Kingdom Animalia

Domains and Species
All of the organisms in the world are
assembled into three domains and six
Domain: Bacteria, Kingdom Bacteria
Domain: Archaea, Kingdom Archaea
Domain: Eukarya: Kingdom Protista
Kingdom Fungi
Kingdom Plantae
Kingdom Animalia
Are all prokaryotes
No nucleus. Single circle of DNA.
They are unicellular, made of one cell.
Unlike eukaryotic cells, there are no
organelles in prokaryote cells.
Cell division in prokaryotes is by binary
fission. The cell splits into two to
produce two organisms.
Bacteria are the most abundant organisms on
An estimated 5 X 1030 individuals.
One bacterium can give rise to 10 million in 24
Both aerobic (with oxygen) and anaerobic
(without oxygen) respiration.
Some eubacteria carry out photosynthesis
Other eubacteria fix nitrogen (convert it from
Nitrogen gas (N2) to forms plant can use)
Archaea are less widespread than Bacteria.
Differ from Eubacteria
(1) details of cell wall structure. Different
chemicals are used to make the cell walls in the
two groups.
(2)plasma membranes possess unusual lipids
that differ from those found in the plasma
membranes of bacteria.
(3) differ substantially in DNA structure.
Many Archaebacteria are methanogens.
This means that to produce energy they use H2
gas to reduce CO2 to CH4 (methane), which
releases energy.
Many Archaebacteria are adapted to extreme
Thermophiles: “heat lovers.” Inhabit
hot springs. Tolerate temps from 70 -- >110°C.
Halophiles: “salt lovers.” Require water that is
15-20% salt (seawater only 3% salt)
Eukaryotes: DNA is arranged in chromosomes
in a nucleus.
The eukaryotes include both single-celled
(unicellular) and many-celled (multicellular)
Cells larger and more complex than cells of
Prokaryotes. Contain organelles.
Organelles are structures in cells specialized for
particular tasks.
4 kingdoms.
Kingdom Protista.
Kingdom Fungi
Kingdom Plantae
Kingdom Animalia
Protista are the oldest of the Eukarya.
Can be defined by shared derived
Most Protistans are unicellular. However,
seaweeds algae are multicellular, but do not
have specialized cells.
Kingdom Protista. Examples:
Amoeba, Paramecium, Chlorophyta: Kelp and
other algae.
The pants fall into four major groups:
Plants were the first organisms to colonize the
land. Being on land requires the ability to collect and
conserve water. Plant leaves are covered with a waxy
cuticle, which reduces water loss. Roots collect water
for the plant. Cells are surrounded by a rigid cell wall
that is composed of cellulose. The cellulose provides
support for the plant.
Key ability of plants is photosynthesis: ability to make
sugars from water and carbon dioxide using the energy
available in sunlight.
Plants are complex multicellular organisms that
possess chloroplasts, carry out photosynthesis and
their cells have a cell wall.
There are more than 250,000 plant species in the world.
Mosses are small never getting more than a couple
of inches tall. They have to remain small because
their cells depend on obtaining water by absorbing
it through the outside of the plant. Water can
move efficiently only a short distance through cells
and this limits how large the mosses can get.
The other three groups the Ferns, Gymnosperms
and Angiosperms all avoid this problem by having
a plumbing system. These plants all have a
vascular system a system of tubes that moves
water from the roots to al the cells of the plant.
Ferns were the first group to evolve a vascular
system and were the first plants to grow
large. Unlike the next two groups the ferns do
not produce seeds.
These include the pine trees, spruces and other
cone producing species. These were the first to
produce seeds. Gymnosperm seeds are called
“naked seeds” because the seeds are small and
not covered in a fruit, unlike the seeds of the
The first group to evolve flowers. Flowers signal to
pollinator such as bees that there is nectar to be obtained
and the plant uses the bee to fertilize itself and to spread its
pollen to other flowers.
The angiosperms are the most dominant group of plants on
earth and include most of the plants you are familiar with:
grasses, roses, tulips, petunias, rhododendrons, etc,
etc. Anything that produces a flower is an Angiosperm.
The flower is a special structure where male and female
gametes (sex cells) meet. The ovary, which contains the
female sex cell turns into a fruit that surrounds the
seed. The fruit is a bribe to animals. The animals eat the
fruit and digest it and the seed passes through the digestive
tract and develops into a plant at some distance from its
Mr. Feiler is a Fun Guy
Fungi are multicellular and filamentous.
Possess specialized cells.
Have external digestion: they secrete digestive
enzymes outside themselves and absorb
whatever the enzymes break down..
Fungi do not photosynthesize.
Fungi are specialized to be decomposers. The
main body of a fungus is the mycelium which is
made up of a mass of threadlike projections called
hyphae which grow in the soil or in tissues of
organisms being broken down. A mushroom is a
reproductive structure. It produces spores, but the
bulk of the fungus is out of view.
The fungal cell wall is made of chitin (same
substance insect exoskeletons are made of. Fungi
digest food externally by secreting digestive
enzymes then absorbing the nutrients.
Fungi spread by spores.
Includes: birds, mammals, reptiles, crabs,
worms, fish, jellyfish, starfish, etc.
The Animalia are complex, diverse and have
excellent mobility.
Animal cells lack a cell wall.
They do not photosynthesize.
There are several levels of complexity in the
Complexity increases from: Specialized cells to
tissues to organs to organ systems.
The simplest animals are the sponges. These have specialized
cells that carry out a single task, but have not evolved tissues.
The first group to evolve tissues (Cnidaria Jellyfish). Sponges
have no tissues but many cell types. A tissue is a group of
specialized cells that carry out a particular task. Examples
include muscle tissue and nervous tissue
Among the first organisms to evolve organs and organ systems
were the flatworms. Organs are made up of a number of tissues,
have a defined boundary and carry out a specific task. An
example is the stomach.
The next level of complexity above the organ is the Organ system
(e.g. digestive system). An organ system contains many organs
working together to achieve a task.
All animals above the flatworms have organs and organs systems:
insects, humans, snakes, spiders, snails, etc.
 Kingdom
 Phylum
 Class
 Genus