Page |1 001 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., July 5, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Central Office Conference Room, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton-ABSENT; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Vacant; District Five – Ina Southwood The special meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by Chairperson Shirley Hudson. 07052012-001. APPROVE GEAR UP MOA It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Bobby Gross that the MOA with Gear Up be approved. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07052012-002. APPROVE REQUEST TO USE LBJ SOFTBALL FIELD It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Bobby Gross that the request to use the softball field at LBJ by the Jackson City Parks, be approved. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07052012-003. APPROVE DATA DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Bobby Gross that the Data Disclosure Agreement – Discovery Education Assessment Data (ThinkLink) be approved. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07052012-004. APPROVE NON-CRIMINAL JUSTICE GOVERNMENT ENTITY CRIMINAL HISTORY RECORD INFORMATION USER AGREEMENT It was moved by Bobby Gross and seconded by Ina Southwood that the Non-Criminal Justice Government Entity Criminal History Record Information User Agreement be approved. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07052012-005. APPROVE ORGANIZATIONAL CHART It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Bobby Gross that the organizational chart be approved. Discussion then ensued concerning revision of job descriptions as well as approving job descriptions for those without them. These will be presented at a later board meeting for approval. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” Page |2 002 Jackson, Ky., July 5, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Central Office Conference Room, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton-ABSENT; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Vacant; District Five – Ina Southwood 07052012-006. APPROVE TRAILER AT HIGHLAND-TURNER AS SURPLUS PROPERTY AND AUTHORIZE DISPOSAL It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Bobby Gross that the trailer at Highland-Turner Elementary School be declared surplus property and authorize the Superintendent to contact Combs Real Estate to auction it off, and provide for removal prior to school starting. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07052012-007. APPROVE RANDOM DRUG TESTING POLICY FOR STAFF AND STUDENTS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Bobby Gross that the first reading of the random drug testing policy be approved for staff as well as students, as discussed. The formal policy will be written and presented at the next meeting for the second reading. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07052012-008. APPROVE JOB DESCRIPTIONS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Bobby Gross that the Technology Integration Specialist and the Computer Maintenance Technician job descriptions be approved. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07052012-009. APPROVE JDC SCHOOL CALENDAR It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Bobby Gross that the Juvenile Detention Center calendar be amended to match the CLEP and Day Treatment calendars for the 2012-2013 school year. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07052012-010. APPROVE ADJOURNING TO EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Bobby Gross and seconded by Chairperson Shirley Hudson that the meeting be adjourned to go into executive session in compliance with KRS 61.810(f) to discuss a specific personnel matter. Meeting adjourned to executive session at 6:28 PM. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07052012-011. ADJOURN FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Bobby Gross and seconded by Ina Southwood that executive session be adjourned. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” Page |3 003 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., July 5, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Central Office Conference Room, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton-ABSENT; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Vacant; District Five – Ina Southwood 07052012-012. RESUME OPEN MEETING It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Bobby Gross that open meeting be resumed. Open meeting resumed at 7:55 PM. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07052012-013. ACTION FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Chairperson Shirley Hudson that Employee #418 be classified under Board Policy 03.175. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07052012-014. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business of the Board, it was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Bobby Gross that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” ____________________________________________________________ Shirley Hudson, Chairperson ____________________________________________________________ Stacy C. McKnight, Secretary Page |4 004 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., July 24, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross-ABSENT; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by Chairperson Shirley Hudson. 07242012-015. SWEAR IN NEW MEMBER, MARY LOU HAMILTON, DISTRICT FOUR REPRESENTATIVE Notary Public Bruce Herald performed the swearing in of new board member Mary Lou Hamilton for School District #4. 07242012-016. ADOPT AGENDA It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton that the agenda be adopted after adding Item IV-Q – Elect a Board Vice Chairman. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07242012-017. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS Anthony Holbrook of the Shriner’s Club presented posters advertising the Shriner’s Circus which takes place on August 17, 2012, in Hazard; and invited all students through grade 3 to attend. He was accompanied by fellow Shriner, Wayne Harvey; and they presented some information about the Shriner’s and how the circus is a fund raiser for the organization to assist families with bills at the Shriner’s Hospitals. BHS Assistant Principal Mike Bowling informed the Board and the audience that school is ready to go and that the administration is currently finalizing schedules. BCEA President Oneida Cassidy informed everyone that teachers and staff are ready to get back to work. They have been working in classrooms and many of them have been involved in Professional Development sessions at the schools. Superintendent Stevens reported that she is excited about the start of school, and feels everything is ready to go. 07242012-018. PERSONNEL NOTIFICATIONS Personnel Notifications are attached to these minutes. 07242012-019. CONSENT AGENDA - APPROVE MINUTES It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the minutes of the June 26, 2012, and July 5, 2012 board meetings. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” Page |5 005 Jackson, Ky., July 24, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross-ABSENT; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood 07242012-020. CONSENT AGENDA - APPROVE CLAIMS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the subsequent claims, current claims, and salaries. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07242012-021. CONSENT AGENDA – APPROVE FMLA It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve FMLA for Employee #438. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07242012-022. CONSENT AGENDA – APPROVE REQUEST TO USE BHS PARKING LOT It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the request to use the BHS Parking Lot on December 1, 2012, for the Annual Christmas Parade by the Jackson Woman’s Club, contingent on receipt of insurance. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07242012-023. APPROVE SECOND READING OF BOARD POLICY/PROCEDURE UPDATES It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the second reading of Board Policy Update #35, Procedure Update #16, as well as Board Policy 03.1236/03.2236(Bereavement Policy) and Board Procedure 09.36 AP21(Field Trips). Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07242012-024. APPROVE SECOND READING OF RANDOM DRUG TESTING POLICY It was moved by Ruschelle Hamilton and seconded by Ina Southwood to approve the second reading of the random drug testing policy for staff and students. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07242012-025. APPROVE 2012-2013 ARC/PRESCHOOL MEETING CHAIRPERSONS It was moved by Ruschelle Hamilton and seconded by Ina Southwood to approve the 2012-2013 ARC/Preschool meeting Chairpersons when the principal is unavailable. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” Page |6 006 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., July 24, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross-ABSENT; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood 07242012-026. APPROVE INTERAGENCY AGREEMENTS WITH DJJ FOR JUVENILE DETENTION CENTER AND CADET LEADERSHIP AND EDUCATION PROGRAM It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the Interagency Agreements with the Department for Juvenile Justice and the Breathitt County School District for the Juvenile Detention Center and the Cadet Leadership and Education Program. Voting: Bobby Gross – ABSENT; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Abstain; Ina Southwood – Aye 07242012-027. APPROVE COMMUNITY BASED WORK TRANSITION PROGRAM FOR BHS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the Community Based Work Transition Program Agreement with matching funds for Breathitt High School for the 2012-2013 school year. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07242012-028. APPROVE FULL UTILIZATION AGREEMENT FOR PRESCHOOL WITH MIDDLE KENTUCKY RIVER HEAD START PROGRAM It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the full utilization agreement for preschool with the Middle Kentucky River Head Start Program. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07242012-029. APPROVE READ TO ACHIEVE ASSURANCE STATEMENTS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the Read to Achieve Assurance Statements for LBJ and Marie Roberts-Caney Elementary Schools for the 2012-2013 school year. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07242012-030. APPROVE RECOMMENDED DIRECT DEPOSIT FOR ALL EMPLOYEES It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve recommended (not required) direct deposit for all employees. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07242012-031. APPROVE KIDS SMILE PROGRAM It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the Kids Smile Program through the Breathitt County Health Department for all elementary schools for the 2012-2013 school year. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” Page |7 007 Jackson, Ky., July 24, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross-ABSENT; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood 07242012-032. APPROVE CHANGING TWO PAY DATES FOR THE 2012-2013 SCHOOL YEAR It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve moving the September 4, 2012, pay date, to August 31, 2012; and the December 17, 2012, pay date to December 14, 2012. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07242012-033. APPROVE FIRST READING OF PERSONNEL HANDBOOK It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve first reading of the personnel handbook. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07242012-034. APPROVE POLICY FOR USE OF VANS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to develop a procedure for the use of vans by school employees that will provide for proper accounting of van use. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07242012-035. APPROVE STAFFING/INSTRUCTION AT ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL It was moved by Mary Lou Hamilton and seconded by Ina Southwood to table this item for further study and proposal of a plan at a later date. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07242012-036. APPROVE CUSTODIAL SUPPLY ALLOCATIONS FOR ALL SCHOOLS It was moved by Ruschelle Hamilton and seconded by Ina Southwood to table this item for more information regarding centralized purchasing and review at a later date. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07242012-037. APPROVE CHEMSEARCH TO PROVIDE WATER TREATMENT FOR THE 2012-2013 SCHOOL YEAR It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Chairperson Shirley Hudson to approve ChemSearch to provide water treatment on a one year basis for the 2012-2013 school year, contract ending June 30, 2013. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” Page |8 008 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., July 24, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross-ABSENT; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood 07242012-038. APPROVE TAKING BIDS FOR PHYSICAL THERAPY SERVICES It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve soliciting bids for physical therapy services for the 2012-2013 school year, since KVEC is no longer providing these services. It was further clarified that these services are provided for students whose IEP requires it. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07242012-039. APPROVE NOMINATIONS AND ELECTION OF BOARD VICE CHAIRMAN Nominations for a Board Vice Chairman were opened and Ina Southwood nominated Bobby Gross. Nominations then ceased. Ina Southwood then moved that a vote be taken to elect Bobby Gross as Vice Chairman of the Board Ruschelle Hamilton seconded that motion. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07242012-040. DISCUSSION OF COMMISSIONER’S LETTER In new business, the Board discussed the informational item received in the packet from Dr. Terry Holliday, Commissioner of Education, regarding the 2011-2012 school calendar and cutting funding for the district due to not attending school the required number of days. The Commissioner has agreed to meet with the Board on August 13, 2012 at 8:00 AM, to discuss possible resolutions to this problem. It will be decided who will attend at a later date. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 07242012-041. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business of the Board, it was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 6:25 PM. _____________________________________________________________ Shirley Hudson, Board Chairperson ______________________________________________________________ Stacy C. McKnight, Board Secretary Page |9 009 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., August 9, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton-ABSENT; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood The Special Meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by Chairperson Shirley Hudson. 08092012-042. APPROVE DESIGNATING FRAM, HOMELESS, AND KECSAC COORDINATOR It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Vice-Chairman Bobby Gross that these duties be re-assigned to the Federal Programs Coordinator. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 08092012-043. APPROVE FINAL AMENDED INNOVATIVE/ALTERNATIVE CALENDAR FOR 20112012 SCHOOL YEAR It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Vice Chairman Bobby Gross that the final amended Innovative/Alternative Calendar be approved for the 2011-2012 school year. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 08092012-044. APPROVE KNOX BOXES FOR ALL SCHOOLS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Vice Chairman Bobby Gross that this item be tabled for further information to be presented at the next meeting. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 08092012-045. APPROVE CONSTRUCTION OF STEPS FOR BATTING CAGE FACILITY It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Vice Chairman Bobby Gross to authorize the maintenance staff to construct concrete steps at the entrances of the Batting Cage Facility. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 08092012-046. CONSIDER REVIEW AND REVISION OF PERSONNEL HANDBOOK A draft personnel handbook was reviewed and revised to be brought before the Board at the next regular meeting for the second reading. 08092012-047. APPROVE CUSTODIAL FUND ALLOCATIONS FOR ALL SCHOOLS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Vice Chairman Bobby Gross that funds be allocated to the schools in the amount of $15.00 per student, with centralized purchasing (all orders generated from Facilities Director). Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” P a g e | 10 010 Jackson, Ky., August 9 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross-ABSENT; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood 08092012-048. APPROVE FMLA It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Mary Lou Hamilton to approve FMLA for Employee Numbers 4178, 3418, and 239. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 08092012-049. APPROVE EMERGENCY CERTIFIED SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Vice Chairman Bobby Gross to approve using up to 25 (twentyfive) emergency certified substitute teachers for the 2012-2013 school year, as advised by the Education Professional Standards Board. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 08092012-050. APPROVE COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS COUNSELOR JOB DESCRIPTION AND POSITION It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Vice Chairman Bobby Gross to approve the College and Career Readiness Counselor position and job description. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 08092012-051. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business of the Board, it was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Vice Chairman Bobby Gross that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 6:30 PM. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” ________________________________________________________ Shirley Hudson, Board Chairperson _________________________________________________________ Stacy C. McKnight, Board Secretary P a g e | 11 011 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., August 28, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Highland-Turner Elementary School Library, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood The regular meeting of the Board of Education was brought to order by Chairperson Shirley Hudson. 08282012-052. ADOPT AGENDA It was moved by Ruschelle Hamilton and seconded by Mary Lou Hamilton that the agenda be adopted as presented. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 08282012-053 PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS Highland-Turner Elementary School Principal Robert Stewart welcomed everyone to the school and invited the audience to visit the classrooms while they were there. Superintendent Melanie Stevens read a statement regarding the challenges/changes that have taken place since she became superintendent. 08282012-054. BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS Ina Southwood presented the Breathitt County Times Voice with a copy of the letter received from the Commissioner regarding the cut in funding that the district received. She also complimented Highland-Turner Elementary School and said she always enjoys visiting the school. Bobby Gross – None Shirley Hudson presented Supt. Stevens with some documentation regarding the use of cannons at high school events since there has been some question about that issue over the past few weeks. Ms. Hudson said that the insurance company recommends that the “use of cannons should be strictly prohibited”. Mary Lou Hamilton expressed that she was happy to be at Highland-Turner and that the school looks wonderful. 08282012-055. PERSONNEL NOTIFICATIONS Personnel Notifications are attached to the minutes of this meeting. 08282012-056. APPROVE UPDATED MASTER SCHEDULES It was moved by Mary Lou Hamilton and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton that the updated master schedules be approved; however, any extra time in these calendars should count as bank time. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Abstain P a g e | 12 012 Jackson, Ky., August 28, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Highland-Turner Elementary School Library, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood 08282012-057. APPROVE AMENDED SCHOOL CALENDAR It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton approve the amended school calendar for the 2012-2013 school year, as long as the bank time in the calendar is also approved. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 08282012-058. APPROVE FIELD TRIP FOR “TRAVEL CLUB” AT SMS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the field trip to London, England by the “Travel Club” at Sebastian Middle School, sponsored by Bobby Shouse; as long as any issues with the school insurance are resolved. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 08282012-059. APPROVE KNOX BOXES FOR ALL SCHOOLS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Vice Chairman Bobby Gross to purchase Knox Boxes for all schools, which will hold entrance keys for the buildings in case of a fire. Fire Department personnel have keys to the Knox Boxes. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 08282012-060. APPROVE ATTENDANCE AT KSBA FALL REGIONAL MEETING It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve attendance at KSBA’s Fall Regional Meeting in Hazard Kentucky on September 27, 2012, for board members, superintendent, board attorney and board secretary. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 08282012-061. APPROVE SECOND READING OF PERSONNEL HANDBOOK It was moved by Vice Chairman Bobby Gross and seconded by Ina Southwood to approve the second reading of the Personnel Handbook. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 08282012-062. APPROVE MOA WITH MOREHEAD STATE UNIVERSITY It was moved by Vice Chairman Bobby Gross and seconded by Ina Southwood to approve the MOA with Morehead State University for Dual Credit at Breathitt High School. