MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN NEI “ALMATY MANAGEMENT UNIVERSIY” DEPARTMENT “FOREIGN LANGUAGES” Approved at the meeting of the Educational and Methodic Council Chairman _____________N. Duisengulova «____»_______________2014 Academic program: Bachelor Specialty: 5B090900 “Logistics” Form of study: daytime SYLLABUS on the course “Professionally Oriented Foreign language” Year: 3 Semester: 5 Number of credits: 2 Lecturer: senior teacher Y. Mikhalchenko Phone: 293-75-93, room 202 Almaty, 2014 Ф-ПР-02.32-05-2014-03 Syllabus Introduction Today the English language is the international communication and is widely used in various spheres of human activities. The English language has become the language of international negotiations, conferences, trainings and seminars, and the language of science and high technology as well. The international importance of the English language is acknowledged by all progressive mankind. Due to the recent political and economical changes all over the world there is great demand for specialists with perfect knowledge of Business English. Nowadays companies need specialists who will be able to present their goods and services in fluent English and to participate in international conferences, meetings, trainings and seminars. Great role in preparing these professionals belong to higher education economic institutions, and it imposes qualitatively new goals on preparing top managers in economics, logistics and management. The higher education economic institutions must meet the international standards in language learning process where communicative approach prevails to a great extent. The aim of the course is forming communicative and professional competences of students on the Intermediate level which will enable the proficient command of the language with its further use in professional environment. This working curriculum has been worked out on the basis the course books English for Logistics by Marion Grussendorf, Oxford Business English. Pre-requisites: Business English (Pre-intermediate, Intermediate) Post-requisites: Professional English in the field of Logistics (Intermediate and above) Students must master the following competencies according to the competence model of the bachelor: a range of subjects associated with the logistics industry; target vocabulary, commonly used expressions specific to warehousing and administration; to improve fluency through communicating in a variety of situations with colleagues, clients, and business partners. In the process of learning at Upper –Intermediate level students must/are supposed to be able to do in: Reading: to read authentic articles on a variety of topics from newspaper and books on business; to learn essential business vocabulary; to be able to discuss the ideas and issues in the articles. Listening: to understand authentic extended speech and interviews with business people in standard dialect; to practise listening skills such as such as listening for information and note taking. Speaking: to present clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to business issues; to explain a viewpoint on a relevant issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options; to practise business communication skills such as taking part in the meetings, negotiating, telephoning and using English in social situations; Writing: to write detailed report, essay on a wide range of subjects related to business issues passing on information or giving reasons in support of for against a particular point of view; to write business letters or e-mails highlighting the personal significance of events and experiences. Ф-ПР-02.32-05-2014-03 Syllabus № 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CALENDAR AND THE THEMATIC PLAN Semester 5 Theme Distribution of classes by weeks Practical IWS IWST classes 2 3 4 5 Unit 1 3 2 1 Introduction to logistics Unit 2 3 2 1 Logistic services 3 2 1 Unit 3 3 2 1 Inventory management and 3 2 1 procurement Unit 4 3 2 1 Modes of transport 3 2 1 Midterm control 1 Unit 5 3 2 1 Planning and arranging transport 3 2 1 Unit 6 3 2 1 Shipping goods 3 2 1 Unit 7 3 2 1 Warehousing and storage 3 2 1 Unit 8 3 2 1 Documentation and finance 3 2 1 Midterm control 2 90 45 30 15 Content of practical classes, form of control and grading Theme № 1 1 2 3 4 Questions for practical classes Literature 2 3 Unit 1 Introduction to logistics Setting the scene Jobs in Logistics Regular activities Unit 2 Logistic services Logistics acronyms Product ranges 3Pl providers Value-added services Unit 3 Inventory management and procurement Inventory management