Classroom Management and Self

Classroom Management and
Self Regulated Learning
What do all human conflicts require?
What do all human conflicts require?
Two People
Perspective: Instructional Intelligence
• curriculum
• assessment
• instruction
• how we learn
• change
• systemic change
So key to
environment is
the intersecting
or stacking of
Rather than the
isolated and
application of
The Complexity of Teaching …
… our Students
Different genders
Different intelligences
Gifted … and not
Different home life support
Different learning styles
Living in at risk environments
ESL/ELL learners
Learning disabilities
Students with Autism, FAS etc., etc.
Knowing our students …
2. Understand the importance of ‘winning
over/cohesive bonding’ ‘withitness’, the ‘ripple effect’
and ‘overlappingness’ related to classroom
• In the 1960s, Kounin did the first study of effective
teachers … he observed that they had sets of skills that
differentiated them from less effective teachers.
• Discuss in your groups, what do you think is meant by
these 3 concepts:
– 1. winning over
– 2. withitness
– 3. the ripple effect
– 4. overlappingness
• Are they relevant today?
2. Winning Over
• This concept refers to what teachers do to have
students respect them as well as like them as
both ‘human beings’ and teachers.
• Effective teachers work hard at winning students
over – they talk to students in the hall, ask them
how a competition went, they may stay after
school and play chess, or assist with coaching a
school team – they show they care about the
students ‘all over the school’ and ‘outside the
school’ … not just in the classroom
2. Withitness
• This concept refers to the idea of ‘nipping things in
the bud’ … stopping things before they go to far.
• Effective teachers do not wait until a number of
students are misbehaving; they are always scanning
the room, they stop things before something gets
out of hand. You seldom hear them saying: “But
what do I do if a number of students are
• Again, you will see them using proximity, the look, a
student’s name, a gesture etc., to let the student
know they need to stop.
2. Ripple Effect
• This concept plays out much like what you see when
you toss a rock into a pond – the impact creates
waves or ripples that move out from where the rock
entered the water.
• When you respond to a student (or not), ripples go
out to the class informing them that this is how you
will most likely treat them.
• The implication is that ‘how’ you say a student’s
name or if you fail to say the students name the
effect will ‘ripple’ to other students.
2. Overlappingness
• This concept refers to being able to
metaphorically ‘chew gum and walk’ at the same
• Effective teachers are skilled at multi-tasking. For
example, when giving directions or initiating a
transition they are also monitoring students in
terms of their behaviour and will often be seen
giving a ‘look’ or using ‘proximity’ or ‘saying a
students name’ during the information being
2. Relevance today
• First, rank those four in terms of their
importance to you when it comes to
classroom management. Provide the criteria
for your ranking.
• Use the rubric on the following page to score
yourself in terms of how your students would
score you on each of those four concepts.
2. Rubric
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Winning Over
No sense of this
being important;
more incidental
than intentional
Some evidence ,
inside class
Clear evidence
both inside and
outside class
Highly effective
both inside ad
outside of class
Not withit;
seldom scans
Beginning to be
withit; better at
scanning class
scanning class;
clearly withit
Highly effective
at scanning class;
misses very little
Ripple Effect
Seldom if ever
considers the
ripple effect
Somewhat aware
but not
aware of the
ripple effect
Highly effective
at sensing the
impact of the
ripple effect
Over lappingness
Not effective at
dealing with
effective at
dealing with
Effective at
dealing with
Highly effective
at dealing with
3. Effective and Less Effective Teachers
Effective Teachers: Think of a teacher you had that
you really respected, liked. Why would you put this
teacher in this category?
Less Effective Teachers: Think of a less effective
teacher you had that you did not respect or like.
Why would you put this teacher in this category?
Compare your ideas with those on the next slide.
3.1 Effective and Less Effective Teachers
Effective Teacher
Sense of Humour
Challenged Us
Safe Classroom
knew Their Subject
Made Learning
Less Effective Teacher
Not organized
Had Favourites
Couldn’t teach
Embarrassed Us
No variety
Did Not Want to be There
Did Not Know Their
3.3 How Effective and Less Effective
Teachers Respond
Effective Teacher
Did not have any problems
They did not embarrass us
They talked to us in private
They were respectful
They did it quietly
How are the above the same?
Less Effective Teacher
Slammed things
Punished the class
Embarrassed us
Threw things
Didn’t respond
Sent us to the office
Made us write lines
Had to run laps
3.4 Comparing Effective and
Less Effective Teachers
The interesting idea about comparing effective and
less effective teachers is that we see how the
effective teachers win kids over –
Perhaps even more important is that most teachers
struggle to remember what effective teachers did
… they could only remember vague ideas such as
‘they were fair’, ‘they talked to us in private’ … but
“we don’t actually remember what they said or
3.5 Comparing Effective and
Less Effective Teachers
Effective teachers believe that no matter how well
planned, thoughtful, skilled they are, all students
at some time will misbehave … so when a student
does misbehave, the teacher is not surprised or
Less effective teachers believe that all students
should behave – they are constantly being
disappointed – seem to anger easily
3.6 Comparing Effective and
Less Effective Teachers
Effective teachers have a more extensive
repertoire that is enacted
Less effective teachers have a restricted repertoire
that they enact …
Also, they move more quickly to power situations
4.1 Classifying Student Misbehaviour
Academic Task: classify student misbehaviour into
categories based on the thinking and emotions those
misbehaviour cause
Collaborative Task: Equal Voice/Participation
1. Groups of 4 - Create Place Mat
2. Individually Brainstorm – then share with group
3. Create one group of ‘behaviours’ … when done …
4. Classify the rest into categories based on how those
behaviours make you think and feel. (Note: no right or
wrong number of groups; just be prepared to defend your
reasons for grouping the behaviours the way you did.
4.2 A Sample List of Student Misbehaviour
Calling out
Racial slur
Talking when supposed to listen
Tapping pencil
Refusing to do work
“This is boring.”
“I’m not working with him”
Forgetting homework
Not prepared to work
Copying during a test
Not working in group work
“Why do you always pick on me.”
14. Getting up and walking around
15. Chewing gum
16. Running in hall
17. Yelling in hall
18. Inappropriate T-Shirt
19. “Metal mouth”
20. “Fuck you” (to teacher)
21. “He was talking too.”
22. Doing math homework in English
23. Coming late
24. “What a stupid answer.”
25. Not trying on a test
4.3 One way to classify them … what might be
possible teacher emotions created by each group?
What thoughts might a teacher be thinking?
Group 1. Calling out, texting, tapping pencil, chewing gum,
talking when supposed to listen, getting up and walking around,
running in hall, yelling in hall
Group 2. refusing to work, this is boring, “why do you always
pick on me”, inappropriate T-shirt, Fuck you to teacher, he was
talking too
Group 3. racial slur, metal mouth, I’m not working with him,
“what a stupid answer”
Group 4. Not prepared to work, forgetting homework, sitting
there doing nothing, not working in group work, coming late, not
trying on a test
4.4 Match the emotions and thoughts below to
the 4 groups
• Annoying, irritating, ‘how many times do I
have to tell you’, I’m getting tired of always …
• Defiance, resistance, push back, anger, “What
did you say?” “I said, put it away, NOW!”
• Hurt, pain, embarrassment, “How would you
like it if I …” ridicule, humiliation, pay-back
• Giving up, disappointed, helpless, hopeless, “If
you won’t try why should I” “Come on, just
give the first question a try
4.5 Four Goals of Misbehaviour
• Attention
• Power
• Revenge
• Assumed Disability
How do the four classifications above by Alfred
Adler, Rudolf Driekurs, and William Glasser (all
medical doctors) relate to the four groups?
Any relationship to your classification?
4.6 Basic Needs (Adlerian Psychology)
• Need to belong
• Need to have control (power) over one’s life
William Glasser added two more:
• Need for fun (connects to belonging)
• Need for freedom (connects to power)
If the above needs are not met in a POSITIVE way
they will be met in a NEGATIVE way; but students
will belong and they will have power and they will
have fun etc.