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” P a g e | 13 013 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., August 28, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Highland-Turner Elementary School Library, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood 08282012-063. APPROVE BUSES AS SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZE DISPOSAL It was moved by Ruschelle Hamilton and seconded by Ina Southwood to declare the following buses as surplus: #69, 3, 20, 8, 68, 49, 10, 35, 41, and Van #1. Bus #3, 20, and 8 are to be sold; while the others are to be junked and sold for scrap metal. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 08282012-064. APPROVE APPLYING FOR RACE TO THE TOP GRANT WITH KVEC It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Chairperson Shirley Hudson to approve working with Kentucky Valley Education Cooperative to apply for the Race to the Top Grant. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 08282012-065. APPROVE TRANSPARTATION GRANT It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Vice Chairman Bobby Gross to approve applying for a TranspARTation Grant through the Kentucky Arts Council, for a field trip to Jenny Wiley Theater. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 08282012-066. APPROVE JACKSON PHYSICAL THERAPY It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve Jackson Physical Therapy to provide physical therapy services for the 2012-2013 school year(only bidder). Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 08282012-067. APPROVE DISPOSAL OF TRAILER AT HIGHLAND-TURNER It was moved by Vice Chairman Bobby Gross and seconded by Ina Southwood to approve requesting bids for disposal of the trailer at Highland-Turner Elementary School since there were no bidders at the auction that had previously been approved. Once a bidder to dispose of the trailer has been selected, an independent contractor agreement must be approved and signed. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” P a g e | 14 014 Jackson, Ky., August 28, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Highland-Turner Elementary School Library, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood 08282012-068. APPROVE REQUESTING PROPOSALS FOR CONSULTANT TO CONDUCT THE SEARCH FOR A PERMANENT SUPERINTENDENT It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Chairperson Shirley Hudson to approve requesting proposals for a consultant to conduct the search for a permanent superintendent. Voting: Bobby Gross – No; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 08282012-069. APPROVE DISCUSSION OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION CENTER An annual report for the Early Childhood Education Center was presented to Board Members for their information. Board Member Ruschelle Hamilton stated that she wanted to make sure the audience knew that the Board had never discussed closing the Center and it was their goal to make it successful. The Board expressed their desire to hear suggestions on how to grow the Center and improve attendance. Several audience spoke up to express their support of the Center and how important it is to their families since they all have children who attend the Center. Since theE Early Childhood Education Center is the only childcare facility in Breathitt County, it is a great service that needs to remain open if at all possible. Several suggestions were made including more advertising, increasing fees, and looking into grant opportunities. No Action Taken 08282012-070. APPROVE PURCHASE OF TEXTBOOKS It was moved by Vice Chairman Bobby Gross and seconded by Ina Southwood to approve authorizing the Superintendent to work with the Principals to develop a plan for the purchase of textbooks. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 08282012-071. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business of the Board, it was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” ______________________________________________________ Chairperson Shirley Hudson ______________________________________________________ Board Secretary Stacy McKnight P a g e | 15 015 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., September 12, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Central Office Conference Room located at 420 Court Street, Jackson, Kentucky, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross-ABSENT; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood The Special Meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by Chairperson Shirley Hudson. 09122012-072. APPOINT TEMPORARY SECRETARY It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to appoint Lynn Herald as the temporary secretary for this meeting. Voting: Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09122012-073. APPROVE MINUTES It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the minutes of the July 24, 2012, and August 9, 2012, board meetings. Voting: Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09122012-074. APPROVE CLAIMS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the subsequent claims, current claims, and salaries. Voting: Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09122012-075. APPROVE FUND RAISERS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the following fund raisers: BHS Senior Class Avon Sales, Bumblebee Marketing Brochure Sales, Rada Cutlery Sales, Knickerbocker Pictures, Krispy Kreme Donut Sales and Old Ky. Chocolates Candy Sales; BHS JROTC Krispy Kreme Donut Sales, Heritage Fair Booths, and Pancake Breakfast; BHS Volleyball Yard Sale, Cotton Candy Sales, and T-Shirt/T-Shirt Ad Sales; SMS Academic Team Brochure Sales, Bake Sales, School Dance, Hat Day, Candy Bar Sales, Sucker Sales, and TShirt Sales; BHS FFA Annual Fruit Sales; SMS Yearbook Brochure Sales, Yearbook Ads, Sports Programs and Program Ads; SMS Boys Basketball Tournament; SMS Baseball Bumblebee Marketing Brochure Sales; Rousseau FRC Krispy Kreme Donut Sales, Secret Santa Shop and Game Rally Items; BHS Band Old Ky. Chocolate Candy Sales. Voting: Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09122012-076. APPROVE PARTICIPATION IN KPC FOR 2012-2013 It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve participation in the Kentucky Purchasing Cooperative for the 2012-2013 school year at no expense to the Board. Voting: Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye P a g e | 16 016 Jackson, Ky., September 12, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Central Office Conference Room located at 420 Court Street, Jackson, Kentucky, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross-ABSENT; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood 09122012-077. APPROVE REQUEST TO USE ROUSSEAU BY ROUSSEAU VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the request by the Rousseau Volunteer Fire Department to use the Rousseau Elementary School on September 21, 2012. Voting: Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09122012-078. APPROVE REQUEST TO USE LBJ BY THE YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUE It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the request by the Youth Basketball League to use the LBJ Elementary School during the 2012-2013 school year. Voting: Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09122012-079. APPROVE MARGARET KINCANNON AS MEMBER OF CERTIFIED EVALUATON COMMITTEE It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve Margaret Kincannon as the second certified member of the Certified Evaluation Appeals Committee for the 2012-2013 school year. Voting: Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09122012-080. APPROVE KECSAC MOA It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the Memorandum of Agreement between KECSAC and the Breathitt County Board of Education for the Cadet Leadership and Education Program, Breathitt Regional Juvenile Detention Center and the Day Treatment Center Voting: Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Abstain; Ina Southwood – Aye 09122012-081. APPROVE 2012 MOTOR VEHICLE TAX RATE It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Mary Lou Hamilton to approve the 2013 Motor Vehicle Tax Rate at the same rate as last year. Voting: Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09122012-082. APPROVE TENANT CONTRACTS FOR 2012-2013 It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Mary Lou Hamilton to approve the on-going contract with tenants at Marie Roberts-Caney for the 2012-2013 school year. Voting: Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye P a g e | 17 017 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., September 12, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Central Office Conference Room located at 420 Court Street, Jackson, Kentucky, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross-ABSENT; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood 09122012-083. APPROVE CHALLENGER MISSION CONTRACT It was moved by Ruschelle Hamilton and seconded by Ina Southwood to approve the Challenger Mission Contract for the 2012-2013 school and schedule new dates, if necessary, for visits. Voting: Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09122012-084. APPROVE FY 2012 TECHNOLOGY ACTIVITY REPORT It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the FY 2012 Technology Activity Report. Voting: Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09122012-085. APPROVE FMLA FOR EMPLOYEE #3823 It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve FMLA for Employee #3823. Voting: Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09122012-086. APPROVE FUNDRAISER FOR HIGHLAND-TURNER BASKETBALL It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the Highland-Turner Basketball Candy Sales, Silent Auction, Ballgame, Zumbathon, and T-Shirt Sales. Voting: Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye Upon conclusion of the business and prior to adjournment, Chairperson Shirley Hudson address the Board on a personal note. She apologized for any confusion at the regular board meeting regarding the manner of calling fore the vote or regarding the time spent on each item, particularly when no motion had been made. She assured the Board that she would make every effort to conduct the meeting in an efficient manner and to address their needs or concerns. No action or discussion was taken on this matter. 09122012-087. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business of the Board, it was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 5:10 PM. Voting: Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye ______________________________________________________________ Shirley Hudson, Board Chairperson ______________________________________________________________ Lynn Herald, Temporary Secretary P a g e | 18 018 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., September 25, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Rousseau Elementary School Gymnasium, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood The regular meeting of the Board of Education was brought to order by Chairperson Shirley Hudson. 09252012-088. ADOPT AGENDA It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Bobby Gross to adopt the agenda as presented with the attached Addendum. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09252012-089. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS Superintendent Stevens introduced the principals of all the schools and asked them give an update on the attendance at their schools for the first two months of the school year. The second month of school ends this Friday, September 28, 2012. Ron Combs, LBJ Elementary School Principal informed the Board and the audience that his attendance is about the same as it was for the first two months of school last year. He also updated the Board regarding current activities at LBJ and staffing including new GEAR UP positions as well as UNITE positions, and a 1 st grade and special education positions open at the present time. Mike Bowling, Assistant Principal at Breathitt County High School informed the Board that attendance at BHS was somewhat improved over this same period last year due to the enforcement of the “No Pass, No Drive” Law, and some new SBDM policies adopted to improve attendance. Reggie Hamilton, Principal at Sebastian Middle School presented his attendance information showing that his attendance is slightly lower than this time last year, but is hoping that it will improve over the next few days to increase attendance for the second month since it doesn’t actually end until Friday. He also updated the Board on current new positions with GEAR UP. Darwin Noble, Principal at Marie Roberts-Caney Elementary School said his attendance is about the same as last year and let the Board know about current activities at MRC including new GEAR UP and UNITE positions. Robert Stewart then updated the Board on the attendance at Highland-Turner Elementary School saying that it is improved over the same time period last year. Ms. Stevens then informed the Board that all of our principals have pass the Principal Effectiveness Test which will become a part of the new Evaluation System currently being developed for statewide use. Our district is a little ahead of other districts in that area. 09252012-090. BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS Shirley Hudson informed the audience that since this is her last meeting at the Rousseau Elementary School, she wanted to express her appreciation for all the support she has received over the last twenty years as a school board member. She said the community always supported her when she was right and forgave her when she was wrong. She said it was an honor and a privilege to see so many students go through the system and become adults; and she was so proud to be associated with such good people. No other board members had concerns. P a g e | 19 019 Jackson, Ky., September 25, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Rousseau Elementary School Gymnasium, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood 09252012-091. PERSONNEL NOTIFICATIONS Personnel Notifications are attached to these minutes. 09252012-092. CONSENT AGENDA - APPROVE MINUTES It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the minutes of the September 12, 2012, board meeting. Minutes from the August 28, 2012, board meeting were not presented at this time since regular Board secretary is on sick leave. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09252012-093. CONSENT AGENDA – APPROVE CLAIMS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton that the subsequent claims, current claims and salaries be approved. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09252012-094. CONSENT AGENDA – APPROVE FUND RAISERS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton that the following fund raisers be approved: Boys and Girls Grad School Panorama to offset the cost of insurance; SMS Bumble Bee Marketing; HTS Bake Sale at Heritage Fair Booth; HTS FRC Krispy Kreme Donut Sales; LBJ General Fund Bumblebee Marketing; HT Fall Festival; BHS Project Prom/STOP Club T-Shirt Ads/Sales, and Candy Sales; BHS YSC Donkey Basketball; BHS FCCLA Car Wash/Bake Sale at Wal-mart, Avon Sales, Sucker Sales, Bake Sale at Heritage Fair, and Sewing Class Sales; BHS US History Class Krispy Kreme Donut Sales; STLP Peel to Save Cards; RES Fundraiser. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09252012-095. CONSENT AGENDA – APPROVE CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED PRAYER It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the 2012-2013 Certification for Constitutionally Protected Prayer in Public Schools. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09252012-096. CONSENT AGENDA – APPROVE FMLA It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve FMLA for Employee #575. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye P a g e | 20 020 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., September 25, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Rousseau Elementary School Gymnasium, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood 09252012-097. CONSENT AGENDA – APPROVE USE OF LBJ It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the use of LBJ Elementary School gymnasium on Saturday, September 29, 2012, by the Breathitt Heritage Fair, contingent on receipt of insurance. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09252012-098. APPROVE INDIRECT COST RATE It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the indirect cost rate for the 20122013 school year. This is the amount charged to federal grants for administrative costs to the general fund. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09252012-099. APPROVE MOA WITH HAZARD COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL COLLEGE It was moved by Ruschelle Hamilton and seconded by Ina Southwood to approve the MOA with Hazard Community and Technical College for Human Services. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09252012-100. APPROVE FMLA It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve FMLA for Employees #3823, 3656, 239, and 343. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09252012-101. APPROVE PROCEDURES FOR BOARD POLICY UPDATES It was move d by Ruschelle Hamilton and seconded by Ina Southwood to approve having the Board Policy Books updated by the Board members individually. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye P a g e | 21 021 Jackson, Ky., September 25, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Rousseau Elementary School Gymnasium, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood 09252012-102. APPROVE PROCEDURE FOR DRIVING RECORD CHECKS OF EMPLOYEES It was moved by Mary Lou Hamilton and seconded by Ina Southwood to approve the procedure for obtaining driving record checks for employees to say they must be furnished to the district upon request. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09252012-103. APPROVE PROCEDURE FOR REQUESTING EDUCATIONAL LEAVE It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the procedure for requesting an Educational Leave of Absence to say that it must be requested at least sixty days before the start of the school year. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09252012-104. APPROVE PROCEDURE 03.221 AP1 CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL SALARIES It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve Procedure 03.221 AP1 to say that Employees shall not be paid for any of the following(current practice): Scheduled Lunch Periods, Overtime, unless approved in advance, Unapproved early arrivals, late departures, and days when schools are closed for inclement weather or other emergencies, unless approved. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09252012-105. APPROVE CROSS COUNTRY EVENT AT HOWELL FARM It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve a cross country track even to be hosted by Howell Farm on October 16, 2012, and concessions for the BHS Cross Country Track Team. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09252012-106. APPROVE REQUEST TO USE LBJ It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the request by the Breathitt County Farm Bureau to use LBJ on October 5, 2012. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09252012-107. APPROVE TOSHIBA COPIER LEASE AGREEMENT It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve renewal of the Toshibal Copier Lease Agreement for a five year term with an estimated savings of 15% - 20% for the district with all locations receiving new copiers. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye P a g e | 22 022 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., September 25, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Rousseau Elementary School Gymnasium, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood 09252012-108. APPROVE EXTRA/CO-CURRICULAR SALARY SCHEDULE FOR BHS FOOTBALL It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the revised Football positions and salaries listed on the Extra/Co-Curricular Salary Schedule at no additional cost to the Board. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09252012-109. APPROVE 2012-2013 WORKING BUDGET It was moved by Ruschelle Hamilton and seconded by Ina Southwood to approve the 2012-2013 working budget showing a 2.2% contingency and a cut in seek of over $200,000. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09252012-110. APPROVE CONSULTANT WORK BY LARRY WOODS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve consultant work completed by Larry Woods and payment of same. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09252012-111. APPROVE HIRING JEFF WALTHER AND BETH BOWELL-NO ACTION TAKEN No motion was made for the item to hire Jeff Walther and Beth Bowell of Walther, Roark, and Gay, PLLC, to provide legal guidance and advice to insure the actions taken by the Superintendent, as the executive officer of Breathitt County Board of Education, are in compliance with state laws, the legal interest of the Board of Education, and the educational interests of the students and the community at large. No Action Taken- Item did not pass 09252012-112. APPROVE ALLOCATION OF MONEY FOR FUTURE PURCHASE OF MAINTENANCE TRUCE AND LAWN EQUIPMENT It was moved by Bobby Gross to approve the allocation of money for the future purchase of a maintenance truck and lawn equipment. Motion Failed due to the lack of a second. P a g e | 23 023 Jackson, Ky., September 25, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Rousseau Elementary School Gymnasium, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood 09252012-113. APPROVE PURCHASE AND FINANCE OF FOUR BUSES It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to table the item to purchase and finance four buses through KISTA in order to remain in compliance with the bus replacement plan. Ms. Southwood asked for more information regarding the current fleet and its status, and documentation showing the district is not currently in compliance. Item Tabled: Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09252012-114. APPROVE ALLOCATING TEXT BOOK FUNDS TO SCHOOLS After a lengthy discussion with the principals concerning the dire need for textbooks at all schools, no action was taken on this item due to the delicate nature of the budget. After being cut funding this fall because of the calendar issues, there is no money in the budget that can be used for textbooks. No Action Taken-Item did not pass 09252012-115. APPROVE TWO ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY POSITIONS AT CENTRAL OFFICE No Action was taken on the item to approve two administrative secretary positions for the central office. No Action Taken-Item did not pass 09252012-116. APPROVE DATE FOR BOARD MEMBER TRAINING It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve setting October 4, 2012, for a special meeting to attend board member training as directed by Commissioner Terry Holliday. