October-November Warm Ups 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. The young woman walked a bit hesitantly towards the famous cozy Italian restaurant. She did not believe the excuse her parents gave her for having to meet her at the restaurant instead of at their house. To make matters worse, she was a bit grumpy because she was still catching up on the sleep that she lost during exam time. She noticed some cars that looked familiar in the parking lot. As soon as she walked through the door, she heard, "Surprise!" a. What do you think happened to the young woman? b. What can you figure out about her? c. What clues gave you this information? Read the scenario, and then answer the questions below. You have just gotten a pit bull puppy from an animal shelter. He’s lovable but nervous. If you raise your voice for any reason, he cowers and trembles. If you scold him, he hides. When you got him from the shelter, he had a slight limp and a deep scratch across his nose. a. What can you infer about your puppy? b. List the clues from the passage that support your answer. What can you infer about Adam? What can you infer about John Wilson? Explain how you arrived at your inferences. What is a character trait? Use the glossary in the back of the literature book if you do not know the definition (R121). Think about your personal character traits. List three positive traits and three negative traits. The prefix non means “not or the opposite of.” The prefix mis- means “wrong or wrongly.” List and define five words beginning with this prefix. Answer the following questions in sentences: a. Describe the story that Zebra tells in his creative writing class. How is the bird in the story like Zebra? Explain at least two different ways. b. What role does art have in the story? Identify at least three ways that Zebra changes during the story as a result of art. Read the poem “The Rider” on p. 61 of the literature book. Then answer the questions below in complete sentences: a. Why does the boy in the poem roller skate? b. What is the speaker doing, and what is this person wondering? c. How do the speaker’s views on bike riding compare with Zebra’s feelings about running? The prefix pre-means “before,” and the prefix post- means “after.” List and define five words beginning with each of these prefixes. Nouns Throughout the Alphabet worksheet The prefix sub- means “under,” the prefix super- means “above and beyond,” and the prefix trans- means “across.” List and define five words beginning with each of these prefixes. Describe a scary movie or television show that you have watched (Keep it school appropriate). What made it seem so scary? Kinds of Nouns Practice & Apply #’s 1-10 on p. 38 of the Language Network book The prefix re- means “again” or “back.” List and define ten words beginning with this prefix. 14. What is a legend? If you are unfamiliar with the term, look up the definition in the glossary of the literature book (R127). Describe an example of a legend using your prior knowledge. 15. Preview the book by reading the title and author’s name and by looking at the illustration on the cover. Then answer the questions below in sentences. a. What do you think the book will be about? Why do you think so? b. Do you think it will take place in modern times or the distant past? Why? c. Do you think the book will be serious or humorous? Why do you think so? 16. Compound Nouns Practice & Apply Part A #’s 1-10 on p. 46 17. Respond to the following prompt in sentences: What are you afraid of? What do you think is the cause of your fear? 18. Possessive Nouns Practice & Apply Part A #’s 1-10 on p. 43 19. The prefixes uni- means one, bi- means two, and tri- means three. List and define five words that begin with each of these prefixes. 20. List of adjectives from Schoolhouse Rock video 21. What is an Adjective? Practice & Apply #’s 1-10 on p. 128 in the Language Network book 22. Predicate Adjectives Practice & Apply #’s 1-10 on p. 130 in the Language Network book