Act I Reading Questions

American Literature
Name: __________________
The Crucible
Act I Reading Packet
“An Overture” is a mini-essay that Miller wrote to give some background on the characters and
events of the Salem Witch Trials. Read the short essay and answer the following questions.
1. How does Miller describe “the forest” and “the wilderness”? Cite at least four specific
words or phrases. According to these details, what do you think the forest represents to
the Puritans?
2. Identify at least four words in the essay that have strong negative connotations. What
do these connotations suggest about Miller’s perspective on the Puritans?
3. On the basis of your own experiences and what you know about the play so far, do you
think that “minding other people’s business” is an example of unity, which keeps a
community safe, or an example of a judgmental mindset, which breeds intolerance?
Act I Questions:
1. What do the details about Tituba reveal about her life in the Parris household?
2. Why is Reverend Parris praying and weeping as the play begins?
3. Why does Parris want to know the truth about the incident in the forest? What does his
motivation suggest about his character?
4. What does the word dissembling mean? What does it suggest about Abigail’s character?
5. Based on Abigail’s conversation with Parris, what do you infer about her moral
character? Use textual evidence.
6. What reasons does Thomas Putnam have to be “vindictive” and “deeply embittered”?
7. Why did Mrs. Putnam send her daughter Ruth to Tituba?
8. What is Proctor’s response when Abigail speaks of her love for him? Specifically, what
do the stage suggestions reveal about his attitude toward her?
9. Using text evidence, consider what Proctor’s views on marriage are.
10. Why does Rebecca think calling Reverend Hale is a mistake? Do you agree or disagree?
11. Write one sentence to describe the following conflicts that we’ve seen so far in the play:
a. Rebecca vs. Mrs. Putnam
b. Putnam vs. Proctor
c. Proctor vs. Parris
12. What are Hale and Parris trying to get Tituba to do and why? How do the approaches of
the two ministers differ?
13. Does Rebecca think that Betty is touched by the Devil? Be sure to refer to text evidence
in your answer.
14. Why is Mrs. Putnam so quick to believe that Goody Osburn is a witch?
15. In literature, mood is a literary element that evokes certain feelings or vibes in readers
through words and descriptions. Usually, mood is referred to as the atmosphere of a
literary piece. How would you describe the mood of this play? How do the setting/stage
directions contribute to the mood? Cite specific lines to back up your claims.
16. Whose example finally compels Betty to rise and speak? What does she say?
17. Why does Betty cry out “with great relief?” Why does Hale seem relieved?
18. Why does Hale want the marshal to come with “irons”?
Prediction: Who do you think Abigail will accuse next? Why?