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 09252012-117. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business of the Board, it was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye _________________________________________________________ Shirley Hudson, Chairperson __________________________________________________________ Stacy C. McKnight, Board Secretary P a g e | 24 024 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., October 4, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Central Office Conference Room located at 420 Court Street, Jackson, Kentucky, at 1:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood The Special Meeting of the Board of Education was brought to order by Chairperson Shirley Hudson. The first item on the agenda was participation in the training provided by the Kentucky School Boards Association as directed by Education Commission Holliday. This training was conducted by Jean Crowley. The training began at 1:00 PM and concluded at 4:00 PM. Topics included effective school boards and good school board members, duties of school board members, qualities of effective school board members, operational guidelines for effective school board members, roles of school councils and duties and responsibilities of school councils. Upon conclusion of the training the business portion of the meeting began. 10042012-118. APPOINT TEMORARY SECRETARY It was moved by Ruschelle Hamilton and seconded by Mary Lou Hamilton to appoint Lynn Herald as the temporary secretary for this meeting. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10042012-119. APPROVE 2012 REAL PROPERTY TAX RATE It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Bobby Gross to set the 2012 Real Property Tax Rate at 38.3 which would be no increase in the rate from last year. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10042012-120. APPROVE 2012 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX RATE It was moved by Bobby Gross and seconded by Ina Southwood to set the 2012 Personal Property Tax Rate at 41.0, which would be no increase in the rate from last year. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye P a g e | 25 025 Jackson, Ky., October 4, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Central Office Conference Room located at 420 Court Street, Jackson, Kentucky, at 1:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood 10042012-121. ACCEPT BIDS FOR SCHOOL BUSES It was moved by Mary Lou Hamilton and seconded by Ina Southwood to accept the following bids for school buses and other vehicles previously declared as surplus property: Bus #10 Floyd Francis Bus #35 Floyd Francis Bus #49 Floyd Francis Bus #68 Floyd Francis 1990 Dodge Caravan Floyd Francis Bus #41 Mr. Metal Recycling Bus #69 Mr. Metal Recycling 1976 Food Service Truck Jaman Halvaksz Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10042012-122. APPROVE INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE TRAILER AT HIGHLANDTRAILER It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to table this item since the wrong name was provided to the Board for approval. The name Greg Barnes was provided on the agenda when it should have been Greg Davis. 10042012-123. APPROVE KSBA AS CONSULTANT TO CONDUCT SUPERINTENDENT SEARCH It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Mary Lou Hamilton to approve the Kentucky School Boards Association as the consultant to conduct the search for a permanent superintendent. Voting: Bobby Gross – No; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10042012-124. APPROVE TWO ADDITIONAL BASKETBALL COACHES FOR LBJ It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve two additional basketball coaches for LBJ Elementary School – one for the Blue B-Team and one for the Gold B-Team, at no expense to the Board, and amending the Athletic Handbook to reflect same. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye The members of the Board then reviewed the comments and recommendations from the exit conference of the audit and the responses submitted by the Chairperson. The Chairperson advised the members that they could submit additional responses, if desired, but the responses must be submitted by the following morning. The members did not wish to submit additional responses to the State Auditor’s Office. However, Ruschelle Hamilton stated that her husband was given tickets and lodging as a gift for the free medical services he provided to the athletic teams of the P a g e | 26 026 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., October 4, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Central Office Conference Room located at 420 Court Street, Jackson, Kentucky, at 1:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood entire school district. Several times, she offered to pay for these expenses, but the offers for payment were refused. She has now paid as previously offered. Bobby Gross stated that the March immediately after he was sworn in as a member, he was given the opportunity to participate in training which he felt would be beneficial since he was a new member of the Board. Then he was give tickets and was told that all members received tickets just for being members of the Board of Education. He paid for the tickets as soon as he was told. Ina Southwood said she did not attend any events, but she paid the expenses as soon as she was told the amounts due. 10042012-125. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business of the Board, it was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 4:52 PM. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye _____________________________________________________________ Shirley Hudson, Board Chairperson ______________________________________________________________ Lynn Herald, Temporary Secretary P a g e | 27 027 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., October 23, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Marie Roberts-Caney Elementary School Library, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by Chairperson Shirley Hudson. 10232012-126. ADOPT AGENDA It was moved by Ruschelle Hamilton and seconded by Ina Southwood to adopt the agenda after adding a BHS JROTC Fundraiser to Item IV-B; and adding approval of posting the Superintendent position and set a work session with KSBA Consultant Mike Oder to discuss the selection process. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10232012-127. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS Marie Roberts-Caney Elementary School Principal Darwin Noble welcomed everyone to the school and commented on some new math programs that the school has purchased this year and also informed the Board that MRC has two math tutors this year. He introduced one of them, Jamie Mullins-Smith, to talk about her program through UNITE. Jamie informed the Board and the audience that she is employed through the UNITE Americorps program and educates students on how to stay drug free while also tutoring them in math. She has formed a UNITE club at the school and has had significant participation. For the math program, she tutors 25 (twenty-five) students per day. Then Tammy Keene’s fourth grade class did a skit to discourage bullying in school. This week was designated as National Safe School Week and antibullying is an important theme that is expressed during this time. The students did an outstanding job and represented MRC excellently. Then the school presented a slide show of the activities since the beginning of the year. Superintendent Melanie Stevens informed the Board and the audience about the new accountability system utilized in Kentucky. Scores are scheduled to be released on November 2, 2012, and they will be vastly different from last year’s scores so it is important to know that the scores cannot be compared to last year since this is a new assessment with a new scoring system. 10232012-128. BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS Ina Southwood expressed her pride in the school and the students for their outstanding performance. She said they always represent the school well and she was happy to be there. Shirley Hudson thanked the school for her twenty years on the Board of Education and said she always felt welcome at MRC. P a g e | 28 028 Jackson, Ky., October 23, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Marie Roberts-Caney Elementary School Library, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood 10232012-129. PERSONNEL NOTIFICATIONS Personnel Notifications were presented to the Board for their information and are attached to these minutes. 10232012-130. CONSENT AGENDA – APPROVE MINUTES After clarifying that the September 25, 2012, minutes were not included in this packet because they were not complete, it was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton that the minutes of the August 28, 2012, and the October 4, 2012, meetings be approved with corrections to the October 4, 2012, minutes. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10232012-131. CONSENT AGENDA – APPROVE FUNDRAISERS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the following fundraisers: RES TShirt Sales; MRC Fall Festival; LBJ Perry County Peel to Save Card; BHS FMD Buttons and Craft Sales; SMS Buckey Donkey Ball; SMS After School Dance, Transportation to Haunted House, both with Match from Modern Woodsmen; BHS Basketball Boosters Advertisements for Programs, Concessions at November 17, and 24, 2012 scrimmages and Concessions at the Grade School Pre-Season Tournament; BHS JROTC Krispy Kreme Donut Sales, Little Caesar Pizza Kit Sales, Pocket Calendars, Cookie Dough Sales, Candy Bar Sales, Avon Sales, Spaghetti Dinner, Yard Sale, Bake Sale, Chili Dinner, Car Wash, and Dinner For Two and a Dozen Roses at Big Blue Smokehouse at Valentine’s Day (as long as this isn’t selling chances). Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10232012-132. APPROVE CLAIMS After a discussion for vendor #5840 and removing it from the claims until further information can be given, it was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Mary Lou Hamilton that the remaining subsequent claims, current claims, and salaries be approved. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10232012-133. APPROVE SFCC OFFER OF ASSISTANCE Since funding has become such an issue this year, it was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to table this item for more information about available matching funds. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye P a g e | 29 029 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., October 23, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Marie Roberts-Caney Elementary School Library, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood 10232012-134. APPROVE AMERICAN FIDELITY SECTION 125 PLAN AGREEMENT It was moved by Ruschelle Hamilton and seconded by Ina Southwood that the American Fidelity Section 125 Plan Agreement be approved. This allows employees to buy certain insurance policies on a tax exempt basis. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10232012-135. APPROVE PURCHASING AND FINANCING FIVE BUSES THROUGH KISTA It was moved by Bobby Gross to purchase and finance five buses through KISTA in order to remain in compliance with the bus replacement schedule. No second was made on this item. Ina Southwood asked that Roy Prince from KDE look at our current fleet again to determine how many buses we actually need. Motion died for lack of a second. 10232012-136. APPROVE REQUEST FROM CANOE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Bobby Gross to approve the request by the Canoe Volunteer Fire Department to use Highland-Turner Elementary School Gymnasium and Bathrooms on November 10, 2012, contingent on receipt of insurance. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10232012-137. APPROVE FMLA It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve FMLA for Employees #3945, 575, and 239. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10232012-138. APPROVE ALLOCATION OF MONEY FOR FUTURE PURCHASE OF MAINTENANCE TRUCK AND MOWER It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to table this item until spring to evaluate the availability of funds. Voting: Bobby Gross – No; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye P a g e | 30 030 Jackson, Ky., October 23, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Marie Roberts-Caney Elementary School Library, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood 10232012-139. APPROVE CREATING TWO ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARIES FOR THE CENTRAL OFFICE It was moved by Bobby Gross to approve creating two administrative secretary positions for the Central Office. Motion died for lack of a second. 10232012-140. APPROVE HIRING GREG DAVIS AS INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR It was moved by Bobby Gross and seconded by Ina Southwood to approve hiring Greg Davis as an independent contractor to remove the trailer (previously declared by the Board as surplus property and determined to have no monetary value) at Highland-Turner Elementary School, at no expense to the Board. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10232012-141. APPROVE BHS AP HISTORY CLASS TRIP TO WASHINGTON DC It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the Breathitt High School AP History Class Trip to Washington, D.C., March 31, 2013 through April 5, 2013, and supporting fund raisers. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10232012-142. APPROVE MRC AND SMS APPLYING FOR GRANT It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by RUschelle Hamilton to approve Marie Roberts-Caney Elementary and Sebastian Middle Schools to apply for a Kentucky Arts Council TIPS – Teaching Art Together Grant. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10232012-143. APPROVE PARTICIPATION IN RESEARCH STUDY After much discussion about the “Roots and Wings: A Case Study on the Effects of Poverty and its Impact on Student Success” Research Project, no motion was made to approve. 10232012-144. APPROVE KDE SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY NUTRITION AGREEMENT It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the KDE School and Community Nutrition Permanent Agreement. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye P a g e | 31 031 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., October 23, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Marie Roberts-Caney Elementary School Library, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood 10232012-145. APPROVE SHORTENED SCHOOL DAY FOR STUDENT #1959003078 It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Bobby Gross to approve the shortened school day for Student #1959003078. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10232012-146. APPROVE REVISING BOARD POLICY 01.45-FIRST READING It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the first reading of revising Board Policy 01.45. Voting: Bobby Gross – No; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10232012-147. APPROVE REVISING BOARD POLICY 01.41-FIRST READING It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the first reading of revising Board Policy 01.41. Voting: Bobby Gross – No; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10232012-148. APPROVE POSTING SUPERINTENDENT POSITION AND SETTING WORK SESSION WITH KSBA CONSULTANT MIKE ODER It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve posting the permanent Superintendent position and setting a work session for October 31, 2012, at 5:00 PM, in the Central Office with KSBA Consultant Mike Oder. Voting: Bobby Gross – No; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10232012-149. EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to adjourn to executive session for the purpose of hearing grievances and discussing a specific personnel matter. Adjourn to executive session at 5:50 PM. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye P a g e | 32 032 Jackson, Ky., October 23, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Marie Roberts-Caney Elementary School Library, at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood 10232012-150. ADJOURN FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Mary Lou Hamilton to approve adjourning from executive session after discussion but not hearing grievances. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10232012-151. RESUME OPEN MEETING It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to resume open meeting. Open meeting resumed at 6:08 PM. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10232012-152. APPROVE EMPLOYING JERRY GILBERT It was moved by Ruschelle Hamilton and seconded by Ina Southwood to employ Attorney Jerry Gilbert to hear the grievances presented. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10232012-153. APPROVE SPECIAL MEETING It was moved by Ruschelle Hamilton and seconded by Ina Southwood to approve setting a special meeting for Friday, October 26, 2012, at 1:00 PM, to conduct employee grievances and take any required action. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10232012-154. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business of the Board, it was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 6:10 PM. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye _________________________________________________ Shirley Hudson, Board Chairperson _________________________________________________ Stacy C. McKnight, Board Secretary P a g e | 33 033 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., October 26, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Central Office Conference Room at 7:30 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood The special meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by Chairperson Shirley Hudson. After the meeting was called to order and it was noted for the record that all members were present, Superintendent Melanie Stevens stated for the record that she was not properly notified of the board meeting because she did not receive her packet until 10:00 AM that morning. Board Member Ina Southwood pointed out that the meeting was originally scheduled for 1:00 PM that day and was postponed to accommodate Ms. Stevens’ schedule, since she was unable to attend the meeting at 1:00 PM. Board Attorney Lynn Herald then also pointed out that Board Policy states that the board members and the media are to be notified twenty-four hours prior to the meeting, it does not specify that the Superintendent must be notified within that time frame. 10262012-155. RETAIN CHENOWETH LAW FIRM FOR LEGAL SERVICES It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton that the Board retain the Chenoweth Law Firm for legal services regarding personnel issues, and adopt the attached resolution, which is included in these minutes. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10262012-156. CONSIDER EMPLOYEE GRIEVANCES After discussion with Lynn Herald and a recommendation from Bob Chenoweth, it was moved by Mary Lou Hamilton and seconded by Ina Southwood that the grievance hearings not proceed due to the fact that they are so closely related to personnel, in which the Board is not allowed to be involved. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10262012-157. EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to adjourn to executive session in compliance with KRS 61.810(1)(f) for the purpose of discussing an individual personnel matter, which as defined by KRS 61.810 may include discipline or suspension. Meeting adjourned to executive session at 7:35 PM. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10262012-158. ADJOURN FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Mary Lou Hamilton that executive session be adjourned. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye P a g e | 34 034 Jackson, Ky., October 26, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Central Office Conference Room at 7:30 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood 10262012-159. RESUME OPEN MEETING It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton that the special meeting of the Board of Education be resumed in open meeting. Open meeting resumed at 8:07 PM. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10262012-160. AUTHORIZE CHENOWETH LAW FIRM TO INDENTIFY FIRM/INDIVIDUAL TO INVESTIGATE GRIEVANCES It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to authorize the Chenoweth Law Firm to identify a firm or individual to investigate grievances against Superintendent Melanie Stevens. Voting: Bobby Gross – No; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10262012-161. SUSPEND SUPERINTENDENT It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to suspend with pay Superintendent Melanie Stevens, effective immediately, until such time as the investigator has completed the investigation of grievances against Ms. Stevens and has presented the finding to the Chenoweth Law Firm and the Breathitt County Board of Education. Ms. Stevens is not to be on any school property or contact any school personnel, and must return any board owned property to Ms. Hudson. Voting: Bobby Gross – No; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10262012-162. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business of the Board, it was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye __________________________________________________ Shirley Hudson, Chairperson __________________________________________________ Stacy C. McKnight, Board Secretary P a g e | 35 035 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., October 30, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Central Office Conference Room at 3:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood The special meeting of the Board of Education was brought to order by Chairperson Shirley Hudson. 10302012-163. DESIGNATE BOARD CHAIRPERSON AS SECOND SIGNATURE ON BANK ACCOUNT It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to designate the Board Chairperson as the second signature on the Board bank account, as suggested by KDE, so that checks can be issued in the absence of a superintendent. This is considered to be temporary. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10302012-164. EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Mary Lou Hamilton to adjourn the open meeting to executive session in compliance with KRS 61.810 (1)(f), to discuss an individual personnel matter relating to the appointment of a temporary acting superintendent. Open meeting adjourned at 3:05 PM. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10302012-165. ADJOURN EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Mary Lou Hamilton to adjourn executive session. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10302012-166. RESUME OPEN MEETING It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to resume open meeting. Open meeting resumed at 3:25 PM. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10302012-167. APPOINT TEMPORARY ACTING SUPERINTENDENT It was moved by Bobby Gross to ask the Kentucky Department of Education to take over administration of the district. Motion Failed due to lack of a second. P a g e | 36 036 Jackson, Ky., October 30, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Central Office Conference Room at 3:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood 10302012-168. APPOINT TEMPORARY ACTING SUPERINTENDENT It was moved by Mary Lou Hamilton and seconded by Ina Southwood to appoint Larry Woods as temporary acting superintendent on a day to day basis until the investigation of Melanie Stevens is complete. Voting: Bobby Gross – No; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 10302012-169. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business of the Board, it was moved by Bobby Gross and seconded by Ina Southwood that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 3:28 PM. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye _____________________________________________________ Shirley Hudson, Chairperson _____________________________________________________ Stacy C. McKnight, Board Secretary P a g e | 37 037 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., October 31, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Central Office Conference Room at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross-ABSENT; District Four – Mary Lou Hamilton; District Five – Ina Southwood The special meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by Chairperson Shirley Hudson. The floor was given to Mike Oder with the Kentucky School Boards Insurance Trust who shared documentation with the Board about the superintendent selection process. The Board agreed on a tentative timeline for accepting applications and naming a new permanent superintendent, which is to be finalized in January when the new Board is in office. Mr. Oder also explained the superintendent selection committee and how it is formed. The Board tentatively agreed to inform the district that they intend to form a committee after the first of the year so that district employees will be aware of the process. Mr. Oder also presented draft advertisements of the position for distribution once the position is posted. All questions about the process were addressed by Mr. Oder. The meeting was informational and progressive. 10312012-170. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business of the Board, it was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 6:15 PM. Voting: Bobby Gross – ABSENT; Mary Lou Hamilton – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye __________________________________________________ Shirley Hudson, Chairperson ___________________________________________________ Stacy C. McKnight, Board Secretary P a g e | 38 038 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., November 20, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by Chairperson Shirley Hudson. 11202012-171. SWEAR IN NEW BOARD MEMBER Board Attorney and Notary Public Lynn Herald performed the swearing in of Board Member Albert Little representing District Four. Mr. Little was elected as Board Member in the November 6, 2012, election and takes office immediately since he is replacing a board member who was appointed by the Commissioner of Education. 11202012-172. ADOPT AGENDA It was moved by Bobby Gross and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to adopt the agenda after moving Item IV-C to Section V, at the request of Board Member Albert Little. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 11202012-173. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS Gauri Shah with Ross & Company presented the audit report for the year ending June 30, 2012. The report presented an unqualified opinion from the auditors, which means that nothing was materially misstated in the financial statements. However, she did bring up management points, which are areas where improvements need to be made in order to be in compliance with current regulations. Donna Fugate, District Assessment Coordinator presented a report summarizing the test scores for the school district. She informed the Board that significant improvement is needed for the entire district. She showed the Board and the audience a table of the support programs available at each school and said that every school is currently analyzing their scores to see where the greatest need lies and to address how these needs should be addressed. She emphasized that while the district scores are low, there is hope in that the schools are working diligently to address their weaknesses and improvements can be made. BCEA President Oneida Cassidy presented a question about the school calendar and bank time. Teachers are concerned that they are working more time than is required by their contract and want to make sure that they are given credit for this work. She wanted to know how many bank days we have in the calendar and if they will be used at the end of the year. Board Member Ina Southwood emphasized that the schools are going 30 (thirty) extra minutes per day, and are banking six days this year. Larry Woods then addressed the Board and the audience saying that he feels good about the schools and their efforts to improve test scores. He said we have good people in the district to do the work required, and we all need to unite for the kids to make the district better. Mr. Woods said he feels good about the focus of the school principals on student achievement. However, there are a few issues with facilities, specifically the roof over the swimming pool at SMS, the roof at LBJ, a cooling tower at MRC; and needs at the Area Technology Center. P a g e | 39 039 Jackson, Ky., November 20, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood 11202012-174. PERSONNEL NOTIFICATIONS Personnel notifications are attached to the minutes of this meeting. 11202012-175. CONSENT AGENDA – APPROVE MINUTES It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton that the minutes to the September 25, 2012, October 23, 2012, October 26, 2012, and October 30, 2012, board meetings be approved. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 11202012-176. APPROVE BUILDING USE REQUEST It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the request to use LBJ on May 25, 2013, by the BHS Class of 1963, contingent on receipt of insurance. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 11202012-177. CONSENT AGENDA - APPROVE CLAIMS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the subsequent claims, current claims, and salaries, which were examined by Board Chairperson Shirley Hudson prior to the meeting. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 11202012-178. APPROVE 2013-2014 TECHNOLOGY PLAN It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the 2013-2014 District Technology Plan, which includes re-wiring throughout the district and pushing to make all rooms “Intelligent Classrooms”. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 11202012-179. APPROVE KETS OFFER OF ASSISTANCE It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to approve the SFCC Official FY 2013 KETS Offer of Assistance for education technology funds in the amount of $20,654. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye P a g e | 40 040 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., November 20, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood 11202012-180. APPROVE 2012-2013 AUDIT REPORT It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the 2012-2013 audit report presented by Ross and Company. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 11202012-181. APPROVE PAYMENT FOR AUDIT CONDUCTED BY KENTUCKY AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve payment for the audit conducted by the Kentucky Auditor of Public Accounts in the amount of $31,084.67, after requesting information from the office about who requested the audit in the school district. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 11202012-182. APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS TO LOWE’S, ARROWOOD’S CARPET, TRUE VALUE AND DAVID DITSCH It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Shirley Hudson to approve payment of bills to Lowe’s Sporting Goods for Field Paint; Arrowood’s Carpet for installing turf at the Baseball Facility and the Football Den; Jackson True Value for a Lawn Mower; and David Ditsch for Field Maintenance on the Football, Baseball, and Softball Fields. Rushelle Hamilton asked that bills like this be presented prior to the purchase so the Board could be aware of them. Voting: Bobby Gross – No; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – No; Ina Southwood – Aye 11202012-183. APPROVE FIRST READING OF RATE CHANGE FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the first reading of the rate change for the Breathitt County Early Childhood Education Center, after discussing further ways to increase enrollment, and procure grants for the early childhood initiative. Stacy McKnight will prepare tentative budget numbers based on enrollment at capacity for the next meeting; will distribute flyers in the community; and will advertise the Center in the newspaper. Voting: Bobby Gross – No; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – No; Ina Southwood – Aye P a g e | 41 041 Jackson, Ky., November 20, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood 11202012-184. APPROVE APPLYING FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING GRANT It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to approve the district to apply for a 21 st Century Learning Grant which will provide after school services and activities for the students of the district. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 11202012-185. APPROVE UNITE AGREEMENT After a presentation from Eugene Newsome with the UNITE program, regarding the services this agreement provides to the school district, it was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Ina Southwood to approve the UNITE agreement for a total of $27,500.00 matching to place five Americorp Service Workers in the district. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 11202012-186. APPROVE PAYMENT OF CLAIM #055-00112 It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve Claim #055-00112, which involves paying an employee for days worked beyond contract, as recommended by the Labor Cabinet. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 11202012-187. TABLE NON-RESIDENT CONTRACTS It was moved by Ruschelle Hamilton and seconded by Ina Southwood to table approval of non-resident contracts with all surrounding school districts until further information about the number of students travelling between school districts can be presented to the Board. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 11202012-188. DISCUSSION OF CORRESPONDENCE FROM NEIL MCCOMB, ASSOCIATED DESIGNERS Correspondence from Neil McComb, an architect with Associated Designers was presented to the Board to inform them of upcoming issues with facilities. They include several roof issues at SMS, LBJ, and HT. It also includes a cooling tower issue at MRC. The pool at SMS will be shut down for the winter due to the issues with the roof over the pool area. It currently has open holes in the roof which can be a safety hazard. P a g e | 42 042 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., November 20, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood 11202012-189. DISCUSSION OF THE LOCAL PLANNING COMMITTEE Mr. Woods informed the Board that the District must begin the process of forming a local planning committee to update the Local Facilities Plan. This plan must be updated every four years and the members of the committee are spelled out in regulation. The Board will choose one member to serve on the committee. The facilities issues mentioned above will have to be addressed in the Local Facilities Plan as well. The Facilities Plan must be completed by 2014. 11202012-190. APPROVE SECOND READING OF REVISIONS TO BOARD POLICIES 01.41 AND 01.45 It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to approve the second reading of revising Board Policies 01.41 and 01.45. Voting: Bobby Gross – No; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – No; Ina Southwood – Aye 11202012-191. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business of the Board, it was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 6:32 PM. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye __________________________________________________________________ Shirley Hudson, Board Chairperson __________________________________________________________________ Stacy C. McKnight, Board Secretary P a g e | 43 043 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., November 29, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Central Office Conference Room at 1:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood The special meeting of the Board of Education was brought to order by Chairperson Shirley Hudson. 11292012-192. ACCEPT COMMISSIONER’S RECOMMENDATION AND WAIVE RIGHT TO HEARING BEFORE KENTUCKY BOARD OF EDUCATION After a short discussion of the recent management audit conducted by the Kentucky Department of Education and concluding that state management would be most beneficial to the school district, it was moved by Bobby Gross and seconded by Ina Southwood to accept Commissioner Holliday’s recommendation that the district be declared “state managed” and waive the right to a hearing before the Kentucky Board of Education. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 11292012-193. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business of the Board, it was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Bobby Gross that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 1:08 PM. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye ________________________________________________________________ Shirley Hudson, Board Chairperson ________________________________________________________________ Stacy C. McKnight, Board Secretary P a g e | 44 044 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., December 18, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood The regular meeting of the Board of Education was brought to order by Chairperson Shirley Hudson. 12182012-194. ADOPT AGENDA After changing Item V-E, to say “swear in board members” instead of a singular new member, it was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Ina Southwood to adopt the agenda. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 12182012-195. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS Assistant BHS Principal Mike Bowling welcomed everyone to the high school and presented gifts to the Board members from the FFA/Agriculture Classes. Sherrie Stewart then explained that all the gifts were made by the students in those classes including a homemade Christmas centerpiece with fresh pine; homemade bread from fruit that was raised in the greenhouse, homemade grape jelly made by the students, homemade lip balm; lye soap, and a candle made with an egg shell. BCEA President Oneida Cassidy reported that the BCEA had purchased umbrellas for all its members as a token of appreciation; and commented that this week is finals week at Breathitt High School. She also wished everyone Merry Christmas. Finance Officer Darnell McIntosh gave the Treasurer’s Report next. She started with going over the invoice warrants that are presented to the Board in their packets. There are two different versions of the warrants given to the board members – one gives a better description of the purchase, the other includes the year to date amount paid to the vendor. Both of those items are important for board members to see. She asked the Board if they had any preference between the versions or if there was anything else they wanted to see with regard to the invoices. She emphasized that the State Auditor’s office recommended that a board member inspect the bills each month before the board meeting and asked if the Board could do that. She then explained the monthly report included in the packet and explained how it is laid out and what is included. She also presented a year to date report that is more condensed but a little easier to read for the board members to inspect. Ms. McIntosh asked if the Board had any questions and suggested she would be willing to work in more detail on the budget at any time if board members are inclined to do so. Mr. Woods then addressed the audience and the Board thanking everyone for his time in Breathitt County. He informed the audience that he had spent some time with three of our newer board members at a recent KSBA training and was impressed with the focus on kids that all the members showed. He also talked about the recent tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut and how every school in America is having the same conversation about how to make our schools safer. He encouraged our schools to review all the drills and be familiar with the safe schools plan. He reported to the Board that he conducted training with the SBDM councils of all the schools in the district to review their role and their responsibility in making decision for their respective schools; and then he emphasized P a g e | 45 045 Jackson, Ky., December 18, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood that our focus as an individual, a school, and a community should be on kids and what’s best for them. Mr. Woods then introduced Mr. Larry Hammond, who has been named State Manager for the Breathitt County Schools. Mr. Woods presented Mr. Hammond as our new leader and said he is a great educator with seventeen years of experience as a superintendent. Mr. Hammond then addressed the Board and the audience by sharing his background as an educator with Rockcastle County where he was a teacher, then worked in transportation, facilities, and then Director of Pupil Personnel before being hired as Superintendent. He expressed his interest in a “team” atmosphere where you keep good people around you. His goals with regard to the Breathitt County School District include over improvements – financially and otherwise, all the while keeping the safety of our students first and foremost. Being about the business of what is best for kids needs to be foremost in every decision that is made within the school district. 12182012-196. BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS Ina Southwood pointed out to the audience that not only is Mr. Hammond a great educator but he was awarded the Superintendent of the Year honor a couple of years ago. She also said that she knows he can get our district on the right track; we aren’t as bad as everyone thinks. Shirley Hudson thanked everyone for the last twenty years she has spent as a board member. She said it had been a pleasure to be on the Board, and she knew she was leaving it in capable hands. No other board members had concerns at this time. 12182012-197. PERSONNEL NOTIFICATIONS Personnel Notifications are attached to the minutes of this meeting. 12182012-198. CONSENT AGENDA – APPROVE RECOMMENDING TO THE COMMISSIONER MINUTES It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the minutes of the November 20, 2012, and the November 29, 2012, board meetings. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 12182012-199. CONSENT AGENDA – APPROVE RECOMMENDING TO THE COMMISSIONER CLAIMS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of all subsequent claims, current claims, and salaries. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye P a g e | 46 046 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., December 18, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood 12182012-200. APPROVE RECOMMENDING TO THE COMMISSIONER FMLA FOR EMPLOYEE #635 It was moved by Bobby Gross and seconded by Ina Southwood to recommend to the Commissioner approval of FMLA for Employee Number 635. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 12182012-201. APPROVE RECOMMENDING TO THE COMMISSIONER RATE INCREASE FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner that the second reading of the rate increase for the Early Childhood Education Center be approved. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 12182012-202. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF FUND RAISER FOR BHS WOOD SHOP SALES TO THE COMMISSIONER It was moved by Bobby Gross and seconded by Albert Little that this item be tabled for more information regarding the sale of items on E-bay. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 12182012-203. