sample1 - Society of Petroleum Geophysicists, India

Society of Petroleum Geophysicists
Proceedings of the
5 Conference & Exposition
on Petroleum Geophysics
15-17 January, 2004
Hotel Taj Krishna, Hyedrabad
Geophysics: Leveraging Technologies for E&P Business
Hyedrabad - 2004
About SPG
Past Conferences
Host City
Papers Section wise
Authors Index
Editorial Team
The capital of the state of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad is the fifth largest city in
India with an ancient civilization and culture. Attached to the city is its twin ,
Secunderbad, which is part of Hyderabad. The twin cities of Hyderabad and
Secunderbad are separated by the Husain Sagar, an artificial lake constr- ucted
during the time of Ibrahim Quli Qutb Shah Wali in 1562 A.D.
The city is nearly 400 years old and is noted for its natural beauty, mosques and
minarets, bazaars and bridges, hills and lakes. It is perched on the top of the
Deccan Plateau, 1776ft., above sea level, and sprawls over an area of 100 Sq.
miles. A multitude of influences have shaped the character of the city. Its palaces
and buildings, houses and tenements, gardens and streets have a history and an
architectural individuality of their own, which makes Hyderabad a city of
Hyderabad was founded on the River Musi five miles east of Golconda, in 1591-92
by Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah. In the 16th century the city grew spontaneously to
accommodate the surplus population of Golconda, which was the capital of the
Qutb Shahi rulers. Many buildings sprang up along the River Musi. Gradually the
city grew.
The Qutb Shahi dynasty founded the Kingdom of Golconda, one of the five
kingdoms that emerged after the break up of the Bahamani Kingdom. The Qutb
Shahis ruled the Deccan for almost 171 years. All the seven rulers were patrons of
learning and were great builders. They contributed to the growth and development
of Indo-Persian and Indo-Islamic literature and culture in Hyderabad.
During the Qutb Shahi reign Golconda became one of the leading markets in the
world of diamonds, pearls, steel for arms, and also printed fabric. Asif Jah I
continued to maintain Aruangabad, which had been founded by the Mughal rulers
as the capital of his new state. In 1769, Nizam Ali Khan Asif Jah II, shifted the
capital to Hyderabad.
The seven Nizam's of the Asif Jahi dynasty ruled the Deccan for nearly 224 years,
right up to 1948.During the Asif Jahi period, Persian, Urdu, Telgu and Marathi
developed simultaneously. The highest official positions were given to deserving
persons irrespective of their religion. Persian was the official language up to 1893
and then Urdu up to 1948.
The glory of the Golconda kingdom ended in 1687, after a valiant struggle.
Aurangzeb, the last great Mughal ruler, captured Golconda after a siege that lasted
eight months. Abul Hasan Tana Shah, the last king of Golconda, was imprisoned at
Daulatabad, where he died after twelve years in captivity.With the conquest of the
Deccan and the South, Aurangzeb succeeded in expanding the Mughal Empire to
cover the entire sub-continent. However, after his death in 1707, the Empire rapidly
At that time , the Deccan was administered by a Subedar or viceroy of the Mughal
Emperor. Mir Quamaruddin, the Governor of the Deccan, who bore the title of
Nizam-ul-Mulk Feroze Jung Asif Jah, declared his independence from Mughal rule
in 1724. He thus became the first Nizam and the founder of the Asif Jahi dynasty.
When the British and the French spread their hold over the country, the Nizam soon
won their friendship without bequeathing his power. The title "Faithful. Ally of the
British Government" was bestowed on Nizam VII. The British stationed a Resident
at Hyderabad, but the state continued to be ruled by the Nizam.
The rule of the seven Nizam's saw the growth of Hyderabad both culturally and
economically. Huge reservoirs, like the Nizam Sagar, Tungabadra, Osman Sagar,
Himayath Sagar, and others were built. Survey work on Nagarjuna Sagar had also
begun during this time.
Hyderabad, under the Nizam's, was the largest princely state in India. Area wise it
was as big as England and Scotland put together. The State had its own currency,
mint, railways, and postal system. There was no income tax.
Soon after India gained independence, Hyderabad State merged with the Union of
India. On November 1, 1956 the map of India was redrawn into linguistic states,
and Hyderabad became the capital of Andhra Pradesh.
Golconda Fort
Mecca Masjid
Warangal Fort
Birla Mandir
B.M. Birla Planetrium /
Science Musuem
Hyderabad has been a major trading centre for centuries. It has been influenced by
cultures from all directions - largely because both of India's coastlines were
controlled by its former rulers. The city offers just about anything you are looking for
- antiques, jewellery, handicrafts, dresses - traditional and modern - leather goods,
pearls and semi precious stones, and a dizzying array of perfumes.
The main commercial areas are open Monday through Saturday except in the
Charminar area, where some shops remain closed on Fridays. Street-side bazaar
are open on Sundays as well. The Abids Road becomes a paradise or book lovers
on Sundays. The lucky shopper may find a rare old book or a collector's issue of a
magazine selling on the street at a throwaway price. Bargaining is a must on the
street - a safe margin to ask for is 10-15% off the stated price.
Commerce in Hyderabad begins relatively late; some shops open only at 1030 or
1100 hrs and close again for a two-hour lunch break. You must check each item
you buy, for it is difficult to return or exchange merchandise except in the large
stores. In any case, take care to ask for a receipt.
Main Markets
 Charminar-Patthargatti-Lad Bazaar
 Monda Market
 Sultan Bazaar - Koti - Troop Bazaar
Andhra cuisines has much to write home about. While
Hyderabadi is totally distinct from that available anywhere
else, traditional Andhra meals involve a lot of Chillies,
pickles and like to keep the taste buds literally tingling. The
Biryanis and Kebabs of Hyderabad find no match anywhere
else for their taste while the Avakai and Gongoora Pickles
of Coastal Andhra is notable for its tangy hot taste.
