8 May 2015 Bell activity: TOTAL YOUR IRB MINUTES AND SUBMIT YOUR BOOKMARK TO THE BASKET. The new IRB Bookmark due date is 5/15. Search the Poetry Anthology one more time for that poem or poems that speak to you or appeal to you. Record the page numbers and titles on your post it note. If you need a new post – it not, take one from the front stool. Today’s Agenda: poetry search “Maybe Dat’s Your Pwoblem Too” by Jim Hall “Undivided Attention” by Taylor Mali “How to Write a Political Poem” by Taylor Mali Composing TWO 1ST LEVEL Concrete Abstract Poems – Final Drafts are due MONDAY Concrete Abstract Poems Take out your assignment sheet and the work you did yesterday on the Concrete Abstract Poem. DUE MONDAY: TWO 1ST LEVEL CONCRETE ABSTRACT POEMS: CONCRETE ABSTRACT POEM ABOUT ABSTRACT NOUN #1 *A TEMPLATE ROUGH DRAFT, *A SECOND ROUGH DRAFT SHOWING REVISION, A FINAL DRAFT CONCRETE ABSTRACT POEM ABOUT ABSTRACT NOUN #2 *A TEMPLATE ROUGH DRAFT, *A SECOND ROUGH DRAFT SHOWING REVISION, A FINAL DRAFT When determining the characteristics of an abstract noun, think about those places, smells, tastes you associate with that noun. Try to find those associations that may be unique to you, or find a different way to describe those associations. Once you have determined the color (what it looks like) OR the smell, taste, texture OR sound, try to develop your choice into a simile or a more detailed description. Instead of gray: a gray storm cloud brimming with angry tears the gray of a dolphin’s skin scattered with the sun’s reflection in salt water droplets the silver gray of an alpha male, howling at the moon the soft gray feathers of a morning dove COMPOSING A CONCRETE ABSTRACT POEM Exhaustion Excitement Anticipation Boredom Fear Frustration Success Loss Confusion Epiphany Friendship Freedom Anxiety Emptiness Patience Future The Past Childhood Middle school Responsibility Laziness Hope Faith Anger Waiting Family Kindness Gratitude Resentment Competition Math Science Vacation holidays Losing Midnight Dawn 2nd Place Mondays Saturdays Baseball Basketball Running Forgiveness Hate Persistence Calmness Pain Bad days Good days