Continuous replenishment Job advertisements Unit 4 Modes of transport Transport and handling equipment English for Logistics by Marion Grussendorf, Oxford Business English, 2013, pp. 5-11; English for Logistics by Marion Grussendorf, Oxford Business English, 2013, pp.1219; English for Logistics by Marion Grussendorf, Oxford Business English, 2013, pp. 2027; English for Logistics by Marion Grussendorf, Oxford Business Ф-ПР-02.32-05-2014-03 Syllabus Form of control 4 Max. score 5 Oral & Written 100 Oral & Written 100 Oral & Written 100 Oral & Written 100 Container types Types of goods English, 2013, pp. 2836; Midterm control 1 5 6 7 8 100 Unit 5 Planning and arranging transport Transport options Measurements Quotations Unit 6 Shipping goods Markings Loading Advice of shipment Shipping instructions Unit 7 Warehousing and storage Handling equipment Warehouse areas Warehousing today Unit 8 Documentation and finance Documents in foreign trade Import Instructions Payment methods English for Logistics by Marion Grussendorf, Oxford Business English, 2013, pp. 3744; English for Logistics by Marion Grussendorf, Oxford Business English, 2013, pp. 4552; English for Logistics by Marion Grussendorf, Oxford Business English, 2013, pp.5359; English for Logistics by Marion Grussendorf, Oxford Business English, 2013, pp. 6068; Oral & Written 100 Oral & Written 100 Oral & Written 100 Oral & Written 100 Midterm control 2 100 Content of topics for speaking Topics Week 1 Introduction to logistics Week 2 Jobs in logistics Week 3 Application for a vacant position Week 4 Logistic services Week 5 Transport modes Ф-ПР-02.32-05-2014-03 Syllabus Tasks on speaking Prepare presentation and deliver it: Setting the scene Talking about logistics in general Prepare presentation and deliver it: Describing different jobs in logistics Talking about job responsibilities Prepare dialogue and act it out: Interviewing candidate for a vacant position in a logistics company Introducing yourself Talking about regular activities Prepare presentation and deliver it: Selling services of your company Explaining online service Prepare presentation and deliver it: Describing features of transport modes Making comparisons Prepare dialogue and act it out: Making enquiries and requests Offering alternatives Week 6 Advising the customer Prepare dialogue and act it out: Talking about numbers, size, weight and dimensions of the container Prepare dialogue and act it out: Talking about shipping problems Solving problems Apologizing Week 7 Dealing with consignment details Week 8 Shipping problems Week 9 Dealing with pictorial markings of the goods Week 10 Processes in logistics Week 11 Payment methods Week 12 Handling with payments Week 13 Telephone conversation on urgent delivery Week 14 Organization of warehouse Week 15 Trade documents Prepare presentation and deliver it: Explaining how to do something Prepare presentation and deliver it: Describing the steps of a process Talking about improvements Prepare presentation and deliver it: Describing payment methods in your company Prepare dialogue and act it out: Requesting and arranging payment Acknowledging payment Prepare dialogue and act it out: Giving and asking for opinions Making suggestions Prepare presentation and deliver it: Talking about how your company's warehouse is organized Prepare dialogue and act it out: Dealing with errors and mistakes in trade documents, statements and invoices IWST SCHEDULE № Theme Assignments for independent work (IWS) 1 2 3 1 Unit 1 Introduction to logistics A mini-speech on the article from the Internet on the topic “What is Logistics?” Write out unknown words with definitions, antonyms or synonyms. Ф-ПР-02.32-05-2014-03 Syllabus Literature Form of control 4 5 6 7 Business Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge Univer. Press, 2006; Business Grammar Builder by P. Emmerson, Macmillan, 2006; Macmillan English Dictionary for AdvLearners Oral 1 100 Deadline (Week) Max. score 2 3 4 Unit 2 Logistics services Unit 3 Inventory management and procurement Unit 4 Modes of transport Deliver presentation “Logistics companies in Kazakhstan” A mini-speech on the article from the Internet on the topic “A famous logistics company”. Write out unknown words with definitions, antonyms or synonyms. Deliver a project “Multiple modes of transport in Kazakhstan”; Quiz (unit 1-4) 5 Unit 5 Planning and arranging transport A mini-speech on the article from the Internet on the topic “Planning and arranging transport”. Write out unknown words with definitions, antonyms or synonyms. Ф-ПР-02.32-05-2014-03 Syllabus