. CHAPTER 4.5.2 GAAP ADJUSTMENTS AND RECLASSIFICATION ENTRIES REVENUES AND EXPENSES: GRANTS, CONTRACTS AND GIFTS 1 GAAP POLICIES AND PROCEDURE The Grants, Contracts and Gifts line items are as follows: Grants and Contracts, noncapital Grants and contracts, non-capital includes all amounts for which eligibility requirements were met on non-financial aid grants and contracts from federal, state, local or private agencies that will be used for noncapital purposes. Examples for the CSU include research and development grants and Head Start program grants. Financial aid grants, noncapital This category includes Federal, State, Local, and Nongovernmental financial aid grants that the CSU have administrative involvement and are nonexchange transactions. It includes all amounts for which eligibility requirements were met, such as Pell Grant, Cal Grant, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Work Study, and SMART grant, etc. Detailed information of grant programs available in the CSU are discussed in the following chapters of Legal Manual: Chapter 30, Financial Aid - Federal Chapter 31, Financial Aid - State Chapter 32, Financial Aid - Campus/Local/Nongovernmental Other Federal nonoperating grants, noncapital This category includes other Federal grants CSU has received that are nonexchange and nonfinancial aid related. The major program recorded in this line was the one time State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) and federal subsidies which partially reimburse certain Systemwide Revenue Bond’s interest expenses provided by Build America Bonds program (BABs) under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Gifts, non-capital Includes contributions received for non-capital purposes, such as for research or to subsidize a particular program of the university. 4.05.2-1 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Revenues And Expenses: Grants and Contracts | June 30, 2015 . Grants and Gifts, capital Grants and gifts, capital includes federal, state, or private grants, contracts, and gifts that are for the purchase of equipment or the construction of a building or facility. Examples of such items are grant funds received from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to reconstruct buildings, or private contributions to purchase computers or buy library books. This category would also include any donated assets received by the CSU, such as computer equipment. Classification between Operating and Nonoperating Revenues Grants and contracts (noncapital) that are classified as exchange transactions are reported as operating revenues. Grants, contracts and gifts (capital and noncapital) classified as nonexchange transactions are reported as nonoperating revenues. Revenue Recognition Policy – Exchange Transactions The CSU considers exchange transactions to include charges for services rendered and the acquisition of goods and services. As such, if the grant or contract requires services to be rendered by CSU then revenue will be recognized when the services have been rendered. Revenue Recognition Policy – Nonexchange Transactions The CSU records grants and gift revenues when ALL applicable time and eligibility requirements are met. Expenses are recorded as expenditures are incurred. Expendituredriven (also known as “reimbursement-type”) grant revenues are recorded after related expenditures are incurred, and in amounts equal to the expenditures. Grants and scholarships (financial aid) are generally “gift aid” programs which do not require to be repaid. If the grantor (e.g. State, Local or Federal governments) selects the student recipients of a scholarship or grant, the grant or scholarship should be classified as an agency transaction, since the campus is only serving as an agent to the grantor. If the campus has the ability to select the recipient student, or has the ability to redirect the grant or scholarship, the campus should record the revenue and related expense as part of restricted net position. Characteristics and Classes of Nonexchange Transactions In a nonexchange transaction, a government (including the federal government, as a provider) either gives value (benefit) to another party without directly receiving equal value in exchange or receives value (benefit) from another party without directly giving equal value in exchange. There following are two classes of nonexchange transactions that is typically applicable to CSU: a. Government-mandated nonexchange transactions Occur when a government (including the federal government) at one level provides resources to a government at another level and requires that government to use them 4.05.2-2 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Revenues And Expenses: Grants and Contracts | June 30, 2015 . for a specific purpose or purposes established in the provider’s enabling legislation. That is, the provider establishes purpose restrictions and also may establish time requirements. b. Voluntary nonexchange transactions Result from legislative or contractual agreements, other than exchanges, entered into willingly by two or more parties. Examples of voluntary nonexchange transactions include certain grants, certain entitlements, and donations by nongovernmental entities, including individuals (private donations). Both parties to a voluntary nonexchange transaction may be governments (including the federal government, as a provider), or one party maybe a nongovernmental entity, including an individual. Frequently, the provider establishes purpose restrictions and eligibility requirements. In