Friday, February 26 th

Name ________________ # __________
Causes of the American Revolutionary War Menu:
As an assessment of your understanding of Chapter 8, choose two items
from different categories to complete. Check the boxes you plan to
complete. Due date: Friday, February 26th.
Causes of the
Create a set of trading cards for
the events that led to the
Revolutionary War. Must have
the cause on one side and the
significance on the other side.
Significant Events
of the War
Write a friendly letter,
as a Patriot, to a friend
describing how you feel about
the Declaration of
Independence and significance
for America.
People’s Impact
Make a powerpoint or
googleslide about King
George III or George
Washington. Include
information about their impact
on the war and give some
information about them. Be
ready to present to the class.
People’s Impact
Make a Meme that
demonstrates either
Benjamin Franklin or Thomas
Jefferson’s impact on the
Revolutionary War. Be prepared
to present this Meme to the
Causes of the
Create a quiz that students
could take to demonstrate their
knowledge of the causes of the
American Revolutionary War
and their significance.
Significant Events
of the War
Write/give a speech as King
George in response to the
Declaration of Independence.
Make sure you mention what
the Americans think is the
significance of the Declaration
of Independence.
Significant Events
of the War
Write an article from either the
point of view of a Patriot or a
loyalist about your opinion of
and the significance of the
Battles of Lexington and
People’s Impact
Make a speech as
either Thomas Paine or
Patrick Henry. You will state
their impact on the war and
give some information about
them, it should be delivered in
first person.
Causes of the
The war was caused by a series
of events that build upon each
other. Create a threedimensional stacking model
that shows the causes that led
to the war and their
Causes of the War Checklists:
Create a set of trading cards for the events that led to the Revolutionary War. Must have the cause on one side and the
significance on the other side.
Must have all:
_____/6 causes (front)
_____/6 significances (back)
_____/3 Colorful/neat/follows directions
_____/5 Correct spelling and grammar
_____/ 20 points
Create a quiz that students could take to demonstrate their knowledge of the causes of the American Revolutionary War
and their significance. Must include an answer key. Must use different questioning types for instance: multiple choice,
matching, short answer and fill in the blank (uses at least 2 types)
Must have all:
_____/6 causes and 6 significances
_____/3 Legible/neat/follows directions
_____/5 Correct spelling and grammar
_____/ 20 points
The war was caused by a series of events that build upon each other. Create a three-dimensional stacking model that
shows the causes that led to the war and their significance.
Must have all:
_____/6 causes (front)
_____/6 significances (back)
_____/3 Colorful/neat/follows directions
_____/5 Correct spelling and grammar
_____/ 20 points
People’s Impact Checklists:
Make a Meme that demonstrates either Benjamin Franklin or Thomas Jefferson’s impact on the Revolutionary War. Be
prepared to present this Meme to the class.
Must have:
_________/2 Shows impact of the person directly on the Meme
________/2 Clearly labels who the person is
________/2 Colorful/Neat/Follows directions
________/2 During the presentation explains how the Meme shows the person’s impact
________/2 During presentation person is audible, enthusiastic and engaging
________/10 points
Make a speech as either Thomas Paine or Patrick Henry. You will state their impact on the war and give some
information about them, it should be delivered in first person. Should either dress up like them or have a poster body.
Must have:
_________/5 states impact of the person on the revolutionary war
_________/5 gives some general information about the person
_________/3 Delivered in first person
_________/2 Dressed like person or poster body
_________/5 During presentation person is audible, enthusiastic and engaging
_________/20 points
Make a Power Point or Google Slide about King George III or George Washington. Include information about their impact
on the war and give some information about them. Be ready to present to the class.
Must have:
_________/5 gives some general information about the person
_________/5 Shows impact of the person on the Revolutionary war
________/3 Colorful/Neat/Follow directions
________/3 During the presentation explains the persons impact on the Revolutionary War and about them without
directly reading from the slide
________/4 During presentation person is audible, enthusiastic and engaging
________/20 points
Significant Event of the War Checklists:
Write an article from either the point of view of a Patriot or a Loyalist about your opinion of and the significance of the
Battles of Lexington and Concord.
Must have:
_________/5 gives an opinion of the outcome of the Battles of Lexington and Concord
_________/5 states the significance of the Battles of Lexington and Concord
_________/3 stays true to that one point of view
_________/2 grammar and spelling are correct
_________/5 written in article form (like in a newspaper); should be at least two paragraphs
_________/20 points
Write a friendly letter, as a Patriot, to a friend describing how you feel about the Declaration of Independence and its
significance for America.
Must have:
_________/5 gives an opinion about the Declaration of Independence
_________/5 states the significance of the Declaration of Independence
_________/3 stays true to the point of view of a Patriot
_________/2 grammar and spelling are correct
_________/5 written in friendly letter form; should be at least two paragraphs
_________/20 points
Write a speech as King George in response to the Declaration of Independence. Make sure you mention what the
Americans think is the significance of the Declaration of Independence.
Must have:
_________/5 gives King George’s opinion about the Declaration of Independence
_________/5 states the significance of the Declaration of Independence to Americans
_________/3 stays true to the point of view of King George (written in First person as him)
_________/2 grammar and spelling are correct
_________/5 written as a speech; should be at least two paragraphs
_________/20 points