AP Psychology Homework Assignments – 1st Semester We have to maintain this schedule. If school is closed due to snow, illness, etc. you will be responsible for missed material. All PowerPoint® notes are online. You are responsible for taking notes in class OR bringing the printout of the PowerPoint® notes to class and having them out on your desk. If you are working on something else it will be destroyed. You need to pay attention in class. Rehearsal is important to maintaining and being able to retrieve the information that you are encoding for tests especially the AP exam in May. (Please note this assignment sheet is subject to change. It is YOUR responsibility to make the necessary changes) ALL assignments and tests are DUE on the date listed. AUGUST 8/19: 8/20: 8/21: 8/22: 8/25: 8/26: 8/27: 8/28: 8/29: pp A1-A6 (BACK OF BOOK), 290-291, & 1-8 pp 9-14 pp 15-25 pp 27-32 pp 33-40 pp 41-47 pp 47-50 pp 50-59 REVIEW NOTES/TEXT SEPTEMBER 9/01: NO SCHOOL (Labor Day) 9/02: Class Review 9/03: Ch 1 & 2 Test 9/04: pp 61-70 9/05: pp 71-77 9/08: pp 77-83 9/09: A) Go to: http://www.uakron.edu/gage/damage.dot and http://www.uakron.edu/gage/adaptation.dot. Read about the brain damage and the psychosocial implications of the damage. After you have read these 2 webpages reflect on your reading and how Phineas Gage’s Case Study impacted psychology and what we know about the brain. Include your personal reaction (What do you think about what happened to Gage? How can we apply this to current events i.e. Afghanistan/Iraq? Or modern day conveniences-cars, planes, etc. Or activities-football, soccer, cheerleading, boxing, etc?) Submit via http://www.boone.kyschools.us/olc/class.aspx?id=6328&s=775 Reflection should be TNR 12 pt font and 1 page B) Ch 1 & 2 Vocabulary Due (Refer to attachment) 1 9/10: pp 84-95 9/11: Watch: Texting Driver Charged with Homicide and read the article below the video about texting and driving. Go to: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/multitasking-driving-textingtasks-spell-danger/story?id=16973777&singlePage=true Submit your personal reaction to the video and article via http://www.boone.kyschools.us/olc/class.aspx?id=6328&s=775 Reflection should be TNR 12 pt font and 1 page 9/12: pp 96-102 9/15: pp 103-105 9/16: pp 233-235 9/17: pp 235-238 9/18: Ch 3 Test/Outline 09/19: pp 239-246 09/22: pp 246-251 09/23: pp 252-256 09/24: pp 257-263 09/25: pp 263-265 09/26: pp 265-266/ Ch 3 Vocabulary Due (Refer to attachment) 09/29: pp 267-270 09/30: pp 271-276 OCTOBER 10/01: pp 271-278 10/02: pp 279-284 10/03: pp 284-289 10/06: REVIEW NOTES/TEXT 10/07: Ch 7 Test/Outline 10/08: Watch: A Life without Colours (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mkZpdv4cwk) and then read pp 108-109. 10/08: pp 110-114 10/09: pp 114-117 10/10-10/13: NO SCHOOL 10/14: Read: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/americas/2000/us_elections/election_news/923335.stm and then submit your response using the reading from pp 116-117 via http://www.boone.kyschools.us/olc/class.aspx?id=6328&s=775. Respond to the following question: Do you think this ad influenced voters? Explain why or why not by referring to your reading. 10/15: pp 118-125/ Ch 7 Vocabulary Due (Refer to attachment) 10/16: pp 126-129 What do you see? 10/17: pp 129-132 10/20: pp 133-134 10/21: pp 135-141 10/22: pp 141-150 10/23: pp 151-155 10/24: Ch 4 Test/Outline 2 NOVEMBER 10/27: pp 195-198 10/28: Read: Quitters, Inc. (See website). After reading the short story, referring to pp 195198 explain how this short story is about “learning.” Predict what type of learning is occurring in the short story and use evidence to support (Classical vs operant vs observational). Submit via http://www.boone.kyschools.us/olc/class.aspx?id=6328&s=775. 