
World History
Mr. Fitz-Patrick
UNIT 5: Holocaust and WW2 Study Guide
TEST ON: ______________________________________
Define the following terms. Know the definition (as they related to our study) and significance. Be able to use
them in a written response that shows your command of the topic.
PART 1: The Holocaust:
1. Weimer Republic:
2. Hyperinflation:
3. Fascism:
4. Aryan:
5. Propaganda (think Poisonous Mushroom):
6. Nazi:
7. Concentration Camp:
8. Kristallnacht:
9. Nuremberg Laws:
10. Ghetto:
11. Wansee Conference:
12. Final Solution:
13. Genocide:
14. Liberation:
PART 2: WW2:
1. What is Appeasement? Why would the allies use appeasement towards Hitler? (Think about the legacy of WW1).
2. Nonintervention (isolationism)
3. Domestic distractions in Europe and the U.S. prior to outbreak of WW2.
4. Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact: Why did each side agree to this pact? How did they benefit from it?
6. Blitzkrieg:
7. Propaganda (used to support the war):
8. Total War:
9. Operation Sea Lion:
10. Operation Overlord (D-Day):
11. Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (nonaggression pact):
12. Operation Barbarossa:
13. Manhattan Project:
14. Unconditional Surrender:
15. Kamikaze:
Be able to describe the following events:
16. Hitler’s rise to power
* Why was Hitler’s message appealing to Germans in the early 1930’s?
* How did he use the Treaty of Versailles to gain popularity?
* Why did France and Britain appease him?
17. Munich agreement:
18. Nazi-Soviet Pact\Molotov-Ribbentrop\ non-aggression pact (all of these terms refer to the agreement made between
Hitler and Stalin)
19. Phony War (from your Prezi notes)
20. Pearl Harbor
* When does it happen?
* Why is this event significant?
21. D-Day
* When does it happen?
* Why is this event significant?
22. Dropping of the atomic bombs
* When does it happen?
* Why is this event significant?
People: Know what country they represent and why they are important. Be able to use them in a written response
that shows your command of the subject. Be able to identify the Big Three.
23. Adolf Hitler:
24. Goering:
25. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR):
26. Winston Churchill:
27. Benito Mussolini:
28: Dwight D. Eisenhower:
29. Neville Chamberlain:
30. Harry S. Truman:
31. Oscar Schindler:
32. General Douglas MacArthur:
33. Joseph Stalin:
34. Emperor Hirohito:
Events: Know the following major turning points in their correct order. The starred events will require that you
also know the date.
1. Nuremburg Laws (September 15, 1935)
2. Munich Agreement (September 30, 1938)
3. Kristallnacht (November 9, 1938)
4. Germany invades Czechoslovakia (March 15, 1939)
5. Stalin-Hitler Pact (August 23, 1939)
6. Germany invades Poland (September 1, 1939)
7. Great Britain declares war on Germany (September 3, 1939)
8. Phony War (October 1939-April 1940)
9. Germany invades France (May 10, 1940)
10. Dunkirk (May 12, 1940)
11. Battle of Britain (July 10, 1940)
12. Germany invades USSR (June 22, 1941)
13. Bombing of Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941)
14. U.S. gets involved (December 8, 1941)
15. U.S. surrenders the Philippines (May 6, 1942)
16. Battle at Midway (June 4-6, 1942)
17. D-Day (June 6, 1944)
18. Battle of the Bulge (December 6, 1944 begins)
19. Hitler commits suicide (April 30, 1945)
20. Germany surrenders at Stalingrad/Victory over Europe Day (May 8, 1945)
21. War in Europe ends (after Stalingrad: May 1945 actual date varies)
22. Dropping of Atomic bombs (August 6 & 9, 1945)
23. Victory over Japan Day (VJ-Day) (August 15, 1945)
Be able to identify and locate the Allied and Axis powers on a map.
Battles/Mapping: These are the principal theaters of conflict. Know when and where they occurred and the
significance. I won’t ask specific number of casualties, but you should know which was the most deadly and why
there were so many causalities. Be able to identify and locate on a map and discuss the human costs of war, with
particular attention to the civilian and military loses.
1. Battle of Britain
2. Midway
3. Stalingrad
4. Iwo Jima
5. D-Day
6. Battle of the Bulge
Pages 556—557: The New Order in Asia
The Japanese conquest of Southeast Asia forced millions of native peoples to work for the Japanese war machine.
Japanese Policies: write a brief explanation
Japanese Behavior: Compare and Contrast the goals and methods of Hitler’s “New Order” with Japan’s plans to create an
“Asia for Asiatics.”
Chapter 11:4
The Home Front and the Aftermath of the War
Pages 559—561: The Mobilization of Peoples: Four Examples
Explain the personal sacrifices the Soviet Union, the United States, Germany and Japan made as they mobilized for war:
The Soviet Union:
The United States:
Pages 562—563: Frontline Civilians: The Bombing of Cities
Explain the bombing of cities in Britain, Germany and Japan
Pages 563—565: Peace and New War
Cold War:
The Tehran Conference:
The Yalta Conference:
The Potsdam Conference:
War Crimes Trials/Nuremberg Trials:
A New Struggle:
You will be asked to write on 2 of the following. I will choose those two on test day. You will have limited space per
usual. Practice at home.
Brainstorm for the Written Portion of the Test: You will need to write a scholarly response in which you analyze the
following prompts, supporting your conclusions with specific evidence and facts. Assume that you are writing for an
educated audience knowledgeable about history.
• Identify the main ideas of the prompt
• Compare and contrast
• Use specific details and facts
• Draw conclusions explaining your reasoning
1. How did the Holocaust happen? What political and social conditions made it possible? Explain how a country like
Germany could carry out the Holocaust. What lessons should be learned from studying the Holocaust and the
chain of events that led to it? Discuss Hitler, the Nuremberg Laws and the Nazis.
2. What was life like for Jews in the ghettos and the camps? What happened to new arrivals at a camp? What
conditions did the Americans find when they liberated the camps?
3. How did Hitler come to power? How did he use a “big lie”? What emotions did he tap into to build support for
the Nazi party? What phrases did he use to convince the Germans that the Nazis could solve Germany’s
4. Explain “total war”. How did the warfare technology of WWII affect the civilian populations? Be sure to use
several examples from Europe and the Pacific in your answer.
5. List and Analyze the 5 major turning points of WWII (One of which must include the dropping of the Atomic
6. Describe the importance, conditions and events of Operation Overlord/D-Day.
Who was in charge of D-Day? What precautions did the allies take to keep Operation Overlord secret? How
successful was the landing? Where was the landing and why was that location chosen? Which country to the East
had been waiting for D-Day? Why?