post editorial cartoonist, immortalized
the incident as part of a front-page cartoon montage
• Written across the lower part of the cartoon were
the words "Drawing the Line in Mississippi," which
coupled the hunting incident to a political dispute.
The cartoon drew immediate attention.
In Brooklyn, NY, shopkeeper Morris
Mitchom displayed 2 toy bears in the
window of his Stationary and novelty
store. The bears had been made by his
wife, Rose from plush stuffing and
finished with black shoe button eyes.
Mitchom recognized the immediate
popularity of the new toy, requested and
received permission from Roosevelt
himself to call them
"Teddy's Bears."
Theodore Roosevelt
US President
• Roosevelt believed that
nations, like individuals, should
pursue the strenuous life and
do their part to maintain peace
and order, and he believed
that “civilized” nations had a
responsibility for stewardship
of “barbarous” ones.
(16) The Panama Canal
A. Built over the Isthmus of
Panama to provide
B.The US wanted a trade and
military passageway from
the Atlantic to the Pacific
C. Started in 1904, it took 10 years,
20,000 lives and $280 million to build.
to the
C. US proposed a 99-year lease for the
6-mile strip of land across the isthmus
for $10 million and $250,000 a year.
D. The Colombian government- who
controlled the area -refused to ratify
the treaty- Roosevelt becomes angry.
E. Panamanian leaders who wanted the
canal built revolted against Colombian
government. A Panama Revolution
led by Philippe Bunau-Varilla broke
out against Columbia
behind a
big cannon
down a
ii. Roosevelt sent a navy ship to assist in the
revolt- not to fight the Columbians, just to sit
there and intimidate them while Panama
fought for their independence! (Like the USS
Maine- that exploded in Cuba… remember?)
The Colombian
government is kicked
out of Panama.
F. August 15, 1914 the SS Ancon completed
the first passage through the Panama
Roosevelt helps with the canal- and shovels dirt on Columbia
The water
across the
isthmus of
There is a series
of locks (bathtubs)
that allow ships to
move from higher
to lower water
level without a
(9) The Roosevelt Corollary
A. Passed in 1904- it was an addition to the
Monroe Doctrine- we (the US) will protect
The entire Western Hemisphere and
especially the Caribbean
B. Issued to intercept
European nations from
using force to collect on
loans given to the
Dominican Republic.
(22) Big Stick Policy: “Speak
softly and carry a big stick;
you will go far.”
i. US pledged to use armed forces to
prevent any European country from seizing
Dominican territory.
ii. US took over all debts of
the Dominican.
iii. US troops were stationed in Dominican
from 1916-1924.
The Big Stick Policy
Teddy Roosevelt
was accused of
patriotism in the
form of aggressive
foreign policy”
called JINGOISM.
It is also the
It is also a
Corollary, addition
to the Monroe
Doctrine issue.
( 3) Platt Amendment (1901)
• The Government of Cuba shall
never enter into any treaty with
any foreign power
• Because the US is the Protectorate of the
Western Hemisphere, especially the
(20) Gentlemen’s AgreementThe Russo- Japanese War
• TR attempted to resolve
the Russo-Japanese War of
1904-05 by using
• This was to keep a balance of
power in East Asia and to protect the
US power in the Pacific (ex. Philippines).
Japan fights against Russia with
support of UK and observed by US
Military conflict in which a victorious Japan
forced Russia to abandon its expansionist
policy in the Far East, this helped keep a
BALANCE of POWER in the Eastern
Hemisphere… this was good for everyone
“Let Us Have Peace”
An American
cartoon (“Let Us
Have Peace”)
hailing the
efforts of
Roosevelt, who
mediated an end
to the RussoJapanese War,
(Gentlemen’s Agreement Cont…)
• Issued in 1907- restricted Japanese
immigration to the US, because of
the rising anti-Japanese sentiment
in California.
• Japan accepted the US position in
the Philippines.
• The US recognized Japan’s control
of Korea.
T.R between Russia and Japan
Nobel Peace Prize in 1906
Roosevelt was awarded the
Nobel Peace Prize in 1906
for his work in the
negotiations that led to the
Treaty of Portsmouth
ending the RussoJapanese War in 1905.
This made him the first
American to win a Nobel
Prize in any of the
(19) Open Door Policy
In 1902, the United
States government
(1904)- The Japanese and
protested that
U.S. governments pledged to
maintain a policy of equality
encroachment in
in Manchuria/China. Ending
Manchuria after
the Boxer Rebellion
the boxer rebellion
was a violation of
the Open Door
Policy. When
Japan replaced
Russia in southern
Manchuria after
the RussoJapanese War
(18) The Great White Fleet
…as it came to be called, was
Roosevelt’s plan to show the world our
Naval Power.
•A 14 month long voyage from Dec16,1907
to Feb22,1909 and was a grand pageant
of American sea power.
•There were14,000 sailors.
•They covered some 43,000 miles & made
twenty port calls on six continents.
The route of the Great White Fleet