Testimony Of An Ex-sorcerer TIO Chico Audio/video transcription and translation testimony given during a cult at the Brazil By t. C Becoming a Freemason requires several requirements. We sign a confidentiality clause, so we can neither leave nor reveal what happens inside this circle. It is for this reason that I lost my daughter, they took me my daughter as punishment. My daughter who was 12 years old, they have removed it and took her in a wood. They have assaulted my daughter, they fired him 2 balls at the level of the front. Then they called me to tell me: -Pastor, we sponsored the murder of your daughter, so you taises you, you have betrayed us Spiritualism Someone here in the Church had the misfortune to meet or practice spiritualism? Mercy! It is really something bad. I will abbreviate, because my full testimony totals 11 h. Therefore, we will try to shorten it. The pastor will make a prayer, if the devil is present it will fall to its knees by the grace of God, Hallelujah God is faithful. Well loved, it is my father who introduced me to Freemasonry. I stayed there a while and initially I did 5 evil "initiations". After that, I went very quickly in rank. Because my father guided me, my own father taught me. In Spiritism the devil is a "saint" and in Freemasonry it happens like "Lord of hosts". 1 After a few months, after awhile, I had reached grade 30 (ed. Freemasonry into account 33). I entered the rank where neither women Freemasons or new members enter but only the leaders and the first thing I've seen in this room was a goat! Have you ever heard say that in Freemasonry he y' had a goat? Several Freemasons say it's fake, but it y' has a goat. He y'a of cults, he y'a of rooms where even your wife can not enter, he y' has a lot of secrets, several closed doors. Property loved, there began the ritual of black magic, the goat is embedded, embodied the spirit of the devil, by Lucifer, Exu *, Beelzebub, the prince of darkness. The animal has begun to look exactly like someone who is possessed. The devil had entered with the goat. * Exu, the belief in the Brazil, is a spirit that has lights and mediums. This spirit was taken from Angola during the period of slavery. Initiation One of the senior came up to me, mean me I had to kneel before the goat, and worship him. I bent my knees and I kissed the head of the animal. And when I finished, I spoke these words: "Lord of armies, at this time I book my soul in your hands" I gave my full name and wrote in a book that had a black cover. "I am giving you the soul of my daughter" Any Freemason gives his eldest son or his eldest daughter. The children of Freemasons, die by tragedy: accidents, incurable diseases. When my daughter was 2 years old, she was killed with a dagger in the heart. I will not tell how it happened, I'll put myself to cry I will get there. The devil has used father, me, for the sacrifice. I therefore killed, sacrificed my own daughter with a knife in the heart. I'm on parole, I have 23 trial on the back now because of the crimes I have committed. Today I walk with Jésus Christ. I also gave the soul of my mother and of my wife, and I made a Covenant with him. My right arm, it me was removed 15ml of blood that has been injected into the goat. It was collected 15ml of blood from the animal that me was injected into my left arm. In the past I had in my body the blood of the goat, today I have the blood of Jesus. Amen! 2 When the blood of the goat has run through my veins, I was in this Masonic Lodge, it was 10 p.m. past everything is black now. My whole body started to heat up, burning, I felt me ripped off the scalp and that it broke all my bones. I was in a critical condition, in a chaotic situation. When I turned to leave, because I could longer bear this bad thing in me that was hurting me, I have been paralyzed as a statue. It burned me, I was in pain, I shut my eyes and when I opened them again, I didn't see nothing, not even candles that were there. I was in total darkness, I was already in darkness. I stayed 15 minutes in this situation and when I opened my eyes, still before me it was no longer the goat that was there, but Satan. Materialized flesh and bone! He wore a suit, a tie, a band purple belt level. Blond, blue eyes he took the appearance of an ordinary man. He put his left hand on my shoulder and he spoke in languages. He told me "My faithful servant, humble yourself before your Lord" I knelt, I fucked her feet and throwing me I fucked his hands. To my right, at a distance of 3 metres, he y' was some sort of male sex doll. This doll represented Jesus, with long hair, mustache and beard. The devil told me: "Going up to Jesus and cursed your ancient God, your false prophet, whatever I have crucified" I approached the doll and I spoke these words: "False prophet, you said you came to Earth to save, heal and release, you are a liar! Churches proclaim your name but the people begs his bread, that's why you've been crucified, I spit you in the face"and I spat. I gave for kicking in this representation, everyone applauded and there y' has had a party. In the Masonic Lodge, it is ' a as the last supper. Participate as leaders, grade 30-33. After 10 pm, starts the ritual of black magic the last Friday of each month. Goat possessed by the