10/29: pp 198-205 10/30: Read http://chronicle.com/blogs/percolator/a-new-twist-in-the-sad-saga-of-littlealbert/28423 and submit your personal reaction to this story (what do you think about this and why?) via http://www.boone.kyschools.us/olc/class.aspx?id=6328&s=775 10/31: pp 206-211 11/03: Read http://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/199511/babies-in-boxes and submit your personal reaction to this article via: http://www.boone.kyschools.us/olc/class.aspx?id=6328&s=775 Support your thoughts using the article. If you would like a visual of the “aircrib” (Baby in a box) go to: http://aubreydaniels.com/institute/museum/air-crib 11/04: NO SCHOOL 11/05: pp 211-218/ Ch 4 Vocabulary Due (Refer to attachment) 11/06: pp 218-222 11/07: pp 222-225 11/10: pp 225-226 11/11: pp 226-231 11/12: Ch 6 Test/Outline 11/13: pp 157-160 11/14: pp 160-165 11/15: pp 166-167 11/17: pp 167-172/Read: http://www.cnn.com/2014/03/11/health/upwave-sleep-deprivation/ and submit your personal reflection via http://www.boone.kyschools.us/olc/class.aspx?id=6328&s=775 As you reflect be sure to use your text and the article for support. (minimum 1 page) 11/18: pp 172-177 11/19: pp 178-181 11/20: pp 181-188/ Ch 6 Vocabulary Due (Refer to attachment) 11/21: pp 189-193/Read http://archive.cincinnati.com/article/20130325/NEWS1006/303250003/SPECIAL-REPORTNorthern-Kentucky-heroin-ground-zero and respond to this article via http://www.boone.kyschools.us/olc/class.aspx?id=6328&s=775 In your reflection answer the following questions: What did you think about the article? What surprised you? Why is this important to us? How does this article relate to psychology? What can we do as students and as members of the community to combat this drug abuse? Explain. 11/24: pp 187-190 11/25: Ch 5 Test/Outline 3 DECEMBER 11/26-11/28: NO SCHOOL 12/01: pp 297-303 12/02: pp 304-307/ Ch 5 Vocabulary Due (Refer to attachment) 12/03: pp 307-311 12/04: pp 311-317 12/05: HANGING OF THE GREEN 12/08: pp 318-324 12/10: pp 325-336 12/11: pp 336-342 12/12: pp 342-348 12/15: pp 349-356 12/16: Ch 8 Test/Outline ALL students are required to take the final exam even if EXEMPT 12/17 FINAL EXAMS (1-7) 1st/4th 12/18 FINAL EXAMS (1-7) 2nd/5th 12/19 FINAL EXAMS (1-7) 3rd/6th /Ch 8 Vocabulary Due (Refer to attachment) 12/22-01/02 WINTER BREAK!!!! Outline Assignment Directions: Your assignment MUST be handwritten! Be sure to jot down at least 1 main idea for each paragraph that you read. (You may bullet) Outlines will be due the day of exams. Be sure to use the reading schedule to assist you with this meaningful task Refer to p A-3 in your text. Outline Grading: 4-turns in completed outline the day it is due and is detailed (includes headings and is “organized”) 2-turns in a partially completed outline on due date and/or is lacking “effort” 0-late/missing/1-2 pp. Vocabulary Cards (AKA: FLASH CARDS) Complete and submit via: http://www.boone.kyschools.us/olc/class.aspx?id=6328&s=775. You must use the form provided on the website under “Vocabulary Flash Cards.” If the proper form is NOT used the assignment will NOT be scored. See website for Vocabulary List. Be sure to follow this list. Vocabulary Assignment: Refer to this list. Do not use your text. If a word can’t be found in your text use Google® to look it up or use the following sites: http://www.apa.org/research/action/glossary.aspx http://psychology.about.com/od/gindex/ 4 Test Corrections for Extra Credit Complete and submit via: http://www.boone.kyschools.us/olc/class.aspx?id=6328&s=775. You must use the form provide on the website under “Test Corrections.” If the proper form is NOT used the assignment will NOT be scored! QUESTION: 1. Which one would be considered an applied psychologist? CORRECT ANSWER: WHY I GOT IT WRONG: I/O Psychologist I mixed up applied psychology w/ experimental psychology WHERE I FOUND THE CORRECT ANSWER Class notes 5