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Rijeka: Delta & Porto Baros
At present the Delta area and Porto Baros areas are used for port activities until the middle of 2012, in
particular for the handling of timber. The goal is to develop this part of the Port of Rijeka as urban,
residential and commercial areas and such a transformation of the port areas is a common process in
historic ports which are located near city centres. The inner ports of Rotterdam and Barcelona are good
examples of a successful conversion process where areas which lost their port function have been redeveloped for residential, commercial and industrial destinations. The Delta & Porto Baros areas
comprise very valuable land attached to the city centre of Rijeka. Their re-development has to be carefully
planned and should be in harmony with the character of the city centre. The change-over between the city
area and the newly developed port areas should be fluent as these areas constitute the access of the city
to the waterfront.
The Port of Rijeka Authority (PRA) will re-develop the Delta area and the Porto Baros in combination with
the private sector based on international competitive bidding. It is the intention of PRA to develop the area
fully within the legal framework of the maritime domain as set out in a new Maritime Domain and Seaports
Act (MDSA), which is to be enacted shortly. This Act is still under consideration but the present drafts of
new law indicate that the current characteristics of the maritime domain will be preserved.
In the past the PRA has received several expressions of interest from companies and consortia showing
their willingness to develop the area. Through this document the PRA would like to be informed on the
possible interest your company may have in developing the area under the current circumstances as well
as conditions under which such development would be feasible.
The total area for the Delta and Porto Baros is illustrated below;
Rijeka, June 2011
Delta - Barros
Rijeka: Delta & Porto Baros
The total area of the Delta and Porto Baros areas is about 17 ha of which about 13,7 hectare for urban
development, 1,8 ha of land for the Marina and about 2,2 ha is destined for public infrastructure and
parks. The area that is available for renting out plots for buildings, offices and the free spaces within the
plots is about 7.8 ha, which is based on the policy that the built-up percentage should not exceed 40
percent of the total area. Moreover the total building volume is maximised to 1.2 million m3.
Possible guidelines and requirements for the development of the area are prepared by consultants COWI
and Gehl Architects, Denmark and are available to be downloaded from the website www.mojadelta.com
The information on the site gives only an indication of possible plot sizes and the guidelines for the type
building structures for each area.
The development of the Delta and Porto Baros areas, which could be done in phases:
Phase One of the development comprises a marina, hotels, restaurants, shops, service providers,
high quality apartments
Phase Two will comprise shops, offices and apartments
Phase Three depends on the relocation (or coverage) of the sewage plant and comprises cultural
buildings, offices, apartments, shops and restaurants.
As stated before the policy of PRA is to issue an international tender for the selection of developer(s)
which are interested to invest in the project areas based on a concession agreement. Before issuing the
tender on the market, the PRA would like to receive the opinion of potential developers on the following
Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP):
At present a WWTP is located on the southern part of Delta and more specific on the areas M2 and M4.
In the future this plant has to be upgraded in order to comply with latest environmental requirements. The
area needed including future extensions would be about 4 ha. PRA would like to receive the opinion of
the potential developers whether the area can be developed while the WWTP remains on the same
location. Moreover what is the developers opinion of having a WWTP on the area to be developed in
terms of functionality, constrains for the remaining area, and so on.
Rijeka, June 2011
Delta - Barros
Rijeka: Delta & Porto Baros
Basic Infrastructure:
For the development of the area costs have to be made for the site preparation including cleaning of the
soil, the main road infrastructure and investments in utilities. The PRA is interested in developer’s opinion
if they are interested to invest in the basic infrastructure or not. The PRA would like to know your
preference; developed land or undeveloped land?
Legal issues
The main determining legislation is the Maritime Domain and Seaports Act (MDSA), which is at present
under review and the Concessions Law. Based on the MDSA private parties can’t own the land and
projects have to be implemented on the basis of one or more long term concession(s) which allows user
rights of the concerned assets/buildings. PRA is interested whether the private sector is willing to invest in
the project under these legal conditions and if so, under which conditions.
In relation to the above mentioned issues, the question also arises whether one concession for the entire
project is feasible or the project has to be divided into various parts/activities which will be separately
Design contest
At the moment there is GUP (General Urbanistic Plan/Master plan) in force, prescribing an international or
national urbanistic and architectural design contests should be organized. The results of the contests will
be the basis for DPU (Detailed Urbanistic Plan) that has to be accepted by the City of Rijeka. The DPU is
the basis for issuing the construction permits.
Urbanistic design contest has to be launched by the either selected developers or the PRA/City and has
to be organised by the Association of Croatian Architects. The result of the contest or the winning design
will be the basis for DPU. The contest gives the quantitative guidelines and qualitative guidelines for the
development of the area. After that, the developer is obligated to launch another, this time an architectural
design contest(s) for buildings and areas of public interest or for public use. The international or national
architectural design contest(s) have also to be organised by the Association of Croatian Architects and
the winner of the architectural contest will be the architect involved in the design of the buildings.
The PRA would like to receive the developer’s opinion on the degrees of freedom in case of submitting an
offer for the concession to develop the areas and would like to receive your opinion on the following
question: Should the urbanistic design contest be launched:
prior to the tender for the selection of the developer, in which case the PRA and the City of Rijeka
will issue the tender for the contests
should the launch of the contest(s) - urbanistic and afterwards architectural, be part of the
obligation of the selected/winning developer for the development of the Delta and Porto Barros
Rijeka, June 2011
Delta - Barros
Rijeka: Delta & Porto Baros
It should be noted that in case several developers for various activities will be chosen instead of one
developer for the entire area, the urbanistic design contest will be organised prior to issuing of the tender
documentation and the results serve as guidelines for the developer. The launch of the architectural
design contest will remain the obligation for the developer.
The PRA would very much appreciate your opinion on the above mentioned issues. The deadline for
expression of interest and/or submission the survey is 31st of August, 2011.
Please be so kind to submit your opinion in writing by post, fax or by email to:
Port of Rijeka Authority
Riva 1, 51 000 Rijeka, Croatia
Marketing department
Fax.: 00385 51 213 112
E-mail: marketing.ri@portauthority.hr
www.portauthority.hr; www.mojadelta.com
Delta and Porto Baross Project Manager:
Ms.Snijezana Papes, B.Sc.
Rijeka, June 2011
Delta - Barros