demon, take 20ml of blood that you put in the middle of the last supper in a human skull with ether so that the blood does not clot they arrive all with a piece of bread that they throw to the sky and say: "I crucified you once again" and they all eat this bread bathed in the blood of the goat. 3 The life of abundance The doom of hell (Satan) gave me 2 private mansions, 12 apartments in Brasilia, 2 houses, a fazenda (large farm), 4 companies. I was service to government agencies, the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate, the Congress, the Palace of justice, the Central Bank of Brazil. I was Chief of staff at the Central Bank, I occupied positions for 8 years. Satan gave me a Limousine, a Ferrari, a Mercedes Benz and a BMW. When I was in the office, I don't count the number of times where my wife got called to tell me "I want lunch in Miami", "I want to go to Tokyo" "I want to know all the Brazil, I want to know the whole world" Of the Brazil we have experienced all the capitals, all States. My life was a party, my life was dedicated to pleasure, my life was dedicated to evil. How many times I came home with 400mil or 500mil dollars that I threw on the bed and I had fun to say to my wife that it met our pillows not foam or feathers but money. But when I slept, I had no peace of mind, I was not quiet. I had no peace, because Satan had transformed me into thief, a thin thief. A thief white collar. I wasn't the kind of thief to go take a weapon and attack in the street, not people, I was flying inside the Bank. This weekend, when I worked at the Central Bank, I was taking all investments, let a small amount in the accounts in Brasilia. I used all the money in my own account and I set them over the weekend, system over night, Monday I was this money and in interests of placement alone I was between 1.5 million to 2 million Cruzeiros, that I sent to accounts in Switzerland. Currently I have a trial with the Federal, military and civilian police in Brasilia. I was considered the biggest fraudster of this time, but everything was fine as long as the devil protected me. It also turned me trafficker of drugs, the "Comando vermelho" (red Commando). I worthwhile between Brasília and Goiânia. I knew the major traffickers and I still had several weapons on me. I myself have been consumer, I have consumed several types of drugs, I even made a drug overdose. Once I was so owned, so desperate by the drug that I went to the pharmacy to buy ether, I took the essence of my car, injected it and I went crazy, fire me attached to the position, in the centre of Brasilia and I still managed to release me. I had a BMW as I said, I was the magic rituals in my car, I was going to Angola to practice magic. I loved the Umbanda, the Quimbanda or Candomble (these are mystical religions) for me it was all low. I loved the Voodoo, witchcraft fetishes, I loved what could kill it immediately! 4 In my car in red letters was written "Throne of Satan". I was a "santo Pai" (kind of marabout). I was a "santo pai" homosexual, because all the "santo pai" are homosexual. For 6 months I was a man as you see here, and during the other six months, I was possessed, I went out the evening in a skirt short, lipstick etc. Mercy! By the grace of God! The second Covenant It was held in El Salvador in the State of Bahia. With a "mãe de santo" (marabout women). I wasn't the only one. The purpose of this Pact in El Salvador, was to get all the women I would like to. The devil is a liar, he's come to kill, steal and destroy. The "mãe de santo" shaved me head 21 times. The last time that she shaved me, it has traced me to the scalpel the shape of a cross. Then it put me into a 'rancore"(darkroom) where I stayed 7 days and 7 nights lying above 2 banana leaves. He y' was of large candles and I me feeding blood animals and "cachaça" (eau de vie Brazilian, made from sugar cane juice, distilled at 40 °), without having the right to go to the toilet or to physiological needs. Should I retain me. The first night, the "mãe de santo" brings a ratazana (big wild rat), it executes it and I wood all the blood. Then it was a goat, a dog, a rabbit, a cabri,... etc. The most absurd of all this, is that I am outraged because the authorities do not care, do take no action, I'll tell you what I mean. Last night, she has sacrificed a child 3 months! It did not disclose, but it's legal! It is legalized by the status of the spiritualist federation! The sacrifice of beings human, as if were animals! The authorities do not measure, because 90% of our major businesses and politicians are part of this mafia of Satan. I was the "santo pai" by Maluf, Orestes Quercia, Lula, Xuxa, etc. and 68 major companies! I know who commissioned the murder of my daughter! When I get up in the last day, the "mãe de santo" makes me a hack at the level of the right thigh, cross-shaped. She took my intimate part, and with the knife she began to write letters cutting me she formed the name LUCIFER. After that my life had deteriorated. I had to have all the women I wanted to, I lost mine. I stayed 8 months out of my home. I lived in my fazenda, I cohabitais with something else... 8 months doing what is totally antibiblical. I walked with her, she accompanied me everywhere, I embraced it, I did love