Common uses

Element Project
– 100 pts
Choose an element from a list provided by your teacher.
Use the following websites to find specific information in bold needed for this project, other
websites may be used for additional information, but likely are not needed. Additional website
resources are listed at the bottom of the page.
Use this website for a picture of your Bohr model Choose your element, then click on complete
info>> The Bohr model is the diagram on the right hand side of the web page. Copy and
paste it onto you document. Be sure to check out the video about your element while you are
Use this website to find the number of protons, electrons and average number of neutrons Choose your element. It will be listed under Basic
information (note: Do Not use the listed classification from this site, it is incomplete)
Use this website to find the classification and group name as well as isotope information for
your element: Choose your element, Basic
information is listed first, then scroll down and select view all isotope data.
On an 8 ½ x 11 piece of construction paper provide the following information about your
element Include a square for your element that contains the following information:
Title of Project (name of element)
Atomic Number
Bohr Model of the element (see website above)
List the number of protons, electrons, valence electrons† and
average number of neutrons in an atom of your element.
† Valence electrons can be determined by counting the number of dots
on the outer ring of the Bohr model for your element.
Atomic Mass
Group number period number and classification and group
name (see website above).
List stable isotopes with mass Numbers and % natural abundance (see website above).
Maximum of 5 isotopes, listing only the most abundant top 5
Physical Properties: Include melting and boiling point, density and phase at room
temperature. Other characteristics are welcome.
Common uses (at least three)
Other Website resources:
Valence electrons
Average number of neutrons
Group number: none
Period number: 7
Classification: Metal
Group name: Actinide
Isotopes Pa-239
No naturally occurring stable isotopes
Physical Properties
Melting Point: 1845 K (1572°C or 2862°F)
Density: 15.37 grams per cubic centimeter
Boiling Point: Unknown
Phase at Room Temperature: Solid
Common uses:
Protactinium is a rare, poisonous and expensive element present in uranium ores
in very small amounts. Due to its scarcity, high radioactivity and toxicity, there
are currently no uses for protactinium outside of basic scientific research.