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The syllabus is a contract between the student and the Instructor of this TCC course. This syllabus has three
important sections. Each section contains essential information pertaining to this course. Students are expected
to read the syllabus and abide by the information contained within the syllabus, and/or that is referred to by the
syllabus. Additionally, there will be an online test given soon after the course begins designed to test the student’s
familiarity with the syllabus. Students should print off a copy of the syllabus and have it readily accessible for
reference throughout the course.
Course Number: FESR 1343
Course Name: Fire Prevention Methods
Course Delivery Method: Online
Course Format: Instructor-paced Online
A one semester course designed to provide the student with the fundamental information regarding the history
and philosophy of fire prevention, organization and operation of a fire prevention bureau, use of fire codes,
identification and correction of fire hazards, and the relationships of fire prevention with built-in fire protection
systems, fire investigation, and fire and life-safety education. 3 hours. No Laboratory.
Students will be able to accomplish the following objectives after completing the course.
Demonstrate their ability to adhere to detailed instructions.
Demonstrate their ability to critically analyze technical material.
Demonstrate their ability to present their findings clearly and professionally.
Demonstrate an understanding of the national fire problem.
Demonstrate an understanding of the need, responsibilities, and importance of fire prevention.
Demonstrate an understanding of the causes of firefighter and civilian deaths and injuries.
Describe the implications of constitutional amendments as they apply to fire prevention.
Define the common terms used in fire prevention.
Explain the basic elements of fire dynamics and how they affect fire prevention.
Compare the fire prevention methods for various types of building construction and occupancy ratings.
There are no prerequisites. However, students should be familiar with computers, Blackboard, and the internet.
Title: Fire Prevention Inspection and Code Enforcement
Author: David Diamantes
Publication Date: September 21, 2006
Publisher: CENGAGE Delmar Learning
Format: Textbook hard cover, 336 pp
ISBN: 141800944X
Edition: Third, ©2007
Textbooks are available at the Northeast Campus Bookstore in the First Stop area on the east side of the campus.
Call 595-7000 and ask for the Northeast Campus Bookstore to speak with them about your textbooks, and other
supplies that are necessary for the class. Please call your Instructor if you have questions, or difficulties finding the
appropriate texts, or supplies.
The tentative course schedule is available on the Course Information page of the Blackboard learning site for this
course. Tentative schedule means there may be some deviation from week to week based on the ability for
students to grasp the material, or college, or class interruptions. The schedule includes a tentative schedule topics,
exams, points, and dates and times. It is subject to change as needed and with student notification via Blackboard.
Instructors are required to document attendance. Attendance and participation are necessary for success in the
class. Failure to attend and/or participate will have a serious and detrimental effect on the student’s learning and
subsequent grade, and may subject the student to an administrative withdrawal. An administrative withdrawal
may affect future enrolment, financial aid, and transcript notations. Therefore, attendance and/or participation
are extremely important. Attendance/participation records must, and will be maintained. Students must
complete assignment 1 to remain in this class. Students will be administratively withdrawn by the Instructor for
failing to complete assignment 1, and/or any other two assignments. It is the responsibility of the student to
inform the instructor if he/she cannot attend, participate, or complete the assignments. Students desiring to
withdraw on their own initiative have the responsibility to initiate and carry out the withdrawal procedure. Please
contact your Instructor for assistance before you withdraw. A grade of “F” may be assigned to the student if the
withdrawal procedures are not completed properly.
All official communications to you about TCC will be sent to your MyTCC email address. All official communication
for this course will be accomplished through the course Blackboard site. The Instructor uses announcements on
the Course Announcement Page, and Emails from within the course to notify students of important information.
Therefore, students should check the site at least weekly, and more often as necessary based on communications
from the Instructor.
Students must be familiar with Blackboard to succeed in this course. There are tutorials available on the
Blackboard homepage designed to help the student succeed in online courses using Blackboard. There are
occasions when the internet, the student’s computer, or the college’s hardware/software may not work properly.