many cases, the provider may require the return of the resources if the purpose restrictions or eligibility requirements are contravened after recognition of the transaction. The principal characteristics of voluntary nonexchange transactions are (1) they are not imposed on the provider or the recipient and (2) fulfillment of eligibility requirements is essential for a transaction (other than the provision of cash or other assets in advance) to occur. Definition of Time Requirements and Purpose Restrictions Time requirements specify the period or periods when resources are required to be used or when use may begin. For example, a provider may stipulate that the resources it provides are to be disbursed during a specific fiscal year or over a specified number of years, or cannot be disbursed until after a certain date or event has occurred, if ever. Time requirements affect the timing of recognition of nonexchange transactions. Purpose restrictions specify the purpose or purposes for which the resources are required to be used. For example, a provider may specify that its resources are to be expended for road and street repairs or, in the case of an endowment, that the principal is required to be held in income-producing investments. In contrast to time requirements, purpose restrictions do not affect the timing of recognition for any class of nonexchange transactions. Definition of Reimbursement-Type or Expenditure-Driven Grants Governments (including the federal government) frequently engage in award programs commonly referred to as “reimbursement-type” or “expenditure-driven” grant programs. The provider stipulates that a recipient cannot qualify for resources without first incurring allowable costs under the provider’s program. That kind of stipulation is not a purpose restriction as defined in this section. Rather, it is considered an eligibility requirement and affects the timing of recognition. That is, there is no award—the provider has no liability and the recipient has no asset (receivable) until the recipient has met the provider’s requirements by incurring costs in accordance with the provider’s program. Cash and other assets provided in advance should be reported as advances by providers and as 4.05.2-3 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Revenues And Expenses: Grants and Contracts | June 30, 2015 . unearned revenues by recipients until allowable costs have been incurred and any other eligibility requirements have been met. Discussion on Eligibility Requirements Eligibility requirements are conditions established by enabling legislation or the provider that are required to be met before a transaction (other than the provision of cash or other assets in advance) can occur. That is, until those requirements are met, the provider does not have a liability, the recipient does not have a receivable, and the recognition of expenses or revenues for resources transmitted in advance should be deferred. Eligibility requirements for government-mandated and voluntary nonexchange. Transactions comprise one or more of the following: a. Required characteristics of recipients. The recipient (and secondary recipients, if applicable) has the characteristics specified by the provider. For example, under a certain federal program, recipients are required to be states and secondary recipients are required to be school districts. b. Time requirements. Time requirements specified by enabling legislation or the provider have been met. The period when the resources are required to be used [sold, disbursed, or consumed] or when use is first permitted has begun, or the resources are being maintained intact, as specified by the provider. c. Reimbursements The provider offers resources on a reimbursement (“expenditure-driven”) basis and the recipient has incurred allowable costs under the applicable program. d. Contingencies. The provider’s offer of resources is contingent upon a specified action of the recipient and that action has occurred. For example, the recipient is required to raise a specific amount of resources from third parties or to dedicate its own resources for a specified purpose and has complied with those requirements. Recognition Requirements Providers should recognize liabilities (or a decrease in assets) and expenses from governmentmandated or voluntary nonexchange transactions, and recipients should recognize receivables (or a decrease in liabilities) and revenues (net of estimated uncollectible amounts), when all applicable eligibility requirements, including time requirements, are met. Resources transmitted before the eligibility requirements are met should be reported as advances by the provider and as unearned revenues by recipients. If all eligibility requirements are met except for the time requirement, then the resources transmitted in advance should be reported as deferred inflows of resources rather than unearned revenues. 4.05.2-4 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Revenues And Expenses: Grants and Contracts | June 30, 2015 . 