Name: Chapter 23: The Coming of War Ch. 23 Section 1: Dictators

Name: _____________________________
Chapter 23: The Coming of War
Ch. 23 Section 1: Dictators and War (772-778)
1. Why were Italy and Japan upset over the Treaty of Versailles?
2. How is totalitarianism different than a dictatorship?
3. Describe the rule of Joseph Stalin.
4. What did Mussolini’s Fascist Party believe/want?
5. When Mussolini gained power, what actions did he take?
6. Describe the Nazi party.
7. What beliefs did Hitler write about in Mein Kampf?
8. How did Hitler end the depression in Germany?
9. What groups did Hitler attack?
10. What did Japan see as the solution to their economic woes?
11. What aggressive actions did Japan take in the 1930s?
12. Why did the League of Nations have no power?
13. Define:
 Reich
 Lebensraum
14. List the aggressive actions taken by Hitler in the 1930s.
15. What aggressive action did Mussolini take in 1935?
16. What happened in Spain from 1936-1939? Describe how other world powers were involved.
17. What is appeasement? Why did England, France, and the U.S. follow this policy?
18. What was the Anschluss?
19. What was the Munich Pact?
Ch. 23 Section 2: From Isolation to Involvement (779-786)
1. How did Hitler violate the Munich Pact in 1939?
2. What was the Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact (publicly and secretly)? Why did Hitler want
this agreement?
3. Describe the warfare style of blitzkrieg used by Hitler.
4. What was the ultimate fate of Poland?
5. What nations did Hitler conquer in April and May of 1940?
6. How did France prepare for Germany’s invasion?
7. What happened to France after it was captured?
8. What happened in the Battle of Britain? What was its outcome?
9. What did the Nye Committee say about the reasons the U.S. joined WWI?
10. Describe the Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, and 1937.
11. How was the Neutrality Act of 1939 a change in U.S. policy?
12. What actions did FDR take after the signing of the Tripartite Pact to indicate that the U.S.
was moving closer to war?
13. What was the Lend-Lease Act?
14. How was Germany violating U.S. neutrality in the Atlantic?
Ch. 23 Section 3: America Enters the War (788-795)
1. How did the U.S. respond to Japan’s aggressive actions prior to U.S. entry in the war?
2. Why did peace talks between the U.S. and Japan break down in the summer of 1941?
3. Why did Japan decide to attack the U.S. at Pearl Harbor?
4. Where the Japanese successful in destroying the U.S. Pacific Fleet?
5. What jobs did women do in the WAC?
6. What was the job of the War Production Board?
7. Who was Douglas McArthur?
8. What was the fate of the Philippines?
9. Why was the Battle of Coral Sea a strategic victory for the U.S.? (What is its importance to
the overall war effort?)