HAVAPA CURRICULUM MAP BOURBON COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL Time Period . Unit Humanities introductio n One class Historical period. and Cultural Context T=ten class periods A=ten class periods Core Content # AH-H1.2.34 AH-H2.2.31 AH-H4.2.31 AH-H5.2.32 AH-H5.2.33 Visual Art AH-H3.1.31 AH-H3.1.32 AH-H4.1.32 AH-H3.1.32 AH-H3.2.34 AH-H3.2.32 AH-H3.2.33 Theatre AH-H4.2.31 AH-H4.2.32 AH-H4.2.35 AH-H4.1.32 AH-H4.1.33 AH-H4.1.34 Core Content/Program of Studies Activities/Demonstrators/Technology Definition of humanities. Importance of creativity. Overview of elements and principles of each discipline. Interrelationship of each discipline. Reflection of arts and humanities in history and culture. Cultural Diversity and its effect on humanities. Creativity Tree Handout. Personality Inventory. Apollonian or Dionysian. Discussion on careers in Arts and Humanities. Journal Writing. Why study Humanities? Why bother creating art? Group discussion on cultural diversity and its influence on culture. Forms of theatre. Staging a play: Visual elements involved. Plot. Character development. Performance. Musical theatre. . Vocabulary on the elements of theatre. Visual analysis of script. Can be verbal or written. Analysis of behavior of audience. Tell a family story that has been passed down Form an ensemble and perform a fairy tale Plot Freytag’s Pyramid Common Assessment Purpose of Art. Two Dimensional. Three Dimensional. Elements. Principles. Interpretation of art Journal writing. What is the purpose of visual art? Group discussion on differences between two and threedimensional art. Explore Color Wheel by creating Tie-Dye shirt Discussion on elements and principles of art. Show historical examples of each term. Simple creation of a two-dimensional and three-dimensional pieces on element and principles of art. HAVAPA CURRICULUM MAP BOURBON COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL AH-H4.2.37 Music AH-H1.1.31 AH-H1.1.33 AH-H1.1.34 AH-H1.2.34 Elements of music. How to read music. Instruments of music. Voice types in music. Styles and genre of music. Elements discussion and note taking The following lessons will be on computer on Musictheory.net Counting/reading music (Melody, Tempo, Rhythm) Keyboards, Key Signature, Intervals, Triads (Harmony) (Form/Structure) ABA, Rondo, Theme and Variation, Call and Response Coda, D.S., D.C., 1st-2nd endings Dynamics(<> sfz, pp-ff), Style(classical/jazz/contemporary/folk) Timbre(voices/SATB comparisons with instruments) Dance AH-H2.1.35 AH-H2.1.32 AH-H2.2.32 AH-H2.2.31 Definition of dance. Elements of dance. Purposes of dance. Forms of dance. Choreography of dance. Discussion elements and forms of Dance. Journal entry- What is Dance? Videos on Culturally Diverse dances. Open Response on Dance critique/Comparison of Culturally Diverse dances. Ancient AH-H4.3.31 AH-H5.3.31 AH-H1.3.31 AH-H2.3.31 Art-Cave painting. Art-Native American and African masks. Art-Pyramids. Stonehenge. Rosetta Stone Music- Ancient instruments. Music-Music of West Africa. Dance-Ritual Dance. Discussion of Symbols. Creating visual story with symbols. Create a mask for ritual dance. Hand-out on Purpose of Masks. Discussion of Ancient architecture. Comparison of ancient instruments and contemporary counterparts. Call and Response music of West Africa. AH-H1.3.32 AH-H4.3.32 AH-H- Music-Instruments of the Bible. Arts- Ceramics and Textiles. Religion-Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Taoism, Hinduism. Theatre-Noh