Faculty Council September 23, 2009 BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE The City University of New York COLLEGE COUNCIL Agenda September 23, 2009 2:00 p.m. N-402 I. CALL TO ORDER II. ATTENDANCE III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A. May 27, 2009 College Council Meeting B. May 27, 2009 College Council Organizational Meeting IV. V. REPORT - President Antonio Pérez STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Campus Facilities and Security B. Technology Committee Report (See Attachment # 1) VI. OLD BUSINESS: A. Elections: Elections will be held for the following positions: 1. Executive Committee - Three (3) Year Terms– One Faculty or Staff as a replacement for one year. 2. Budget Committee – One (1) Year Term - Four Faculty or Staff 3. Campus Facilities and Security Committee – One (1) Year Terms-Four Faculty or Staff 4. Technology Committee – One (1) Year Term - Four Faculty or Staff B. The Ad Hoc Committee on Corrective Changes to the Governance Plan will present proposed changes to the Governance Plan for action. (See Attachment # 2.) VII. NEW BUSINESS: A. The Academic Senate will present for discussion a proposal to create a new Academic Senate Standing Committee on Academic Freedom. B. VIII. ADJOURNMENT 2 Attachment # 1 College Council Technology Committee Report Technologically Enhanced Classrooms: During the summer 38 rooms at Chambers Street were converted to Technologically Enhanced Classrooms. These rooms now to include a computer with internet access, ceiling mounted projector, amplifier, speakers and pull down screen. Access to the rooms is via BMCC ID cards utilizing proximity sensing locks. The new TEC rooms are: N401, N403, N406, N407, N408, N409, N410, N411, N413, N415,N416, N417, N438, N439, N440, N442, N510, N516, N519, N557, N559,N629, N633, N687, N689, S102, S104, S601, S602, S603,S604, S703, S704, S705 and S729. The total number of Technologically Enhanced Classrooms at the college is 64. A. complete list of “TEC rooms” is listed on the college website at http://www.bmcc.cuny.edu/faculty-staff/tech_guide.html Periodic progress updates will be forthcoming as this is an ongoing project with the goal of upgrading all suitable teaching spaces to include technology. Existing TEC rooms and all computer labs will be upgraded to include amplifier and speakers. Attached is a copy of the “Technologically Enhanced Classroom Instructions” which is affixed to instructor tables in TEC rooms. 2 3 Technologically Enhanced Classroom Instructions Room Access: Room access is via ID card. Locks are programmed to recognize faculty/staff BMCC ID cards. If you need access to a room please call public safety at x8136. Equipment Usage: Power up equipment – please power up workstation, monitor and projector. Some rooms will have “all in one” units where one power switch controls both monitor and system. If the workstation is already powered up please “restart” the unit. Amplifiers power up automatically, no action required. Wall screen – pull down wall screen. Please be advised that you need to login to authenticate into the college network. Faculty should use their Novell desktop username and password. Load media – when windows desktop appears please load your media (CD/DVD/flash drive) if applicable. Please note that some flash drives may require drivers to be loaded. It is recommended that you have your material available on CD ROM as a backup. Volume control for sound is via the loudspeaker icon on the lower right hand task bar. Before leaving the room: Power down workstation and monitor. Projector – press power and you will be prompted with “ press power again to shutdown projector” then press power again to complete the process. Please note that the fan may continue running to cool the projector bulb. The fan will shutdown automatically once the bulb reaches the proper temperature. Return screen to the up position. Please have all students leave the room and lock the door. Support: Assistance is available via phone at 212 220 8122. Assistance via email is available at IT@BMCC.CUNY.EDU. Assistance is available in person in S608a or M1109. Login username and passwords assistance is available in S165. Any items not covered above please call 212 220 8122. Please forward any suggestions for improving procedures or this handout to tlew@bmcc.cuny.edu. 3