Chapter 7 Review Worksheet is due Monday, April 20th!!!

Name: ________________________
Period: _____
Date: _____________
Chapter 7 Review
You should be able to:
- Define and initialize an array (both 1D and 2D)
- Access elements of an array – storing values in the array and retreiving
- Print array values
- Identify what is meant by an “off by one” error
- Perform common array processes (adding all values, min/max, finding the average, total of row/column)
- Utilize parallel arrays in a program
- Write function prototypes/definitions that accept arrays
- Create an array of strings (a 2D character array)
Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1) Consider the following array definition: int values[10];
a) How many elements are in the array?
b) What is the subscript of the first value in the array?
c) What is the subscript of the last value in the array?
2) Why should a function that accepts an array as an argument, and processes that array, also accept an
argument specifying the array’s size?
3) Consider the following array definition: int values[5] = {4, 7, 6, 8, 2}; What does each statement display?
cout << values[4] << endl;
cout << (values[2] + values[3]) << endl;
cout << ++values[1] << endl;
3) When do you NOT need to provide a size for an array?
4) Consider the following array definition: int values[5] = {1, 2, 3};
What is in values[2]?
What is in values[4]?
5) Assuming that array1 and array2 are both arrays, why is it not possible to assign the contents of array2 to
array1 with the following statement?
array1 = array2;
6) Is an array passed to a function by value or by reference?
7) When you pass an array name as an argument to a function, what is actually being passed?
8) Consider the following array definition: char day[] = {“Tuesday”};
How many elements are in the array?
Is the string stored in the array terminated by a null character?
9) Consider the following array definition: double sales[8][10];
How many rows does the array have?
How many columns does the array have?
How many total elements does the array have?
Write a statement that stores a number in the last column of the last row in the array.
More on back!
10) When writing a function that accepts a two-dimensional array as an argument, which size declaratory must
you provide in the parameter for the array?
11) Identify if each of the following statements is true or false:
a) An array’s size declaratory can either be a literal, a named constant, or a variable.
b) The subscript of the last element in a single-dimensional array is one less than the total number of
elements in the array.
c) Subscript values may be stored in variables.
d) Arrays cannot be initialized when they are defined.
e) C++ allows you to partially initialize an array.
f) In initializing an array with a string, the null terminator is automatically included.
g) In initializing an array with characters, the null terminator is automatically included.
h) When an array name is used without brackets and a subscript, it is seen as the value of the first
element in the array.
i) To pass an array to a function, pass the name of the array only.
j) When defining a parameter variable to hold a single-dimension array argument, you do not have to
include the size declarator.
k) When an array is passed to a function, the function has access to the original array.
12) Write a for loop that prints each element of the array names – an integer array with 20 elements.
13) The arrays numberArray1 and numberArray2 have 100 elements. Write code that copies the values in
numberArray1 to numberArray2.
14) In a program you need to store the ID numbers of 10 employees (as ints) and their weekly gross pay (as
Define two arrays that may be used in parallel to store the 10 ID numbers and gross pay
Write a loop that will ask the user to enter in the information for each employee.
15) In a program you need to store the populations of 12 countries. Define two arrays that may be used in
parallel to store the names of the countries and their populations.
16) Write a statement that defines a two-dimensional array named grades. It should have 30 rows and 10
17) Write a statement that defines a two-dimensional to hold three strings. Initialize the array to hold your first,
middle, and last names.
18) The array values is a two dimensional array of decimal values with 10 rows and 20 columns. Write the code
assigns the value 13.5 to the fourth column of the first row of this array.
calculates the total of all values in the array and stores it in the variable total.
19) Write a function named addEvens that is sent a one dimensional array of integers and the size of the array,
and returns the total of all even values within the array.
20) Write a function named removeValue that is sent 4 parameters – a 2 dimensional array of integers, the
number of rows in the array, the number of columns in the array, and a target value (an int). The function should
replace all occurrences of the target value with a 0.