PRESENT PROGRESSIVE Present Progressive • The present progressive is used less frequently in Spanish than it is in English • Remember that a present tense verb in Spanish has three associated meanings: Yo estudio I study I do study I am studying • The present progressive signifies that the action is ongoing/unfinished Present Progressive • In English and Spanish the present progressive requires using a helping/auxiliary verb plus a present participle (called a gerund) • English gerunds add -ing to the infinitive – I am running – I am reading • Spanish adds -ando or -iendo to the verb stem – Yo estoy hablando (if AR verb) – Yo estoy comiendo (if ER/IR verb) Present Progressive: Construction • In Spanish, the most common helping verb is estar, but seguir and continuar can be used • Conjugate this verb for the correct subject, then concatenate the present participle Estar Present Participle estoy estamos estás estáis está están hablar + ando hablando Present Progressive: Construction • In Spanish, the most common helping verb is estar, but seguir and continuar can be used • Conjugate this verb for the correct subject, then concatenate the present participle Estar Present Participle estoy estamos estás estáis está están comer + iendo comiendo Present Progressive: Construction • In Spanish, the most common helping verb is estar, but seguir and continuar can be used • Conjugate this verb for the correct subject, then concatenate the present participle Estar Present Participle estoy estamos estás estáis está están cubrir + iendo cubriendo Present Progressive: Construction • If the original verb was reflexive, the same rules apply now as before: THE PRONOUN ALWAYS GOES BEFORE THE CONJUGATED VERB • For example: – acostarse: – acostarse: Yo me estoy acostando Yo estoy acostándome • Since a participle is not a conjugation, it’s ok to attach (but if attached, one must add an accent on the originally stressed vowel) Present Progressive: Caveats • Sometimes iendo will cause toooooo many sequential vowels so keep in mind the fact that Old McDonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o. • If you have any of these vowels sequences (forward or backward), change i -> y: – eie – oie – eio creer+iendo » creiendo » creyendo oir + iendo » oiendo » oyendo (can only occur in other tenses/modes) Present Progressive: Caveats • There is also a spelling change with -ir verbs that some characterize as a ½ stem change – e -> ie – o -> ue • This same vowel substitution also occurs in a few other modalities so while not über-critical now, it would be good to start practicing Present Progressive: Caveats • Take care not to overgeneralize • Gerunds are very rarely used alone in Spanish and if it seems like the gerund should be used, the situation most likely calls for an infinitive • For example: – Sleeping is good Dormir es bueno – We prefer sleeping Preferimos dormir – We are sleeping Estamos durmiendo