Behaviour At Baguley Hall, children learn to respect themselves and each other and to have excellent attitudes to their learning. Their achievements are recognised with a variety of rewards, these vary, depending on the age of the children. Classroom rewards: All staff have their own favourite motivational systems which may include: verbal praise, peer celebration, comments to parents, rewards and prizes. As a school, positive attitudes are recognised: Daily: Your child will receive a smiley face for any behaviour that is worthy of praise. KS1/2 4 smiley faces in any one day = Class star Weekly. Class star = Name in Star of the Week barrel on Monday to win the phase Star of the Week jumper. Nursery and Reception If a child’s name stays on the sunshine all week = Name in the Star of the Week barrel One name is pulled out of the Star of the Week barrel at Worker of the Week assembly each week. The winner in each phase is allowed to wear the yellow jumper for the following week. ½ Termly If your child manages a whole half term without a sad face, they are awarded an enamelled badge in our Smiley Face Assembly. Annual Any child who manages to go through the whole school year without a sad face, wins a smiley face jumper award (A special badge to sew on their school jumper). Uniform Because we are all proud to be members of Baguley Hall Primary School, we encourage our children to wear the correct uniform every day. Those that do are rewarded with a special treat at the end of each half term. School sweatshirt (available from the office) White polo shirt Grey or black trousers/skirt Sensible black shoes (trainers are not acceptable) P.E. Kit Shorts White T shirt Pumps / Trainers Unsuitable Items The following items are considered unsuitable for school. Earrings. (1 stud permissible in each ear) The Governors, under their Health and Safety Guidance, require children to remove earrings for pe. Jewellery Mobile phones Heeled shoes Nail varnish Coats with face masks. Hair tattoos – designs shaved into hair One of the most important things you can do for your child's future is to make sure they receive their education. Attendance at school means that they will be able to achieve the best they can and have more opportunities open to them. We regularly celebrate our pupils’ good attendance by recognising their achievements and your hard work with: Attendance assemblies Trips and Prizes Weekly class rewards Trophies and Medals Pupils’ attendance at school is recorded every day and monitored regularly. If your child is between 5 and 16 years of age and is registered at school, it is your legal responsibility to ensure that they attend regularly and are on time. If school feel that there is no satisfactory explanation for the absence it will be recorded as unauthorised. If we are concerned about any unauthorised absences we will want to talk to you about this, to see if we can help to support your child's attendance, this may include a home visit to see why the child is off school. Continued absence will lead to a penalty notice being issued which is a £120 fine per adult in the household, per child or prosecution which could result in up to a £2500 fine, parenting order or imprisonment. Please be aware if prosecuted this will entail you receiving a criminal record, which could affect your future. School starts at 8.45am (EYFS) or 8.55am (KS1 & KS2) Your child will receive a late mark if they arrive after the teacher has marked the register. However if your child arrives 15 minutes after the start of school they will receive a “U” unauthorised absence. This will affect your child’s attendance percentage. If your child is late for school by just 10 minutes each day, over the period of the year they will have missed more than 6 school days! For more information, please see the policy on our Policies’ page. School Lunches All Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children are entitled to a free school lunch. We serve a choice of hot meals and a packed lunch option every day. The meals are planned to provide nutritional balance over a two week cycle, (including the occasional treat!). Cook’s choice Baked potato Pasta Packed Lunch A healthy balanced diet has been shown to have positive effect on behaviour. It plays a vital role in growth and development as well as in avoiding obesity, tooth decay, heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Our school meals contribute to a healthy balanced diet. For those children in Nursery and Key Stage who are not entitled to free school meals, the charge for a school lunch is £2.25 per day. Packed Lunches We understand that some children do prefer to bring their own packed lunch to school. We have a National Healthy Schools Award and as part of this we operate a healthy packed lunch policy. Packed lunched should not include fizzy drinks, chocolate bars, sweets, crisps or sugary foods. A piece of fruit should always be included.