ave, it was everywhere with me, in my car etc. I even took him on a journey in Brasilia. Dear beloved, Deuteronomy 27: 21 said: "Cursed one who lieth with a beast any!" … " 5 The devil made me fall in love with a bitch and I lived for 8 months with a bitch that I was raising in my fazenda. My life has gone from bad to worse. I was going to work with cadavers at midnight in the cemeteries. I me feeding their viscera. A young girl was dead, the 4th day at midnight, I went to the cemetery, I desecrated his tomb, to do my rituals. When I approached a shrine belonging to a servant of God, a fireball traveling at a high speed appeared and materialized in giant bat to 1, 5 m - 2 m, screaming, "you can't touch it, it does not belong to you!" But when it was the body of others, the worldly, people lives and morals, I could quietly remove the coffin and get close to rotting bodies.Then I was incorporated by the demon "Caboclo Boiadeiro. And I had a hand-to-hand contact with the corpse, I cohabitais with the corpse. And by the demon, I ate the parts of the body, which were already rotten. I sink in the practice of evil I practiced also 15 abortions in the spiritualist centre. I practiced abortions on 2 Christian girls. These girls went out with boys of the world, their parents have tried to call them to order, their brothers and their pastors, but they did not listen. They said that they would succeed to convert them and take them to the Church. It is false, the Bible warns us there on it, and I can tell you that it is much easier that it pulls you to your church, you to bring people. The devil is clever, he is strong. You not having fun with it, rest in your church, praise the Lord, seeking the Lord. It isn't there to say "the devil is my road" is on your road hunting! Jesus gave you the authority. You shouldn't dwell you on these things there, look to and am your road! One of these young girls sought me, I had a huge table of 3 meters in my Center. At the time I had this witchcraft centre where I was getting people. The poor could not come. I was working for the elite: Xuxa, the president of Fiat in Brazil, almost all politicians in Brasilia, Sarney, Antonio Carlos Magalhães (who was one of the biggest eaters of dead bodies. It was doctor, entrepreneur, politician several times Governor of Bahia). These are the people who sponsored the murder of my daughter. 6 To return to the Christian girl who wanted to have an abortion, I covered the large table with a white cloth. On the left side of the girl, I turned on a black candle for "Exu. His right hand a red candle for «Pombogira» (demonic entity). At the level of his left foot, a green candle for entities of the virgin forest, at the level of his right foot a white candle for his guardian angel. Those who practice spiritualism have often had to be washed in dirty water, black water which smells very bad, worse than a septic. The devil was sure I drink this water and that I wash in this water. This young lying on that table, a help-Wizard came washing her body with this water, from neck to feet. Then you put it in a seated position and has been drinking this water. This water is rotten because it manufactured in a vase in the land containing the "cachaça" (alcoholic beverage, see above), with the coarse salt, animal fat, the "Pedra de Aruanda" (kind of cowry), of the "Azeite dende' (Palm oil), some herbs, urine and faeces of the"santo pai. When the girl is recouchée on the table, I approached her, already incorporated by the spirit of 'Pombagira', my right hand laid on her stomach, I gave Pats of the left hand on the right hand. I therefore removed the fetus from her womb and I got up of the hand at the top, towards the sky. And I then ingérais that fetus. Incorporated this spirit, I en swallowed altogether 15. One day I went to my father's House, there was nobody. Just my little sister who was only 13 years old. I asked where the parents were gone, she told me that they went shopping. Suddenly, between me and her, I see Satan who materializes, who enters and who speaks to me, she did not see, but me I saw. Point my sister saying "this woman was your wife in reincarnation past and she was not happy, because she has not had a child from you. To be happy in this current reincarnation, it must have a child from you. My dear brothers and sisters, the reincarnation does not exist. God tells us that it is for man to die once, "it is reserved for man to die once after which comes the judgment." Hebrews 9: 27" The devil is the father of lies, he told me, and I believed him. Then he came in me, and now my sister has a child with me, this child has the same age as my oldest son. He y'a of my family members who no longer speak me because of this. 7 I therefore sacrificed my daughter 2 years in masonry (Freemasonry), I engrossé my little sister and I fired 3 times on my 8 year old son, because the devil told me that an adult, he would kill me. That day I was alone in my room, my son, he was watching television, and the devil appeared to me, he told me: "C'mon kills this child, if you do not, when he is a young man he will kill you" I took the gun in the drawer, I headed to my son who was watching television, and I said "Luis" When it my watched he saw the weapon, it leaks into a corner