For those who relish non-vegetarian dishes, Andhra
cuisines serves up tongue tingling recipes like the tabgy
"Chapala Pulusu" (Sour and Hot Fish Stew), Flavourful
"Mutton Pulao", delectable prawn and crab "Iguru" perked
with lots of spices. Hyderabadi cuisines offers the
unparalled Dubble Ka Meetha, Qubbani Ka Meetha. Sheer
Khorma, Firni, Shahi Tukre, Gil-e-Firdaus, and a tempting
choice of sweet delicacies to finish your meals, which can
be rich or light as your plate desires.
Editorial Team
Society of Petroleum Geophysicists
8th Floor, GEOPIC, ONGC, KDMIPE Campus
Kaulagarh Road, Dehradun - 248 195
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Email :,
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Editorial Team:
Anand Prakash
“The Society of Petroleum Geophysicists, India and its editorial team , can
not be held responsible for the opinions expressed and statements made in
the articles published in the poroceeding, the responsibility resting with the
About SPG
There had been a growing realisation amongst the geophysical
community that the exchange of technical ideas and practical
experience though important was lacking. With these thoughts in
the background, a group of geophysicists met at the residence of
Mr. M.R.Rao (First President of SPG) and resolved to form a
Geophysical Society with its headquarters at Dehradun.
As a result, the Society of Petroleum Geophysicists, India was born on August 15,
1992, when about 30 Geophysicists met and resolved to form an association, for
improved interaction and technical exchange. The Society was registered with the
Registrar of Societies as a non profit organisation on January 4, 1993.
A competition to design a LOGO for SPG was held on August 15, 1993. The design
finally accepted for the logo depicts an oil drop engraved with SPG. Seven waves
below the drop signify seven sisters of Petroleum Exploration- Geophysics,
Geology, Petrophysics, Geochemistry, Bio-Stratigraphy, Reservoir Engineering, and
Drilling Engineering.
About SPG
The first Executive Committee of SPG was unanimously elected. The members of
the Executive committee are:
M Rajagopala Rao
Vice President
The committee organised a number of short courses, lectures and workshops
which were well received by the geophysical community.
In July 1994, a General Body Meeting of the Society was held when the new
executive headed by A.G.Pramanik took over. Sh B.C.Bora, CMD, ONGC became
the Chief Patron of the Society. A training programme on Seismic Data Processing
by K.G.Gupta was organised from September 22-25, 1994. The birth of the
regional chapters for Chennai, Jorhat, Mumbai, Ahmedabad and Baroda also took
place in the same year.
About SPG
As a result of active association of the President A.G.Pramanik and his untiring
efforts, SPG became an affiliate society of SEG, USA in 1995. Subsequently it also
bagged affiliation from EAGE. His vision provoked the Executive to take up a
challenge and organise an International Conference which could bring together
Geoscientists, Policy makers, Academia and Industry.
The First Conference and Exposition on Petroleum Geophysics was held at Hotel
Ashoka, New Delhi from Feb 9-11, 1996. The Executive also decided to hold
International Conference on Petroleum Geophysics bi-annually. Subsequently two
International Conferences were held in Chennai in 1998 and New Delhi in 2000.
The Executive committee of the Society decided upon to have a technical journal of
the society. Sh Roop Chand, Member, Executive Committee proposed the name Geohorizons which was unanimously accepted. Mr Satinder Chopra also an
Executive Member of the Society was nominated as the editor of Geohorizons, the
first issue of which was published in April 1996. Currently Geohorizons is being
published quarterly.
Current membership : Over 800 Geoscientists
Intel ®
Papers Section wise
Potential Fields & Non Seismic Methods
Exploration of Sub Trappeans
BoreHole Geophysics & Wireline logging
Seismic Data Acquisition & Processing
Velocity modelling & Depth Imaging
Interpretation & visualization of geodata
AVo, Seismic modelling & Inversion
Rock Physics & Petrophysics
Multicomponent Seismic
Reservoir Characterization & Time Lapse Seismics
Exploration case histories
E&P Success : Integration of GeoSciences & Engg. case studies
E&P Data Management & Emerging Computing Technologies
Non Conventional Energy Resources
Invited Talks
Students Section
Potential Fields & Non Seismic Methods
1. Review of Current Techniques Being Used In The Development of
Fast 3d EM Modeling Algorithms
Pravin K. Gupta
2. Isostatic Compensation of Offshore India
Abhey Ram Bansal
3. Joint Inversion of Seismic First Arrival Travel Time and Gravity Data – An
Application of Arc Tangent Basis Function and Very Fast Simulated
Lopamudra Roy, Mrinal K. Sen, Krik McIntosh & Yosio Nakamura
4. Signature of Continental to Oceanic Transition in KrishnaGodavari Offshore: India
M.K.Maheshwari & D.Sar
5. A Reappraisal of The Structure And Tectonics of The Cauvery Basin
(India) From Aeromagnetics and Gravity
H.V. Ram Babu & M. Prasanti Lakshmi
6. Solution To Double Density Interface Problem Through Stabilized Analytic
Signal Method – A Numerical Study
Rambhatla G. Sastry & Param K. Gautam
Potential Fields & Non Seismic Methods
7. Uncertainty Analysis of Crustal Models Obtained From Inversion of Gravity
Anomalies Using Genetic Algorithm.
