File - Mr. Collins Class Website

Chapter 10
America Claims an Empire
Imperialism in America
Main Idea
• Beginning in 1867
and continuing
through the century,
global competition
caused the United
States to expand.
Why It Matters Now
• During this time period,
the U.S. acquired
Hawaii and Alaska,
both of which became
states in 1959.
QUESTION: How would
we expand our
empire??? What
would we need to do
in order to grow?
What is Imperialism??
This idea was called
imperialism —the
policy in which
stronger nations
extend economic,
political or military
control over weaker
Europe was already doing this….where
was U.S. in this game??
Imperialist Movement
• Isolated to…. WORLD POWER
– Geographically Isolated, (two oceans)
• Industrialization
– Need for Natural Resources, expand to new markets, overseas
• “Influence of Sea Power Upon History”
– Increase US Navy and commercial ships
– Need for Coaling stations and naval bases.
• Cultural Expansion
– Spread Democracy
– Improve conditions for poor countries
» “White Mans Burden”
White Man’s Burden
• Poem that justified or gave Western
countries the right to use imperialism on
weaker countries.
Three Factors that Fueled Imperialism??
• Three factors fueled
American imperialism:
1.The desire for military
2.New economic markets
3.Belief that American
culture was superior to
others. (ethnocentrism)
• Idea that a Stronger country must treat a
weaker country as a child. Allowed
Western countries to view the native
population with prejudicial thoughts
“Well, I hardly know which to take first!”
What idea did Admiral Alfred T.
Mahan suggest to American leaders?
• Admiral Alfred T.
Mahan of the U.S.
Navy supported
growing American
naval power so the
U.S. could compete
with other nations.
• The new ships made
the U.S. the world’s
largest and most
powerful navy.
What did William Seward, Sec of
State Acquire from the Russians?
William Seward was Secretary of
State for presidents Lincoln and
Andrew Johnson.
• In 1867 he purchased Alaska
from Russia for $7.2 million.
– Russians were getting frustrated
with the expense of owning
property on a foreign land
• Some opponents in Congress
made fun of the deal calling it
“Seward’s Icebox” or “Seward’s
Why did the U.S. have an interest
in Hawaii?
• The Hawaiian Islands =
IMPORTANT to U.S. financially
(due to sugar plantations).
• ¾ of Hawaii’s wealth due to American-owned sugar
– Taxes –
• US agrees to import Hawaiian sugar duty-free (Tax Free)
• McKinley Tariff 1890 – ended favorable sugar trade
• American Business owners and plantation owners lose
• Military Base
• Refueling station
– Pearl Harbor, 1887
The End of a Monarchy
• Hawaii King Kalakaua
• American Revolutionists start a revolt
– Create a constitution
• Queen Liliuokalani (1891) wanted
to give more power back to the
Hawaiians NOT the American
business owners.
• “Hawaii for the Hawaiians!”
– American business owners
organized revolt against queen and
took control of island.
• Sanford Dole – wanted to overthrow
the Hawaiian Government
– Eventually became president of
provisional Government
• (July 4 1898) Hawaii became a
U.S. territory.
– 1959 – Hawaii becomes a state
Why did the U.S. eventually get involved
with events surrounding Cuba?
1868-1878 Cubans fought for
their independence from
Sugar was important
investment for the U.S.
1. Treatment of cuban prisoners
2. De Lome Letter criticizing the
U.S. President
3. Battleship U.S.S. Maine was
attacked (killed 260 Americans
died) = blamed Spain for
explosion…go to war???
De Lome
What is yellow journalism?
• Exaggerated news
to make events
more exciting
• Example: Treatment
of Cubans by the
Spanish to upset
Hearst to Frederick
You furnish the pictures,
and I’ll furnish the war!
What is significance of
U.S.S. Maine?
• U.S. battleship was
stationed in Cuba to
protect American
• February 15, 1898
the ship exploded.
• 260 Americans killed
• Blamed Spain for
What did Commodore George Dewey
accomplish in the war in the Philippines?
• May 1, 1898 American
naval commander
George Dewey sailed
into the Philippines to
destroy Spanish fleet.
• 2 months later,
Spanish surrendered
to the U.S. (VICTORY)
Who were the Rough Riders and
what did they accomplish?
• American troops landed
on the island of Cuba in
June 1898.
• One unit of volunteer
soldiers, led by T.
Roosevelt helped win the
important battle of San
Juan Hill.
• RESULT= T.Roosevelt
becomes hero, will help
him win presidency later.
What did the Treaty of Paris of
1898 determine?
Spain quickly signed a peace
Treaty of Paris did the
1. Granted Cuba its
2. U.S. was given Puerto Rico &
3. Purchased Philippines for $20
Created problems
Imperialists vs. nonimperialists = violated Spirit of
Dec of Independence for U.S.
to colonize
10.3 Acquiring New Lands
Our “Sphere of Influence”
Monroe Doctrine
• President James Monroe
– 1823
• Warned all European
powers not to interfere with
affairs in the Western
– Do not attempt to create
new colonies
– Do not try to overthrow new
independent republics
» “dangerous to America’s
peace and safety”
» US would not involve
itself in European affairs
America emerged as
a world power.
Ruling Puerto Rico
• After Spanish American War
• Puerto Rico became a part of US
» Statehood vs. Independence
– Luis Munoz Rivera – wanted Puerto Rico
» 1916 – Puerto Ricans became US
• Puerto Rico was important for US
» Maintain presence in Caribbean, protect
future canal through Panama. – Panama
» Foraker Act – ended military rule and set
up civil government. Puerto Ricans could
elect members to the House of
US and Cuba
• Spanish American War – 1898.
– US recognized Cuba’s independence
» Teller Amendment – US had no intention of taking any
part of Cuba
• US troops occupied Cuba
– Provided food, clothing, helped farmers organized elementary
» Helped eliminate yellow fever (modernized Cuba)
» Jose Marti’ – Cuban leader who fought for Cuba’s independence.
– Platt Amendment – additions to Cuba’s constitution
– Cuba could not make treaties that might limit its
independence or allow any foreign country to own any of its
– US could intervene in Cuba
– Us could create naval bases (Guantanamo Bay)
• USA to serve as a protectorate
• After Spanish American War
• Philippines a part of USA, paid 20 million
» American Military occupied the islands (controversial)
» Strove to “Americanize” and help underdeveloped
parts of the Island
» Imposed American ideals on a country that was
fighting for independence
– Emilio Aguinaldo – rebel leader of the Filipino
» lead a revolt
US imposed harsh conditions on the Filipino people
Designated people to live in zones
African Americans served as soldiers
Many African American soldier defected to the side of
the Filipinos
Imperialism in China
• Gateway to Asia
• China- market for American products
– European powers started to carve out
sections of China
» Establish colonies
» “spheres of influence”
– America wanted a piece of China
» John Hay – US Secretary of State
» Open Door Policy – letters proposing
other nations share their trading rights
with USA. (create an Open Door)
» No single nation could monopolize any
part of China
The Boxer Rebellion
An uprising by a group of Chinese
“nationalists” who wanted to drive out
Western nations from China.
Spheres of Influence
An area or region over which an
organization or state exerts some kind
of indirect cultural, economic, or political
Meiji Restoration
• When Japan started to modernize their
country and join other imperialist nations.
The Panama Canal
• Constructed by the U.S. to gain a shorter
route to the Pacific Ocean.
The Roosevelt Corollary
• A warning to any nation to stay out of any
Latin America nation – only the U.S. can