2 RELEVANT ACCOUNTING LITERATURE GASB Statement No. 24, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Certain Grants and Other Financial GASB Statement No. 33, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Nonexchange Transactions GASB Statement No. 65, Items Previously Reported as Assets and Liabilities 3 OBJECTIVES OF GAAP ADJUSTMENTS The objectives of the GAAP adjustments necessary at June 30 related to grants, contracts and gifts are: To record year-end accrual for services performed as part of eligibility requirements but have not yet been billed. * To record the unearned portion of the grants, contracts and gifts as of June 30 (either as unearned revenues or deferred inflows of resources). * To reclassify grants revenue to grants refundable for those grants reported in an agency fund. (Refer to Chapter 4, Grants Refundable) Certain campuses may have elected to book the above adjustment (*) in the legal basis books (based on the business process followed by the campus). If this is the case, then no GAAP adjustment is further required. 4 GAAP ACCOUNTING T REATMENT AND JOURNAL ENTRIES 4.1 RELATED GAAP ACCOUNT(S) Operating Revenues 721002 – Grants and contracts, noncapital: Federal 721003 – Grants and contracts, noncapital: State 721008 – Grants and contracts, noncapital: Local 721004 – Grants and contracts, noncapital: Non-governmental Nonoperating Revenues 723007 – Federal financial aid grants, noncapital 723008 – State financial aid grants, noncapital 723010 – Local financial aid grants, non-capital 723009 – Nongovernmental and other financial aid grant, noncapital 723011 – Other federal nonoperating grants, noncapital 723002 – Gifts, noncapital 724002 –Grants and gifts, capital 4.05.2-5 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Revenues And Expenses: Grants and Contracts | June 30, 2015 . 4.2 REVENUE RECOGNITION PROCESS The revenue recognition varies based on the type and terms of the grants, contracts and gifts. To facilitate the evaluation process, please follow the suggested steps below. Step 1: Read and understand the grant agreement, contract and terms of gifts. Step 2: Determine whether it is an exchange, nonexchange, or agency transaction. Step 3: Identify the eligibility requirements based on the terms of the agreement. Step 4: Monitor the compliance with eligibility requirements to determine the proper timing for revenue recognition and reporting for resources received in advance as either unearned or deferred inflows of resources. Step 5: Activities derived from the legal basis accounting should be adjusted as deemed necessary in the GAAP ledger. Year-end Revenue Accrual Under the accrual basis of accounting, grants, contracts and gifts revenues are recognized if all time and eligibility requirements were met as of June 30. Below is an example of GAAP manual adjustment to accrue the revenues. Account 711103 721002 721003 721004 Journal Description Account Name Fund (Net Position) Program Class (CSU Fund) Amount 836-Restricted: Account receivable, net 90 465 $30,000 Expendable - Other Grants and contracts, 836-Restricted: 50 465 ($10,000) noncapital: Federal Expendable - Other Grants and contracts, 836-Restricted: 50 465 ($5,000) noncapital: State Expendable - Other Grants and contracts, 836-Restricted: 50 465 ($15,000) noncapital: Non-governmental Expendable - Other To accrue grants and contracts revenues when all time and eligibility requirements are met as of June 30. Resources Received in Advance Resources transmitted before the eligibility requirements are met should be reported as advances by the provider and as unearned revenues (current or noncurrent) by recipients. If all eligibility requirements are met except for the time requirement, then the resources transmitted in advance should be reported as deferred inflows of resources rather than unearned revenues. 4.05.2-6 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Revenues And Expenses: Grants and Contracts | June 30, 2015 . Derived GAAP Entry (Period 1-12) Account 711101 721002 721004 721003 Journal Description Account Name Cash and cash equivalents Grants and contracts, noncapital: Federal Grants and contracts, noncapital: Non-governmental Grants and contracts, noncapital: State Fund (Net Position) 836-Restricted: Expendable - Other 836-Restricted: Expendable - Other 836-Restricted: Expendable - Other 836-Restricted: Expendable - Other Program Class (CSU Fund) Amount 90 465 $30,000 50 465 ($10,000) 50 465 ($15,000) 50 465 ($5,000) Accounting records derived from legal for recording receipt of funds from grants and contracts. GAAP Manual Entry (Period 998) Account 721002 721004 721003 5 Account Name Grants and contracts, noncapital: Federal Grants and contracts, noncapital: Non-governmental Grants and contracts, noncapital: State Fund (Net Position) 836-Restricted: Expendable - Other 836-Restricted: Expendable - Other 836-Restricted: Expendable - Other 836-Restricted: Expendable - Other 836-Restricted: Expendable - Other 836-Restricted: Expendable - Other Program Class (CSU Fund) Amount 50 465 $10, 000 50 465 $15,000 50 465 $5,000 90 465 ($10,000) 90 465 ($15,000) 90 465 ($5,000) 712105 Unearned revenue-current 712202 Unearned revenue-noncurrent 712304 Deferred inflows-Nonexchange transactions Journal Description To report resources received in advance as unearned revenues and deferred inflows of resources. REFERENCE TOOLS 5.1 TABLES OF OBJECT CODE AND CSU FUND DEFINITIONS http://www.calstate.edu/SFSR/standards_and_rules/2014/Tables-of-Object-Code-andCSU-Fund-Definitions-Updated-10-30-14.xls 4.05.2-7 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Revenues And Expenses: Grants and Contracts | June 30, 2015 . REVISION CONTROL Document Title: CHAPTER 4.5.2 – GAAP ADJUSTMENTS AND RECLASSIFICATION ENTRIES – REVENUES AND EXPENSES: GRANTS AND CONTRACTS REVISION AND APPROVAL HISTORY Section(s) Revised General 4.05.2-8 Revision Date Summary of Revisions New documentation in FY2014-15. April 2015 GAAP Manual | GAAP Adjustments and Reclassification Entries – Revenues And Expenses: Grants and Contracts | June 30, 2015