Lopamudra Roy, M. K. Sen & R. K. Shaw
8. Selection of Routes for Offshore Seismic Data Acqusition and Mapping
Sediment Migration Patterns Utilising Irs-1D Liss-iii Data on a Gis Platform:
A Case Study In Bengal Offshore
S . Sengupta & D. S. Mitra
9. On Multi-Scaling Interpretation of Gravity Data
Jeet Singh, Abhey Ram Bansal & Dinesh Kumar
10. Role of Borehole Geophysics In Deep Water Exploration And
Production In Cuu Long River Delta, South Vietnam
Nguyen Hong Bang
11. Rapid Resistivity Imaging Method and Its Application for Central-loop
Transient Electromagnetic Sounding
Yan Liangjun, Hu Wenbao, Chen Qingli & Hu Jiahua
12. Gravity Modeling of Kutch Offshore Basin
D. Rai, M. Lal & I.M. Mehra
Potential Fields & Non Seismic Methods
13. A Quasi-3D Representation In Resistivity Imaging Technique
Sushobhan Dutta, Tanvi Arora, N.S. Krishnamurthy, V.A. Rao & S.Ahmed
14. Capabilities of Potential Method in Oil Exploration- A Holistic View
T. P. Singh
……….. And Robert M.Pirsig said:
"…. Laws of nature are human inventions, like ghosts. Laws of logic are also human inventions, like
ghosts. The whole blessed thing is a human invention, including the idea that it isn't a human invention. The
world has no existence whatsoever outside the human imagination. It's all a ghost, and in antiquity was so
recognised as a ghost, the whole blessed world we live in. It's run by ghosts. We see what we see because
these ghosts show it to us, ghosts of Moses and Christ and the Buddha, and Plato, and Descartes, and
Rousseau and Jefferson and Lincoln, on and on and on. Isaac Newton is a very good ghost. One of the best.
Your common sense is nothing more than the voice of thousands and thousands of these ghosts from the past.
Ghosts and more ghosts. Ghosts trying to find their place among the living. ……."
Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Exploration of Sub Trappeans
1. Infra Trappean Modelling of Deccan Syneclise
Jitendra Kumar, Paramjit Singh & Dipankar Dutta
2. Delineation of Basaltic Covered Sediments in the Saurashtra Region using
Deep Resistivity Sounding Studies
S.B. Singh, G. Ashok Babu, K.P. Singh, B.C. Negi, Y. Srinivas & V. Purushotham Rao
National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad
3. Gravity Studies over Saurashtra Peninsula, India- Some New Insight 75
D. C. Mishra, Bijendra Singh, S.B. Gupta, M.R.K.P Rao, A.P. Singh,
D.V.Chandrasekhar, M.B.S.V. Rao, D.C.H.V Raju, V. Vijay Kumar & V.M. Tiwari
4. Delineation of Electrical Structure Beneath Saurashtra Peninsula
using MT Studies
S.V.S. Sarma, T. Harinarayana, M. Someswara Rao, G. Virupakshi, D.N. Murty,
R.S. Sastry, Nandini Nagarajan, T.S. Sastry, M.V.C. Sarma, Madhusudan Rao,
K.Veeraswamy, S.Prabhakar E Rao, A. Lingaiah, T. Srinivasulu, B.P.K. Patro & C.Manoj
5. Hidden Mesozoic Sediments – Searching with Seismic Refraction
P. Koteswara Rao, M.M. Dixit, Prakash Khare, G. Kesava Rao, S. Raju, K.Sain,
A.S.N. Murthy, V.Y.N.Sarma, A.S.S.S.R.S. Prasad, V. Sridher, M.S.Reddy, P. R.
Reddy & D. Sarkar
Exploration of Sub Trappeans
6. A Cost Effective Strategy In Conducting Integrated Geophysical
Studies In Trap Covered Country
P. Koteswara Rao and P. R. Reddy
7. Deep Resistivity Survey Results in Deccan Trap Covered Area of Central
India - A Case of Sediments under the Cover
M.R. Kalsotra, R.S. Goyal & K. Venkata Rao
8. Sub Basalt Imaging Using Low Frequency Processing and Angle stack In
Saurashtra Region, Western India
A.K.Sarkar & R.Mohan
“............If the purpose of scientific method is to select from among a multitude of hypotheses, and if the number of
hypotheses grows faster than experimental method can handle, then it is clear that all hypotheses can never be tested. If
all hypotheses can't be tested, then the results of any experiment are inconclusive and the entire scientific method falls
short of its goal of establishing proven knowledge. ………"
"…….. What shortens the life span of the existing truth is the volume of hypotheses offered to replace it; the more the
hypotheses shorter the life span of the truth. And what seems to be causing the number of hypotheses to grow in recent
decades seems to be nothing more than scientific method itself. The more you look, the more you see. Instead of selecting
one truth from the multitude you are increasing the multitude. What this means logically is that as you try to move towards
unchanging truth through the application of scientific method, you do not move towards it at all. You move away from it! It is
your application of scientific method that is causing it to change! …….."
-- Robert M. Pirsig in Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance.
BoreHole Geophysics & Wireline logging
1. Generalised Sonic Porosity Transform for Upper Assam Oil Fields
Lalaji Yadav, K. K. Prasad & A. N. Bhattacharya
2. Formation Resistivity Measurements Through Casing In The Wells of
Bombay Offshore Basin
B. V. Jacob, Naresh Kumar, K. V. Subba Rao & Ashok Kumar
3. An Innovative Approach for Formation Evaluation of Complex Panna
Formation in Heera Field, Mumbai Offshore.
Pardeep Kumar, Kamleshwar Rai, Sangeeta & R.P. Verma.
4. Leveraging State of Art Technology In The Appraisal of Old Wells
For Their Hydrocarbon Potential
K.K. Prasad & Chatar Singh
5. Lowdown of Resistivity: Effects of Microporosity on Oil Bearing Deltafront
Sandstones, North Jotana, Cambay Basin, India and Identification Methods
H.S Bhattacharya, V.Pratap, G.C.Deb, ,V.Siva Rao & T.K.Das
6. High Resolution Reservoir Characterization of Bassein Limestone in
Neelam Field of Mumbai Offshore Basin using FMS Image Data.
Rai K., Rawat N. S., Verma R.P. & Pardeep Kumar
BoreHole Geophysics & Wireline logging
7. Detection of Structural Elements Using Borehole Imagery Techniques, A
Case Study From Krishna-Godavari Basin, India
P R Bhavana, M V Rao & S S Yalamarty
8. A Study on The Nature of Cretaceous - Paleocene Boundary From Well
Logs In Cauvery Basin, India
P.P.Deo, Birbal Singh & R.V.Rao
9. Permanent Downhole Seismic Sensors in Flowing Wells
Jupe A.J. & Wason W.