of the room he put his hands on his face and he began to cry. I referred to the stomach, the balls are outputs on the other side. When it collapsed, another demon entered into me, I took a dagger and I opened my son of the neck to belly. My brothers, this child is not dead thanks to God. 4 months has remained at the hospital, he was under the article of death, I still spent a lot of money for care. He is not dead, it is awarded. He became rebellious, he was afraid of me his father, afraid of the company, he was afraid of the world. It is remained locked in a room 10 years. He spent all his days in this room, breakfast for dinner. When they brought him something, he asked "who is this?" or "is this the thing?" he called me the thing. Domestic workers were saying that I was out, while I was in another room, so he opened the door, took what he had to and he closed it immediately. So he goes to school, it was necessary that I kind of home, so he clung to the necks of House employees who led him away until the school bus. In the same way, when he came home, he had that I am not there. Today he was 20 years old, he lives with his grandmother. He shouts my name and made plans, in order to get revenge on me. When I called to Brasilia, where he lives with his grandmother, when he recognized my voice on the phone, it hangs up. Change I have practiced many rituals, so many sacrifices, I have been involved in so many crimes, so many dead, I killed 40 people shot, I sacrificed 22 children, I practiced 3 deliveries, I outraged my own body, I stained my family, and I said: 8 "My house and I will serve the Lord" It is 13 years I'm in evangelism, whose 9-year Pastorate. I spent 6 years and 7 months in youth and prayers for my son, for my family. The Bible says that a certain category of demons out by prayer and fasting. At the end of these 6 years and 7 months of prayers and youth, I called one day in Brasilia and was told "wait, your son wants to talk to you" Pray brethren, pray, all the walls of Jericho which are in your lives, will come tumbling down! Pray brethren, pray! He y' people arriving at anything in life, lack of prayers, they call the pastor to pray for them. "Pastor let me, pastor, do me this" do it yourself! We are here to help. My son responds so on the phone, who appointed me the thing called me dad. He told me: 'Dad, these days, I went to an Evangelical Church near my grandmother's House. Because the praises I went up to the door of the congregation, and when I was there, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked around me, there's nobody yet this hand was always there, she led me inside the Church. When I approached the desk, I cried and I cried, I told the pastor that I wanted to be a believer like my father" Glory to Jesus. He continued "Dad, now I understand why you do what you do when I was a child, I forgive you by the name Jesus, don't worry what the devil is doing in your life." Here in Brasilia we pray my church and I for you, continuing to preach, to spread the good word"God is faithful brethren. Stories of the past histories I remember when I was rocket science, a woman came to the House, and she said: "Tio Chico, I live here recently and it y' 2 weeks, people also came to live near my house." I do not know what religion they belong, they do weird prayers and speaking strange languages, I don't even know if they are Brazilian in all cases, everything bothers me" 9 They were Christians. Christian fanatics it has treated Madhouse. The Bible warned us that it would deal with evil. This woman brought candles that I should work so that they go. And me I told him that in 7 days there more person, they would be all gone, even the House would fall. After 7 days the woman came asking me if I had done the work I told him Yes. She told me that it did not work and that in addition it y' had more people, they speak a strange language, they pour oil, I can no longer. And then I told him, that my spirits have told me could not reach these people because these people pray to knee, they pray the Lord God. I was therefore the "santo pai" multinational FIAT in the Brazil, and they launched a car, a car that I have devoted to a demon, Fiat gave this model a demonic entity name: Marea. I got in my body the "Exu Marea". If you have one of these cars, did not fear, it is not worth to get rid of. Just pray and dedicated it to God as any other object that you possess! You can't say that on this earth you can nothing consume which come from Satan, in this case, is a world just for you. Because you can't escape. But you are the strength of prayer. Because more than 90% of the products are dedicated to demons. You can not imagine how many of these things I have blessed by the demon until they are launched on the market, and I also included food products. I was "santo pai" sausage brand Bordon. I worked for the largest enterprise of the richest man of Brasilia, Wagner Canhedo. It is an entrepreneur, politician who owns 12 multinational. It is I who have chose the name of one of these companies: VASP! All these companies have names starting with the letter 'V' because the devil told him that for him, it would be victory names. The first name he chooses for his first company is: Viplan, is the name of a bus company that operates in the Federal District (DF) and VIPLAN meant: "Vim-do-inferno-para-liquidar-a-nação": I just hell to liquidate the nation. They give 30% of their income to maintain spirits and the 'santo pai. The devil is the Devourer! Yet we, Christians, is even not tithing, the 10th the salary to our God and we still wonder why it is not blessed... "3.8 a man Rob God? Because you wrong me, and you say: what have we deceived you? In tithes and offerings. 