The Fungi Kingdom - The study of fungi Fungi

The Fungi Kingdom
_______________________________- The study of fungi
Fungi- singular
4 main Characteristics of fungi
Fungi are _________________________________
a. They have a nuclei and mitochondria
2. They are ____________________________________
a. They depend on other organisms for food
3. Most are _____________________________
4. They cannot move on their own
4 Reasons fungi are different from plants
1. Fungi lack ___________________________________
2. Fungi are not _______________________________________
a. Cannot produce their own food
b. Most are _________________________________--feed on dead/decaying organisms
c. Some are parasites
3. They never reproduce by seeds
4. Most fungi have cell walls made of _____________________________
Parts of fungi:
________________ network of thin thread-like
stuctures that form the “body” of a fungus
______________ singular
______________ plural
Hyphae contain
Hyphae grow and branch until they cover
and digest the food source (upon which
the fungi is growing)
_________________________--a mass of hyphae
The mycelium is usually hidden in the soil, in wood, or another food source
A mycelium may cover many acres
Main types of fungi
a. Sporangium fungi reproduces by
i. Eg: Bread mold. Bread
mold produces psores in
sporangia that stick up
above the bread
Sac Fungi—produce _________________
in sac-like structures
a. Eg: yeasts, cup fungi, powdery mildews, Penicillin
Phylum Basidiomycota--______________________
a. Gets name from specialized
reproduction structure resembling a
club, called basidium—found on the
underside of mushroom cap in the
i. One mushroom may produce
1 billion ________________
ii. Some are edible, some are
iii. Examples: Mushrooms,
iv. Most elaborate life cycle of all the fungi
What are we looking at when we see a fungus-among-us?
The part of the fungus that we see is only the “______________” of the organism
The living body of the fungus is a ____________________
Fungi Reproduction
The structure of the fungi that you can see, is the part that carries out
Most fungi reproduce by using spores
Fungi spores are microscopic
Eg: Mushrooms and puffballs release large clouds of spores. Each cloud contains
millions of spores
Reproduction is classified according to
1. The way they form the ______________________
2. The _________________ of the structure in which spores are made
Lichens are dual organisms, so they
are difficult to place in a
They represent
(mutualistic) relationships between
fungi and green algae, fungi and
cyanobacteria, or fungi and both
The _________________________ is the dominant physical component of the lichen, and
lichens are usually classified with the fungi
Fungi ____________________________ algae and/or cyanobacteria
Special characteristics of lichens
they are _____________________________
-they produce _______________________ to dissolve rocks
-they don’t tolerate sulphur-dioxide in the air
-as they die massively in case of air pollution, they are ______________________ of it.