10. Travel Time Modelling using Gamma Ray and Resistivity Log in
Sand Shale Sequence of Gandhar Field
D.N.Tiwary, Birbal Singh, R.T. Arasu, M.Rahaman, P.Saha & Mahesh Chandra
11. An Insight into the Prospects of Low Resistive Pay Sand Through
Electrofacies in Gandhar Area
K.K. Prasad & Chatar Singh
12. Calibration of Sonic Logs for Seismic Applications in Upper Assam
Lalaji Yadav, Dilip Ghosh, S.N. Maurya & A. N. Bhattacharya
BoreHole Geophysics & Wireline logging
13. Analysis of GS-11 Low-Resistivity Pay in Main Gandhar Field, Cambay
Basin, India – A Case Study
Ashok Kumar, J.P. Narayan, S. Lakhera, T. Chattopadhyay & R.P. Verma
14. Dependence of Vp/Vs vs. DTc Crossplot Technique For Gas-Water
Identification on Degree of Compaction and Effective Stress
Rao R.V.
15. Dipmeter As An Exploratory Tool – A Case Study
V.V.Subba Rao & K.Venkataraman
16. Ascertaining The Presence of Oil-Rim In Bassein Field through Rst Survey
“Intel has announced its next chip: the Repentium.”
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Seismic Data Acquisition & Processing
1. Recent Examples of High-density 3d Acquisition Success In The AsiaPacific Region
Andrew Long
2. iSIMM Looks Beneath Basalt for Both Industry and University Research
Philip Christie, Andrew Langridge , Zoë Lunnon & Alan W. Roberts & the iSIMM Team
3. Short-Offset Processing of 3D Seismic Data: A Tool for Study of Sea
Floor and to Identify Shallow Hazards-A Case History
Kumar MS, Chowdhary RD, Mishra DN, Rao PV,Srivastav R ,Naidu NNB, Pandey USD
& Sinha DP
4. Flexi Binning : A Solution for Irregular Acquisition Geometry
M. S. Rawat, M. Goswamy & M. Das
5. High Accuracy Interpolation of The Seismic Track Based on Fft
Jinhai Zhang & Shuqin Wang
6. Application of Fractal, Hough and Hilbert-Huang Transform in Seismic
Reflection Prospecting
Sankar Kumar Nath
Seismic Data Acquisition & Processing
7. Seismic Probe Beneath A Civilization
P.L.N.Sarma, S.K.Chandola, M.P.Rao, K.Ramakrishna, A.Saha & V.Singh
8. Hybrid Cellular Seismic Telemetry System
Robert G Heath
9. Ray Theoretical Modelling for Seismic Data Acquisition in Badarpur
(Cachar)– A Case History
S. Bhattacharya, S. Bhagat, Kh. Nabakumar, G. N. Boruah, A.M. Singha, R. Prakash &
R.K. Khanna
10. Determination of Tidal Corrections and Application to 3D Marine
Data: A case study
P R Balak, Achintya Pal & K K Pande
11. Pre Stack Imaging : Selection of Right Tool for Imaging Moderate
A.C. Gupta , D.N. Patro & Shyam Mohan
12. Pre-Stack Migration Aperture and Survey Area Extension
Srivastava, P. K. & Naidu, N.n.b.
Seismic Data Acquisition & Processing
13. An Innovative 3d Recovery over A Large Township Ramnathapuram,
Cauvery Basin, India
Anjaneyulu.S, Murthy.R.V.S, Roy. A.K & Choudary.B.K.
14. Seismic Exploration In Jalalpur,Cachar : An Integrated Approach For
Value Addition
M. K. Jain, A. K. Chattopadhaya & M. Das
15. Series Expansion of Wave Propagation In Heterogeneous Media Using
Robert J. Ferguson, Sergey B. Formel & Mrinal K. Sen
16. Deghosting of Ocean Bottom Cable Data : Two Approaches
J. Singh & K.Subramanyam
17. Acquiring Better Seismic Data in Virgin Area through Model Studies and
Field Experimentation : A Case Study from Cachar Belt of Assam
K.Eswariah, P.K.Das, A.Dhar, R.L.Basak, R.Mohanta , O.S.Ramakrishna , Ganga
Shyam & B.Singh
18. Q-approach In Seismic Data Acquisition : A Case Study In Gokarnapuram
Area of K.G. Basin, India
T.V. Gopal Swamy, Ram Kripal, R.majumdar & Chaman Singh
Seismic Data Acquisition & Processing
19. An Alternative Approach to Process the Wide-Angle Reflection
Data By Pre-stack Compositing of Gathers for Sub-basalt Imaging
C. B. Yadava, U. K. Chatterjee & S. Viswanathan
20. Wavelet Processing an Aid in Revelation of Obscured Subsurface
Geomorphic Features - A Case Study of Kunjban-Bamutia Area in Tripura
A.K.Arya,B.Agrawal, A.K.Srivastava & D.V.R.Murti
21. Imaging in Fold Belts with Limited Inputs - A Case History
B. K. Pradhan, P. K. Srivastava & R. K. Khanna
22. Improvement of Deeper Eocene Reflections from Upper Assam Basin
using Iterative Processing Sequence
C.V.G.Krishna, Y.P.Singh & K.K.Nath
“To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream,
Not only plan but also to act.”
Anatole France
Quoted by ALBERT Y.Zomoya,
Parallel and Disributed Computing Handbook,
McGraw Hill, 1996
Velocity modelling & Depth Imaging
1. Pitfalls in 3D preSDM Imaging
Ian F. Jones
2. Depth Imaging Around the World
Guillaume Cambois
3. The Benefits Of Pre-stack Wave Equation Depth Migration For Imaging
Complex Structures
S. Pharez & R. Soubaras
4. What happened to Depth after Pre-SDM ?
S.P. Singh, Deepak Sareen, K.K. Pande, Kunal Niyogi & C.H. Mehta
5. Anisotropic Prestack Imaging In Practice
Carl Notfors, Osman Khan, Peter Whiting & Uwe Klein Helmkamp
6. PSDM Using Model Based Velocity Estimation & Refinement For
Enhancement of Subsurface Imaging – A Case Study
Arjeesh Gupta, D.K.Vishnoi & D.Chatterjee
7. Depth - Interval Velocity Model Building using 3D-Coherency Inversion &
Pre Stack Depth Migration - A Case Study
D.K.Vishnoi, Arjeesh Gupta & D.Chatterjee
Velocity modelling & Depth Imaging
8. Dealing With High Frequency Anomalies In Velocity Model Building
L. Auchterlonie, J. Doherty, S. Pharez & N. Jones
9. Integrating Complementary Tools For Depth Imaging
S. Jerry Kapoor & Uwe K. Albertin
10. Improved Imaging through Pre Stack Depth Migration – A Case Study
Singh V. P. & Sinha D. P.