Business Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge Univer. Press, 2006; Business Grammar Builder by P. Emmerson, Macmillan, 2006; Macmillan English Dictionary for AdvLearners Business Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge Univer. Press, 2006; Business Grammar Builder by P. Emmerson, Macmillan, 2006; Macmillan English Dictionary for AdvLearners Business Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge Univer. Press, 2006; Business Grammar Builder by P. Emmerson, Macmillan, 2006; Macmillan English Dictionary for AdvLearners Business Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge Univer. Press, 2006; Business Grammar Builder by P. Emmerson, Macmillan, 2006; Macmillan English Dictionary for AdvLearners Oral & Written 2-3 100 Oral & Written 4-5 100 Oral & Written 6-7 100 Oral & Written 8-9 100 6 Unit 6 Shipping goods A mini-speech on the article from the Internet on the topic “Shipping goods”. Write out unknown words with definitions, antonyms or synonyms. Learn pictorial markings 7 8 Unit 7 Warehousing and storage Unit 8 Documentation and finance Group discussion on “Modern Logistics”; Deliver presentation “Warehousing and storage in Kazakhstan” Quiz (unit 5-8) Business Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge Univer. Press, 2006; Business Grammar Builder by P. Emmerson, Macmillan, 2006; Macmillan English Dictionary for AdvLearners Business Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge Univer. Press, 2006; Business Grammar Builder by P. Emmerson, Macmillan, 2006; Macmillan English Dictionary for AdvLearners Business Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge Univer. Press, 2006; Business Grammar Builder by P. Emmerson, Macmillan, 2006; Macmillan English Dictionary for AdvLearners Oral & Written 10-11 100 Oral & Written 12-13 100 Oral & Written 14-15 100 List of main and additional literature: Main literature 1. English for Logistics by Marion Grussendorf, Oxford Business English, 2013. Additional literature 1. Flash on English for Transport & Logistics by Ernesto D’Acunto, ESP series; 2. Business Vocabulary in Use, Bill Mascull, Cambridge University Press 2002; 3. Business Grammar Builder by Paul Emmerson, Macmillan, 2006; 4. Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, Macmillan Publishers Limited 2005; 5. Test your Business Vocabulary in Use (Intermediate), Bill Mascull, Cambridge University Press 2002; Course policy “Professionally Oriented Foreign Language” learning implies compulsory attendance of classes and independent work of students as well. The independent work involves Internet research for further in-class presentations, preparation of discussions on relevant topics, written assignments pursuant to the syllabus, conducting analysis (SWOT, etc), and working with cases and so on. Completed assignments are checked in the course of IWST classes. Ф-ПР-02.32-05-2014-03 Syllabus Any kind of plagiarism is not acceptable, and a student, whose guilt is proved, will be punished under the internal regulations of ALMU, and a student’s assignments will be nullified; In case of student’s absence for valid excuses (verified by the dean of), s/he is responsible for consolidation of material covered and submitting written tasks later; 1st and 2nd midterms are conducted in the oral and written forms (test) in accordance with topics covered and within the range of 100 points maximum; The examination is held in the form of a written test. Terms of the course: Compulsory attendance; Active participation in the practical classes; Appropriate preparation and good performance; Meeting deadlines for assignments; Being tolerate, open and friendly; Constructive feedback during classes; Being punctual, disciplined and committed. Inadmissible: Skiving off classes; Being late for classes for more than 15 minutes (later comer’s score will be deprived at the discretion of the instructor). Using mobile phones during the class for non-study purposes; Delayed assignments from a student are not accepted and, consequently, are not assessed by the instructor; Cheating (also taking photos of tests) during the exams (including midterm tests). In case of cheating a student will be eliminated from the classroom and get 0 points. If a student violates the discipline of the class s/he will be eliminated from the classroom immediately and get 0 points. If a student misses an exam for valid excuse, s/he can take an exam later under the permission of the dean and at the time appointed by the teacher. The academic behaviour of students is based on the Ethic Code of Student, and internal regulations of ALMU. Ф-ПР-02.32-05-2014-03 Syllabus