3:9 you are struck by the curse, and fooled me, the whole nation! 10 3:10 bring the treasure house storehouse, so that there is food in my house; Put me in this way to the test, says the Lord of hosts. And see if I does not open for you the windows of heaven, if I don't shed not on you blessings in abundance. "3:11 for you I threaten that devours, and it will not destroy the fruits of the Earth and the vine will not sterile in your campaigns, says the Lord of hosts" Malachi 3:8-11 I earned 45 million and a new car to kill the singer Clara Nunes. She died at the hospital, I've done some work on it. Who paid me? her lover. It should be at the level of the varicose veins surgery, because she hurt when she was on stage because of this. When it came to the hospital for this intervention, her lover called me, because I was his «santo pai»: -Tio Chico, you gotta come to Sao Paulo -ah, for what reason? -My Mistress was interned for a surgery of varicose veins and I have a serious problem with it, our relationship is going from bad to worse. I can no longer and she threatened me, if I put end to this relationship, she will go to the television reveal that I am her lover. And as you know I am a married politician, my reputation will suffer. I went to Sao Paulo. The same day where scheduled intervention, I conducted 7 rituals of black magic, with the intervention of Exus (7 evil spirits) 7. 7 cross, 7 black cats, 7 black candles, 7 bottles of pinga (pinga, canha, what are the other names of cachaça), 7 black goats, 7 black oxen, 7 frogsthe name of Clara Nunes in their mouths sewn. At the end when I was with the Exu caveiro, the Exu of death, I have been incorporated by the latter, and at the same time where the doctor practiced surgery, Exu caveiro came out of me and he went to have the doctor who killed him on the surgery table, then the press leaked information that he y' had a medical error! The person who paid me, it is Orestes Quercia! Mr Tancredo Neves is not dead to a hospital infection, it is wrong, he died because of a black magic ritual done in the State of Maranhão by the greatest sorcerer of the Brazil, Dito do Barão, it is the sorcerer of José Sarney and Roseane Sarney because of the election campaign. These are well Sarney and Maluf who, from São Paulo, sponsored the death of Tancredo by witchcraft, and him far in Brasilia, is dead. In Spiritism, Aparecida comes as Oxum (Oxum is a female spirit, an orisha who reigns over the water of rivers, love, intimacy, beauty, wealth, diplomacy). I was member of the Church 11 of Satan in Vitória, in the State of Espírito Santo. There he y' has a Pope of the devil. There, we take children we throw in a blaze as sacrifice. When is that men of God will be at the head of the authority, to ban all these things? How long? He y' of people here, who are not happy because they now make account how the world is evil, because they will only see things the same way. But I am not here to lie to you, I'm here to tell you that another world exists here, people are wrong and these things exist. What it is that I mente? Do not make this head, God showed you the reality of the things of this world, and you've even seen anything. What do you want me to say? Want I prophesy that you will have a new home, a car, a promotion at work? That is what everyone wants is not it? God gave us prayer and work! Jesus is faithful! I received 1 million to kill the presenter of Globo, Abelardo Barbosa, known as Chacrinha in June 1988. I've done some work at midnight in the cemetery, in the throat of a corpse with Chacrinha hair, the blood of a goat, candles, bottle of cachaça, and he died of cancer of the throat, one that paid me it is Rita cadillac, his mistress. People who have money can do everything. I have corrupted police officers, Commissioners, judges and prosecutors, I corrupted everyone in Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia. Maria das Graças Meneghel (Xuxa) lives in the world of lesbianism. She had an affair with his entrepreneur, with the singer Joana, with singer Simone, with singer Ivete Sangalo and even a current missionary ex-lesbienne. In our circles, we hated Christianity, we hated so much Jesus. This Jesus that people pray but which does not appear. While it was enough to invoke the spirits and they were there. They gave us everything, money, women, fame... I ripped several Bibles, I burned 10 Bibles in a fire that I turned on in the center of the macumba, I did the churches burned gasoline. Also well God used a donkey to speak to Balaam, God spoke to me through a prostitute. I was in the spiritualist centre bouncy practise macumba (kind of witchcraft) and then someone came. A car is parked and it in out a beautiful woman blonde and big size. She asked me "are you Tio Chico?" that to which I replied 'yes' 12 -It took