11. Migration Velocity Analysis in Transversely Isotropic Media: A Common
Focus Point (CFP) Approach
Chandan Kumar, Robert J. Ferguson & Mrinal K. Sen
12. Non-Uniqueness Problem in Velocity Determination An Experience with
Model Based Velocity Analysis
Srivastava Rajiv & Sinha.D.P.
“Reality can not be beaten with enough imagination”
- Anon
Interpretation & visualization of geodata
1. 3-D Seismic Attribute Imaging of Carbonate Terranes – Applications to the
Fort Worth Basin and Central Basin Platform, Texas, USA.
Kurt J. Marfurt, Chuck Blumentritt, E. Charlotte Sullivan & Isabel Serrano
2. Tectonic Setting and Petroleum System Significance of Pre-Tertiary
Sediments, Assam Basin, Northeast India
G.C.Naik, Rajiv Kumar & M.N. Soren
3. Seismotectonics - Role in Petroleum Exploration
N.C. Nanda
4. Pre Stack Imaging To Delineate A New Hydrocarbon Play– A Case History
D.Srinivas, T.R.Murali Mohan, Ashwani Lamba, B.S.Josyulu & S.S.Rawat
5. Seismic Evidences on The Occurrence of Hydrocarbon in The
Madarganj And Sariakandi Areas of Jamalpur And Bogra Districts
Md. Noor Alam
6. Identification of Prefered Reservoir Development In Olpad Formation For
The Exploration of Deeper Prospects Broach Block, Cambay Basin
S. Mayor, S.S. Sawkar, A.K. Das, Ganga Ram, D.S. Randhava & S.P. Painuly
Interpretation & visualization of geodata
7. Frequency Domain Seismic data: A tool for structural & stratigraphic
Analysis: A Case study from Mumbai High North field
D. Subrahmanyam, V. B. Singh ,V. K. Baid, S. P.S. Negi, S. Biswal, Ajai Kumar & Mohan
8. Post Rift Inversion and its Control on Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the
Sajali Area, Ahmedabad Block, Cambay Basin, India.
D.S.Ray, A.D.Kararia & M. Singh
9. Evolution of East Daman Carbonate Shelf & its Significance to
Hydrocarbon Exploration, Bombay Offshore Basin, India.
S.P. Sharma; J.Tikku; Arun K.Goel & S.K.Gupta
10. Post-rift Structural Evolution of Gandhar-nada Area and Its Implication On
Hydrocarbon Entrapment In Broach-Jambusar Block, Cambay Basin,
P. Saha, R.T.Arasu, M.Rahaman, D.N.Tiwari & B.S.Josyulu
11. 3d Seismic Delineation of Thin Sandstone Reservoirs In Shale-limestone
Rich Sequences of Tapti-Daman Area: A Modelling Aided Approach
Harilal, C. G. Rao, R. C. P. Saxena, J. L. Nangia, & N. K. Verma
Interpretation & visualization of geodata
12. Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional Systems for Mid - to Late Eocene
Kopili Alloformation Assam Shelf, Northeastern India
Rajiv Kumar, G.C.Naik, U.S. Kanungo, D. Gandhi, A.N. Banerjee, R.M. Baruah & A. Deb
13. Prospect Analysis of An Area In South Cambay Basin A Case Study
R.P.Sharma, V.N Pathak, Madan Mohan & D.D.Gaikwad
14. Dispersal Geometry of Basal Sands of Panna Formation in Heera Field
from 3D Seismic Data
Ravi P. Singh, Asit Kumar & Shyam Mohan
15. Facies Classification Based on Seismic waveform - A case study from
Mumbai High North
V. B. Singh, D. Subrahmanyam, S. P. S. Negi, V. K. Baid, Ajai Kumar & S. Biswal
16. Miocene Sequence Stratigraphy the Coastal Tract of East Godavari
Subbasin, Krishna- Godavari Basin, India
S.g.k. mohan, Santanu De, A.k.das & S.p.s. baghel
17. Gondwana Sediments: A Promising Hydrocarbon Exploration Target in
Assam Shelf
K.C.Das, V.S.B.Sarma & M.Ayyadurai
Interpretation & visualization of geodata
18. Seismic Imaging using Attribute Analysis for Identifying Stratigraphic
Plays in CA-C25/TP Area Tapti Daman Sector, Mumbai Offshore
A.m.chitrao, Gourishankar L. Iyer, L. Suryanarayana,T. Ravi Kumar & P.k.bhowmick
Despite the illusion we enjoy that the pace of discovery in accelerating, it is important that , in same
fields of science, many goals appear to be attainable only slowly and by huge collective
efforts……… After a century of seismology, only now are measurements and analytical techniques
sensitive enough to promise that we shall soon have a picture of the interior of the planet on which
we live, one that shows the rising convention plumes of mantle rock that drive the tectonic plates
across the surface of the Earth.
John Maddox,
The Unexpected Science to come,
Scientific American, December, 1999.
“If there is a coming crisis, it’s water. Worldwide, oil companies produce more water than oil.”
Peter Aronstam
AVo, Seismic modelling & Inversion
1. AVO – Current Practice and Pitfalls
Brian Russell
2. Seismic Waveform Inversion – Current Status and Future Directions
Mrinal K Sen, John A. & Katherine G.