and Kabuki. Coil pot. Instrumentation of music. Comparison of religious movements. On demand Writing. Exploration of Noh and Kabuki theatre forms. Write a Chinese symbol in Calligraphy. M=ten class periods . D=one class period A, T, M, and D each 1 Lineageclass Based period. Cultures. Asian A, T, M, Cultures D each 1 class period. HAVAPA CURRICULUM MAP BOURBON COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL 5.3.32 AH-H3.3.32 . Classical A=2 class Greece and periods Rome. T, M, D each 1 class period AH-H4.3.33 AH-H2.3.33 AH-H3.3.33 AH-H1.3.33 AH-H5.3.33 A, T, M, Medieval AH-HD each 2 Period 5.3.35 class AH-Hperiods 3.3.35 AH-H4.3.35 AH-H1.3.35 AH-H2.3.35 . Renaissanc AH-HA, T, M, e 3.3.36 D each 2 AH-Hclass 4.3.36 periods. AH-H2.3.36 AH-H1.3.36 Baroque A, T, M, D each 2 class periods AH-H4.3.37 AH-H5.3.37 Kabuki Make-up Arts-Beauty through logic, order, reason, and moderation. Arts-Discus Thrower, Parthenon, and Coliseum. Arts-Styles of Architecture. Theatre-Tragedy, Sophocles, and Euripides. Music-Pythagoras and Music theory. . Discussion on columns and architecture. Gesture drawing. Transactive writing- Encyclopedia entry on tragedy and comedy. Comparison of heroes with modern literature and cinema. Discussion on Pythagorean Theorem and music theory. Importance of religion appealing to emotions. Theatre-Morality plays. Arts-Byzantine, Gothic, and Romanesque architecture. Music-Gregorian chants/ Monophonic, Organum/ Homophonic and Motets/Polyphonic Arts-Botticelli. Dance-Tarantella. Possible writings. Literary thought and churches role. Comparisons architecture. Exploration on churches role in theatre and culture. Listening to Gregorian chants, organum Comparisons of architecture with Greco-Roman architecture. Create a Rose window with Tissue paper. Discussion Tarantella and social dances. Discussion and viewing of Illuminated text. Doomsday book. Promotes “rebirth” of the classical ideal. New freedom of thought. Theatre-Comedia dell’ arte and Shakespeare. Arts-Giotto, Raphael, Donatello, DaVinci, and Michaelangelo. Dance-Court Dance. Music-Counterpoint: Josquin des Prez, and Palestrina/ cadences Discussion of Comedia dell’arte. Stock character. Shakespeare scene production. Discussion on Raphael, Donatello, DaVinci, and Michelangelo. Show slides of art work. Show examples of Court dance. Excerpt from Romeo and Juliet. Discussion on Louis XIV and ballet. Visual arts of his palace. Writing on the musical comparison of Court Dance and Tarantella. Listening discussion of Josquin des Prez and The Mass. Show KET video on The Palace Versailles. Writing on Shakespearean sonnet. Literary Writing. Listen to Bach, Vivaldi, Handel, and Gabrieli Show examples of Rembrandt and Caravaggio. Rejects limitations of previous styles. Restores power of Monarchy/church. Arts-Rembrandt and Caravaggio. Theatre-Shakespeare. HAVAPA CURRICULUM MAP BOURBON COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL AH-H1.3.37 AH-H2.3.37 AH-H4.3.38 AH-H5.3.38 A, T, M, AH-HD each 1 Neo class Classical 3.3.38 period AH-H1.3.38 AH-H2.3.38 . Romanticis AH-HA, T, M, m 5.3.39 D each 1 AH-Hclass 4.3.39 period. AH-H1.3.39 AH-H2.3.39 AH-H3.3.39 A, T, M, Realism AH-HD each 1 4.3.310 class AH-Hperiod 5.3.310 AH-H3.3.310 AH-H2.3.310 Music-Fugue/ Bach, Concerto/Vivaldi, ,Oratorio/ Handel, and antiphonal/ Gabrieli Discuss the form of each style of music The rise of Opera/Orfeo (Patronage system) Dance-Ballet. Reacts to the excesses of Monarchy. Returns to order, reason, and