MPBP 301 “Homeostasis” Bob Low Given D-207 656-4338 (W) 434-3132 (H) HOMEOSTASIS Claude Bernard 1813-1878 "It is the fixity of the milieu interieur which is the condition of free and independent life" Unicellular vs Multicellular organisms HOMEOSTASIS Walter Cannon (1871-1945) "The highly developed living being is an open system having many Relations to its surroundings. . . changes in the surroundings excite Reactions in this system, or affect it directly, so that internal disturbances are produced. . . the coordinated physiological reactions which maintain most of the steady states in the body are so complex, and so peculiar to the living organism, that it is suggested that a specific designation for these states be employed --- homeostasis" -W.B. Cannon, 1929 EQUILIBRIA: THINK SWIMMING POOLS A USEFUL SELF-LEARNING MODULE Design Patterns of Life Pools Balance Equilibria Simple Feedback Complex Feedback DEFINITIONS – Homeostasis: • Maintenance of a constant internal milieu in the face of environmental provocations and fluctuations – Steady State • Output rate (amount per time) = Input rate (amount per time) • Excretion Rate (mg/min) = Production Rate (mg/min) • Examples: Most everything STEADY STATE Excretion Rate = Production Rate CONTROL OF BLOOD SUGAR The Glucose Tolerance Test GLUCOSE CONTROL OF BLOOD SUGAR The Glucose Tolerance Test: Insulin Response GLUCOSE INSULIN Insulin Controls Plasma [Glucose] Pathophysiology of Diabetes mellitus NORMAL – Eat sugar Plasma [glucose] Insulin secretion by pancreatic cells glucose uptake into cells Plasma [glucose] Insulin secretion DIABETES – Lose cells Insulin deficiency Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus – Sensitivity to insulin Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus EQUILIBRIUM BALANCING INPUT AND OUTPUT On average, skin renews itself every 28 days Muscle Half-life is about a week Bone calcium is exchanged in days Regulatory enzymes have half-lives of hours STEADY STATE IS AN EQUILIBRIUM BUT EQUILIBRIUM IS NOT ALWAYS HOMEOSTASIS EQUILIBRIUM IS NOT ALWAYS WHAT WE WANT WRONG LEVEL Steady State pCO2 is Regulated By the Lungs • CO2 Excretion Rate = CO2 Production Rate pCO2 = 40 mmHg (Normal Steady State) • ExerciseCO2 Production pCO2 > 40 mmHg Ventilation CO2 Excretion pCO2 40 mmHg (Normal Steady State) • Smoking Lung Disease Functional ventilation Excretion rate pCO2 > 40 mmHg Abnormal Steady State pCO2 = 50 mmHg (Abnormal Steady State) KEY CONCEPTS NEGATIVE FEEDBACK: Mechanism that RESTORES abnormal values to normal Reverses a change POSITIVE FEEDBACK: Mechanism that MAKES abnormal values MORE ABNORMAL Strengthens or reinforces a change NEGATIVE FEEDBACK: Mechanism that RESTORES abnormal values to normal Reverses a change THINK THERMOSTATS Negative Feedback Control System Thermostat Desired Temperature Actual Temperature Heater/Cooler Heat if > 0 Cool if < 0 Temperature of Room Actual Temperature Thermostat Sensor element (e.g., thermostat) measures and monitors the actual value of some aspect of the internal environment. For example, the physiological thermostat measures the temperature of the blood as it flows through the hypothalamus. Integration center or comparator is hard-wired with the ‘set point’ or the target value for an environmental condition and can compare input from the sensor to the set point value. When the input deviates from set point (error detector) then the integration center initiates a response. KEY CONCEPTS POSITIVE FEEDBACK: Mechanism that MAKES abnormal values MORE ABNORMAL Strengthens or reinforces a change Angiotensin and salt / water balance Ovulation Digestion of food (Blood Clotting) Positive Feedback in Physiology • Rare because it is intrinsically unstable – Must be either carefully controlled, shortlived, and/or have a braking system – Most common examples: • • • • Yawning, Laughing, Sneezing Vomiting, Bowel Movement Pariturition Ends abruptly – Physiological Example: Sneeze – Pathological Example: Anaphylaxis • Female Menstrual Cycle – Positive feedback of estrogen on itself – LH surge “NORMAL” STEADY STATE IS NOT ALWAYS WHAT WE WANT Some times the “RIGHT” level should change Thyroid Hormone / Fasting; Cortisol / Stress KEY CONCEPT: SETPOINTS IF FEEDBACK SYSTMS ARE WORKING WELL, THE HORMONE / FUNCTION BEING REGULATED “CAN’T” CHANGE. BUT WHAT IF IT SHOULD HAVE TO CHANGE TO MAINTAIN HOMEOSTASIS? SETPOINT FEEDBACK: MAKING MAPLE SYRUP CONTROL SYSTEMS Bang-Bang Control Bang-Bang Control in a Public Bathroom Sink: Try to get Warm water by rapidly alternating your hands between Freezing Cold faucet and Scalding Hot faucet CONTROL SYSTEMS Bang-Bang Control • Goal: Keep a bowling ball in the middle of the alley • Bang-Bang Control – Smack ball back and forth from gutter to gutter – The average position of the ball is in the middle, but… – The ball spends almost no time actually in the middle • Negative feedback using a control system that detects and corrects for a small error is better KEY CONCEPT FEEDBACK SYSTEMS MUST BE RAPID RESPONSE Good signal mechanisms must be Turned on AND OFF rapidly. The rate at which the level of a substance Changes is determined by its rate of degradation A SOLUTION FEEDBACK LOOPS EMBEDDED WITHIN FEEDBACK LOOPS Concept: as soon as a response is set In motion, steps are taken to immediately start turning it off HOMOLOGOUS RECEPTOR REGULATION RECEPTOR MODIFICATION PHOSPHORYLATION CAUSES UNCOUPLING / DESENSITIZATION RAPID: SECONDS / MINUTES More to follow later Why? GOOD SIGNAL MECHANISMS MUST BE TURNED ON AND OFF RAPIDLY REDUCING THE ERROR SIGNAL WITHOUT “INTERNAL” FEEDBACK WITH “INTERNAL” FEEDBACK HOMOLOGOUS RECEPTOR REGULATION: A KEY STRATEGY Examples: Desensitization in neurotransmission Chronically elevated levels of insulin Lead to loss of insulin receptors More to follow THE PHYSIOLOGY OF SURFACE RECEPTOR REGULATION H + R HR RECEPTOR NUMBER RECEPTOR NUMBER H + R HR A USEFUL SELF-LEARNING MODULE