EXPORT CONTROL GUIDELINES SUB-TEAM OCTOBER 2013 CONFIRMED CONFIRMED MINUTES OCTOBER 23, 2013 PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA, USA These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency. Wednesday, October 23, 2013 1.0 OPENING COMMENTS 1.1 Call to Order / Quorum Check The Export Control Guidelines Sub-Team was called to order at 1:05 p.m., 23-Oct-2013. It was noted that the meeting was restricted to NMC Voting Members only. The following attendees were invited guests of the Chairperson, Kevin Ward: Mike Baumann, The Boeing Company Andrew Caliendo, Sikorsky Aircraft Martha Hogan-Battisti, The Boeing Company A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance: Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member) NAME * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Pascal Richard Christian Robert Scott Jeff Frank Ana Fabrizio Mark Brad Davide David Kevin COMPANY NAME Blondet Blyth Buck Custer Iby Lott Mariot Ottani dos Santos Quadrini Rechsteiner Richwine Salerno Soong Ward Airbus Rolls-Royce SAFRAN AAA Plating & Inspection Hamilton Sundstrand (UTAS) The Boeing Company Triumph Group Embraer S.A AgustaWestland GE Aviation Raytheon Company Alenia Aermacchi S.p.A. Pratt & Whitney Goodrich (UTAS) Baumann Caliendo Hogan-Battisti The Boeing Company Sikorsky Aircraft The Boeing Company Other Attendees Mike Andrew Martha PRI Staff Present Scott Jesse Jim Stacey Christine Klavon Lehmier Lewis McKinley Sanz Committee Chairperson EXPORT CONTROL GUIDELINES SUB-TEAM OCTOBER 2013 CONFIRMED 2.0 John Steffey GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS Kevin Ward gave a brief introduction on the topics that would need to be considered during the meeting. He informed the group that awareness of all government regulations was needed, not only for ITAR and EAR, but for other countries as well. Please see the attached presentation for a list of topics to consider regarding government regulations. Export Control slide.pptx 3.0 EXPORT CONTROL -2013 COMPLIANCE DISCUSSION Christine Sanz presented the Performance Review Institute’s (PRI) Export Control -2013 Compliance Discussion. Kevin Ward pointed out that it is important to realize that ITAR/EAR screenings start with the scheduling department at PRI. Suppliers are asked if they are ITAR/EAR compliant before their audit is scheduled. It is their responsibility to provide the correct information to PRI. “Creation of a technology control plan for purposes of outlining how data exchanged outside of eAuditNet is to be handled” is an item proposed for review by this committee. This bullet point can be found on slide nine of the UTC Slides PowerPoint presenation attached below. Christine Sanz noted that Directorate of Defense Trade Control (DDTC) is the organization that controls ITAR. PRI has not renewed its registration with DDTC at this time. PRI does not perform defense services and therefore, the registration is not required. Scott Iby requested that PRI look into the laws and requirements of DDTC because requirements are constantly changing. Christine Sanz informed the group that a letter was sent to the DDTC regarding this issue two weeks prior to the meeting. NMC Subscribers and PRI will need to work together on this issue. For more details please see the attached presentation. UTC Slides - .ppt 4.0 BRAINSTORMING PRI and the NMC will need to find an approach whereby all parties can work together to ensure compliance with all export control regulations. Kevin Ward noted that a comprehensive plan would need to be put in place. It is imperative that every step of the program is documented. The following topics will need to be explored at future meetings. 1. NIP 7-07 – Team Review of document. Particular emphasis on paragraph 3.1 – consider changing “Export Controlled” to “license required Export Controlled”. 2. Need to provide guidance to Task Groups on whether NLR routers or other NLR technical data can be uploaded as objective evidence of corrective actions to eAuditNet NCRs without tagging. Also, even NLR technical data is not permitted to be exported to certain countries, so should all technical data be excluded from eAuditNet? 3. How does IAQG deal with ITAR? EN 9104-001 Par. 6.11 4. eAuditNet protocol for interim storage of items that were removed from eAuditNet by the staff engineer for future evaluation. 5. Assemble a prime advisory panel to assist Task Group in determining Export Control requirements. EXPORT CONTROL GUIDELINES SUB-TEAM OCTOBER 2013 CONFIRMED Export Control NMC Team will be comprised of the following members: David Soong- Lead Richard Blyth Christian Buck Martha Hogan-Battisti Scott Iby Frank Mariott Mark Rechsteiner ACTION ITEM: Frank Mariot to add the Export Control NCM Team to the NMC Organizational Structure chart. 5.0 ADJOURNMENT Motion made to adjourn and seconded. Motion Passed. ADJOURNMENT – 23-Oct-2013– Meeting was adjourned at 2:51 p.m. Minutes Prepared by: Stacey McKinley; smckinley@sae.org ***** For PRI Staff use only: ****** Are procedural/form changes required based on changes/actions approved during this meeting? (select one) YES* ☐ NO ☒ *If yes, the following information is required: Documents requiring revision: Who is responsible: Due date: