Soil Management Plan Training

LEHR Site Annual Soil
Management Plan Training
Sept, 2015
Sue Fields, Environmental Health & Safety
Think safe. Act safe. Be safe.
How much do you know
Think safe. Act safe. Be safe.
How much do you know
• The LEHR site has soil contamination – some caused by the U.S.
Department of Energy’s research, some by UCD’s landfills.
• The cleanup of the contamination is regulated by the U.S. EPA as a
Superfund site. The State of California also regulates the cleanup.
• Although most of the contaminants in the DOE areas were removed,
some traces remain in the subsurface. Land use restrictions are in
place to prevent development where traces of contaminants remain.
• In the UCD areas, the remedy for contaminated soils is not yet in
place. Traces of soil contamination are present in the subsurface.
• UCD is required by Federal order to manage these areas to
minimize worker exposure to residual contamination during soildisturbing work.
Think safe. Act safe. Be safe.
LEHR and the Nuclear Age
Strontium-90 Daily
Intake in the U.S.,
Think safe. Act safe. Be safe.
Soil Disturbance Overview
U.S. Department of
Energy LEHR
Superfund Site
UC Davis Old Campus
Landfill Superfund Site
and Hopland Field
Soil Disturbance Permit
and Training
• Requirements put in place in 2012 restricting land use
• Soil Management Plan describes procedures for disturbing soils
• Tight controls necessary to protect human health and environment
• EH&S is responsible for implementing these requirements
• Currently restricting land use in the same manner as on the DOE
• EH&S responsible for controlling activities in restricted areas
• In the future, additional land use restrictions may be imposed
• Required for soil disturbing activities in EITHER area
• Campus personnel required to follow all applicable laws,
regulations, and requirements
Think safe. Act safe. Be safe.
Map of Restricted Areas
Think safe. Act safe. Be safe.
Soil Disturbing Activities
Definition: Any excavation, grading, removal, utility
installation/repair, trenching, filling, earth moving, mining, or
drilling, or management of soil generated by such work.
Example: repair of a water main leak
DOES NOT APPLY TO landscaping, fire protection, or
maintenance work that is
• Less than 1 foot below surface AND
• Less than 5 cu yd of soil displaced AND
• All soil is returned to disturbed area.
Example: removing invasive weeds by hand
Think safe. Act safe. Be safe.
• Plan ahead.
• Consult with EH&S prior
to preparing to do soil
disturbing work in the
restricted area.
• Complete the Permit
Application for Soil
Disturbance and submit
to EH&S.
• Commence work upon
approval of the permit
from EH&S.
• Attend training and
certify that project
participants read the
• Maintain records as
required, and provide
documentation to EH&S.
• Level of effort and
complexity will vary
depending on the size
and type of project.
Think safe. Act safe. Be safe.
In the event of an emergency requiring soil
disturbing activity in the restricted areas:
1. Notify EH&S as soon as is practicable.
2. Proceed with work, following the
requirements of the SMP.
Think safe. Act safe. Be safe.
Requirements – EH&S
• Conduct annual training and
provide copies of the SMP.
• Consult with project teams,
and review and approve
requests for soil disturbance.
• Review any work plans for
regulatory approval.
• Ensure the work area is
secured and appropriate
controls are in place prior to
start of work.
• Conduct site inspections of
permitted work and document
non-conformance with permit.
• Maintain records of all
permitted activities and provide
to DOE as requested.
• Inspect the restricted areas for
unauthorized activity.
• Notify DOE of unauthorized
soil disturbances.
Think safe. Act safe. Be safe.
Soil Management Requirements
Documents for
EH&S Review
• permitting
• site inspection by EH&S
• control of work area
• training
• record keeping
• health and safety plan
• soil sampling and analysis plan
• waste management plan
• waste segregation
• unexpected conditions
• soil stockpile management
• dust control
• surface water protection
• decontamination
• copies of SMP on work site
• worker safety
• characterization and disposal of excavated waste
Think safe. Act safe. Be safe.
Please Read and Review
• EH&S Standard Operating Procedure:
Permitting Soil Disturbance in Restricted
Areas, Former Department of Energy
Laboratory for Energy-related Health
• Soil Management Plan
• The Facilities Map
Think safe. Act safe. Be safe.
Questions and Concerns
Please contact
Sue Fields at 752-3044
Training presentation available at:
Think safe. Act safe. Be safe.