The Balance of Payment

The Balance of Payment
National Income Account and
Y = C + I + G + CA
C = consumption
G = government spending
CA = current account balance
This is called National Income Identity
Current Account
CA = X – M = net export of goods and
X = export; M = import
Strictly speaking CA = X – M +UT but, for
a while, we ignore UT = unilateral transfer
In a closed economy, we do not have CA.
(because X = M = 0)
National Income Account
= spending by households, including consumer
spending on durable goods
= Business sector’s adding to the physical stock
of capital, including inventories. (individual
household’s purchases of stocks, bonds or real
estates are not included)
Government purchases
= spending by federal, state, or local
National Income Account
$6.3 trillion
Current account balance
(Domestic spending on goods and
services produced domestically)
(Foreign spending on goods and services
produced domestically)
Current account balance (cont’d)
CA = X – M
When X > M or CA > 0, we say current
account surplus.
When X < M or CA < 0, we say current
account deficit.
CA = Y – (C + I + G) = Y – A
where A = domestic absorption
Current account balance (cont’d)
A country with current account deficit is
buying more from foreigners than it sells
to them
It has to increase net foreign debts.
CA = net foreign wealth
 US has been a net debtor since 1985.
In 1998, debt = $5.5 trillion
Saving and Investment
Let S = national saving = Y – C – G.
 Then
S = I + CA
(In a closed economy S = I)
I = domestic investment = capital stock
CA = foreign wealth acquisition = net foreign
 An open economy can increase investment by
borrowing abroad.
S = SP + SG
where SP = Yd – C = Y – T – C
SG = T – G
SP = private saving; SG = government saving;
Yd = disposable income; T = net tax.
 Then SP = (C + I + G + CA) – T – C
= I + CA + (G - T)
where G – T = government budget deficit.
 So CA = SP – I – (G – T)
A large gov’t budget deficit leads to a large current
Balance of Payment Accounts
Double-entry bookkeeping
each entry is recorded twice.
A debit entry  a payment to foreigners
A credit entry  a receipt from foreigners
Current Account (CA)
the record of commodity and services transaction
A. Exports (credit)
B. Imports (debit)
1. Merchandise: commodity transaction
2. Services: travel, tourism, royalties, transportation
costs, insurance premiums.
3. Income
Income receipts on US assets abroad (credit)
Income payments on foreign assets in US (debit)
Direct investment receipts and payments
Interest, dividends.
Current Account (cont’d)
C. Unilateral Transfers (debit)
US foreign aid, gifts, retirement pensions, interest
payments to foreigners on their US gov’t debt,
workers’ remittances.
CA > 0: current account surplus
 the country is a net lender to the rest of world
CA < 0: current account deficit
 the country is a net borrower from the rest of
Capital Account (KA)
the record of financial assets transaction
A. US assets abroad
1. US official reserve assets (Gold, SDR, reserve in
IMF, foreign currencies)
2. US gov’t assets
3. US private assets (direct investment, foreign
B. Foreign assets in US
1. Foreign official assets in US (US gov’t securities,
2. Other foreign assets in US (direct investment, US
treasury securities)
Example (a)
An American buys a share of German
stock, paying by writing a $10,000 check
on his account with a Swiss Bank.
Debit: US asset held abroad $10,000
Credit: US asset held abroad $10,000.
For Germany
Credit: Foreign asset held in Germany
Debit: German asset held abroad
Example (b)
An American buys a share of German
stock, paying the seller with a $10,000
check on an American bank.
Debit: US asset held abroad
Credit: Foreign asset held in US $10,000
Example (c)
The French government carries out an
official foreign exchange intervention in
which it uses dollars held in an American
bank to buy French currency from its
Debit: Foreign asset held in US $1 million
Credit: Foreign asset held in US $1 million
(US official reserve asset)
Example (d)
A tourist from Detroit buys a meal at an
expensive restaurant in Lyons, France,
paying with a VISA credit card. VISA uses
a checking account in France to make
Debit: Import, Services
Credit: US assets held abroad
Example (e)
A California winegrower contributes a case
of his best cabernet sauvignon for a
London wine tasting.
No market transaction!
Statistical Discrepancy
Theoretically, current account and capital
account should add up to zero. But in
reality, there is a discrepancy due to
errors, time lags, and so on.
Official Reserve Assets
Official reserve assets:
purchase or sale of foreign assets held by the central
Official international reserves: gold, SDR, foreign
currencies, etc.
(current account) + (non-reserve capital
account) + (statistical discrepancy)
= Balance of Payment (official settlement)
Balance of Payment
Balance of Payment (official settlement)
= current account deficit needed to be
covered by the central bank’s official
reserve transactions.
BOP deficit  the country is running down
its official reserves.