5. What Effective Teachers do to
Encourage Appropriate Student Behaviour
• Knowledge of Curriculum
• Assessment/Checking for
• Instructional Methods
• Understanding Students and How they Learn
• Teacher Personality
• Factors Affecting Motivation
How Students
See us
100 - BEST
5.17 Teacher Personality
• Point here is that if you come across like a voice
activated cadaver – no enthusiasm, no sense of humour,
and you combine that with not framing questions
effectively, not structuring groups effectively, lessons
poorly planned, content of no interest or meaning to
students, choosing not to make the classroom safe etc.,
etc., then your score drops and no course on classroom
management will save you.
6. What Effective Teachers Do to Respond to
Students Choosing to Behave Inappropriately
Teachers have a repertoire of skills they employ to
respond to students choosing to behave
inappropriately. As the behaviour intensifies, the
teachers skills match that escalation
They do not have to have a separate skill for each
inappropriate behaviour – rather they have sets of
skills to respond to ‘types’ of behaviour; much like
how a doctor does not have a separate ‘medicine’
or ‘approach’ for each illness. Their approaches also
match the seriousness of the illness.
6.1 Six Sets of Skills to Match Student
As students ‘bump’ up the intensity of their
behaviour, teachers, bump up with them to
match the situation … in order to increase the
chances of restoring social order.
On the next sets of slides, we provide ‘six’ skills
designed to match student escalation.
6.2 Bump 1
Invisible Discipline or the Low-Key Responses
You know all of these – but not as deeply as you
With a partner, take turns sharing as many lowkey responses as you can. You use most of these
every day – they are fast, at times almost
unnoticed by other students.
Compare your answers with those on the
following slide
The Look
6.3 Bump 1
Invisible Discipline or the Low-Key Responses
The Low Key Responses
Students Name
The Look
A Gesture
A Gesture or Signal
Deal with Problem, Not
the Student
Keep in Mind
• You will often find you
integrate them … for
example, you will move
towards the student
(proximity), give them a
‘glance’ and say “thank
you” … you may also say
the students name … 4 Low
Key Responses integrated
in about two to three
6.4 Bump 1
Invisible Discipline or the Low-Key Responses
1. Proximity
2. Students Name
3. The Look
4. A Gesture
5. Pause
6. Ignore
7. A Gesture or Signal
8. Politeness
9. Cough
10. Deal with Problem, Not
the Student
How are all the skills
teachers use on the left side
the same; i.e., what do they
all have in common that
allow us to call them the
‘Low Key Responses’ or
‘Invisible Discipline’?
6.5 Bump 1
Invisible Discipline or the Low-Key Responses
The Low Key Skills
Student’s Name
The Look
A Gesture
A Gesture or Signal
Deal with Problem, Not the
What They Have in Common
1. Minimal or No verbal
2. Fast
3. Don’t stop the flow of the
4. Don’t invite an escalation
6.6 Invisible Discipline … The Trap
When asked to identify what skills they use when
students first start to misbehave, effective and
ineffective teachers provide the same answers –
they list the same set of skills.
So, if they have the same set of skills, why do the
skils work in the effective teachers’ classrooms and
not in the ineffective teachers’ classrooms?
Discuss with a partner. Think about what it looks
like or sounds like when the ineffective teacher
employs those low key responses.
6.7 Invisible Discipline … Getting Out of the Trap
The science is the ‘idea’ – saying the student’s name or
giving the ‘look’ or ‘moving towards the student
The ‘art’ is how, where, and when you enact it.
Re ‘how’ – think of intensity when you enact them … light
pink, medium pink, darker pink, light red, medium red …
stay away from dark red and too wishy washy pink.
This is where ‘positive cohesive bonding/winning over kicks
in – right intensity is seen as ‘fair’.
Effective teacher employ the ‘right’ intensity; ineffective
teachers don’t … you have to be ‘artful’.
6.8 Getting Out of the Trap…continued
Ditto with ‘where’ you do it.