These situations DO NOT warrant extra time, or extended due dates for assignments. Assignments are provided in
a published schedule that allows students ample time to complete the assignments on time. Students should
anticipate being required to read and study all text material, all other additional from the instructor, and to be
thoroughly tested on all of the material regarding this course, including the syllabus and items referenced in the
Students desiring to communicate with the Instructor must do so through the course email function in the course
communication tools. This provides a time stamped record that is archived with the course of the inquiry and
response. Therefore, the Instructor will only respond to emails generated from within the course. Students who
cannot access the email function should call the Instructor’s office at 918-595-8408 as soon as possible and leave a
message of their concern. The call will be returned during normal office hours by the Instructor
Open and mutually respectful communication of varied opinions, beliefs, and perspectives during classroom or
online discussion encourages the free exchange of ideas that is essential to higher learning and to the ability to
learn from each other. Students are expected to utilize proper grammar, spelling, salutations, and closings in their
communications. For example, a student inquiry should be formatted as follows.
Subject Line: Please provide a brief description of your concern
Salutation: Chief Brown,
Content: Begin with telling me your name and why you are contacting me. Then provide a
discussion of your concern. Please tell me what you need and why.
Contact Information: Please provide your name, phone number, day, and time when you may be
reached for me to discuss your concern.
Closing: Thank you, and your name
It is very important for you to understand how critical it is to communicate properly in this profession. Therefore, I
will not respond to any improper communication.
This course uses the standard grading scale of the college.
A: 90-100%, B: 80-89%, C: 70-79%, D: 60-69%, F: 0-59%
This course uses a combination of online tests and other graded assignments to assess the student’s obtainment of
the course objectives. The graded points for the course total 1000 points. All tests must be completed by the due
date, on time, and within the allotted time to receive any points. Students who turn the assignment in late, or
who use more time than allotted will receive a zero for the assignment and will not be permitted to do a make-up
assignment. Grades will usually be available on Blackboard immediately after completing the assignment/test.
The deadline to withdraw from a course shall not exceed 3/4 the duration of any class. Contact the Counseling
Office at any TCC campus to initiate withdrawal from a course ('W' grade) or to change from Credit to Audit. Check
the TCC Academic Calendar for deadlines. Students who stop participating in the course and fail to withdraw may
receive a course grade of “F,” which may have financial aid consequences for the student.
TCC provides accommodations for qualifying students in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For
information, students may contact the disabled Student Resource Center, 918-595-7115, or the Resource Center
for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 918-595-7428V, 918-595-7434TTY.
General Education courses at TCC ensure that our graduates gain skills, knowledge, and abilities that comprise a
common foundation for their higher education and a backdrop for their work and personal lives. TCC’s General
Education goals are: Critical Thinking, Effective Communication, Engaged Learning, and Technological Proficiency.
TCC rarely closes. If extreme weather conditions or emergency situations arise, TCC always gives cancellation
notices to radio and television stations. This information is also posted on the TCC website
where students may also sign up for TCC Alerts.
Each student is responsible for being aware of the information contained in the TCC Catalog, TCC Student
Handbook, Student Code of Conduct Policy Handbook, and semester information listed in the class schedule. All
information may be viewed on the TCC website at .
Tulsa Community College desires for all students to succeed in their educational endeavors. The college has
allocated significant resources to assist students in meeting their educational goals and objectives. Students
should not hesitate to contact any of the college’s services, or their Instructor for assistance. Most student
concerns can be handled swiftly by their Instructor. However, occasionally an Instructor may need to refer the
student to someone within the college with more expertise in a particular area of focus, such as Financial Aid. But,
your Instructor will assist you in contacting the right person, or group to help meet your needs. So, do not hesitate
to contact your Instructor for assistance. Your Instructor is very happy to assist you.
The Course Division Information section provides students with important information to contact their Instructor’s
Division Office and the Supervisor of their Instructor, the Associate Dean of the Division. This office can help
students contact their instructor and assist students with classroom issues, or concerns.