3. Prestack Waveform Inversion: A Key Technology For Analyzing Qacquired High-resolution Seismic Data.
Subhashis Mallick & Marcelo Benabentos
4. Far Offset P-to-S “Elastic Impedance” For Lithology And Partial Gas
Saturation (Fizz Water) Identification: Applications With Well Logs.
Ezequiel F. Gonzalez, Tapan Mukerji, Gary Mavko & Reinaldo J. Michelena.
5. Avo/ Avoa Over a Transversely Isotropic Medium With Tilted Axis of
Ranjit K. Shaw & Mrinal K. Sen, John A. & Catherine G.
6. Comparative Study of AVO attributes for Reservoir Facies Discrimination
and Porosity Prediction
Y. Hanumantha Rao & A.K. Biswal
AVo, Seismic modelling & Inversion
7. Stratigraphy of Sub-Volcanic Sediments Using 2-D Waveform Tomography
of Wide-angle Seismic Data
Kalachand Sain, Fuchun Gao, Colin A. Zelt & Gerhard R. Pratt
8. Non–Stationary Advanced Geostatistical Modelling Technique: A Case
Ram Kumar Thakur, Gaëlle Le Loch, P.K. Chaudhari & Birbal Singh
9. Ambiguities in Seismic Wave Velocity Analysis and in its AVO Response
in Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments
Pulak Kumar Bera, Maheswar Ojha & Kalachand Sain
10. Time-Lapse Simultaneous Avo Inversion of the Widuri Field, Offshore
Southeast Sumatra
Bill Harmony , Robert Van Eykenhof, Lupi Harvidya , Djoko Rubyanto, Sri Lestari Supardi
Mark Sams, Fauzi Alkatiri, Paul Van Riel & Peter Mesdag
11. Seismic Inversion on 3D Data of Bassein Field, India
K.Sridhar, A.A.K.Sundaram, V.B.G.Tilak, & Shyam Mohan
12. Detection of Thin Sands by Using Seismic Inversion and Pseudo Log
Property Mapping in Nada field of Cambay Basin, India - A Case Study
M.Rahaman, R.T.Arasu, P.Saha, D.N.Tiwari & B.S.Josyulu
AVo, Seismic modelling & Inversion
13. Amplitude Versus Offset Modeling of the Bottom Simulating Reflection
Associated with Submarine Gas Hydrates
Uma Shankar, Babita Sinha, N. Satyavani, B. Ashalata, S.I. Reddi & N.K. Thakur
14. Generation of Pseudo-Log Volumes from 3D Seismic Multi-attributes
using Neural Networks: A case Study
V.B.Singh, S.P.S.Negi, D.Subrahmanyam, S.Biswal & V.K.Baid
15. Estimation of Basement using Neural Network and Tomographic Inversion
A.K. Bansal
16. Stratigraphic Inversion in Recovery and Development Plan-A Case Study
Anuradha Tiwari & D.P.Sinha
17. Confounding Effects of Coals on Deeper Seismic Imaging - A Case Study
from East-Sobhasan - Langhnaj field, Cambay Basin, India
R. Vig, V. Singh, D. N. Tiwari & A. K. Bansal
“ I am quite conscious that my speculations run quite beyond the bounds of true science.”
Charles Darwin
Rock Physics and PetroPhysics
1. Statistical Rock Physics for Seismic Reservoir Characterization
Tapan Mukerji, Ezequiel Gonzalez, Gary Mavko, Per Avseth & Isao Takahashi
2. “Quick Look”: Rule Of Thumb of Rock Properties in Deep Water, KrishnaGodavari Basin
Acharya, M. N. & Biswal, A. K. & Mihir Acharya
3. Estimating Permeability from Acoustic Velocity and Formation Resistivity
Majid Nabi-Bidhendi
4. Petrophysical Properties and Its Efficacy in Maintaining Linkages to CoLaterals – A Case Study in an Indian Offshore Carbonate Field
Ajay Kumar, S.P. Rana, Sanjay Chawla & R.S. Bansal
5. Literature Review on Methods to Obtain Relative Permeability Data
Du, Yuqi, Oloyede B. Bolaji & Li Dacun
6. Geopressure and Seismic : Negotiating a Safe Path Amidst the Pitfalls
7. Laboratory Measurements of Compressional and Shear Wave Velocities
and their Inter-relationships For Mandapetta Field of KG Basin
S. S. Pabla, Mohan Lal, Hans Raj & R. P. Verma
Multicomponent Seismic
1. Recent Advances in Multicomponenet Seismic
Eivind Fromyr
2. Using Multicomponent Seismic Data to Better Understand Reservoir
Pål Kristiansen & John Waggoner
3. An Array of Sensors For Exclusive Recording of Sh Waves
Santi Kumar Ghosh
4. Development of C-Wave Seismic On-shore Surveys in Poland
Michael W. Podolak
5. Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) for Mapping Shallow
Subsurface Layers – A Case Study, Jabalpur, India.
T. Seshunarayana & N. Sundararajan
“Oil is found first in mind.”
Wallace Pratt
Reservoir Characterization & Time Lapse Seismics
1. Recent Advances in Seismic Reservoir Description
N. C. Dutta
2. Probable Contamination of Time Lapse (4D) Seismics
Stuart Crampin & Sebastien Chastin
3. Integrated Fracture Characterization From Seismic Processing to
Reservoir Modeling
E. Angerer, P. Lanfranchi, S. Pharez & S. Rogers
4. Quantative Analysis of Reservoir Characterisation Through Seismic
Attributes In Bassein Formation Bombay Offshore Basin.
B.m.bhardwaj; B.m. Juyal; Arun K. Goel; K. Datta; Ashish Kumar & S.k. Gupta
5. The Role of Single-Sensor Seismic Data In The Description Of Complex
Stephen Pickering, Steve McHugo & Anthony Cooke
6. Application Of Seismic Inversion In Integrated Characterization of
Carbonate Reservoirs : A Case Study From Mumbai High, India.
