Competency-Based Performance Management A Systems Approach to Employee Performance and Development Department of Administration & Information - Human Resources Division Workforce Planning Issues Impending Baby-Boomer Retirements > Approx. 45% of WYO-Workforce eligible to retire by 2011 (4 Yrs.) > 79 Million Baby Boomers will Retire 2010-2020 > Only 40 Million Gen X and Y’s set to replace Boomers (2005 Census Bureau Data) Booming Economy > May Unemployment Rate 3.3% - Approx. 9500 people statewide (Bureau of Labor Statistics June 2007) First Two Year Turnover Rate Declining High School Population > 18% Decline from 2000-2005 (University of Wyoming 2000-2005 Strategic Plan) Department of Administration & Information - Human Resources Division Confluence of Generations Different… Influences Motivations Work Values Expectations Communication Style All Looking for a Life/Work Balance Department of Administration & Information - Human Resources Division Competency-Based System Performance Management Career & Workforce Planning Recruitment, Selection & Classification Core Competencies Succession Planning Training & Development Focus on Performance & Development Needs of Agency Goal: To develop a performance management system that: • Provide a system’s approach to employee development and succession planning. • Supports employees in achieving their position goals and developmental needs. • Align and cascade individual goals with organizational performance measures. Department of Administration & Information - Human Resources Division What are Competencies? Competencies are those behaviors that excellent performer’s exhibit much more consistently than average performers. … a grouping of behaviors, that taken together, better describe and communicate performance expectations. Department of Administration & Information - Human Resources Division What Competencies are Not… Competencies are Not… a “psychological construct” No single behavior can term Conflict Management Not knowledge… the application of knowledge Department of Administration & Information - Human Resources Division Antimony of a Competency 1. Title 1. One to three words titling competency 2. Definition (The WHAT) 1. Knowledge, skill and ability (KSA) statements defining competency 3. Performance Statements (The HOW) 1. Groupings of behavioral statements describing successful performance Department of Administration & Information - Human Resources Division Competency Example Performance Statements – Level 5 Conflict Management and Mediation Definition: Ability to effectively resolve disputes among others. Skilled in different methods and styles to deal with personal disagreements. Requires the ability to remain impartial and unbiased. Help others resolve complex or sensitive disagreements and conflicts. Effectively lead a rational process of illuminating issues, enhancing understanding of divergent interests, and identifying common grounds for a workable solution. Successfully defuses hostile situations. Highly skilled in seeing early warning signs of conflict and takes steps to prevent problems; gets to essence of the problem to resolve issues before they escalate to a conflict. Excels in transforming conflict into problem solving; insightfully diagnoses issues and develops effective solutions that are accepted by others. Creates an environment where differences of expression or opinion are valued; differences are used to achieve superior results. Navigates hostile situations by calming others. Operates "behind-the-scenes" to resolve conflict. Performance Statements – Level 1 Exacerbates conflict. Accepts or recommends acceptance of “win/lose” situations rather than seeking compromise of collaboration. Ignores conflict among coworkers. Inappropriately avoids conflict; allows conflict to “fester” without bringing it out into the open and attempting to negotiate acceptable solutions. Inability to remain impartial; "Takes sides." Reacts emotionally when conflict arises. Does not recognize when conflict is occurring or emotions are escalating; does not probe for interests of conflicting parties. Defines only own interests; establishes own positions and biases rather than seeking common interests. Personalizes conflict; sometimes attacks people rather than issues. Department of Administration & Information - Human Resources Division Wyoming Core Competencies Leadership > Ex: Institutional Collaboration, Vision Performance Management > Ex: Change Mgt., Team Building Leadership & Succession Planning Workplace > Ex: Customer Focus, Teamwork Analytical > Ex: Written Communication Personal Effectiveness > Ex: Integrity, Ethics Workplace Performance Skills Sets Foundational Skills Sets See More @... Department of Administration & Information - Human Resources Division Competency-Based Strategic Alignment Agency Performance Measure The HOW Performance Expectations / Appraisal / Development Needs *How do you plan on evaluating / developing performance? -Identifying skills gap -Communicating skills gap -Developing skills gap -Measuring success The WHAT Skills / Competencies Needed Input FTE/BUDGET What critical skills are needed to accomplish identified duties and activities? What are the resources need to carry out stated duties, activities and outputs? What are the skills of the persons working on the project? Who are the employee's and/or AWEC’s assigned to complete the identified duties and activities? What is the gap between critical skills needed and skills of persons on project(s)? Activities & Outputs (Nuts & Bolts) What duties, activities, processes and/or procedures have been identified to carry out the strategy? Strategies / Intermediate Outcomes What divisions are directly working on this measure? Agency Performance Measures Wyoming Quality of Life What are the goals and objectives of this measure? The 10 Commitment to residents of the State. What are their strategies and initial outcomes? Department of Administration & Information - Human Resources Division Where and how does the performance measure fit into Wyoming’s Quality of Life? Workforce Planning The process of ensuring that the right people are in the right place at the right time to accomplish the agency’s mission. Department of Administration & Information - Human Resources Division Phases 1. 2. 3. 4. Defining the Future Analyzing Current Workforce Close the Gap Monitor, Evaluate and Revise Department of Administration & Information - Human Resources Division Defining the Future > Identify where the agency wants to be in the future. Examine, analyze, and redefine the vision, mission, organizational values, objectives, and competencies. > Strategic Planning – Becoming A Strategic Partner Department of Administration & Information - Human Resources Division Analyzing Current Workforce > Develop a detailed picture of where the agency is now. > Conduct an outward and inward analysis to identify potential competencies in the workforce such as qualified employees at the beginning of a career path or critical positions that may need special attention during recruitment. > Future Competency-Based Performance System Department of Administration & Information - Human Resources Division Close the Gap > Determine what gaps exist between our current and projected workforce needs. > Develop and implement strategy to close the gap. These strategies include knowledge transfer, recruiting, training/ retaining, restructuring organizations, leadership development, succession planning, technology, enhancements, etc. > Knowledge Transfer Concepts Department of Administration & Information - Human Resources Division Types of Knowledge: Tacit Knowledge that people carry in their heads. It is difficult to access and most people are not even aware of what they possess or how it is of value to others. It provides context for ideas, experiences, people, and places and is not easily captured. Department of Administration & Information - Human Resources Division Types of Knowledge: Explicit Structured – Data elements that are organized in a particular way for future retrieval, e.g. documents, databases, spreadsheets Unstructured – Information not referenced for retrieval, e.g. emails, images, audio or video selections Department of Administration & Information - Human Resources Division Knowledge Transfer The process of sharing knowledge between one person and another If knowledge has not been absorbed, it has not been transferred Department of Administration & Information - Human Resources Division Knowledge Transfer Tip #1 Managers may have some knowledge transfer methods already in place Consider using those methods as the foundation for the knowledge transfer plan Department of Administration & Information - Human Resources Division Knowledge Transfer / Management Strategies Job Aids Mentoring Programs Process Documentation Best Practice Meetings or Studies Communities of Practice Retirees on Retainer Job Shadowing Expert Systems Critical Incident Reviews Electronic Performance Support System Storyboards Storytelling Double fills Document Repositories Job Rotation Knowledge Fairs Knowledge Maps Structured On the Job Training Department of Administration & Information - Human Resources Division Monitor, Evaluate and Revise > Measure progress to access what’s working and not working. > Make adjustments to plan as needed and address new workforce and organizational issues. Department of Administration & Information - Human Resources Division Thank You Workforce Planning 307-777-6713 Department of Administration & Information - Human Resources Division