Division Name: Liberal Arts and Community Services
Division Office Location: NE 2389
Division Office Hours: M-F, 08:00AM – 12:00PM and 1:00PM – 5:00PM
Division Office Phone Number: 918-595-8474
Associate Dean: Ms. Jocelyn Whitney
This section provides students with the information to contact the Dean of Student Services for the Campus where
their course is being taught. This office provides many types of services and assists students in resolving concerns,
complaints, grade appeals and other academic issues.
Office Location: NE Student Services
Office Hours: M-F, 08:00AM – 12:00PM and 1:00PM – 5:00PM
Office Phone Number: 918-595-7468
This section provides students with the information to contact the Provost of the campus where the course is
being taught. The Provost is the Chief Executive Officer of their campus and the Supervisor for the campus. The
office assists students to help resolve their inquiries.
Office Location: NE Facet Center
Office Hours: M-F, 08:00AM – 12:00PM and 1:00PM – 5:00PM
Office Phone Number: 918-595-7524
The Course Instructor Information section provides students with who their Instructor is, how and where to
contact their Instructor, their Instructor’s office hours of availability to assist them with their inquiries, and
important information about the Instructor’s education and experience.
Assistant Professor, Chief D.Craig Brown, Ph.D. Chief Brown has over thirty-five years of management,
environmental, and emergency services experience. He has been teaching professionally for over twenty-five
years, has authored many articles, theses, training courses, college curriculums, national standards, and many
online courses.
Office Location: Northeast Campus #2165
Office Hours: 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM, Monday through Thursday, and other times as needed.
Office Phone: 918-595-8408
Chief Brown has served in a multitude of leadership positions in public and private organizations.
Current Positions: Tulsa Community College-Tulsa, Oklahoma; Assistant Professor, Fire and Emergency Services;
President, Northeast Campus Faculty Association; Past-President, Tulsa Community College Faculty Association.
Other Academic Institutions: Adjunct Professor-Grand Canyon University, Southern Nazarene University,
Northeastern State University, Oklahoma State University, National Fire Academy, and the National Emergency
Management Institute.
Other Positions: 911 Strategies-Owasso, Oklahoma; President/Owner, Consulting and Managerial Services
providing consulting and managerial services for over twenty-five years for academic, environmental, managerial,
emergency services, emergency management, and risk management related entities.
Previous Positions: Baytown, Texas Fire Department, Fire Chief; Tulsa, Oklahoma Fire Department, Chief Officer
serving as Fire Chief, Coordinator of Emergency Management, Chief of Emergency Medical Services, Chief of
Research and Development, District Fire Chief, Chief of Hazardous Materials and Technical Rescue, Director of
Human Resources, Chief of Training, Assistant Fire Chief, Deputy Fire Chief, Hazmat Captain, Rescue Captain,
Engine Captain, Ladder Captain, and Volunteer Chaplain.
Chief Brown holds seven earned degrees from nationally accredited institutions. His degrees include:
Ph.D., Environmental Science with an emphasis in Disaster Management, Oklahoma State University,
M.A., Political Science with an emphasis in Fire and Emergency Management, Oklahoma State University,
M.S., Management, Southern Nazarene University,
B.A., Management of Human Resources, Southern Nazarene University,
A.S., Business Administration, Tulsa Junior College,
A.A., Liberal Arts, Tulsa Junior College, and
A.A.S., Fire Protection Technology, Tulsa Junior College.
Chief Brown has received numerous awards for his academic and professional contributions including:
President’s Award- National Fire Academy,
OSU President’s Achievement Award,
Only the “Best”-Tulsa Community College,
Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities,
Phi Kappa Phi-National Graduate Honor Society,
Delta Pi Epsilon-National Graduate Honor Society for Education,
Delta Mu Delta- National Honor Society for Business, and
Phi Theta Kappa – National Honor Society Leadership Instructor.