structural clarity. Arts-David. Theatre- Opera. Music-Mozart, Beethoven, and Haydn. Show excerpts from Swan Lake. Comparison of figure drawing with Greco-Roman ideals. Compare and Contrast Statues of David. Discussion of theatrical satire and drama. Political satire and Caricatures. Listen to Mozart, Beethoven, and Haydn and compare with Looney Toons cartoons. Handouts on the lives of these composers. Optional activity- Watch sections of Mr. Holland’s Opus and Amadeus Revolts against neo-classical order and reason. Return to Nature/imagination. Interest in the Exotic and supernatural. Arts-Constable, Rodin, and Goya. Music-Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Berlioz, Schubert, Brahms, etc Dance-Ballroom dancing. Discussion characteristics of Romanticism. Show examples of Constable, Rodin, and Goya. Listen to examples of Beethoven and Tchaikovsky. Handout and characteristics of notation. Show Examples of ballroom dancing. Writing on a comparison of Classical and Romanticism. Seeks the truth. Finds beauty in the commonplace. Arts- Manet, Courbet, Goya, O’Keefe, and Wyeth. Theatre-Ibsen and Chekhov. Dance-Folk and social dancing. Folk music(Nationalism) Discussion of real characters. Ibsen and Chekhov. Discuss the Definition of Realism Watercolor/Colored pencil painting in comparison with Goya and O’Keefe. Open Response. Developing a “real” character. If I was _______, in _____ I would feel _______ and I would do_________. Compare and discuss folk, social, square, barn, and line dances. Discuss how Russia and others used folksongs in their symphonic music. Tchaikovsky, Bartok, Dvorak, HAVAPA CURRICULUM MAP BOURBON COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL A, T, M, Impressioni AH-HD each 1 sm 1.3.311 class AH-Hperiod 4.3.311 AH-H5.3.311 Modern AH-HA, T, M, and 4.3.312 D each 1- Contempor AH-H2 class ary. 5.3.312 periods. AH-H1.3.312 AH-H2.3.312 Shows effects of light and atmospheric conditions. Captures moments of time. Music-Debussy and Ravel. Arts- Monet, Van Gogh, Manet, Cassatt, Renoir, Cezanne, and Degas. Literature-Crane. Breaks with or re-defines conventions of the past. Uses experimental techniques. Harlem Renaissance. Arts-Jacob Lawrence Music-Jazz (Ellington, Armstrong, Miller, Joplin) also Jazz in the orchestra-Gershwin, Berstein Dance-Charleston Art –expressionism, cubism, fauvism (Picasso, Matisse, Pollock Surrealism/Realism Stenbeck R.P. Warren Norman Rockwell Salvador Dali Pop Art –Warhol Music-folk, popular, rock, hip hop, rap Dance – twist, break, punk, modern ballet Music – Copland and Stravinsky Music experimentation- Schoenberg/matrix, Ives/atonal Show KET video on Impressionism. Listen to Debussy and Ravel. Pastel drawing on the style of Impressionism. Show examples of Monet, Van Gogh, Manet, Cassatt, Renoir, Cezanne, and Degas. Show video on Impressionists artists. Show examples of Harlem Renaissance painters. Listen to examples of Jazz and the Cultural significance of the genre. Video on Charleston and dance of the Harlem Renaissance. Video on Modern movement and dance. Alvin Ailey. Create a Printmaking Pop Art. Show examples of Rockwell and Americana. Discussion and writings on Rockwell paintings. Show examples of Cubism and Surrealism. Musical comparison of contemporary music styles. Discussion of the Theatre of the Absurd. Dance Comparison of contemporary dance styles. Comparison of Tragedies of cinema and other historical time periods. Discussion on Morality issues in modern movies.