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF SPECIAL MEETING TO THE COMMISSIONER It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Bobby Gross to recommend to the Commissioner to set a date for a special meeting to swear in board members, elect officers and set the 2013 schedule for regular meetings, on January 2, 2012 at 5:00 PM, in the Central Office Conference Room. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye P a g e | 47 047 Jackson, Ky., December 18, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood 12182012-204. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF NON-RESIDENT CONTRACTS TO THE COMMISSIONER It was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Ina Southwood to recommend approval of non-resident contracts with all surrounding districts (same as last year) to the Commissioner. This approval represents an “any and all” contract with all districts except Jackson Independent (they can have 190 of our students with a total enrollment of 400); and Perry County Schools, which is a one to one agreement. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 12182012-205. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF MOU WITH BEREA COLLEGE TO THE COMMISSIONER After Lloyd Bach informed the Board about this program and that it provides Breathitt County High School with a College and Career Readiness Coach free of charge, it was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to recommend to the Commissioner that the MOU between Berea College and Breathitt County High School be approved. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 12182012-206. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF DISTRICT CORE PARTNER PARTICIPATION COMMITMENT WITH UK/PIMSER TO THE COMMISSIONER After Lloyd Bach and Jennifer Spencer informed the Board that this program will provide intensive professional development for our K-5 teachers in math, it was moved by Bobby Gross and seconded by Albert Little to recommend approval of the District Core Partner Participation Commitment with the University of Kentucky, The Partnership Institute for Math and Science Education Reform(PIMSER). Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 12182012-207. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PURCHASING THREE SCHOOL BUSES AND FINANCING THEM THROUGH KISTA TO THE COMMISSIONER It was moved by Bobby Gross and seconded by Ina Southwood to recommend approval of purchasing three school buses and financing them through KISTA, to the Commissioner. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye P a g e | 48 048 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., December 18, 2012 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Shirley Hudson; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood 12182012-208. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business of the Board, it was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 6:02 PM. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Shirley Hudson – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye THE BREATHITT COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT WAS DESIGNATED A STATE MANAGED SCHOOL DISTRICT BY THE KENTUCKY BOARD OF EDUCATION ON DECEMBER 6, 2012 PURSUANT TO KRS 158.780, KRS 158.785 AND 703 KAR 3:205. THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RECOGNIZED THAT ALL ACTIONS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE COMMISSIONER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND DO NOT CONSTITUTE FINAL APPROVAL. ____________________________________________________________ Shirley Hudson, Board Chairperson ____________________________________________________________ Stacy C. McKnight, Board Secretary P a g e | 49 049 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., January 7, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Central Office Conference Room at 5:05 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Holbrook; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood The special meeting of the Board of Education was brought to order by State Manager Larry Hammond. 01072013-209. SWEAR IN BOARD MEMBERS Board Attorney Lynn Herald performed the swearing in of newly elected board members, Ruschelle HamiltonDistrict One; Rebecca Holbrook-Watkins-District Two; and Ina Southwood-District Five. 01072013-210. ACCEPT NOMINATIONS FOR BOARD CHAIRPERSON State Manager Larry Hammond opened the floor for nominations for a Board Chairperson. Board Member Albert Little nominated Bobby Gross for the Office. Board Member Ina Southwood then nominated Ruschelle Hamilton for the office citing her experience with technology and that she is always available if needed for anything here at the Central Office. Mr. Hammond then asked for a second to Mr. Little’s nomination for Bobby Gross; no one seconded the nomination. A second was then requested for the Ms. Southwood’s nomination of Ruschelle Hamilton; Rebecca Holbrook seconded Ms. Southwood’s nomination. 01072013-211. CEASE NOMINATIONS Ina Southwood moved that nominations for the office of Board Chairperson cease; Ruschelle Hamilton seconded the motion. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Rebecca Holbrook – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 01072013-212. VOTE ON NOMINATIONS State Manager Larry Hammond then asked for a vote on the nomination for Ruschelle Hamilton for Board Chairperson. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Rebecca Holbrook – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 01072013-213. ACCEPT NOMINATIONS FOR BOARD VICE CHAIRPERSON Board Chairperson Ruschelle Hamilton assumed control of the meeting and asked for nominations for Vice Chairperson of the Board. Board Member Ina Southwood nominated Bobby Gross for the Office since he holds the office now and has experience on the Board; Board Member Albert Little seconded the nomination. Then after beginning to take a vote on ceasing nominations, Mr. Gross voted no and said he would like to nominate Ina Southwood for Vice Chairperson. Ms. Southwood declined the office; and then Mr. Gross declined the office. After further discussion, Board Member Ina Southwood nominated Albert Little for the office of Vice Chairperson; Board Member Bobby Gross seconded the nomination. P a g e | 50 050 Jackson, Ky., January 7, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Central Office Conference Room at 5:05 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Holbrook; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood 01072013-214. CEASE NOMINATIONS It was moved by Bobby Gross and seconded by Ina Southwood to cease nominations for Vice Chairperson of the Board. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Rebecca Holbrook – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 01072013-215. VOTE ON NOMINATIONS A vote was then taken on the nomination of Board Member Albert Little for the office of Vice-Chairperson. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Rebecca Holbrook – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 01072013-216. APPOINT BOARD SECRETARY Upon the recommendation of State Manager Larry Hammond, this item was tabled. 01072013-217. APPOINT BOARD TREASURER Upon the recommendation of State Manager Larry Hammond, this item was tabled. 01072013-218. APPROVE 2013 REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Rebecca Holbrook to approve the 2013 regular meeting schedule as presented and attached to these minutes. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Rebecca Holbrook – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 01072013-219. APPROVE ATTENDANCE BY BOARD MEMBERS AT KSBA ANNUAL CONFERENCE It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Bobby Gross to approve attendance by all board members at the Annual KSBA Conference in Louisville, Kentucky, February 22-24, 2013. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Rebecca Holbrook – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 01072013-220. APPROVE APPLYING FOR GRANT THROUGH LEGO CHILDREN’S FUND It was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Rebecca Holbrook to approve applying for a grant through the Lego Children’s Fund, which will provide literacy materials for each school to share throughout their preschool classrooms, if awarded. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Rebecca Holbrook – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye P a g e | 51 051 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., January 7, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Central Office Conference Room at 5:05 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Holbrook; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood 01072013-221. APPROVE DATASEAM GRANT APPLICATION It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Rebecca Holbrook to approve the Dataseam grant application which will provide computers for all schools, if awarded. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Rebecca Holbrook – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 01072013-222. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business of the Board, it was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Bobby Gross that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 5:25 PM. THE BREATHITT COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT WAS DESIGNATED A STATE MANAGED SCHOOL DISTRICT BY THE KENTUCKY BOARD OF EDUCATION ON DECEMBER 6, 2012 PURSUANT TO KRS 158.780, KRS 158.785 AND 703 KAR 3:205. THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RECOGNIZED THAT ALL ACTIONS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE COMMISSIONER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND DO NOT CONSTITUTE FINAL APPROVAL. ________________________________________________________ Ruschelle Hamilton Board Chairperson ________________________________________________________ Stacy C. McKnight Board Secretary P a g e | 52 052 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., January 22, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Holbrook; District Three – Bobby Gross-ABSENT; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood The regular meeting of the Breathitt County Board of Education was brought to order by Chairperson Ruschelle Hamilton. 01222013-223. ADOPT AGENDA It was moved by Becky Holbrook and seconded by Albert Little to adopt the agenda as presented. Voting: Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Rebecca Holbrook – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye The basis for approval of Items II. A-K, were discussed individually with Board members and the audience; and furthermore, State Manager Larry Hammond recommends approval based on consistency with prior plans and dialogue with KDE representatives: 01222013-224. APPROVE MINUTES Approval of minutes of the December 18, 2012, and the January 7, 2013, board meetings. 01222013-225. APPROVE FUND RAISERS Approval of the following fund raisers: BHS Softball Team: T-Shirt Ads Field Signs Popcorn Palace Sales Pizza Hut Discount Cards Thirty-One Brochure Sales That’s My Pan Brochure Sales Old Kentucky Chocolate Candy Sales LBJ Cheerleaders: Concert and Concessions Highland-Turner Basketball Team/UNITE Club: Valentine Dance Basketball Game MRC UNITE Club: Talent Show 01222013-226. APPROVE CLAIMS/BILLS FOR PAYMENT Approval of subsequent claims, current claims and salaries. 01222013-227. APPROVAL OF DRAFT BUDGET Approval of the 2013-2014 Draft Budget. P a g e | 53 053 Jackson, Ky., January 22, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Holbrook; District Three – Bobby Gross-ABSENT; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood 01222013-228. APPROVAL OF DECLARING BUSES AS SURPLUS PROPERTY AND AUTHORIZING SALE Approval of declaring the following buses as surplus property and authorizing the sale of the buses at sealed bids: Bus #20 – 1994 International (34 Passenger Handicap, Standard) Bus #8 – 1992 International (34 Passenger Handicap, Standard) Bus #3 – 1991 International (34 Passenger Automatic) Bus #31 – 1997 International (34 Passenger Handicap, Automatic) Bus #4 – 1994 International (34 Passenger Handicap, Standard) Bus #9 – 1996 International (66 Passenger Automatic) Bus #25 – 1993 International (34 Passenger Standard) Bus #34 – 1997 International (66 Passenger Automatic) Bus #59 – 1992 International (34 Passenger Standard) 01222013-229. APPROVE FIRST READING OF BOARD POLICY 01.42 REVISION Approval of revising Board Policy 01.42 to match current practice regarding the first meeting of the year (first reading). 01222013-230. APPROVE NUTRITION AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY REPORT CARD Approval of the 2012-2013 Nutrition and Physical Activity Report Card, no comments were made concerning the report card by the audience. 01222013-231. APPROVE CONVENING LOCAL PLANNING COMMITTEE Approve convening local planning committee for the purpose of updating the District Facilities Plan. 01222013-232. APPROVE CHANGE IN SCOPE FOR COAL SEVERANCE PROJECT Approve change in scope for Coal Severance Project #A054 “Breathitt County Board of Education-Site Preparation for Landfill Relating to Lakeside Project – Tile – Equipment” to Breathitt County Board of Education – HVAC/Maintenance Equipment; Technology and Instructional Materials/Furniture – Cooling Tower, Wiring, Phone System, Smart Classrooms”. 01222013-233. APPROVE CONSULTANT FOR STUDENT SERVICES/DPP AND DESIGNATION OF INTERIM DPP Approve consultant for Student Services Program/Director of Pupil Personnel and Designation of Interim DPP. 01222013-234. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS BCEA President Oneida Cassidy stated that she would like to meet with Mr. Hammond before making any comments at the board meeting. P a g e | 54 054 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., January 22, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Holbrook; District Three – Bobby Gross-ABSENT; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood Jackson Police Chief John Marshall informed the Board and asked for their blessing regarding safe schools and the Jackson Police Department’s efforts toward that end. He proposed that the Jackson Police Department would respond to any of the Breathitt County Schools in the event of an emergency. This would be done since it may take State Police some time to get to our schools, especially the outlying schools in the county. He also informed the Board that his department had been trained in school emergencies and would know what to do. This information was received positively by the Board and the audience. Finance Officer Darnell McIntosh presented the Draft Budget during her Treasurer’s Report. She discussed that the Draft Budget due January 31, 2013, is the first step of developing the budget for the 2013-2014 school year. The estimates for this budget are just that – estimates and they will change as we move closer to the end of this fiscal year. ADA is one component of the budget that we as a district can have some control over – by working to improve attendance we can help to improve our SEEK funds. This budget is extremely tight and has no flexibility due to the fact that over the past few years, the District has spent more than it has received. Each year, we have dipped into our beginning balance; therefore, maintaining the required 2% contingency will require conservative adjustments. The District has now formed a budget committee which met last week, and will continue to meet so that everyone can have a voice in the budget process. Additionally, Mr. Little is serving on the Budget Committee as the Board representative which should keep the Board informed and involved in the process. And the Finance Office has scheduled Red Book Training for principals and school bookkeepers to update everyone on current policies with regard to school activity funds. State Manager Hammond discussed efforts in the facility planning process, finance, food service, instruction, pupil transportation and student services. He referenced/introduced Michael Hughes as the Education Recovery Specialist from KDE (Kentucky Department of Education), the efforts of the contracted Director of Students Services/Interim DPP and complimented Food Service Director Tabitha Napier and the food service program based upon audit results. Comments were received and addressed from the audience. He also discussed various points (1-5) of KRS 160.180 Eligibility Requirements for Board Members. 01222013-236. PERSONNEL NOTIFICATIONS Personnel Notifications are as follows and include actions from December 6, 2012 through January 22, 2013. Employment of Eddie Baker, Substitute Bus Driver, Effective December 6, 2012 Timothy Glenn Napier, Substitute Teacher, Effective January 4, 2013 P a g e | 55 055 Jackson, Ky., January 22, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Holbrook; District Three – Bobby Gross-ABSENT; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood 01222013-237. NEW BUSINESS – APPOINT BOARD MEMBER FOR LOCAL PLANNING COMMITTEE It was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Ina Southwood that Becky Holbrook serve as board member on the Local Planning Committee. Voting: Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Rebecca Holbrook – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 01222013-238. OLD BUSINESS – APPOINT BOARD MEMBER TO REVIEW BILLS It was moved by Becky Holbrook and seconded by Ina Southwood to appoint Albert Little to review the bills prior to each board meeting, as recommended by the auditors. An open invitation was presented to all members of the Board to make inquiries for clarification of financial issues/expenditures. Voting: Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Rebecca Holbrook – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye 01222013-239. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business of the Board, it was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 6:23 PM. Voting: Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Rebecca Holbrook – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Aye THE BREATHITT COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT WAS DESIGNATED A STATE MANAGED SCHOOL DISTRICT BY THE KENTUCKY BOARD OF EDUCATION ON DECEMBER 6, 2012 PURSUANT TO KRS 158.780, KRS 158.785 AND 703 KAR 3:205. THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RECOGNIZED THAT ALL ACTIONS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE COMMISSIONER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND DO NOT CONSTITUTE FINAL APPROVAL. _________________________________________________________________ Ruschelle Hamilton, Board Chairperson _________________________________________________________________ Stacy C. McKnight, Board Secretary P a g e | 56 056 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., February 26, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood-ABSENT The regular meeting of the Breathitt County Board of Education was brought to order by Chairperson Ruschelle Hamilton. 02262013-240. ADOPT AGENDA It was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Bobby Gross that the agenda be approved with the Addendum presented at the meeting and after moving Item IV-A-Student Recognitions, to Item I-C. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Becky Watkins – Aye 02262013-241. STUDENT RECOGNITIONS Upon the recommendation of a GEAR UP committee consisting of GEAR UP representatives, FRYSC directors, the principals and Lloyd Bach, it was decided to use GEAR UP funds to purchase Study Island as an instructional and assessment support for students and teachers. This is an excellent program and is helping to fill in learning gaps and helping us reach our goal as a district to have all our students college and/or career ready by the time they graduate from high school. After each school had the program set up and going, Study Island contacted Mr. Bach to see if the district would be interested in having our schools participate in a contest to see which school could earn the most blue ribbons per student and be recognized as the Study Island honor Roll Campus in Breathitt County. The contest would be for the period December 1-January 11, 2013. Mr. Bach thought it would be good to recognize the top grade-level winner (grades 2-8) with a certificate and contacted the Breathitt County Education Association to see if they would be willing to provide gift cards for each of the grade-level winners. And they agreed to sponsor a $10 Wal-Mart give card for each grade-level winner. It is worth noting that every grade-level winner was present at the board meeting to be recognized, which speaks highly for these students and for the parents who supported them by being there as well. The following students were recognized for their blue ribbons in Study Island: Grade 2: LBJ - 3 Ribbons Each Angelina Brewer Isaac Bellamy Christopher Robertson Kennedy Hudson Grade 3: LBJ - 40 Ribbons Ethan Blake Ritchie Grade 4: H-T - 56 Ribbons each Darren Noble Lane Hall P a g e | 57 057 Jackson, Ky., February 26, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood-ABSENT Grade 5: RES - 15 Ribbons Daniel Back Grade 6: LBJ - 45 Ribbons Brianna Brewer Grade 7: LBJ - 11 Ribbons Makenzie Neace Grade 8: SMS - 11 Ribbons Each Furthermore, the school with the most total ribbons and won the Study Island Honor Roll Campus award was Highland-Turner Elementary School. The students, Darren Noble and Lane Hall, with individual awards from Highland-Turner accepted the award for their school. 02262013-242. RECESS TO BREATHITT COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION FINANCE CORPORATION MEETING It was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Becky Watkins that the Breathitt County Board of Education meeting be recessed in order to call to order the meeting of the Breathitt County Finance Corporation meeting for the purpose of approving the issuance of bonds. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Becky Watkins – Aye 02262013-243. RESUME BREATHITT COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION BOARD MEETING It was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Bobby Gross to resume the meeting of the Breathitt County Board of Education. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Becky Watkins – Aye 02262013-244. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF BOND REFINANCE It was moved by Bobby Gross and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of a resolution initiating the refinancing process to refund and retire the bond issue dated April 1, 2005. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Becky Watkins – Aye The basis for approval of Items III – A-N, were discussed individually with Board members and the audience; and furthermore, State Manager Larry Hammond recommends approval based on consistency with prior plans and dialogue with KDE representatives: 02262013-245. APPROVE MINUTES The minutes were discussed and an error in the voting of last month’s minutes was noted. The error will be corrected and the minutes will be presented again for approval at the next meeting. P a g e | 58 058 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., February 26, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood-ABSENT 02262013-246. APPROVE FUND RAISERS Approval of the following fund raisers: Highland-Turner FMD Yummy Lollipop Sales and Icee Sales Highland-Turner FRC Krispy Kreme Donut Sales Breathitt ATC HOSA Club Krispy Kreme Donut Sales MRC Honors Day BHS Softball FanCloth Brochure Sales (BHS Merchandise) BHS Junior/Senior Prom Ticket Sales BHS AP History Class Rada Brochure Sales, Send Me a Mile Fundraiser, Avon Sales, and Tupperware Sales LBJ Academic Teach Concessions at District Competition LBJ General Fund Group/Sports Team Pictures SMS/BHS Band/Choir Flower Bulb Sales SMS General Fund St. Jude’s Mathathon 02262013-247. APPROVE CLAIMS Approval of subsequent claims, current claims and salaries (bills for payment). 02262013-248. APPROVE TENTATIVE SBDM ALLOCATIONS Approval of the 2013-2014 Tentative SBDM Allocations. 02262013-249. APPROVE ADVERTISING FOR BIDS Approval of advertising for bids for the 2013-2014 school year, the following items: 1. Tires 2. School Pictures 3. Soft Drinks and Related Items 4. Oil and Lubricants 5. Bus and Maintenance Parts and Supplies 6. Athletic Supplies & Related Items 7. Complete Pest Control 8. Fuel 9. School Supplies 10. Food 02262013-250. APPROVE POLICY/PROCEDURE REVISIONS Approval of the first reading of policy/procedure revisions, most of which are recommended by KSBA. P a g e | 59 059 Jackson, Ky., February 26, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood-ABSENT 02262013-251. APPROVE FMLA/LEAVE WITHOUT PAY Approval of FMLA or Leave Without Pay for the following employees: 1. Leave Without Pay for Employee #3823 2. FMLA for Employee #273 3. FMLA for Employee #4080 4. FMLA for Employee #4001 02262013-252. APPROVE 3rd PARTY FOOD SERVICE VENDOR Approval of HPS as a 3rd Party Food Service Bid Provider. 02262013-253. APPROVE REQUESTS TO USE SCHOOL PROPERTY Approval of the following requests to use school property, contingent on the receipt of proof of insurance: 1. Breathitt County Honey Festival Use of BHS Cafeteria on August 25, 2013, for the Honey Festival Kick-Off Banquet. 2. Breathitt County Honey Festival Use of LBJ Parking Lot on August 31, 2013, for the Honey Festival Parade. 3. Breathitt County Honey Festival Use of LBJ Parking Lot on September 2, 2013, for the Honey Run/Walk. 4. Breathitt County Honey Festival Use of LBJ Cafeteria on August 24, 2013, for the Honey Scholarship Pageant. 5. HT FRC Use of HT Gym on March 10, 2013. 02262013-254. APPROVE SENIOR TRIP Approval of the Senior Trip to Orlando, Florida during Spring Break. 02262013-255. APPROVE SUBSTITUTE TEACHER HANDBOOK Approval of the substitute teacher handbook, provided by KSBA with input from principals for specific school details. 02262013-256. APPROVE KSBA FACILITY PLANNING PROCESS CONSULTANT SERVICE Approval of contracting with KSBA to provide a consultant to facilitate the facility planning process for a fee of $2,500, plus expenses. 02262013-257. APPROVE SAVE THE CHILDREN MOA FOR MRC Approval of the Save the Children Memorandum of Agreement for Marie Roberts-Caney Elementary School, ending June 30, 2013. 02262013-258. APPROVE BHS AP HISTORY CLASS TRIP TO WASHINGTON DC Approval of the Breathitt High School AP History Class Field Trip to Washington, D.C. during Spring Break. P a g e | 60 060 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., February 26, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood-ABSENT 02262013-259. REPORTS BCEA President Oneida Cassidy expressed her pleasure being able to award the students who excelled in Study Island; and said that any time the BCEA could recognize students in that manner they would be happy to do so. Gear Up Academic Specialists Paula Clemons-Combs and Alonzo Fugate did a Powerpoint presentation for the audience highlighting Gear-Up, its requirements, and what it offers to our schools. Gear-up targets second through eighth grade students and will move as these students move through school. The program focuses on preparing students for after high school, and provides trip to colleges, businesses, etc. in an effort to show students what opportunities they have when they leave high school. Alonzo Fugate then showed a video highlighting all the activities that Gear Up has sponsored so far this year, culminating in an anti-bullying film prepared at the Middle School. Treasurer Darnell McIntosh reviewed the Bank Reconciliation form she presented to the Board members in their packet since it was new. It shows the actual cash balance of the District, broken down by fund, which the Board members liked seeing. She also reviewed the Year to Date Budget report, looking at the Month to Date column so the Board could see monthly expenditures and receipts. She also reviewed YTD revenues showing the Board how much money we have received so far this year compared to how much we have spent. Board members expressed their preference with the report as well. State Manager Larry Hammond presented an attendance report to the Board members which showed that we had 93.55% attendance for month five and 92.66% attendance for month six. We have a goal of 95% attendance for the district, which Mr. Hammond encouraged the audience, is attainable and realistic. Mr. Hammond also talked about the personnel/hiring process and explained to the audience that positions posted for individual schools are hired at the school level through the SBDM councils, or a committee in the absence of an SBDM council. The principal, after consulting with the SBDM council, recommends hiring to Mr. Hammond who completes and finalizes the hiring process. He emphasized that board members have no role in the hiring process, by statute. Mr. Hammond then introduced Susan Allred and Mike Hughes, KDE personnel who presented information about the school district management audit and how the district might begin the improvement process. Susan Allred, Associate Commissioner, Office of Next Generation Schools and Districts did a Powerpoint presentation showing the audience parts of the management audit findings and a corrective action plan. These corrective action plans will be developed through “PDSA’s”, a method of finding solutions to problems by Planning, Doing, Studying, and Acting. Each area targeted for improvement will have its own PDSA. Through these PDSA’s, progress will be reported to the Commissioner monthly. Mike Hughes will be working with each department to develop their PDSA’s to more specifically list what actions will be taken to improve. P a g e | 61 061 Jackson, Ky., February 26, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood-ABSENT 02262013-260. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS The following informational items were presented to the board members in their packets: 1. A letter from the Commodity Food Program Review to state that the Food Service met all its requirements with regard to this program and is in compliance. 2. Kentucky School Boards Insurance Trust distributed Estimated Assessments for unpaid insurance costs; Breathitt County’s estimate is $774,000.00, which may be paid over ten or twenty years, if necessary. 3. Information about the Day Treatment Center was shared with Board members to inform them that discussion has taken place with reducing the service or closing it altogether. However, currently, it is hopeful that the Center will stay open, but only if it doesn’t require general fund dollars to support it. 4. In attendance, Mr. Hammond reiterated that our goal for attendance is 95%. Good attendance is crucial to the financial success of the district. 02262013-261. PERSONNEL NOTIFICATIONS Personnel Notifications are attached to the minutes of this meeting. 02262013-262. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business of the Board, it was moved by Becky Watkins and seconded by Albert Little that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Becky Watkins – Aye THE BREATHITT COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT WAS DESIGNATED A STATE MANAGED SCHOOL DISTRICT BY THE KENTUCKY BOARD OF EDUCATION ON DECEMBER 6, 2012 PURSUANT TO KRS 158.780, KRS 158.785 AND 703 KAR 3:205. THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RECOGNIZED THAT ALL ACTIONS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE COMMISSIONER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND DO NOT CONSTITUTE FINAL APPROVAL. ___________________________________________________________ Ruschelle Hamilton, Board Chair ___________________________________________________________ Stacy C. McKnight, Board Secretary P a g e | 62 062 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., March 14, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Central Office Conference Room at 3:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood The special meeting of the Breathitt County Board of Education was brought to order by Board Chairperson Ruschelle Hamilton. 03142013-263. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF THREE COMMUNITY BUSINESS LEADERS FOR THE LPC It was moved by Bobby Gross and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the following three business leaders for the Local Planning Committee. 1. Sheri Ann Spencer 2. Kelvin Fugate 3. Angie Stewart Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 03142013-264. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF HIRING THE ARCHITECT FIRM OF CLOTFELTER SAMOKAR. It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of hiring the architect firm of Clotfelter Samokar to conduct facility evaluations and complete related documentation required by KDE for the District Facility Plan. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 03142013-265. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business of the Board, it was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 3:34 PM. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” THE BREATHITT COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT WAS DESIGNATED A STATE MANAGED SCHOOL DISTRICT BY THE KENTUCKY BOARD OF EDUCATION ON DECEMBER 6, 2012 PURSUANT TO KRS 158.780, KRS 158.785 AND 703 KAR 3:205. THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RECOGNIZED THAT ALL ACTIONS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE COMMISSIONER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND DO NOT CONSTITUTE FINAL APPROVAL. ___________________________________________________________ Ruschelle Hamilton, Board Chair ___________________________________________________________ Stacy C. McKnight, Board Secretary P a g e | 63 063 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., March 26, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt County High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood The regular meeting of the Breathitt County Board of Education was brought to order by Board Chairperson Ruschelle Hamilton. 03262013-266. ADOPT AGENDA It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little that the agenda be adopted with the Addendum presented at the board meeting. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 03262013-267. STUDENT RECOGNITIONS The Sebastian Middle School Choir was scheduled to perform at the meeting; however, since there was no school, the Choir postponed their performance until the May board meeting which will be held at Sebastian Middle School. Students from the Area Technology Center were also scheduled to be recognized, but deferred until the next meeting due to the weather and since there was no school. Principal Reggie Hamilton was in attendance at the Board Meeting to recognize his students who met benchmarks in ALL areas on the EXPLORE test. There were nineteen (19) students who met benchmarks in all areas; two were present to receive their certificates: Ethan Griffith and Justin Johnson. The other students will be recognized at the May board meeting held at Sebastian Middle School. 03262013-268. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF POLICY/PROCEDURE REVISIONS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the second reading of the policy/procedure revisions for Policy 03.111/03.211-Medical Examination; 03.122/03.222Holidays; 03.125/03.225-Expense Reimbursement; 03.125 AP2-Out of County – Individual Travel Request and Reimbursement Form; 03.1321/03.2321-Use of School Property; 03.1321 AP1/03.2321 AP1- Staff Use of Telecommunication Devices; 03.171-Reduction in Force; 06.221-Bus Driver’s Us of Tobacco and Other Substances; 06.23-Driver and Substitute Driver Training; and Rescission of 03.125 AP21 and AP22. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 03262013-269. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF THE 2013-2014 SCHOOL CALENDAR It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the proposed 2013-2014 school calendar to include a reduction from 187 days to 185 days, since the extra two days is no longer funded through SEEK funds. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” P a g e | 64 064 Jackson, Ky., March 26, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt County High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood 0326201-270. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF THE AMENDED 2012-2013 SCHOOL CALENDAR It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the amended 2012-2013 school calendar with a projected last day of school for students to be May 24, 2013. Closing day for staff is scheduled for Tuesday, May 28, 2013. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 03262013-271. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF INCREASING THE SHERIFF’S COLLECTION RATE It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Becky Watkins to recommend to the Commissioner approval of increasing the Sheriff’s collection rate by 0.5% to 3.0%, effective July 1, 2013. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 03262013-272. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF RE-CONFIGURING THE BREATHITT COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of reconfiguring the Breathitt County School District to house Pre-K – 6 grades in the elementary schools; Grades 7-8 in the Middle School; and Grades 9-12 in the High School, beginning with the 2013-2014 school year. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 03262013-273. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER TO TABLE NON-RENEWAL OF FLOOD INSURANCE FOR ROUSSEAU ELEMENTARY SCHOOL It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Becky Watkins to recommend to the Commissioner that the nonrenewal of supplemental flood insurance for Rousseau Elementary School be tabled until a later date, to see if the insurance could be purchased through the end of the current fiscal year. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 03262013-274. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER SALE OF THE CHILDCARE CENTER BUILDING It was moved by Bobby Gross and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner that the Childcare Center be sold for fair market value as determined by a certified appraisal. Voting: Bobby Gross – Aye; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – No; Becky Watkins – Aye P a g e | 65 065 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., March 26, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt County High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood 03262013-275. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Bobby Gross to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the minutes of the January 22, 2013, February 26, 2013, and March 14, 2013, meetings. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 03262013-276. RECOMMED TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF FUND RAISERS It was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Bobby Gross to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the following fund raisers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. BHS Cheerleaders Car Wash/Bake Sale MRC Library Scholastic Book Fair BHS Football Team Car Wash LBJ Cheerleaders Spring Dance – Grades 4-7 HT FMD Spring Fling Dance BHS JROTC Pictures Rousseau PTO Soup Bean Dinner, Krispy Kreme Donut Sales, Pizza Kits, Candles, Sprays BHS Technology Student Association Wood Shop Project Sales BHS Social Studies Donorschoose.Org Fund Raiser BRJDC Youth Fund Greenhouse Sales Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 03262013-277. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF CLAIMS It was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Bobby Gross to recommend to the Commissioner approval of all subsequent claims, current claims and salaries (bills for payment). Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 03262013-278. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF MEDICAL LEAVE It was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Bobby Gross to recommend to the Commissioner approval of a Medical Leave of Absence for Employee Number 4060. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 03262013-279. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO USE SCHOOL PROPERTY It was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Bobby Gross to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the request to use LBJ by the BHS Class of 1963, on May 25, 2013, for a Class Reunion, contingent on receipt of insurance. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” P a g e | 66 066 Jackson, Ky., March 26, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt County High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood 03262013-280. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF 2013 CAPITAL FUNDS REQUEST FORM It was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Bobby Gross to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the Capital Funds Request Form for FY2013. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 03262013-281. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF PRACTICUM AGREEMENT It was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Bobby Gross to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the National University Practicum Agreement. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 03262013-282. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF POLICY/PROCEDURE REVISIONS-FIRST READING It was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Bobby Gross to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the Policy 09.2212 and Procedure06.2212 Ap.12/09.14 AP.232 revisions, as recommended by KSBA (first reading). Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 03262013-283. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF CHANGING NAME OF DAY TREATMENT CENTER It was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Bobby Gross to recommend to the Commissioner approval of changing the name of the Breathitt County Day Treatment Center to the Breathitt County Residential Treatment Program. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 03262013-284. REPORTS BCEA President Oneida Cassidy expressed concerns about some of the policy revisions approved by the Board, especially with regard to the medical exam. She also expressed BCEA’s dismay with the calendar reduction of two days, which will cut the teachers’ two days pay, or roughly 1% of their salaries. BCEA does not support increasing the Sheriff’s Collection Rate when teachers are being reduced. She also confirmed that the District has banked 15 days this year and will be banking 7 days next year. However, this year’s bank days cannot be used since the Commissioner has required that the District attend school for 177 days this year, and not face further SEEK reductions due to calendar issues from 2011-2012. Finance Officer Darnell McIntosh reviewed the bank reconciliation with the board members and the audience as well as the monthly report. She explained that the monthly report indicated that the District spent more in February than it collected; however, that was due in large part to the annual KISTA bond payment which is for school buses. That payment alone was approximately $198,000. She also shared with the Board that the District received a cut in SEEK funding for the current school year in the amount of $160,000, in transportation. Ms. McIntosh analyzed receipts showing that the District has received 86% of its budgeted property tax, 56% of motor vehicle; 68% of budgeted franchise; and none of the budgeted un-mined minerals. The Sheriff’s Office told Ms. McIntosh that the bills had to be certified and they were being mailed. The District should receive un-mined minerals taxes in April. And in other good news, the bond re-finance approved at last month’s meeting saved the District $71,000. P a g e | 67 067 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., March 26, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt County High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood Interim DPP Rose Brown shared information with the Board regarding the attendance in the District. She gave the Board a report showing the attendance for the past three months as well as a daily report showing the number of students absent on a daily basis for the past month. Attendance has been a significant challenge for the District, but a lot of work has taken place to improve attendance. April has been designated as High Attendance month and all the schools are offering prizes for classes with the highest attendance during that month. The goal for the District for the month of April is 95%. State Manager Larry Hammond first talked about the budget and the recent reductions received by the District. Along with the $160,000 SEEK reduction, the District also received a significant reduction in Preschool funds for the 2013-2014 school year, more than $200,000. Numerous adjustments will be made this spring with regard to staffing. Reduction letters for teachers whose days will be reduced from 187 to 185 will be distributed over the next week or so. Other adjustments and non-renewals will be reviewed as well. Mr. Hammond recognized Ms. Hardin from the newspaper for her articles dealing with the use of facilities as well as the facility plan process. He expressed that his goal is for the Board and the public to understand the process and why decisions are made, and he thought Ms. Hardin did a good job presenting the facts about these two issues. Additionally, the Facility planning process begins this Thursday when the LPC meets for the first time for orientation. He reiterated that these meetings, as well as the board meetings are open to the public for anyone to attend. Mr. Hammond also mentioned that he has met with Calvin Saum to discuss recycling in the schools and what an important practice recycling is for the community. He said the District would become more involved in the future. He also talked about the “Perfection Group”, who works with energy savings to help school districts fund projects that will save money with regard to utilities. Mr. Hammond said the LPC would be looking at these issues as it goes through the facility planning process to see how it might best benefit the District. Other issues Mr. Hammond discussed include Senate Bill 97, which was signed into law and requires all districts to raise the dropout age from 16 to 18, once at least 55% of all other districts have raised it voluntarily. It was clarified that the BHS senior trip is scheduled for next week and groups whose trips are approved by the Board are expected to follow all the guidelines which they asked to be approved including the itinerary. Mr. Hammond shared with the board members that the state has approved all previous board meeting minutes recorded since the district has been under state management. District Assessment Coordinator Donna Fugate reviewed with the Board the District Improvement Plan that was provided to them in their packets. She emphasized the goals that were identified saying that the first set of goals were state wide; then the District had its own goals identified, including improving attendance. She felt strongly about this that the schools understand the importance of attendance and are working hard to improve it. Mr. Little complimented the Plan, said he had worked on several of them himself and was impressed with it. P a g e | 68 068 Jackson, Ky., March 26, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Breathitt County High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood 03262013-285. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF EASEMENT AT LBJ It was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Bobby Gross to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the Pump Station Easement at LBJ Elementary School, in order for the City of Jackson to replace a sewer pump. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 03262013-285. PERSONNEL NOTIFICATIONS Personnel notifications are attached to the minutes of this meeting and include all personnel actions from February 26, 2013 through March 26, 2013. 03262013-286. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business of the Board, it was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 PM. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” THE BREATHITT COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT WAS DESIGNATED A STATE MANAGED SCHOOL DISTRICT BY THE KENTUCKY BOARD OF EDUCATION ON DECEMBER 6, 2012 PURSUANT TO KRS 158.780, KRS 158.785 AND 703 KAR 3:205. THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RECOGNIZED THAT ALL ACTIONS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE COMMISSIONER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND DO NOT CONSTITUTE FINAL APPROVAL. ___________________________________________________________ Ruschelle Hamilton, Board Chair ___________________________________________________________ Stacy C. McKnight, Board Secretary P a g e | 69 069 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., April 23, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the LBJ Elementary School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood The regular meeting of the Breathitt County Board of Education was called to order by Chairperson Ruschelle Hamilton. 04232013-287. ADOPT AGENDA It was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Ina Southwood that the agenda be adopted after switching Items IIIE and III-F; and then including the Addendum presented at tonight’s meeting. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 04232013-288. STUDENT RECOGNITIONS The following students were recognized during the Board Meeting for their individual achievements: Rousseau Student Recognitions LBJ Student Recognitions Catherine Bowling – ACT Achievement Jacob Collins – ACT Achievement John Wyatt Hall – ACT Achievement; 2013 Kentucky Recognition Ceremony at WKU Alexis Brooke Halsey –ACT Achievement; 2013 Kentucky Recognition Ceremony at WKU Makenzie Neace – ACT Achievement; 2013 Kentucky Recognition Ceremony at WKU Emilea Pitts – ACT Achievement Jeanna Tolson – ACT Achievement HT Student Recognitions Cristina Combs – ACT Achievement Lori Hall – ACT Achievement; 2013 Kentucky Recognition Ceremony at WKU MRC Student Recognitions Haley Hamilton – ACT Achievement Mary Gullett – ACT Achievement; 2013 Kentucky Recognition Ceremony at WKU Area Technology Center Recognitions Justin Addison – Auto Tech Skills USA – 2nd Place Opening and Closing Ceremony Team; 2nd Place – Skills Dorsie Akemon – Auto Tech Skills USA – 2nd Place Opening and Closing Ceremony Team; 2nd Place – Skills Josh Cockerham - Auto Tech Skills USA – 2nd Place Opening and Closing Ceremony Team; 2nd Place – Skills Chris D. Combs – Auto Tech Skills USA – 2nd Place Opening and Closing Ceremony Team Chris L. Combs – Auto Tech Skills USA – 2nd Place Opening and Closing Ceremony Team Morgan Perkins – Auto Tech Skills USA – 2nd Place Opening and Closing Ceremony Team Brandon Vires – Auto Tech Skills USA – 2nd Place Opening and Closing Ceremony Team Aaron McIntosh – FBLA Destiney Johnson – FBLA P a g e | 70 070 Jackson, Ky., April 23, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the LBJ Elementary School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood Jackie Howard – FBLA James Strong – FBLA Kaitlin Koehler – FBLA Kaitlin Napier – FBLA Katie Rice – FBLA Kaitlin White – FBLA Kenzie Combs – FBLA Madison Smith – FBLA Morgan Phipps – FBLA Whitney Wilder – FBLA John Barnett – 3rd Place-Talent – Carpentry Skills USA Michael Dotson – 1st Place Promotional Bulletin Board – Carpentry Skills USA D.J. Fugate – Carpentry I Kody Fugate – Carpentry I Taylor Fugate – 3rd Place Carpentry I Brandon Thorpe – 3rd Place Pledge – Carpentry Skills Jordan Turner – 1st Place Promotional Bulletin Board – Went to State Competition-Carpentry Skills USA Bryan Brewer – 2nd Place Promotional Bulletin Board – Electricity Skills Kenneth Gabbard – 2nd Place Promotional Bulletin Board – Electricity Skills Brendan Johnson – 3rd Place Residential Wiring David T. Pennington – 1st Place Residential Wiring – Went to State Competition Brianna Haddix 3rd Place Human Growth and Development Knowledge – HOSA-State Competition Jacob Whitaker – 1st Place Medical Spelling HOSA State Competition Dustin Allen – State President of HOSA Brittany Gross – Dental Terminology – HOSA State Kaitlin Campbell – Dental Spelling – HOSA State Courtney Hamblin – Extemporaneous Speaking – HOSA State Brittany Farler – Medical Photography – HOSA State Kaitlin Koehler – MOS Word Test State Winner (One of Five); Will Compete at National Competition in Anaheim California 04232013-289. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF FLOOD INSURANCE It was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Ina Southwood to recommend to the Commissioner approval of supplemental flood insurance for Rousseau Elementary School. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” P a g e | 71 071 Jackson, Ky., April 23, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the LBJ Elementary School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood 04232013-290. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF RAISING DROPOUT AGE It was moved by Bobby Gross and seconded by Ina Southwood to recommend to the Commissioner approval of raising the dropout age from 16 (sixteen) to 18 (eighteen) in support of Senate Bill 97, realizing final action/approval will need to occur after the Bill becomes law. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 04232013-291. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF BID FOR PICTURES It was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Becky Watkins to recommend to the Commissioner approval of Forever Memories and Image Photography for school pictures for the 2013-2014 school year, since they were the low bidder. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 04232013-292. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF THE 2013-2014 STAFFING POLICY/SBDM ALLOCATIONS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the 2013-2014 staffing policy and SBDM allocations. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 04232013-293. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF RESCINDING BOARD POLICY 03.114-CONTRACTS (FIRST READING) It was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Becky Watkins to recommend to the Commissioner approval of rescinding Board Policy 03.114-Contracts (first reading). Voting: Bobby Gross – Abstain; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Abstain; Becky Watkins – Aye 04232013-294. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF THE 2013-2014 SALARY SCHEDULES It was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the 2013-2014 salary schedules. Voting: Bobby Gross – Abstain; Ruschelle Hamilton – Aye; Albert Little – Aye; Ina Southwood – Abstain; Becky Watkins – No 04232013-295. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the minutes of the March 26, 2013, board meeting. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” P a g e | 72 072 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., April 23, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the LBJ Elementary School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood 04232013-296. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF CLAIMS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the subsequent claims, current claims and salaries (bills for payment). Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 04232013-297. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF FMLA It was moved by Ina Southwood and second by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of FMLA for Employee #3861. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 04232013-298. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF REQUESTS TO USE SCHOOL PROPERTY It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the following requests to use school property, contingent on receipt of proof of insurance: 1. BHS Class of 1957 use of BHS Cafeteria on August 3, 2013. 2. BHs Class of 1953 use of BHS Cafeteria on September 14, 2013 Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 04232013-299. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF POLICY AND PROCEDURE UPDATE FOR 09.2212/09.2212 AP.12/09.14 AP.232 Upon the recommendation of KSBA, it was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of revising Policy 09.2213 and Procedures 09.2212 AP.12, and 09.14 AP.232, second reading. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 04232013-300. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF BIDS FOR ATHLETIC SUPPLIES It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the following bids for Athletic Supplies for the 2013-2014 school year (all bidders): 1. Lowe’s Sporting Goods 2. Log Cabin Trading Post 3. Sportscity 4. Sportees Screen Printing Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” P a g e | 73 073 Jackson, Ky., April 23, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the LBJ Elementary School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood 04232013-301. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF BID FOR TIRES It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of Breathitt County Tire (Goodyear) for Tires for the 2013-2014 school year (only bidder). Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 04232013-302. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF BID FOR OIL AND LUBE It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of Key Oil Co. for oil and lube products for the 2013-2014 school year (only bidder). Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 04232013-303. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF BID FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the bid from Jackson Wal-mart for school supplies for the 2013-2014 school year (only bidder). Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 04232013-304. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF BIDS FOR SOFT DRINKS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the bids from Coca-Cola and Pepsi for soft drinks and related items for the 2013-2014 school year (all bidders). Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 04232013-305. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF BIDS FOR FOOD ITEMS NOT RELATED TO FOOD SERVICE It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the bids from the following vendors for food items not related to food service for the 2013-2014 school year: 1. Jiffy Mart 2. Schwann’s 3. Jackson Wholesale Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 04232013-306. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF BID FOR PEST CONTROL It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the bid from Best Pest, Inc. for pest control for the 2013-2014 school year (only bidder). Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” P a g e | 74 074 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., April 23, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the LBJ Elementary School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood 04232013-307. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF SAVE THE CHILDREN AMENDMENTS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of Amendments #1 to the Save the Children Agreements with Marie Roberts-Caney Elementary School and LBJ Elementary School. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 04232013-308. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF MSU MOA It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the Education Specialist in Instructional Leadership Program Memorandum of Agreement. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 04232013-309 RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF KISTA BUS LEASE It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the KISTA Equipment Lease Certificates of Participation Agreement. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 04232013-310. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF SUMMER FEEDING PROGRAM It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the 2013 Summer Feeding Program to run from June 3, 2013 through July 19, 2013. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 04232013-311. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR PHYSICAL THERAPY It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of advertising for bids for physical therapy services for the 2013-2014 school year. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 04232013-312. RECOMMED TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF RE-BID FOR DIESEL FUEL It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of rebidding for diesel fuel since no bids were received at the Bid Opening on April 3, 2013. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” P a g e | 75 075 Jackson, Ky., April 23, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the LBJ Elementary School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood 04232013-313. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF REJECTION OF BIDS FOR MAINTENANCE/TRANSPORTATION PARTS AND RE-BID It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of rejecting all bids for maintenance/transportation parts and re-bid in order to give all vendors an opportunity to meet timelines. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 04232013-314. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF MOU FOR CIITS It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the Memorandum of Understanding for the Continuous Instructional Improvement Technology System. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 04232013-315. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF BHS PROJECT PROM It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the Breathitt High School Project Prom Field Trip to Fugate’s Entertainment Center after the prom on April 27, 2013, through April 28, 2013. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 04232013-316. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF MOA FOR COAL SEVERANCE PROJECT It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the Memorandum of Agreement with the Department for Local Government for Coal Severance Project #1159-Breathitt County Board of Education Maintenance/Technology Equipment. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 04232013-317. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF HIGHLAND-TURNER FRC/UNITE SUMMER CAMP It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the Highland-Turner Family Resource Center/UNITE Summer Camp to run from July 8, 2013, through July 12, 2013. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 04232013-318. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF REVISING BOARD POLICY 09.36 (FIRST READING) It was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of revising board policy 09.36 – School Related Student Trips (first reading). Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” P a g e | 76 076 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., April 23, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the LBJ Elementary School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood 04232013-319. PERSONNEL NOTIFICATIONS Personnel Notifications were presented to the Board and are attached to these minutes. 04232013-320. REPORTS Ms. Darnell McIntosh presented the treasurer’s report and shared monthly reports with the Board. She informed the Board that the month ending cash balance for March 31 st was $2.2 million. She also reminded the Board that most of the salary expenditures will occur in the month of June when summer payrolls are written. That will significantly reduce the cash balance and the district is working hard to make sure that we meet the 2% contingency at the end of the fiscal year. Projections are showing that the balance will be close to the 2% requirement. Ms. Rose Brown presented the Board with an attendance report showing attendance for each school month this year. The most recent month (8th school month) is lower; however, the schools and the district are working hard to improve attendance. During the month of April the district is having an attendance contest. The school with the highest attendance will win a prize. As of the board meeting, Rousseau is ahead. Ms. Brown also informed the Board that the district has one senior who has never missed a day of school; and said she needed to be recognized and rewarded for that effort. Other efforts have been made to emphasize the importance of good attendance as well. State Manager Larry Hammond informed the Board about a new communication tool that is being introduced in the District. Education Recovery Specialist Mike Hughes has developed a weekly electronic newsletter that will be distributed by email to all employees to keep everyone up to date on current events and issues. The first issue was released on April 18th, and was very informative. Mr. Hammond also discussed the appraisal for the daycare that has been conducted but not yet received. Hopefully, that can be brought to closure by June 30th at the latest. Grade school athletics has recently been a topic in the community and Mr. Hammond addressed the rumors that he was planning to stop all grade school athletics. He urged everyone that is not true. There was not any spring grade school football due to a lack of interest at most of the schools. All other athletics will remain the same; Mr. Hammond said he has no plans to change anything with regard to grade school athletics. In high school athletics, there are currently some open coaching positions. Once staff has been placed, these positions will be posted. Mr. Hammond also addressed that the athletic director position will be additional duties assigned to a current employee with an extra service stipend for those duties. Mr. Hammond is hopeful that all vacant positions will be posted by mid-May, including teaching positions. He reminded the audience that the next LPC meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 29 th at 5:30. Architects will be there to report on the current needs in the Breathitt County Schools. In closing, Mr. Hammond informed the audience that our goal will be to work toward paperless board meetings since it costs some much in paper and time to prepare board packets. With a paperless system, agendas, minutes, etc., would be available online for everyone to have access. P a g e | 77 077 Jackson, Ky., April 23, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the LBJ Elementary School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood Mr. Hammond also went over the informational items provided to board members in the packet. Most of them were articles talking about current issues in education. However, one of them was a letter from KDE stating that the Food Service Department was in compliance with all regulations. Another was the SFCC Offer of Assistance for Technology. This is the second offer and requires no board approval. It was noted however, how much these offers have decreased over the years. BCEA President Oneida Cassidy thanked Mr. Hammond for meeting with the BCEA this afternoon and for explaining the rescission of Board Policy 03.114. It had caused some confusion with the teachers, however; it’s only purpose for rescission was to allow the Board to hire administrators for more than 220 days. Ms. Cassidy also notified Mr. Hughes that she would share with him their schedule of meetings so they can be included in the newsletter. 