V. K. Baid, S. Biswal, D. Subrahmanyam, S.P.S. Negi, V.B. Singh & Ajai Kumar
Reservoir Characterization & Time Lapse Seismics
7. Seismic Guided Reservoir Characterization : Its Pitfalls and Moveouts
A.K.Nagar, A.K.Manchanda, Mahesh Chandra, R.Mahadevan, Pramod Kumar
8. Reservoir Characterization through Log Property Mapping in Geleki Field of
Upper Assam, India
G.K.Joshi, V.Shyammohan, A.S.Reddy,Birbal Singh & M.Chandra
9. Feasibility Assessment of a Time-Lapse Seismic Survey for Thermal EOR
in Balol Field, India Based on Rock Physics and Seismic Forward Modeling
Asit Kumar & Shyam Mohan
10. Relative Permeability Simulation using the Two-phase Lattice-Boltzmann
Youngseuk Keehm, Tapan Mukerji & Amos Nur
11. Reservoir Characterization - Geocellular Model for Mandapeta sand of
Mandapeta Field, KG Basin –A Holistic Approach
V.K.Jain, P.K. Cherukupalli, R.N.S.G.Rao, A.S. Bohra & P.K. Tewari
12. Predicting Permeable Zones In Carbonate Reservoir From Seismic –
Addressing The Challenge
Pramesh Tyagi, Amit Bhaduri & Dhruba J. Dutta
Reservoir Characterization & Time Lapse Seismics
13. Reservoir Characterization Using Multi Seismic Attributes in B-Area of
Heera-Panna-Bassein Block of Bombay Offshore Basin, India.
G.V.Reddy, Pawan Kumar, SBR Naik, G.N.Murthy, Vandana, S.K.Kaul & P.K.Bhowmick
14. Application of Step Rate Test (SRT) in Monitoring of Dynamic Layer
Pressures in Mumbai High South
R.Saxena, M.M.Pannigrahi,U.B.Singh, K.S.Prasad, B.B.Tripathi, & S.Ramanan
“Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.”
Albert Einstein
“In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something
that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it’s the exact opposite.”
Paul Dirac (1902-1984)
“The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of
thinking about them.”
Sir William Bragg
Exploration case histories
1. Fluid and Lithology Identification using Simultaneous Angle Dependant
Inversion, Burgos Basin, Mexico.
V. Mercado H., R..M. Uribe C., J. Méndez de León, PEMEX, E. Francucci, F.
Fernández-Seveso, L. Piccioni & D. Graham
2. Panna & Mukta Fields – Seismic Inversion Reduces Risk And Uncertainty
Alan Foum, Hari Kumar, Jur Snijder & Adrian Smith
3. Application of Seismic Inversion Study For Successful Hydrocarbon
Exploration In Cauvery Basin – A Case Study
M.Anandan, Bobby J.Thattacherry, A.K.Dwivedi, V.L.N.Avadhani & V.Rangachari
4. Stratigraphic and Lithologic Interpretation of Thin Reservoirs through
an Integrated Approach: A Case Study
A. Bose, V. Singh, A.K.Tandon, B.S.Josyulu & Mahesh Chandra
5. Detection of Thin Sandstone Reservoirs Using Multi Attribute Analysis And
Spectral Decomposition On Post Stack 3D Seismic Data, North Sarbhan Oil
Field, South Cambay Basin, Gujarat, India
P.H. Rao, G. L. Hansa, Sangeeta Savanur, S. Mangal, B. Ramegowda, Laxmi Shanker
and S.P. Painuly
Exploration case histories
6. A New Insight into the Hydrocarbon Potential of Deeper Sands in Upper
H.C.V Kumar, V. Venkatesh, Arshad Aziz, P.R Mishra, D.K Mahanta J.C Basumatary,
Roopchand & S.M Goel
7. Geodata Integration Leads To Reserve Accretion In Baramura Gas
Field of Tripura, Assam-Arakan Fold Belt – A Case Study
S.M.Akram, B.Mudiar & Anand Sahu
8. Delineation of Endamuru Pay Sands with the Integration of Seismic
Attributes and Post Stack Stratigraphic Inversion in Krishna Godavari
Basin India
Mukul Srivastava, Ram Kumar Thakur, V.S.V Prasad, B.S Josyulu & Mahesh Chandra
9. Application of Reflection Amplitude for Delineation of Thin Reservoir
Gyanesh Chandra, Harjinder Singh, A.K.Jena & RamAvtar
10. Identification of Shallow Gas Prospects from DHI and Inversion Studies of
2D Seismic Data, Kosamba Oil field, South Cambay Basin, Gujarat, India –
A Case Study.
S. Mangal, G.L. Hansa, S. R. Savanur, P.H. Rao & S.P. Painuly
Exploration case histories
11. Identification of Paleogeomorphic Features In Western Tripura- A Case
K.K.Zutshi & S.Zaidi
12. Reconstruction of Paleogeographic Setup of Tura Formation in
Rudrasagar-Disangmukh - Panidihing Area of Upper Assam Shelf using 3D Seismic techniques
S.M.Ismail, R.N.Dwivedi, P.V.S.J.Sarma, I.Jaya Kumar & Roop Chand
13. An Integrated Approach for Water Tracking in a Matured Limestone
Reservoir of Mumbai High
Sanjay Chawla, Ajay Kumar, S.P.Rana & R.S.Bansal
14. An Integrated Approach to Decipher Depositional Model of Oligocene
Basal Sand Pack and Hydrocarbon Entrapment in Ichapur Area, Bengal
Hari Kirat Singh, Santanu De & A. Maitra
15. A Re-look on The Subsurface of Himalayan Foothills In View of New
Acquisition and Reprocessing of Seismic Data
N.K.Verma, Rana G.S, Ranjan Vinod & Jitendra Kumar
E&P SUccess : Integration of GeoSciences
& Engg. case studies
1. Mumbai High Redevelopment – Geo-Scientific Challenges and
Technological Opportunities
Kharak Singh, J.L.Narasimham & Rajesh Kumar
2. Geocellular Model: An Aid for EOR Implementation, Lanwa Field, Cambay
A J Duggal, V K Jain, Nilesh Kumar, B L Sharma & K T Kumar
3. Characterization And The Management of Carbonate Reservoir From 3D
Seismic and Petro-physical Properties - A Case Study
S.P. Rana, Ajay Kumar, Sanjay Chawla & R.S. Bansal
4. Geological Prognosis of Horizontal Wells Using 3D Geocellular Model-An
Aid to Develop the Complex Carbonate Reservoir of Mumbai High Oil Field
of India
S.P.S.Negi, Ajai kumar, D. Subrahmanyam, V.K.Baid, V.B.Singh & S.Biswal
5. Identification of Undrained Area through MDT Approach in a Mature Oil
Field of Cambay Basin, India – A Case Study.