me my husband and I want it to come back me -I work with the line of 7: 7 days - 14 days-21 days... -I want it to come back in 7 days I gave him the hardware list, she brought me everything it needed. But this woman who wanted my services and who was married, was in fact not married. She had a lover that she said to be her husband. Her lover was married to a servant of God. This woman knew that her husband had a mistress. When he was at his mistress, she knelt and prayed asking God to redeem her husband from the curse. And I find it difficult to work because of this. After 7 days, the blonde returned and she asked me if I had done the work, I answered in a way which I know that it was not my words that really came from me: «If you want this man return home today, brings me 150 black candles, if it is not tonight I ceases to be «Santo pai» and «macumbeiro»» She brought me candles, it was an afternoon, I took the car direction Unai, in the State of Minas Gerais 200 km from Brasília, I went to make a black magic ritual. I was accompanied by 2 'santo maes. When we arrived at Unai it was close to midnight, it was a black, moonless night. The only light came from candles of all colors: blue, green, yellow, white, Brown, etc. And we had started our ritual of magic. Normally at some point the devil had embed me, but it did not come this time, it failed, and it thus materialized. Just before he materializes while I was there sitting with candles arranged in circles, I thought I saw Jesus, it touched me at the right level of my chest and pushed me I fell 3 meters further, but I didn't hurt. When it happened, the people who were with me have fled. When I looked behind me, I saw a fireball about 7 m high and the fireball, the devil was released. It materialized and in his right hand he y' had a trident in the other hand he had a big pot cast iron. He y' had inscriptions on these things of type «Exu», «Caveiro», etc. He looked at me and said to me: -good evening -good evening -knows-tu who I am? -Yes master -humble yourself before your master 13 I bent my knees and I kissed his feet and lifting me I kissed his hands and him he lifted his trident to me crying -you're incompetent! -incompetent why? You have always made my work and this is the 2nd time that you can not - This work I cannot carry it out or now or never -Why? -you are so incompetent that this woman is coming at you and deceived you -She cheated me how? - She is not married, she is just a woman I use to destroy homes. And this focus in particular, I can't destroy it - This man is married to a woman who belongs to the other side, and against those from above I have no power I looked at him and I said to myself that I was praying to the wrong God, I wanted to go to the God of the believers. He told me 'you're nowhere otherwise I kill you', it almost killed me. I took my car, I was going at a normal speed when I felt a wind on me, when I looked at the mirror, he was there with a sinister smile, and now after my car has made 8 tons. I had a head injury. I lost 50% of my skull, I have bones only on the left side of the head, on the side right there gave me the Platinum, I have plenty of screws in the head. I don't see the right eye, the windshield of my car went into my forehead, in a leg I 15 screws, I drink a lot of water because my throat was damaged. If I don't drink, my throat is dry and I lose the voice. It has replaced a portion of my stomach by a kind of plastic bag. I'm incontinent urinary. I have a bag instead of the bladder, when it fills up, I go to the bathroom and I open the pipe. I stayed 3 years and 6 months of age the intensive care unit, 3 years and 6 months with apparatus on the body. I have suffered 25 surgeries total. I had 21 different drugs. My wife sold everything that we had to pay for medical care. The day where I accepted Jesus my wife told me that she preferred being a prostitute rather than becoming Christian. She became prostitute since she became pregnant with a child that I recognized I pay alimony. She managed to divert a pastor, with in the world of prostitution. 14 It is 13 years that I pray that God brings this woman. Currently she is engaged, she even sent me an invitation to be the godfather of his marriage. It causes me a lot, she sends words at me asking me to pray for her love, because now I am pastor. I started to cry and God was telling me to pray. I was shaking even. I was preaching in a Baptist Church in Brasilia, he y' had about 1,500 people that night. I was on the desk when I see it enter, in short, little high, bouncy smoking by holding the hand of a young man full of tattoos. I have tabled the microphone so I was shaking. She arrived up front and told me: "pastor, I'm here to accept Jesus, but my lover will go to hell" she grabbed the young man and they began kissing in the Church! I started to close the eyes crying and I asked Hall to pray that God removes the Devil away. She is out. When I'm going to preach in churches, I crosses on my way, she is embracing men and when she sees me, she shouts to everyone: "look at the pastor of the Assembly of God, my husband" is not easy to bear it, to support this woman, to support this body that no longer works, I box, I have lots of problemson throwing rocks when you see me. 15