Elements; Argon, Rhodium, & Protactinium. By: Morgan Brandi(: Argon 1. Atomic number – 18 (Electrons -18, Neutrons – 22) 2. Atomic weight – 39.948 3. Element classification – nonmetal 4. Period group – 3 5. Group name – noble gas 6. Number of stable isotopes – 3. (Calcium) 7. Argon was discovered by Sir William Ramsay, a Scottish chemist and Lord Rayleigh an English chemist in 1894. 8. Argon makes up .93% of the earth’s atmosphere, making it the 3rd most abundant gas. 9. Element configuration – 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6. (36x.003365 + 38x.00632+40x.996003 = 40.2014) 1. Atomic number – 45 (Electrons 45, Neutrons 58) 2. Atomic weight – 102.905 3. Element classification – metal 4. Group name – none 5. Number of stable isotopes – 1 Protactinium 1. Atomic number – 91 (Electrons – 91, neutrons – 140) 2. Atomic weight – 231.035 3. Element classification – metal 4. Group name – actinide 1. Number of stable isotopes – 0 5. RADIOACTIVE 2. Protactinium was first identified by Kasimir Fajans and O.H. Gohring in 6. Period number- 7 1913 while studying uranium’s decay chain. Protactinium is a rare, poisonous and expensive element that is present in uranium ores in very small amounts. 3. Electron configuration – 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 3d10, 4s2, 4p6, 4d10, 4f14, 5s2, 5p6, 5d10, 5f2, 6s2, 6p6, 6d1, 7s2. Works Cited. http://education.jlab.org/itselemental/ele018.html ….. The End!