Effective teachers think about ‘location’ so they do
not become the person who is distracting the rest
of the class – they will move towards the person
and this enables the teacher to be ‘quieter’ when
choosing to say something.
This is when ‘withitness’ kicks in; effective teachers
pick up on it right away; ineffective teachers wait
too long … and in so doing, unwittingly invite other
students to begin misbehaving.
6.9 Bump 2 – Squaring Off
If you have tried a few Bump 1 skills; or if a
students behaviour has escalated a bit, you may
shift to Bump 2.
You know what Bump 1 is … what would Bump 2
be in your class … understanding that Bump 3
involves giving the students a ‘choice’.
Discuss with a partner and then we can have
you share with the class and then compare with
the ideas on the next slide.
6.10 Bump 2 – Squaring Off
Bump 2 is like a more intense Bump 1.
1. The teacher stops teaching,
2. Turns (squares off with the student re their
stance) … a more assertive look at the student or
a firmer saying of the students name
3. Finish with “Thank you.”
Key here is that with Bump 1 they may have missed
it; with Bump 2 you are letting them know that “I
know that you know that I know … so please stop.”
6.11 Bump 2 – Squaring Off –
With an ‘I’ Message
Bump 2 is like a more intense Bump 1. You also
may use a minimal verbal. For example
1. The teacher stops teaching,
2. Turns (squares off with the student re their
stance) and looks at the student
3. David, the talking is making it difficult for me
to share the directions. (Pause)
4. Finish with “Thank you.”
6.12 Bump 3 and 4
Choices present a shift in the class moving from
NOT taking responsibility for their behaviour to
STARTING to take responsibility.
Choices are ‘tricky’ and classroom lawyers will
find the flaws in your choices.
On the next page is a Concept Attainment data
set on Effective and Less Effective Choices. See if
you can find the ‘attributes’ of the effective
6.13 Bump 3 - Choices
Academic Task: Identify the essential attributes of effective choices
Collaborative Task: Disagreeing Agreeably
1. Write a choice for this behavior: The student is using a cell
phone when they were asked to leave their cell phones in their
lockers. Keep it to your self.
2. Compare all the YES examples; compare them with the NO
3. When finished, identify ‘why’ they are effective – then look at
your choice and decide if it is a YES or NO example.
4. Identify what ‘testers’ are YES and which ones are No
6.14 Below are a few choices; what do the
effective choices have in common?
• YES: David, choose to work effectively
with your group or you are choosing to
work on your own.
• NO: John, choose to get your work done
now, or you are choosing to do it after
6.15 Below are a few choices; what do the
effective choices have in common?
• YES: Jan, you can put the I-Pod in your
desk or mine, please make a decision.
• NO: Cassie, either put the pen away or
I’ll take it away.
6.16 Below are a few choices; what do the
effective choices have in common?
• YES: Mike, please put the pen down or
you are choosing to give it to me.
• NO: Jennifer, either do your homework
or you will not be going on the field trip
next month.
6.17 Below are a few choices; what do
the effective choices have in common?
• YES: Sandra, complete your homework or
you are choosing to have me call your
• NO: Ainsley, dress properly for phys-ed
class or you will run 20 laps of the gym.
6.18 Choices - Testers …
• Get your math homework done or you
will write out 5 pages of the dictionary.
• My way or the highway.
• Make a decision please (pause) thank
• Well, don’t tie your shoe laces but you
may regret it.
• Choose to stop rocking in your chair or
you are making the decision to stand.
6.19 Attributes of effective choices
• Logical - the choice
• You can follow
is related to the
through on the
• Given as immediately • The choice is
as possible
not seen as
• Choice is not an
• Choice is done in a
positive or neutral
6.20 Bump 4
Note that Bump 4 is simply the follow-through on
the choice.
This is why the choice given must have those
attributes of effective choices. Key here is to make
sure you don’t give choices you can’t follow
through on; that invite an escalation.
Suggestion: identify those behaviours where you
think a choice would be useful, then as a staff write
out effective choices that you can memorize and
have as part of your classroom management
response repertoire.