04232013-321. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business of the Board, it was moved by Ina Southwood and seconded by Albert Little that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” THE BREATHITT COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT WAS DESIGNATED A STATE MANAGED SCHOOL DISTRICT BY THE KENTUCKY BOARD OF EDUCATION ON DECEMBER 6, 2012 PURSUANT TO KRS 158.780, KRS 158.785 AND 703 KAR 3:205. THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RECOGNIZED THAT ALL ACTIONS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE COMMISSIONER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND DO NOT CONSTITUTE FINAL APPROVAL. ______________________________________________________________ Ruschelle Hamilton, Board Chairperson ______________________________________________________________ Stacy C. McKnight, Board Secretary P a g e | 78 078 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., May 14, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Central Office Conference Room at 12:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood The special meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by Chairperson Ruschelle Hamilton. 05142013-322. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF THE DISTRICT FACILITIES PLAN After lengthy discussion involving State Manager Larry Hammond, Architect Scott Noel and the Board Members, it was moved by Albert Little and seconded by Ruschelle Hamilton to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the District Facilities Plan. Voting: Bobby Gross – No; Ruschelle Hamilton – Abstain; Albert Little – No; Ina Southwood – No; Rebecca Watkins – No 05142013-323. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF THE ADVISOR CHAPERONE CONSENT AGREEMENT FOR THE ATC It was moved by Rebecca Watkins and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the Advisor/Chaperone Consent Agreement for the Career and Technical Student Organization through the Area Technology Center. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 05142013-324. RECOMMEND TO THE COMMISSIONER APPROVAL OF THE ATC FIELD TRIP It was moved by Rebecca Watkins and seconded by Albert Little to recommend to the Commissioner approval of the Area Technology Center field trip to King’s Island on May 20, 2013. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” 05142013-325. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business of the Board, it was moved by Bobby Gross and seconded by Rebecca Watkins that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 2:15 PM. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” THE BREATHITT COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT WAS DESIGNATED A STATE MANAGED SCHOOL DISTRICT BY THE KENTUCKY BOARD OF EDUCATION ON DECEMBER 6, 2012 PURSUANT TO KRS 158.780, KRS 158.785 AND 703 KAR 3:205. THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RECOGNIZED THAT ALL ACTIONS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE COMMISSIONER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND DO NOT CONSTITUTE FINAL APPROVAL. P a g e | 79 079 Jackson, Ky., May 14, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Central Office Conference Room at 12:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood __________________________________________________________ Ruschelle Hamilton, Board Chair __________________________________________________________ Stacy C. McKnight, Board Secretary P a g e | 80 080 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., May 28, 2013 The Breathitt County Board of Education met in the Sebastian Middle School Cafeteria at 5:03 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross- ABSENT (due to work obligations); District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood The regular meeting of the Breathitt County Board of Education was called to order by Chairperson Ruschelle Hamilton. 05282013-326. ADOPT AGENDA Chairperson Ruschelle Hamilton asked for a motion to adopt the agenda. No one made the motion; therefore, the agenda was not adopted. 05282013-327. ADJOURNMENT Since the agenda was not adopted for the regular meeting of May 28, 2013, it was moved by Becky Watkins and seconded by Albert Little, that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 5:10 PM. Voting: Unanimous All “Aye” THE BREATHITT COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT WAS DESIGNATED A STATE MANAGED SCHOOL DISTRICT BY THE KENTUCKY BOARD OF EDUCATION ON DECEMBER 6, 2012 PURSUANT TO KRS 158.780, KRS 158.785 AND 703 KAR 3:205. THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RECOGNIZED THAT ALL ACTIONS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE COMMISSIONER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND DO NOT CONSTITUTE FINAL APPROVAL. ___________________________________________________ Ruschelle Hamilton, Board Chair ______________________________________________________ Stacy C. McKnight, Board Secretary P a g e | 81 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., June 25, 2013 A Community Forum was held in the Breathitt High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross- ABSENT; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood State Manager Larry Hammond submitted the attached agenda to Commissioner Holliday for approval. All items listed herein were approved by the Commissioner. Community Forum Breathitt High School Library Tuesday, June 25, 2013; 5:00 PM AGENDA I. BUSINESS TO BE RECOMMENDED TO THE COMMISSIONER FOR APPROVAL (BY THE STATE MANAGER) A. Approval of the minutes of the May 28, 2013, board meeting. B. Approval of the subsequent claims, current claims and salaries (bills for payment). C. Approval of membership with KSBA for the 2013-2014 school year. D. Approval of performance bonds. E. Approval of second reading of Board Policy Update #36 and Procedure Update #17. F. Approval of the 2013-2014 Student Discipline Handbook. G. Approval of membership with the Kentucky Valley Educational Cooperative for the 2013-2014 school year. H. Approval of Employment Agreement with KVEC for the Due Process and Transition Consultant for the 2013-2014 school year. I. Approval of the MOA with HCTCS for the Nursing Program for the 20132014 school year. J. Approval of the MOA with HCTCS for the Human Services Program for the 2013-2014 school year. K. Approval of revising the mechanic salary schedule as follows: 0-3 4-9 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 - 24 25 + $17.15 $17.77 $18.40 $18.74 $19.01 $20.96 (based on recommendations from the KDE District Audit). L. Approval of revising the Instructional Assistant II – Special Education Aide Job Description. M. Approval of the following policy/procedure revisions (second or final reading): 1. 03.1236/03.2236-Bereavement Leave – Revision 2. 03.122/03.222-Holidays – Revision 3. 03.123 AP.2/03.223 AP.2 – Adoption of New Procedure 4. 08.22-Promotion and Retention – Revision 5. 08.22 AP.1-Promotion and Retention – Revision P a g e | 82 June 25, 2013 09.12 AP.21-Nonresident Student Transfer/Registration Form – Revision 7. 09.12 AP.22-Nonresident Student Admissions – Revision 8. 09.1222-Nonresident Students-Revision 9. 09.123-Absences and Excuses-Revision 10. 09.21-Health Requirements and Services-Revision 11. 09.21 AP.2-Health Requirements and Services-Revision 12. 09.211 AP.21-Request for Protected Health Information 13. 09.213-Contagious Diseases and Parasites – Revision 14. 09.213 AP.11-Prevention/Control of Head Lice in Schools-Revision 15. 09.224 AP.1-Emergency Medical Care Procedures-Revision 16. 09.224 AP.21-Emergency Information Form-Revision 17. 09.224 AP.22-Accident Report-Revision 18. 09.2241 AP.1-Student Medication Guidelines-Revision 19. 09.2241 AP.21-Permission Form for Prescribed or Over the Counter Medication-Revision 20. 09.2241 AP.23-Medication Administration Incident Report-Revision 21. 09.36 AP.1-School Related Student Trips-Revision 22. 09.36 AP.21-Medical Information and Parent/Legal Guardian Medical Authorization-Revision 23. 09.36 AP.211-In-State School-Related Student Trip Permission Slip/Medical Release Form-Revision 24. 03.1211 AP.21-Payroll Status Change – Rescission of Procedure Approval declaring the following items as surplus and authorizing their disposal at auction and/or sealed bid: 1. Bus #57-1999 International-66 Passenger 2. Bus #63-1999 International-66 Passenger 3. Bus #64-2000 Thomas Built -78 Passenger 4. 1993 Dodge Van (Blue) 5. 1998 Dodge Van (Green) 6. 1998 Dodge Van (Red) 7. 1996 Ford Van (Green) 8. 2002 Ford Van (Blue) 9. 1996 4WD Ford Truck (Diesel) 10. Six (6) Folding Style Cafeteria Tables (HT) 11. 50 Chairs (HT) 12. One Stove (HT) 13. One Oven (HT) 14. One Small Refrigerator (HT) 15. One Metal Bookshelf (HT) 16. Cooler 17. Six Bench Style Cafeteria Tables 18. Vulcan Five Rack Oven 19. Three Work Tables 20. Four Dining Room Tables (HT) 21. Slicer (Food Service) Approval of the FRYSC MOA for the 2013-2014 school year. Approval of the Federal Assurances for the 2013-2014 school year. Approval of Employee Handbook and a Substitute Teacher Handbook for the 2013-2014 school year. 6. N. O. P. Q. P a g e | 83 R. S. T. U. II. June 25, 2013 Approval of Department for Juvenile Justice Interagency Agreements for the Breathitt Regional Juvenile Detention Center and the Cadet Leadership Education Program. Approval of Master Subscription Agreement with the Northwest Evaluation Association. Approval of Attendance Boundaries for the Breathitt County School District. Approval of raising the compulsory attendance age from sixteen (16) to eighteen (18) years of age effective with the 2015-2016 school year. PERSONNEL NOTIFICATIONS A. Resignations, Retirements, Leaves 1. Kimberly King, Termination as Bus Monitor, effective June 3, 2013 2. Lisa McClees, FMLA beginning April 12, 2013 through May 25, 2013 B. Reduction (Correction) C. Starli Dunn, Reduced from 190 days to 185; and from 8 hours per day to 7 hours per day (On the notification you received earlier concerning her reduction; it had 7.5 hours per day, but it should be 7 hours per day) III. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS A. Treasurer’s Report – Darnell McIntosh B. Attendance Report – Rose Brown C. Communication/Sharing – Students, Parents, Teachers, Administrators, BCEA, etc. D. Informational Items 1. School Financial Report 2. Other Informational Items _________________________________________________________ Larry Hammond, State Manager _________________________________________________________ Stacy C. McKnight, Board Secretary P a g e | 84 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., July 23, 2013 A Community Forum was held in the Breathitt High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton-ABSENT; District Two – Rebecca Watkins-ABSENT; District Three – Bobby Gross- ABSENT; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood State Manager Larry Hammond submitted the attached agenda to Commissioner Holliday for approval. All items listed herein were approved by the Commissioner. ITEMS RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL BY THE STATE MANAGER TO THE COMMISSIONER July 23, 2013 AGENDA I. Student Learning and Support Items Recommended for Approval A. Approval of subsequent claims, current claims and salaries. B. Approval of request by BHS Class of 1960, to use the BHS Cafeteria on October 5, 2013, for a class reunion, contingent on receipt of proof of insurance. C. Approval of the KRCC Interagency Agreement for the Residential Treatment Program. D. Approval of the Local Agreement for Cooperation on Full Utilization of Head Start for the 2013-2014 school year. E. Approval of the Save The Children Partner Agreement for LBJ Elementary School. F. Approval of up to twenty (20) Emergency Certified Substitute Teachers for the 2013-2014 school year. G. Approval of Contract for Installation or Servicing of Automatic Fire Alarm Systems, Automatic Rangehood Fire Suppression Systems, Sprinkler Systems – Portable Fire Extinguishers Rangehood and Exhaust Fan Cleaning with Hazard Fire & Safety Equipment Co. LLC. H. Approval of Water and Energy Program Agreement with Chemsearch. I. Approval of ARC Chairperson Designees for the 2013-2014 school year. J. Approval of the UNITE Americorps Memorandum of Understanding for the 20132014 school year. K. Approval of the 2012-2013 Annual Financial Report. L. Approval of the Student Fees charged by Breathitt High School. M. Approval of a Medical Leave of Absence for Employee #273. N. Approval of revision to Board Procedure 03.123 AP.2-Leave Affidavit. O. Approval of review of tire bid for the 2013-2014 school year. P. Approval of the 2013-2014 Certified Evaluation Plan. Q. Approval of contract with KSBA for E-meeting services. R. Approval of Highland-Turner Elementary School PTO Fundraiser. II. PERSONNEL NOTIFICATIONS A. Resignations/Retirements Carrie Adkins, Resignation as Preschool Teacher due to retirement, effective June 30, 2013 P a g e | 85 III. July 23 ,2013 Barbara Holbrook, Resignation as School Secretary, due to retirement, effective June 30, 2013 Anna Robinson, Retirement effective 7/1/2013 David Turner, Resignation as Math Teacher at BHS, effective 7/13/13 B. Employment Krystal Combs, Special Education Teacher at BHS, effective 7/8/2013 Wallace Bates, Gear Up Teacher effective 7/12/2013; and Head Girls Basketball Coach at BHS, Effective 7/17/2013 Jon Collins, Head Boys Basketball Coach at BHS, effective 7/19/2013 Justin Combs, Head Football Coach at SMS, Effective 6/18/2013 Jon Collins, Alternative School Teacher at BHS, effective 7/17/2013 Jason Fugate, Head Boys Basketball Coach at SMS, effective 6/18/2013 Brittany Haddix, Girls Basketball Coach at SMS, effective 6/18/2013 Eric Mullins, Substitute Custodian, effective 6/25/2013 C. Leaves FMLA for Employee Number 4005 INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Treasurer’s Report – Financial Statements B. School District Boundaries – Public Notice C. School Financial Statements ________________________________________________________ Larry Hammond, State Manager ________________________________________________________ Stacy C. McKnight, Board Secretary P a g e | 86 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (MINUTES) Jackson, Ky., August 27, 2013 A Community Forum was held in the Breathitt High School Library at 5:00 PM, with the following members present: District One – Ruschelle Hamilton; District Two – Rebecca Watkins; District Three – Bobby Gross; District Four – Albert Little; District Five – Ina Southwood State Manager Larry Hammond submitted the attached agenda to Commissioner Holliday for approval. All items listed herein were approved by the Commissioner. ITEMS RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL TO THE COMMISSIONER BY THE STATE MANAGER August 27, 2013 AGENDA I. STUDENT LEARNING AND SUPPORT ITEMS FOR APPROVAL A. Approval of subsequent claims, current claims, and salaries. B. Approval of ARC Chairperson Designee Revision for Sebastian Middle School. C. Approval of FMLA (Leave Without Pay) for Employee #273. D. Approval of Application and Agreement for Use of District Property by Reign Basketball for LBJ Elementary School and Sebastian Middle School during the 2013-2014 school year. E. Approval of Application and Agreement for Use of District Property by the Heritage Fair for LBJ Elementary School Parking Lot on October 5, 2013, for Parade Lineup. F. Approval of Application and Agreement for Use of District Property by the Bobcat 14-U AAU Basketball Program for Sebastian Middle School from August 24, 2013 through September 2013. G. Notification of acceptance of bids for the following buses and vehicles: a. Bus #57 - $3,098.00 b. Bus #63 - $3,098.00 c. Bus #64 - $1,898.00 d. 1996 4WD Maintenance Truck - $700.00 e. 1991 Maintenance Van - $400.00 H. Approval of rejecting all bids other than those approved in Item F., received on July 25, 2013, for vehicles; remove Van #7 from surplus property for use by Maintenance; declare Van #8 – 2002 Red Dodge Van with 116,203 miles as surplus; and authorize to advertise for sale/re-sale at sealed bid. I. Approval of declaring forty-three (43) booster seats as surplus property and authorize disposal at auction or sealed bid. J. Approval of KECSAC Agreement for the 2013-2014 school year. K. Approval of Highland-Turner Elementary School FRC Krispy Kreme fund raiser. L. Approval of board members attending KSBA’s Fall Regional meeting on Monday, September 16, 2013, at Hazard High School. M. Approval of renewal of property contract for house at Marie Roberts-Caney Elementary School. P a g e | 87 August 27, 2013 N. Approval of participation with the Kentucky Purchasing Cooperative (KPC) for the 2013-2014 school year. O. Approval of the School Activity Fund Budgets. P. Approval of declaring the Daycare Building, Rousseau Elementary School Property, and Old Highland School Property as surplus and authorize for sale to first bidder to offer the appraisal value; and if no offers, sell at sealed bid. Q. Approval of Challenger Mission Contract for the 2013-2014 school year. R. Approval of Race to the Top Grant collaboration with KVEC. S. Approval of creating the position for Instructional Coach and approve the job description. T. Approval of revision to Policy09.122-Nonresident Students (first reading). U. Approval of Procedure 09.111 AP.22-Withdrawal Authorization. V. Approval of Certified Administrator Salary Schedule Revisions and ExtraCurricular Salary Schedule Revisions. W. Approval of BHS Technology Class Fee. X. Approval of Procedure 03.4 AP.21-Substitute Teacher Evaluation Form and Procedure 03.4 AP.22-Substitute Evaluation Form. II. PERSONNEL NOTIFICATIONS A. Resignations/Retirements 1. Oakley D. Riley, Resignation as Visual Impairment Specialist, effective August 1, 2013 2. Jeff Patrick, Resignation effective July 31, 2013 3. Calvin Pitts, Resignation due to Retirement as Bus Driver, effective September 1, 2013 4. Teresa Watts, Resignation due to Retirement as College and Career Readiness Liaison, effective July 1, 2013 5. Lacey White, Resignation as Cook/Baker, effective July 22, 2013 B. Employment/Transfers 1. David Back, Volunteer Football Coach at BHS, effective July 1, 2013 2. Christopher Banks, Boys Basketball Coach at MRC, effective August 19, 2013 3. Paula Bowling, Cheerleading Coach at SMS, effective August 1, 2013 4. Carolyn Bryant, Transfer from Marie Roberts-Caney Elementary School to Sebastian Middle School as Instructional Assistant II. 5. Lamont Coldiron, Assistant Football Coach at BHS, effective July 1, 2013 6. Lonnie Cole, Gear Up Math Tutor, effective August 19, 2013 7. Jonathan Collins, Assistant Football Coach at BHS, effective July 1, 2013 8. Wade Collins, Volunteer Football Coach at BHS, effective July 1, 2013 9. Kenneth Combs, Assistant Football Coach at BHS, effective July 1, 2013 10. Kimberly Combs, Transfer from Sebastian Middle School to Marie RobertsCaney Elementary School as Instructional Assistant II. 11. Teresa Combs, Substitute Teacher, effective August 8, 2013 12. Barbara L. Eiserman, School Nurse, effective August 20, 2013 13. Jewel Eldridge, Vision Impairment Specialist effective August 7, 2013 14. Jason Fugate, Girls Basketball Coach at MRC, effective August 19, 2013 15. Sundra Gilbert, Gear Up Tutor at LBJ, effective August 9, 2013 16. Glen Gross, Assistant Football Coach at BHS, effective July 1, 2013 17. Tara Beth Hall, Head Cheerleading Coach at BHS, effective July 31, 2013 18. Omer H. Hudson, Assistant Cheerleading Coach at BHS, effective July 31, 2013 19. Beverly McCune, Rescission of Non-renewal letter effective July 1, 2013 P a g e | 88 August 27, 2013 Karen M. Miller, Rescission of Non-renewal letter effective July 1, 2013 Crystal Moore, School Nurse effective August 20, 2013 Kyle Moore, Head Football Coach at BHS, effective June 20, 2013 William Noble, Assistant Principal at SMS, effective August 5, 2013 Charlotte Sandlin, Substitute Teacher effective August 6, 2013 Henrietta Sheffel, Academic Coach at MRC, effective August 19, 2013 Keith Skidmore, JROTC Teacher at BHS, effective July 31, 2013 Mary Sloas, Preschool Teacher at HT, effective August 5, 2013 Tim Spencer, Assistant Superintendent, effective July 26, 2013 Odessi Steinmetz, School Nurse, effective August 21, 2013 Chassadi Strong, Teacher at Marie Roberts-Caney Elementary School, effective July 31, 2013 31. Deana Sword, Gear Up Literacy Tutor at LBJ, effective August 12, 2013 32. Jayce Walker, Teacher at BHS, effective August 1, 2013 33. Eva Watts, Cook/Baker at BHS, effective July 31, 2013 34. Linda Yates, Teacher at LBJ, effective July 31, 2013 C. FMLA 1. Augusta Barnett, August 19, 2013 through October 7, 2013 2. Paula Clemons-Combs, August 9, 2013 through August 21, 2013 3. Sue Combs, August 12, 2013 through September 3, 2013 4. Starli Dunn, July 31, 2013 through September 3, 2013 5. Elizabeth Moore, July 31, 2013 through December 31, 2013 6. Christy Taulbee, August 6, 2013 through September 23, 2013 7. Brenda Trimble, August 22, 2013 through October 17, 2013 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. III. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Treasurer’s Report – Financial Statements B. School Donations C. School Financial Reports ____________________________________________________ Larry Hammond, State Manager ___________________________________________________ Stacy C. McKnight, Board Secretary