Greek & Latin Root Project 1 Due Date: Monday, November 25th

Greek & Latin Root Project 1
Due Date: Monday, November 25th, 2013
So far this year we’ve studied the following Greek and Latin word parts:
duc/duct = to lead
sec/sequ = to follow
bene = good
ante = before
magni = great
ver/vert = to turn
flu = flow
mal = bad
post = after
min = small
In order to gain a better understanding of these word parts, you will complete a
group project (with your book club) that celebrates all the roots we’ve learned so
far. Your finished product should include:
10 root words and their definitions
Various examples of words that contain these parts
Various sentences that contain word part words
Your project should utilize technology. It should also be creative and informative.
Your group will present your project and some will be featured on my website as
learning tools.
You may want to present the information using:
 Prezi
 iMovie
 GoAnimate
 Powerpoint
Given that this is a creative project, you may also want to incorporate one of the
 A root word song/rap
 A root word poem
 A skit
 An interview with a “word expert”
You will be given some class time to work on this project. You may also come during
TIEE and work at home. Have fun!!!
____ / 40 Information (root words, definitions, word examples, sentences)
____ / 10 Technology & Creativity