MGMT5_CH14_INST - Cal State LA

© 2012 Cengage Learning
1. explain what leadership is
2. describe who leaders are and what effective
leaders do
3. explain Fiedler’s contingency theory
4. describe how path-goal theory works
5. explain the normative decision theory
6. explain how visionary leadership (i.e.,
charismatic or transformational leadership)
helps leaders achieve strategic leadership
© 2012 Cengage Learning
What is Leadership?
1. explain what leadership is
2. describe who leaders are and what
effective leaders do
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Doing the right thing
“What should we be doing?”
Vision, mission, goals, objectives
Challenge the status quo
Long-term view
Expand people’s options and
• Inspire and motivate people to
find their own solutions
• Concerned with ends, what gets
• Doing things right
• “How can we do what we’re
already doing better?”
• Productivity and efficiency
• Preservers of status quo
• Short-term view
• Limit others’ choices
• Sole problems so that others can
do their work
• More concerned with means, how
things get done
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Leadership Traits
• Trait theory
– effective leaders possess a similar set of traits or characteristics
• Leaders are different from followers in:
desire to lead
emotional stability
cognitive ability
knowledge of the business
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Leadership Behaviors
• Initiating structure
• Consideration
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Leadership Grid
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Situational Approaches to
3. explain Fiedler’s contingency theory
4. describe how path-goal theory works
5. explain the normative decision theory
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Fiedler’s Contingency Theory
In order to maximize work group performance,
leaders must be matched to the right leadership
•Leaders are effective when the work group they lead
performs well.
•Leaders are generally unable to change their leadership
styles, and they will be more effective when their styles are
matched to the proper situation.
•The favorableness of a situation permits the leader to
influence the behavior of group members.
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Least Preferred Coworker
• Leadership style = the way that leaders
generally behave toward their followers.
• Leadership styles are tied to leaders’ underlying
needs and personalities.
• Relationship-oriented
• Task-oriented
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Situational Favorableness
The degree to which a particular situation either
permits or denies a leader the chance to
influence the behavior of group members.
•Leader-member relations
•Task structure
•Position power
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Matching Leadership
Styles to Situations
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Leaders and Situations
• Fiedler assumes leaders to be incapable of
changing their leadership styles.
• The key − matching leaders to situations…
• …or teaching leaders how to change situational
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Path-Goal Theory
Leaders can increase subordinate satisfaction and
performance by clarifying and clearing the paths
to goals and by increasing the number and kinds
of rewards available for goal attainment.
•Leader behavior must be a source of immediate
or future satisfaction for followers.
•Leaders must complement, not duplicate the
characteristics of followers’ work environments.
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© 2012 Cengage Learning
Leadership Styles
• Directive
• Supportive
• Participative
• Achievement-oriented
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Subordinate Contingencies
• Perceived ability
• Experience
• Locus of control
– internals vs. externals
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Environmental Contingencies
• Task structure
• Formal authority system
• Primary work group
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Path-Goal Theory:
When to Use Directive,
Supportive, Participative, or
Achievement-Oriented Leadership
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Normative Decision Theory
Helps leaders decide how much employee
participation (from none to letting employees
make the entire decision) should be used when
making decisions.
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Normative Theory, Decision
Styles, and Levels of
Employee Participation
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Normative Theory
Decision Rules
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Normative Decision Theory Tree for
Determining Level of Participation in
Decision Making
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Strategic Leadership
6. explain how visionary leadership (i.e.,
charismatic and transformational
leadership) helps achieve strategic
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Visionary Leadership
Creates a positive image of the future that
motivates organizational members and provides
direction for future planning and goal setting.
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Charismatic Leadership
The behavioral tendencies and personal characteristics of
leaders that create an exceptionally strong relationship
with followers.
•Articulate a clear vision for the future that is based on strongly held
values or morals
•Model those values by acting in a way consistent with the vision
•Communicate high performance expectations to followers
•Display confidence in followers’ abilities to achieve the vision
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Ethical and
Unethical Charismatics
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Transformational Leadership
Generates awareness and acceptance of a group’s
purpose and mission and gets employees to see
beyond their own needs and self interests for the
good of the group.
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Components of Transformational
• Charismatic leadership or idealized influence
• Inspirational motivation
• Intellectual stimulation
• Individualized consideration
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Transactional Leadership
Based on an exchange process in which followers
are rewarded for good performance and punished
for poor performance.
© 2012 Cengage Learning
<click screenshot for video>
1. Assess the behavior of both
Major Sinclair and Michael
Canaris. Which leadership
traits does their behavior
2. Does this film sequence
show any aspects of
charismatic and
leadership? Draw some
examples from the
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Camp Bow Wow
<click screenshot for video>
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Does Camp Bow Wow CEO
Heidi Ganahl possess qualities
associated with contemporary
In what way is Heidi Ganahl’s
leadership charismatic and
visionary? Give examples.
Where does Heidi Ganahl’s
leadership fall on the Leader-ship
Grid discussed in the chapter?