quam_handbook - Zumbrota

Welcome to 5th grade at the Zumbrota-Mazeppa Elementary
School! This handbook will help you understand the many aspects of our
Classroom Discipline
We want our classrooms to be a successful and productive one, filled
with students who are learning to manage their own behavior.
School Expectations:
We will Respect ourselves by:
 Arriving on time
 Practice good manners
 Making good choices
We will Respect others by:
 Listening to others
 Following directions
 Treating others with kindness
We will Respect property by:
 Putting belongings in the appropriate place
 Use equipment properly
 Clean up after ourselves
We will Respect learning by:
 Doing our best
 Using time wisely
 Being prepared for home and school
Cougar Pride Program
In 5th grade, we will follow the school wide Cougar Pride Behavior
Matrix. As a class, we will cover all of the expected behaviors that the
students can display throughout their day. Positive behaviors will be
rewarded! When a student is "caught" displaying a positive behavior, the
student will receive a cougar pride card that is turned in to the office
for weekly prize drawings.
Behavior Rewards:
There will also be a behavior reward at the end of each quarter for the
students to participate in. Students will earn their way to the reward
celebration by not having any Major infractions or less than 5 Minor
infractions during the quarter. Some of these infractions would include:
fighting, name calling, disrespect, and cheating.
Referral Tickets:
Each time a student receives a referral ticket for a negative behavior a
form will be sent home with the students for the parents to sign. Please
be sure to sign the form and return it with your student the next school
day. If you ever have any questions, feel free to contact any of us
through email or phone.
Students will be given planners at the start of the school year to record
daily assignments, homework, upcoming dates, and important events. It
is the student's responsibility to fill out their planner daily. The planner
also acts as a communication tool between parents and teacher. The
Planner will need to be signed at least once a week by Friday and should
be brought to school each day.
Grades will be calculated with an 80/20 format. This means 80% of
student’s grade will be based on summative assessment scores and 20%
will be based on homework and other projects. Our philosophy is
homework is a chance for student’s to practice what they have learned in
a non-threatening way and summative assessments are a measure of
skills mastered after the practice. Formative assessments will be used
to guide instruction and assist students who need additional support and
Homework Policy
Part of our job in fifth grade is to work on building independent work
skills and organization skills to prepare the students as they continue on
their educational journey. If a student fails to complete an assignment
on time, their name is placed on the Practice Time (PT) list and the
student will need to fill out a pink slip to notify the parent that they
have received a late. At the next recess period, the student will spend
15 minutes before lunch completing the missing homework. If a student
receives three late assignments in a week, they will be assigned an after
school detention. These will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from
3:06 to 4:00. Parents will be responsible for transportation home from
detention. All homework is due the next day unless specified.
Absent Work/Family Vacations
It is the student’s responsibility to collect and complete absent work. In
the event of a family vacation, please let us know 1 week prior to the
absence. It is often difficult to send homework home before the
vacation due to pacing of instruction and lessons being adjusted to meet
student needs. Because of this, students will be assigned the work they
missed upon their return to school. Students will have the same number
of days to make up the homework as the number of days missed.
Each student entering 5 grade will be provided with a district-owned
Chromebook that will serve as a textbook, research tool, creation
station, homework center, collaboration device and much more. Students
will have the ability to complete daily assignments, receive homework
help, and use web-based programs for learning and research. These
devices will be used only at school to enhance and accelerate learning in
the classroom.
There is a 5th grade class website that can be found at
http://www.protopage.com/5thgradescience. It can be accessed
through the school website or by following the link above. This website
will be the main hub for the integration of technology in all areas of the
curriculum. It will provide an easier way for students to manage a large
numbers of websites. It is another tool to enhance teaching and the
student learning environment.
Important Dates
Field Trips
 Eagle Bluff-Wednesday March 9-11
 Clubs Choice Fundraiser-Kickoff October 5 , End of Sale October
19, and Delivery November 20
 Sea Life Minnesota-November 20
 Children’s Theatre-May 13
MCA Dates
April and May
Conference Dates
November 10 and 12
Early Release Dates
March 7 and 15
September 16, October 14, November 18, December 9, January 13,
February 10, April 13, and May 11
5th Grade Schedule
A and C Days
8:00-8:15-Team Time
8:00-8:15-Team Time
9:10-10:10-Rotation 1
10:10-11:10-Rotation 2
11:30-12:15 Lunch
12:45-1:45-Rotation 3
1:45-2:45-Rotation 4
2:10-2:52 Band
2:52 Zumbrota Dismiss
2:52-Zumbrota Dismiss
3:06 Mazeppa Dismiss
3:06 Mazeppa Dismiss