AP UNITED STATES HISTORY - MR. WHEATLEY CLASS DISCLOSURE Expect to Excel! I. ATTENDANCE The attendance and tardy policy of Wasatch High School will be strictly enforced and supported. In order to graduate a student must earn a minimum of 28 units of Citizenship Credit. Tardies and lack of attendance affect the ability of students to learn and may, in fact, result in the loss of Citizenship Credit for the course. Students are expected to be in class on time with their appropriate materials. Tardies are interpreted as not being in class or ready with appropriate materials when the class is scheduled to begin. Review the WHS attendance policy on the Wasatch High School web site under Information. Since I am committed to provide you with a meaningful, educational experience every day, there will be points for attendance. Read the AP History Term Requirements handout for information about making up lost points for all absences and all tardies. Under the attendance policy, if you have more than a combined total of five absences and/or tardies, you will receive a citizenship mark of Unsatisfactory Attendance (UA) in the course. You will be required to attend attendance school and make up each absence and tardy in order for Citizenship Credit to be reinstated. All teachers at Wasatch High School will strictly enforce this attendance policy. The entire written policy can be found be found on the Wasatch High School website under Information/Attendance Policy. II. HOMEWORK Students who plan to earn an “A” or “B” grade should begin preparing in August to take the AP United States History exam. AP American History is a demanding course, students will have a homework assignment every night. In addition to reading the textbook, assignments will include supplementary reading varying from a few pages to book length, research projects, seminar presentations, oral reports, group discussions, weekly quizzes, objective and essay tests, and other miscellaneous assignments. Major assignments will be given in advance, with specific due dates known far enough ahead to allow students to organize their time, schedules, and workload. Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the posted due date. Late assignments, those not turned in at the beginning of class (10 seconds is late), must be turned in for 50% credit of what was completed. Canvas is used as the storage for all work. I reserve the right to consider each student’s concerns and will allow extra time if I feel the student has legitimate reasons for late work (IE. long illness, pre-planned family vacations) if arrangements are made in advance of the due date. Late work is inappropriate for a college prep course. No late work will be accepted the last class period of the term! Extreme exceptions only. III. MAKE-UP ASSIGNMENTS AND TESTS When a student is absent on the day an assignment is given, she/he is given one class period to make up the assignment for full credit. Any absence that is activity excused does not excuse you from your work and it must still be turned in on the due date. If leaving on an activity results in missing class, you must see me for any work before you leave. Any other late work receives ½ credit. Make-up tests/quizzes can be taken before school (7:15-7:50 am) and after school (2:303:00 PM). Tests/Quizzes must be made up the day you return after one or two day absences to receive full credit. Being absent on the day before the test does not excuse you from taking the test when scheduled. Any made up after the day you return will only receive ½ credit. Scores on tests/quizzes are generally better when taken as soon as possible. Students should not expect to do make-up work in class. Make-up work for students who have unexcused absences will be counted as late work. IV. EVALUATION Class evaluation is intended to move students toward a mastery of the subject matter. Some assignments, quizzes, and tests will be peer corrected in class or by an aide. The utmost care will be taken to protect the privacy of those scores. Others will be corrected by Mr. Wheatley. Grades are based on work in the following categories: 1. Daily assignments (papers with no name and period=no score) staying current with reading, worksheets, notebooks, etc. 2. Quizzes/Tests 3. Participation 4. Term papers/Projects 5. Essays 6. Miscellaneous Missing assignments, quizzes, tests and poor or below average work will result in Direct Intervention. Extra Credit will be allowed with a maximum of 5%. V. GRADING SCALE Final term grades will be based on the following percentage scale: 92.5-100 89.5 86.5 82.5 A AB+ B 79.5 76.5 72.5 69.5 BC+ C C- 66.5 D+ 62.5 D 59.5 D0-59.5 F Grades will be posted weekly on the school SIS System. Canvas is the storage of work and will show an approximate grade at a specific time. Students, parents/guardians can access grades at any time. SIS is the actual grade and will be updated weekly. If you have any questions or concerns please send me an email at dawain.wheatley@wasatch.edu. I will send periodic emails through the student email and the parent email that is in the school system. VI. CLASSROOM RULES In any activity where people are expected to work together, rules are established to insure that goals can be accomplished. The following rules are supported and enforced: *Follow school rules - see Wasatch High School’s website under information. *Be prepared to work every day. Bring your computer, pens, pencils, and whatever equipment is required for learning. Failure to be prepared will result in Direct Intervention. *Do homework every night. *No food, drink, or candy in the classroom. Water only is acceptable. *Respect fellow students, school staff, substitute teachers, and the physical facilities of Wasatch. *No improper use of cell phones! Be respectful of the learning environment. You may lose access to your phone. FOR EVERY ACT THERE IS A CONSEQUENCE, WHEN YOU CHOOSE THE ACT YOU CHOOSE THE CONSEQUENCE. Students will be held accountable for their own behavior. Consequences of inappropriate behavior will affect Citizenship Credit. VII. CITIZENSHIP CREDIT In order to graduate, Wasatch H.S. requires students to earn 28 units of citizenship credit. Citizenship credit in my class is based on behavior. For example, the consequence of cheating is not only a “O” on the assignment, but a “U” (no credit) citizenship grade. Any violation of school and classroom rules (norms) may result in citizenship consequences. Every student is expected to exhibit “Satisfactory” citizenship. Any other citizenship grade must be earned. See Citizenship handout for specific details. For every act there........ VIII. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Part of the educational process is learning to become independent thinkers and workers through personal responsibility. In order to help this process, the students will be required to keep a notebook of all assignments and handouts. This will be done with your computer using OneNote, online. Direct Intervention will be available on a daily basis. It may be the class scheduled Direct Intervention or it may be specifically assigned by Mr. Wheatley on a needs basis. Students will participate in Direct Intervention when missing any assignment or directed to do so by Mr. Wheatley. IX. AVAILABILITY I am available before and after school every day to help students. Don’t hesitate to ask questions or ask for help. The best time to call is from 7:15 - 7:55 AM daily and 1:15 - 2:45 PM. (654-0640) Email Address: dawain.wheatley@wasatch.edu I will send periodic emails through the student email and parent email that is in the school system. AP United States History D.Wheatley CITIZENSHIP Expect to Excel! Citizenship is important! All students must earn the same amount of citizenship credit as academic credit to graduate from high school. A citizenship grade of H, S, or N earns credit. A citizenship grade of U earns no citizenship credit. Citizenship grades will be given according to the criteria below: H (Honor) Respectful of others, helpful, participates willingly in all class activities, completes all class assignments, and exhibits school character traits. S (Satisfactory) Respectful of others, participates in class activities, completes class assignments on time, and exhibits school character traits. N (Needs Improvement) Disruptive during class, plays with equipment/furniture, violates school and class rules, creates a discipline problem, disrespectful of others, does not complete class assignments, and is not on task. U (Unsatisfactory) Violates School AUP Policy, willful destruction of property, flagrant disrespect for others, sexual harassment, dishonesty, cheating on tests, and any persistent violation of school and classroom rules. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please detach here and return to Mr. Wheatley I look forward to having you as a student. I believe it is important for parents to know what their children are studying during the school year. Students and parents are requested to read this course disclosure. After you read and understand this course disclosure, please sign below. If you have any questions, please call me at school 654-0640 or e-mail me at: dawain.wheatley@wasatch.edu I have read the AP United States History Disclosure and understand the expectations of the course. Student Name Printed Student Signature Date Parent/Guardian Signature Date Parents E-Mail: ________________________________