K.Vijaya Kumar, Rakesh Dhir, M.S.Gauma & Ram Avtar
E&P SUccess : Integration of GeoSciences
& Engg. case studies
6. Integration of Different Types of Data for Characterization of Reservoir
S. K. Mishra
7. Microseismic Monitoring of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
Jupe A. J. & Wason W
E&P Data Management & Emerging
Computing Technologies
1. Overview of Seismic Data Management in ONGC
P.K. Mittal
2. Prestack Inversion of Seismic Reflection Data Using Real Coded Genetic
Suhas Phadke, Subrata Chakraborty, Sudhakar Yerneni & R. K. Verma
3. E & P Data Management & Pitfalls - A Pep Talk
A.Venkata Rao, P.Mishra, & A.V.Satyanarayana
4. Information Management - A Case Study of Design and Implementation of
Cost Effective Well Log Data Management System
K.Venkataraman & V.V.Subba Rao
5. Information Convergence In Exploration Data Management For Effective
Decision Making - A Review
Guha, Randeep & Arjun, N.K
6. An Overview of Well Log Data Management (LogDB) - Its Role and
Application in E&P Business
Thapliyal, H.C., Asim Samanta & Anjani Kumar
E&P Data Management & Emerging
Computing Technologies
7. MEMS – A New Technology for Digital Geophone Design
Ravindranath. K & B.D. Sharma
8. Grid Computing In Seismic: Opportunities and Challenges
R.K. Verma & Ajith C.
9. Seismic Numerical Modeling On PARAM Padma
Suhas Phadke, Sudhakar Yerneni, Subrata Chakraborty & Dheeraj Bhardwaj
Non Conventional Engery Resources
1. Energy Resource Potential of Natural Gas Hydrates
B.S.Pierce & T.S.Collett
2. Analysis of Micro-fractures in Coal for Coal Bed Methane Exploitation in
Jharia Coal Field
Dipak Mandal, D C Tewari & M S Rautela
3. Evaluation of Coal Bed Methane through Wire Line Logs Jharia field: A
Case Study
D. K. Rai, Sunit Roy & A. L.Roy
4. Seismic Characterization of A Gas Hydrate system in Gulf of Mexico using
High-Resolution Wide-Aperture Data
Jaiswal Priyank & Colin A.Zelt
5. A Preliminary Study of Hydrateand Free Gas Saturation in a Gas Hydrate
N. Satyavani, Uma Shankar, B. Ashalatha, S. I. Reddi & N. K. Thakur
Invited Talks
1. Petroleum Geostatistics versus Deterministic Optimisation
Olivier Dubrule
2. 3D Seismic Surveys in Complex Sub-Surface Areas
Andreas Cordsen
Students Section
1. An Integrated Approach to Delineate the Groundwater Contamination
N.C. Mondal & V.S. Singh
2. Integrated Approach to Delineate Fresh Groundwater Resources around
Koganti Powers Ltd., Raichur, Karnataka, India
N.C. Mondal, V.S. Singh & B.A. Prakash
3. Iterative Denoising of Geophysical Time Series Using Wavelets
Nimisha Vedanti
4. Gravity Signatures of Accreted Igneous Layer Beneath the Eastern
Continental Margin of India and Adjoining Bengal Basin
Niraj Kumar, A. P. Singh & Bijendra Singh
5. Determination of Magnetic Basement using Werner Deconvolution
Ravi Prakash Srivastava
6. Earthquake Prediction Studies through Desert Aquifer Sensitivity Analysis
– An Observational Experience
D.Muralidharan, Rolland Andrade & U.Sathyanarayana
Students Section
7. Structure of the Crust Beneath Chhattisgarh Basin Based on Gravity and
Magnetic Modeling
Sanjay K. Prajapati, C.L. Singh, B. Singh, A. Kumar
8. Absolute Gravity Measurement : A New Perspective for Geodynamic
V.M. Tiwari, S.K. Prajapati, M.B.S.V. Rao, B.Singh & D.C. Mishra
9. Interval Velocity Analysis for Gas Hydrate Potential Zones.
Santosh Mishra
10. Interpretation of Gravity Anomaly Over Symmetric Sedimentary Basin
using the Walsh Transform
Saumen Maiti & R.K.Tiwari
11. Use of Very Low Frequency Method for Characterizing the Lineaments
N.S. Krishnamurthy, Tanvi Arora, Shushobhan Dutta, V. Ananda Rao & Shakeel Ahmed
12. A Fractal Case Study of Bhuj Earthquake of January 26, 2001
P.N.S.Roy & Avadh Ram
Students Section
13. Optimum Time-Frequency Resolution of Seismic Data using Continuous
Wavelet Transform
Satish K. Sinha, Partha S. Routh, Phil D. Anno & J. P. Castagna
14. Three Dimensional Probability Tomographic Imaging of Self-Potential
Aparna Bera
15. Repeat Pass SAR Change Detection using Wavelet Decomposition and
Adaptive Empirical Orthogonal Function Reconstruction Approach
Sangram Ganguly
16. Parameterization and Its Importance: An Overview
Pramod, K.
17. Generation and Processing of Pseudo Shear-Wave Data: Theory and Case
Vladimir Grechka & Pawan Dewangan
18. Traveltime computation in tilted transversely isotropic media
Dhananjay Kumar & Mrinal K Sen
Students Section
19. Seismic Modeling in Attenuating Media
Dhananjay Kumar & Sverre Brendsberg - Dahl